Air-raid shelter (n): Evacuate Evacuate (v): shelter, chamber, retreat, safety

Cut out each of the items below and stick them under the correct headings on the other sheet.
Evacuate 10, 12, 56
Air-raid shelter (n): bomb
shelter, chamber, retreat, safety
zone, underground shelter.
Air-raid shelter: a place where people
could shelter from a bomb attack. Many
were underground. They were usually
made of steel or concrete.
Evacuate (v): discharge, eject,
empty, depart, vacate.
Air-raid shelter (n): 1. a
protected place where people
could shelter from a bomb attack.
Evacuate: the movement of
people out of a dangerous area
into a safe area during a war.
Evacuate (v): 1. to send people
away from a dangerous place to a
safe place during a war.
Air-raid shelter 18, 20, 45, 50
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Air-raid shelter