Kick of WP3 Steps towards building Oxford, first project meeting 23-05-2006 10:30 am – 11:15 am Current status WP3 "WP3 is on hold until: the transistion from conceptual framework to implemenation is more clear, and there is a consensus on the architecture. We hope to overcome these issues at the Oxford project meeting." Outline next 40 min.. Definition of work Contributions of the partners (5 min. Presentations) Setting up a planning Definition of work Project plan DoW Evaluations Researches Realisation Conceptual Framework Architecture (compontents & environments) Formative evaluation User needs Technical infrastructure Evaluation methodology Pilots Components of the DoW The principal components are: The attention detection component: Its role is to observe the action of the user, establish current user focus, and update the user model (and in particular attentional state) The agent reasoning component. Its role is to analyze the attentional state of the user, and to construct some possible interventions through the evaluation of possible alternative foci. The agent intervention component. Its role is to select and execute a particular intervention. Outline architecture Outline architecture User App Living Actor Atgentive module User module Steps of WP3 3.1 Implementation Plan 3.2 Atgentive Module 3.3 Integration in pilot enviroments 3.4 Validation of the pilots Defening the steps T3.1: Implementation preparation, methodology & plan. Technical approaches are analysed and technical decisions are taken, the development methodology (XP based) is clarified and an implementation plan (for both the components and the e-learning platforms) is elaborated. T3.2 Implementation of the attention recognition component, the agent reasoning component and the agent intervention component. The different components are developed according to the specifications in WP2. Central to this iterative development process will be the modularity and flexibility of the components. T3.3: Global integration and technical testing for two pilots. The different components of AtGentive will be integrated in the collaborative e-learning platforms, resulting in first prototypes of AtGentSchool and AtGentNet. Elaboration of the general user’s documentation (integrated as much as possible into the platform). T3.4: Implementation, setting-up and execution of the validation of the user interaction using eye-tracking. The prototypes will be validated in user tests in which eye-tracking technology will play and important role to asses the functioning of the different components with the AtGentSchool and AtGentNet environment. Steps of WP3 WP3 AtGentive Module 3.1 Implementation methodoly & plan for the Atgentive module 3.2 Embedding in the enviroment 3.3 3.4 Interface Implementation methodoly & plan for the applications Global integration / setting up two prototypes, Atgentnet & Atgentschool Implemantation + internal validation Application Contribution of the partners 5 min presentations Months WP3 Partner Months Ontdeknet 14 INSEAD 16 UTA 12 AUP 10 Cantoche 14 Contribution Ontdeknet WP3 Project management + securing the overview Building specific compontents Ontdeknet Developing the interface between Atgentive module and Ontdeknet Implementation of Atgentive UTA Cantoche Insead AUP Setting up a planning Planning milestones WP Milestone Month Description WP1 M1.1 M04 State of the art completed WP1 M1.2 M06 Conceptual Framework first draft done WP2 M2.1 M07 Design of the components completed WP2 M2.2 M12 Design of the learning platforms completed WP3 M3.1 M12 First delivery of components WP3 M3.2 M16 Working prototypes AtGentSchool and AtGentNet WP4 M4.1 M06 Evaluation approach has been defined WP4 M4.2 M09 Formative evaluation has been completed Planning Q1 06 ID Task Name Start Q2 06 Q3 06 Q4 06 Q1 07 Q2 07 Q3 07 Q4 07 Finish dec 1 WP1 1-12-2005 1-6-2006 2 *planned* Workshop 23-1-2006 24-1-2006 3 1.1 Workshop 31-1-2006 31-1-2006 4 1.2 Report; Conceptual Framework 31-3-2006 31-3-2006 5 1.3 Final Conceptual Framework (M06; draft) 31-7-2006 31-7-2006 6 WP2 1-3-2006 31-10-2006 7 2.1 Design components 30-6-2006 30-6-2006 8 2.2 Learning platforms 30-11-2006 30-11-2006 9 2.3 Approaches 30-11-2006 30-11-2006 10 *Planned* First Project meeting 23-5-2006 24-5-2006 11 WP3 1-5-2006 27-7-2007 12 3.1 First Delivery Components 30-11-2006 30-11-2006 13 3.2 Implementation Prototype 30-3-2007 30-3-2007 14 *Second Project meeting (IST-conference Helsinki) 27-11-2006 27-11-2006 15 WP4 2-1-2006 30-11-2007 16 4.1 Evaluation approach 31-5-2006 31-5-2006 17 4.2 Formative evaluation 31-8-2006 31-8-2006 18 4.3 Evaluation plan 30-11-2006 30-11-2006 19 4.4 Evaluation Report 31-10-2007 31-10-2007 20 *Third Project meeting 15-5-2007 15-5-2007 21 WP5 1-9-2006 30-11-2007 22 5.1 Specification of implementation 30-11-2006 30-11-2006 23 5.2 Pilot Schools 30-4-2007 30-4-2007 24 5.3 Pilot business 30-4-2007 30-4-2007 25 5.4 Report pilots 31-10-2007 31-10-2007 26 WP6 1-12-2005 30-11-2007 27 6.1 Website v1 31-1-2006 31-1-2006 28 6.2 Exploitation plan 31-5-2006 31-5-2006 29 6.3 Website v2 31-1-2007 31-1-2007 30 6.4 Final exploitation 31-10-2007 31-10-2007 31 WP7 1-12-2005 30-11-2007 32 7.1 Mid term report 30-11-2006 30-11-2006 33 7.2 Final report 30-11-2007 30-11-2007 jan feb mrt apr mei jun jul aug sep okt nov dec jan feb mrt apr mei jun jul aug sep okt nov dec Planning Q1 06 ID Task Name Start Q2 06 Q3 06 Q4 06 Q1 07 Q2 07 Q3 07 Q4 07 Finish dec 1 WP1 1-12-2005 1-6-2006 2 *planned* Workshop 23-1-2006 24-1-2006 3 1.1 Workshop 31-1-2006 31-1-2006 4 1.2 Report; Conceptual Framework 31-3-2006 31-3-2006 5 1.3 Final Conceptual Framework (M06; draft) 31-7-2006 31-7-2006 6 WP2 1-3-2006 31-10-2006 7 2.1 Design components 30-6-2006 30-6-2006 8 2.2 Learning platforms 30-11-2006 30-11-2006 9 2.3 Approaches 30-11-2006 30-11-2006 10 *Planned* First Project meeting 23-5-2006 24-5-2006 11 WP3 1-5-2006 27-7-2007 12 3.1 First Delivery Components 30-11-2006 30-11-2006 13 3.2 Implementation Prototype 30-3-2007 30-3-2007 14 *Second Project meeting (IST-conference Helsinki) 27-11-2006 27-11-2006 15 WP4 2-1-2006 30-11-2007 16 4.1 Evaluation approach 31-5-2006 31-5-2006 17 4.2 Formative evaluation 31-8-2006 31-8-2006 jan feb mrt apr mei jun jul aug sep okt nov dec jan feb mrt apr mei jun jul aug sep okt nov dec