CS 5430+5431 Spring 2016 Regrade Request Form

CS 5430+5431 Spring 2016 Regrade Request Form
Write a one-sentence summary of the basis for your regrade request:
Explain your request in detail:
I certify, under penalty of violating the Cornell Code of Academic Integrity, that I have
not modified the attached work in any way since it was graded, and that I am including
the entire solution that I originally submitted, along with the entire comments from the
original grader.
Signature: ________________________________________ Date: ________________
Print this form and staple it to:
 a hardcopy of your entire solution (not just the problem(s) mentioned in your
request), and
 a hardcopy of the grader’s entire comments.
To be completed by the professor:
Original grade: ______
_____ Your grade was raised/lowered to ______
_____ Your grade was not revised because:
The basis of your request as summarized above does not
constitute an error in grading.
Your explanation above fails to show that you understand
the correct answer.
You have been given the same partial credit as other students
who wrote a similar answer.