Researcher Development Funding 2017
Expression of Interest
Please refer to the Guideline document that supports this award for details of eligibility and instructions
on completion and submission of this form.
Expression of Interest opens: 3rd October 2016
CLOSING DATE FOR EOI: 1st November 2016
1. Personal Details
Title (eg Dr, Mr/s)
Applicant Name
Mobile Ph:
Please select the award you are applying for:
Women’s Research Fellowship
Early Career Researcher Fellowship
What year was your PhD conferred?
At what level are you currently employed?
What year did you commence your employment at Western?
Can you please provide the details of your past employment/research experience
(Covering maximum the past 5 years)
Position Held
Year Appointed
2. Research Track Record relative to Opportunities
(Past five years only)
2a A statement on your research and its impact relative to opportunity.
Outline your research successes and impact incorporating both the resonance within the academy and beyond.
This should be narrative on your achievements in a broad sense rather than the measure of those achievements
(ie Discuss outcomes, how your research has impacted within the discipline and beyond. What has it, or may it
potentially, change, challenge, create – how will it impact more broadly?) Do not list outputs such as publications
will be captured in question 2c. (Maximum of half an A4 page)
2b Please provide a statement on your most significant contributions to this research field.
(Maximum of half an A4 page)
2c All publications (academic and other including those through social media) in the past five
years (2011 onwards)
List publications under the following headings: Books; Book Chapters; Journal Articles; Conference papers;
other publications.
In-press publications are to include the acceptance date.
Use asterisks (*) to identify refereed publications and (#) to identify those that relate directly to this project.
Include citations where possible.
2d Other Fellowship Applications
Yes ☐No ☐
Have you applied for another research fellowship (eg ARC, Discovery, ECR Award)?
If yes, please indicate the agency and scheme to which the application has been submitted
Have you received funding previously through the Western Sydney University
Researcher Development Funding?
Yes ☐No ☐
If yes, can you please detail if this application is for a different project, or if it is a continuation of the same
project. Please specify what you achieved from this previous funding. How will new funding build on the
outcomes from the previous funding?
3. Application Summary/ Project Details
3a Project title
3b Project summary
Please provide a plain language summary of the aims, significance, expected outcomes and potential impact if
funding is received for this project. Provide a comment as to how this current project will lead to future external
funding, and/or partnerships and what will be the next steps for the project. (500 words)
3c Data Management Plan (refer to Guidelines – Section 5c)
Please provide a Data Management Plan with regard to this research in respect to: data to be produced; data
documentation and metadata; data storage and security needs; ethics, copyright & IP; access, sharing & reuse of
data; data retention and its disposal and preservation of data. (up to 300 words)
3d Have you discussed this proposal with your Researcher Director and
Yes ☐No ☐
Dean/Institute Director?
3e Please provide written evidence of the expertise of your mentor, the role they will play in the
project and the estimated time that they will provide support. (email evidence will suffice)
Name of mentor
Have you: ~ Applied for ethics clearance and are waiting for an outcome
~ Applied for ethics and have received clearance to go ahead
~ Not applied as ethics clearance is not required for this research
3g I wish to complete the research for this Fellowship within an Institute
Yes ☐No ☐
If yes, have you discussed these plans and gained the approval for this
arrangement from the Institute Director?
Yes ☐No ☐
4. Budget & Timeline
4a In summary, what would this grant be used for?
 Teaching buy-out
 Project costs
 Administration buy-out
 Travel
 Conference – (please provide details of the status of conference below)
 Other (please provide details below)
4b Please provide a timeline of how you will ensure that funds are expended by 30 November
2017, and what type of expenditure you are anticipating. Please add lines as required.
Project Activity
Expenditure type
Amount (Max $40K)
Eg: Transcription of
Administration assistance
1-31 July
Total Expenditure:
4c In no more than half a page, fully justify in terms of need and cost, your proposed budget.
5. Required attachments
Project Description
Attach a brief research proposal/project description of no more than three A4 pages, outlining the proposed
project. Your proposal must be written in 12 point font and should be structured as follows:
Project title
Aims and Background
Describe the aims and background to the project or capacity to build research. Include information about
recent international progress in the field of the research, and the relationship of this proposal to work in the
field generally. Discuss how this project or activity is underpinned and will underpin your own research.
Impact, Significance and Innovation
Please note: The ARC define impact as “the demonstrable contribution that research makes to the economy,
society, culture, national security, public policy or services, health, the environment or quality of life, beyond
contributions to academia
o Detail the relationships and impact outcomes this project will generate if awarded this grant.
o Describe how the research is significant and whether the research addresses an important problem.
o Describe how the anticipated outcomes will advance the knowledge base of the discipline or will lead to
new knowledge, practice or policy more broadly (this can be aspirational with this project as a foundation
piece for further research). Indicate how and why the project aims, concepts, approach (methodological or
technical) are novel and innovative.
Approach and Methodology
Outline the conceptual framework, design and methods and demonstrate that these are adequately
developed, well integrated and appropriate to the aims of the project. Your methodology should articulate
how the impact of your research will be realised (eg. Claims of policy impact must be underpinned by
strategies and activities that ensure stakeholder, policy maker and/or practitioner engagement such as
reports and white papers, meetings, workshops etc).
Include a list of all references. This list may be in 10 point font and may be additional to the limit of four (4)
A4 pages.
6. Signatures
6a Applicant’s signature
6b DAP/Supervisor Approval
Teaching buy-out has been considered for this request
DAP signature
6c Comment by the Research Director
Please provide a paragraph stating how the school/institute will provide academic support and monitoring
of this project (including team support; management of project; milestones etc)
I have read this application, and recommend to the Dean/Institute Director for approval.
Research Director’s signature
6d Dean/Institute Director Approval
Workload Implications
% Research Work Load 2016
% Work Load for this request
% Research Work Load
including this project 2017
I have read this application and considered the impact the funding of this proposal will have on the
School. In particular, I have noted the proposed use of these funds as detailed in Section 4 of this
I am aware of the agreement between the applicant and ____________________________________
(please insert name of mentor) and I believe this is appropriate support for this project.
Dean/Institute Director’s Signature
Please refer to the Guidelines for instructions on submission.
For further information about this funding scheme, or to submit this form,
please contact: