Subtracting decimals! Can you use your knowledge of subtraction to find out the new price for the items? Item 1. Twister game Tuesday’s price £ £13.40 Reduced by (subtract) £11.20 2. Chocolate supply £25.55 £4.55 3. Town Shirt £42.00 £21.50 4. One Direction Tickets £25.40 £20.50 5. Ipad £150.50 £12.50 6. Weekend at Cliffe House 7. Puppy £42.50 £2.35 £32.82 £15.60 8. Rabbit £17.21 £0.19 9. Day in an Eddie Stobart lorry 10. Flying lesson £55.50 £4.49 £98.20 £42.50 11. Scuba diving lesson £21.20 £10.20 12. Disneyland Trip £25.22 £19.02 13. Olympic gold medal(replica) 14. Easter eggs £220.00 £50.50 £11.43 £5.20 = New price What are the new prices for .. Years supply of chocolate and ipad…………………………………………. Day as a driver’s mate in an Eddie Stobart Lorry and an ipad………………………………… Twister game, Ipad and day trip to Disneyland……………………………………….. Flying lesson, twister game and rabbit………………………………… Dog, rabbit and twister game………………………………….. Flying lesson and scuba diving lesson…………………………………………. Trip to Cliffe house and tickets to One Direction…………………….. 1 Subtracting decimals! Can you use your knowledge of subtraction to find out the new price for the items? Item Reduced by 1) Twister game Tuesday’s price £18.62 2) Chocolate supply £19.45 £4.55 3) Town Shirt £42.61 £21.50 4) One Direction Tickets £176.50 £20.50 5) Ipad £256.55 £12.50 6) Weekend at Cliffe House £75.60 £12.35 7) Puppy £255.50 £15.43 8) Rabbit £45.85 £17.60 9) Day in an Eddie Stobart lorry 10) Flying lesson £320.50 £150.50 £235.32 £215.40 11) Scuba diving lesson £130.45 £72.50 12) Disneyland Trip £64.24 £11.18 13) Olympic gold medal(replica) 14) Easter eggs £555.50 £234.50 £19.45 £2.65 New price £11.20 What are the new prices for .. Years supply of chocolate and ipad…………………………………………. Day as a driver’s mate in an Eddie Stobart Lorry and an ipad………………………………… Twister game, Ipad and day trip to Disneyland……………………………………….. Flying lesson, twister game and rabbit………………………………… Dog, rabbit and twister game………………………………….. Flying lesson and scuba diving lesson…………………………………………. Trip to Cliffe house and tickets to One Direction…………………….. 2 Subtracting decimals! Can you use your knowledge of subtraction to find out the new price for the items? Item Tuesday’s price £ 12.79 Reduced by New price £4.56 £ 2. Chocolate supply £120.50 £106.70 3. Town Shirt £89.50 £45.67 4. One Direction Tickets £258.63 £162.32 5. Ipad £652.20 £540.11 6. Weekend at Cliffe House £233.50 £115.25 7. Puppy £68.78 £32.44 8. Rabbit £52.09 £21. 08 9. Day in an Eddie Stobart lorry 10. Flying lesson £172.90 £69.82 £122.65 £34.22 11. Scuba diving lesson £12.36 £1.99 12. Disneyland Trip £327.60 £34.83 13. Olympic gold medal(replica) £1920.33 £862.99 14. Easter eggs £19.99 15. Famous Dj for party £1260.49 £255.50 THEN BY £243.44 1. Twister game £0.01 What are the new prices for .. Years supply of chocolate and ipad…………………………………………. Day as a driver’s mate in an Eddie Stobart Lorry, one direction tickets and an Ipad………………………………… Twister game, Ipad and day trip to Disneyland……………………………………….. Flying lesson, twister game and rabbit………………………………… Dog, rabbit and twister game…………………………………. 3