Paper Title: Reviewer: Date Sent: Due Date: Thank you for agreeing to review a manuscript that has been submitted to Oshkosh Scholar. Your comments are valuable to us as we make our decisions about which manuscripts to publish in the journal. A few things to keep in mind as you work through your review: The student author and his/her faculty adviser will see your review unless you indicate otherwise. Please ensure that your comments, even if critical, are constructive. Remember that this is the first time most students have submitted their work for blind review, and the process can be intimidating. The review will be accessible to the Selection Committee. The Oshkosh Scholar editorial team will correct all grammar/style issues; you should read for content and quality of argument. We depend on your timely response to ensure that we can meet production schedule deadlines. If you need more time to complete your review, please let us know. Your completed review can be returned to us in either of the following ways: Electronically: send the review as an attachment to By mail: send a hard copy of your review to Oshkosh Scholar, Office of Student Scholarly and Creative Activities, Dempsey 214 Please use the following questions to guide your review. You may type or write directly on this form. You are also welcome to make additional comments beyond what is requested here. 1.) Is it clear the artist has something to say? Does it convey meaning, explore a central question, or tell a story? Last updated: 4/1/2015 Page 1 of 3 2.) Does the artist’s piece appeal to the audience emotionally? Does the artist’s piece appeal to the audience intellectually? Please explain. 3.) If you are familiar with the artist’s craft, do you feel the artist’s creative vision is original? Does it avoid gimmicks, distractions, cliches, heavy-handed metaphors, or overused tropes? 4.) To what extent does it make a contribution to the discipline? 5.) Has the artist effectively used the elements of design and/or craft? In other words, is it technically sophisticated? 6.) Do all elements of the piece contribute to its cohesiveness and unity of effect? 7.) Please evaluate the artist’s statement. Does it address at least two of the following considerations: 1) how the piece engages with the work of others, such as masters of the craft, 2) what traditions it contributes to, 3) what genre it resides in, or 4) an Last updated: 4/1/2015 Page 2 of 3 explanation of the medium or technique used? Additionally, does the statement explain how those considerations informed the creative process? Does the statement aid and/or deepen the audience’s ability to understand the work? 8.) Are both the creative piece and the artist’s statement accessible to a general audience? Please indicate your overall assessment of this manuscript: Publish as-is, or with very minimal corrections/revisions. Publish, but only after minor revisions are made. Publish, but only after major revisions are made. If major revisions are not undertaken, do not publish. Do not publish, for these reasons: Comments for the Editorial Board and Selection Committee: If you have comments that you wish to reserve only for the Editorial Board and Selection Committee, please write them here. Remember that your review will be seen by both the student author and his/her faculty mentor unless you indicate otherwise. Last updated: 4/1/2015 Page 3 of 3