CS514: Intermediate Course in Operating Systems Lecture 5: Sept. 7

CS514: Intermediate
Course in Operating
Professor Ken Birman
Ben Atkin: TA
Lecture 5: Sept. 7
IP multicast
• Has already been briefly
mentioned by Professor Birman
• Today we’ll see how it works
rationale for multicast
multicast between LANs
multicast on the Internet
a few words about reliability
Unicast to multiple
Multicast to multiple
“to group”
Why do multicast?
• Send to a group, not to
individual hosts
– Reduces overhead in sender
– Reduces bandwidth consumption
in network
– Reduces latency seen by receivers
(all receive “at the same time”, in
Logical addressing
• Multicast groups “handled by
• Senders, receivers do not need
to know each others’ identities
• Group persists as long as it has
at least one member
• a “rendezvous” mechanism
Distance learning
Multimedia streaming
Directory service lookup
Multicasting for
resource location
• Expanding-ring search
• We want to find an instance of a
resource (database, etc) which
is close by
• Use multicast with IP time-tolive (TTL) values
Time-to-live and hop
• TTL is a counter in the packet
– Decrement at each “hop” through
a router
– When TTL reaches zero, the
packet is dropped
– special values for “global” and
“regional” TTL (use with care!)
Expanding-ring search
“Find me a database”, TTL=1
Expanding-ring search
“Find me a database”, TTL=2
“I’m a database, what can I do for you?”
Multicast addresses
• Class D IP addresses for group
– to
• Treated like any other IP
address: can send from it or
listen to it
• In practice, use UDP as well
(more on this later)
Multicast at the LAN
• Ethernet is a broadcast
medium: all network cards see
all packets
• Register the multicast address
in the network card
– only pass matching packets to OS
– all other packets are ignored
Multicast beyond the
• We would like to multicast
between hosts on different
– LANs are joined together directly
by bridges
– or can be connected through the
Internet by a sequence of routers
– need an inter-LAN (WAN) protocol
• (in fact, this is rarely enabled!)
A naive approach
• We want to send multicasts
everywhere where there are
group members
– use flooding to send multicast
between routers
– when we get to a LAN, use regular
(Ethernet) multicast
Multicast by flooding
group member
Multicast by flooding
group member
Why simple flooding
doesn’t work
group member
Why simple flooding
doesn’t work
group member
Multicast flooding
• Not a scalable mechanism
– every LAN sees every multicast
– every WAN router sees every
multicast: wastes bandwidth, CPU
• Requires a two-part solution
– determining LAN group members
– omitting WAN routers from
Multicast trees
• Shortest-path tree to all
multicast members, rooted at
• But must be computed
independently by each router
• And must be dynamically
adjusted for joins and leaves
A multicast tree
A multicast tree
• Internet Group Management
Protocol (Deering and Cheriton)
• Developed from work in V
distributed operating system
– introduced notion of process
groups (Cheriton and Zwaenepol)
– groups for services, e.g. name
resolution, remote paging
• Detects if a multicast group has
any members within a LAN
• Query and report messages
– router sends query of group
membership periodically
– hosts report groups they’re in
“Who is a member?”
“I am”
“I am”
“I am”
“I am”
“I am”
“I am”
Avoiding overloading
• Report packets may overload
– upon getting a query, each group
member sets a timer
– if it sees a report for its group
before the timer expires, it
suppresses its report
– otherwise reports on expiration
Building multicast trees
• Want to avoid loops, duplicates
• Dalal and Metcalfe: reverse path
– relies on existing (point-to-point)
shortest-path data for next hops to
decide where to forward to
– forward a packet only if it arrived
on the shortest path to its source
Reverse shortest-path
Reverse shortest-path
• Doesn’t eliminate all duplicates
• A further enhancement is to
only forward a packet to a
neighbour if you’re on its
shortest-path to the source
Pruning nodes from the
• When they get a multicast,
routers decide if they should
prune themselves out
– LAN routers can use IGMP to find
if they have members
– tell preceding node on the
shortest-path tree not to forward
to you
– recursive
Rejoining a group
• A LAN router with a group
member may find it has no link
into the multicast tree
– either sends a graft message to
add itself to the tree
– or use flood-and-prune: routers are
periodically added back into the
tree; they prune themselves again
if they still have no members
• Multicast Backbone
• Layer over the Internet
permitted rapid deployment
only certain routers participate
“tunnel” between MBONE routers
has to do its own routing
upper limit on bandwidth
Multicast reliability
• Best-effort reliability, “as good
as UDP”
• But has some additional
problems not shared by unicast
– fragmentation
– interlinked failures
UDP fragmentation
• Recall that UDP packets are
bigger than IP packets
– With a fixed loss probability, more
members = more losses
– losing one IP packet drops the
entire UDP packet
– makes repairing failures more
expensive, not used in practice
(use IP-sized packets)
Interlinked failures
• Traditionally we assume that
packets p, q being lost could be
independent events
– but with IP multicast they could be
very correlated
– an omission at a parent node
causes all children to miss the
Interlinked failures
Multicast behaviour
A “bad Internet citizen”
No backoff, unlike TCP
Runs on MBONE, not Internet!
Only really usable in an intranet
– Problems with bridges
– Multicast flooding/storms
– Everybody gets them
Multicast problems
• Even if routers don’t forward
multicasts, they still have to
process them
• Similarly, a network card may
be forced to drop packets if it
gets too many
• So too many simultaneous
multicasts can cause problems!
Multicast storms
• Retransmissions to fix losses
must be carefully controlled
– too many can just aggravate the
– and can affect the performance of
non-multicasting hosts
– Bridges typically drop multicasts
to stop storms propagating
• Want to avoid “router collapse”
Making IP multicast a
good citizen
• A hot area for research
• Sender-based and receiverbased schemes
– forward error correction
– combining retransmission
Forward error
correction (FEC)
• Sender-based mechanism
– repeat multicasts in order to
overcome the likelihood of packet
loss: anticipate retransmission
– or use parity, Hamming codes, etc,
to generate parity packets, and
receiver reconstructs dropped
retransmission requests
• Receivers are more intelligent
about when to make requests
for retransmissions
– e.g. watch to see if others make
requests, if so, suppress ours
– can still cause storms!
• e.g. SRM, RTP2, PGM: we will
return to these later
Further reading
• S. Keshav. An Engineering Approach to Computer
Networking. Addison Wesley, 1997
• Internet Group Management Protocol, Version 3
(Cain, Deering, Kouvelas, Thyagarajan)
• S. Deering. "Host Extensions for IP Multicasting",
RFC 1112, SRI "requests for comments" repository,
August 1989.
• Yogan K. Dalal and Robert M. Metcalfe. "Reverse
Path Forwarding of Broadcast Packets".
Communications of the ACM 21:12, pp1040-1048,
December 1978.