HR Connections Meeting Agenda - June 9, 2015

HR Connections
Meeting Agenda
June 9, 2015
3:00-4:30 pm
I. Welcome and Purpose of HR Connections
-Attendees are liaisons between their own department and Human Resources.
Meetings are for updating individuals about new processes, changes, etc. and how it
may affect the given department.
II. Update on University Personnel System (UPS) Changes
- UPS will “move” classified employees from OSER rules and regulations (Chapter 230)
to the Board of Regents policies (Chapter 36) where current unclassified staff are. This
transition will occur on July 1, 2015.
- UPS policies include topics like compensation, grievances, and recruitment. These
policies are being written up and developed by Human Resources and the University
Staff Council.
-Classified employees will now be called University Staff.
a) New Recruitment Procedures
- There will not be a need for the Civil Service exams. Instead, Search and Screen
Committees will be utilized. This, in turn, will open the door for more applicants.
-All new documents pertaining to the University Staff recruitment procedures can be
found at the following url: .
III. Update on Applicant Tracking System
-An applicant tracking systems is a kind of software that can assist with the collection
and review of applications, approvals (no more “paper shuffling”), and other tasks
associated with the hiring process.
-PeopleAdmin has been approved as the new applicant tracking system. It can be utilized
for all types of employee hires (excluding students).
-Currently, a contract is being created, but it can take several months for the development
of the software. The earliest the software could be utilized would be in 2016. Human
Resources will announce developments as they occur.
IV. Instructional Staff Working in Two Units and General “Housekeeping”
-For departments who are “sharing” an instructional staff member, it is important to
reach out to the other department and work with them so overloads are not exceeded.
Employment Waiver:
-They are valid up to one year. These forms are in the process of being updated.
-The Equity and Affirmative Action Authorization of Temporary Hire form can be used
in the middle of a search, providing a 90 day extension for the temporary hire. It can only
be used for Unclassified hires.
Hiring Freeze Exemption Form:
-This form will be updated and will include the date when it was last edited.
-These forms go to budget first for evaluation.
-For tracking purposes, individuals who retired from their position via the Retirement
Incentive Options Program will have their information shared with their respective
departments once all paperwork is submitted and the seven day grace period has passed.
V. Performance Evaluations
-Performance evaluations are communication pieces between employees and their
Classified/University Staff:
-Sharri Wolc will send out reminders for University Staff to complete their 2 month, 4
month, 6 month and annual evaluations.
-July 1st is listed on the evaluation as the deadline date. This is simply a guideline, but
departments should strive to do evaluations for all university staff employees once a
-If the performance evaluation is not opening when accessing it on the Human Resources
website, try opening it in a different browser. If this doesn’t solve the problem, contact
Sharri and she will email it to you.
-Performance evaluations are not required for LTEs, but are highly recommended.
-Individuals will be notified if it has been more than a year since a performance
evaluation has been completed.
-Even if an individual is leaving the university a day after their scheduled performance
evaluation, it is highly recommended that the evaluation is completed anyway.
Unclassified Staff:
-The schedule for performance evaluations is not as flexible, as the evaluation is due
based on the “cycle” the position/individual is part of (especially when considering fixed
term renewable positions).
VI. HR Lunch and Learn Sessions (and On-Boarding Information)
Lunch and Learn Sessions:
-HR “Lunch and Learn Sessions” are geared primarily toward supervisors and offer
informational sessions on specific topics based on feedback of attendees.
-Bring your own lunch!
On-Boarding Programs:
Classified/University Staff:
-“Essential Skills” training sessions are offered for new Classified/University Staff
employees and provide more information on campus resources and other important
pieces of information (like the NetID).
Unclassified Staff:
-Academic Staff/Faculty Orientations are offered by the Provost’s Office on the
Thursday before opening for those with at least a .5 FTE employment status.
-Monthly in-person sessions offered by HR would include both classified/University
staff and unclassified staff members. These would provide an introduction to UW
Oshkosh and the UW System.
-D2L sessions are in the works to include “courses” pertinent to certain job types as well
as all employees. These “courses” may include compliance training.
Eastern UW Schools’ Organizational Development Training Specialists are working
together to collaborate on on-boarding processes and compliance training.
VII. New Form for Records Requests
- The “HR Data Request Form” is a new document developed by HR and Institutional
Research to better assess departments and their need for information found in HRS.
- This form would require detailed descriptions of the information needed from HRS and
for what purpose it’s needed. The information can be used to determine if a query needs
to be created.
-The form is found under “Contact Us” on the HR website and can be sent to HR or once completed.
-Requests for training on how to access this information is separate from this form.
VIII. Question and Answers/Other Topics of Interest