Do you know which noun is which? The different types of nouns: Proper nouns These are specific names of places, animals or person. They always have a capital letter. Common nouns concrete nouns These are the objects and ‘things’ that we can see, hear, taste, touch or smell. Common nouns collective nouns These are groups of nouns. Common nouns abstract nouns These are nouns that we can’t see but have. Not yet! What sort of noun is… Proper? Collective? Concrete? Abstract? What sort of noun is… Proper? Collective? Concrete? Abstract? What sort of noun is… Proper? Collective? Concrete? Abstract? What sort of noun is… Proper? Collective? Concrete? Abstract? What sort of noun is… Proper? Collective? Concrete? Abstract? What sort of noun is… Proper? Collective? Concrete? Abstract? Which word is the noun? The was cat sleeping Which word is the noun? My dream was funny Which word is the noun? Flock and field flock field escaped How confident are you at your different nouns?