Communication, Language and Literacy Traditional stories, rhymes and poems Simple non-fiction texts. ORT stories. Pie Corbett story telling with actions. High frequency words. Initial and final sounds in simple words. CVC words e.g. sit, bit and how we sound them out. Rhyming words. Recognising and writing own name. Forming letters correctly. Writing independently and in response to different stimuli. Differentiated writing tasks for challenging/supporting children’s learning dependant on ability. Writing recounts of trad. Tales. Tape recorder- Listening to trad tales and rhymes. Physical Development. Moving with confidence around the school accompanied and independently. Stopping and starting on command. Big Bike Rules and reinforcement of play ground rules, Listening for instructions. Movement. Outside play activities – construction, water, sand, house, big messy activities. Developing gross and fine motor skills. Work on space, warm-up, down. Using small apparatus. Working in a group and taking turns. Personal, Social and Emotional Development. Trying new activities. Working and playing together. Listening and taking turns. School rules. Expressing likes and dislikes in appropriate ways. Developing independence. Mathematical Development Reception Autumn (2) 2005. Traditional tales /Christmas. Creative Development. Role play – Puppets for trad tales. Cutting/ sticking/ painting. Collage Firework paintings (Giant if dry!!) Weaving Elmer. Traditional tales cottage e.g. Three bears, Red riding hood. Clay thumb pots, diva lamps. Making Christmas hats. Sewing cards. Mini Christmas cakes. Christmas biscuits. Making xmas cake boxes. Snow flakes/ trees. Wooden decs. Xmas post office. Counting up to 20 in order. Counting up to 10 or more objects reliably. Recognising numbers to ten and beyond for H.A. Reciting numbers to twenty and beyond. Number songs and rhymes. Begin to recognise some 3D shapes and use appropriate mathematical language to describe them – flat, curved etc. Comparing objects bigger, smaller, more, less. Comparing lengths- shorter, tallest smallest etc. Compare 2 masses- heavier/lighter. Compare capacities full/ half full/ empty. 1 more/1 less than. Recognise smaller units of change and begin to use them 1p, 2p, 5p. Sequence events countdown to Christmas/ other festivals e.g. Divali. Knowledge and Understanding of the World. Investigating floating and sinking. Finding best material for Red Riding Hood’s cloak!! Investigating materials and describing them. ICT- Dressing Teddy, Elmer elephant colour pictures. Investigating ‘draw’ program and finding xmas stampers to dev. ICT xmas card. Finding ways to other areas of the school and talk about local environment ‘What do we have as facilities in Carisbrooke Village?’