CS 5430+5431 Spring 2016 Regrade Request Form Name: NetID: Assignment: Write a one-sentence summary of the basis for your regrade request: Explain your request in detail: I certify, under penalty of violating the Cornell Code of Academic Integrity, that I have not modified the attached work in any way since it was graded, and that I am including the entire solution that I originally submitted, along with the entire comments from the original grader. Signature: ________________________________________ Date: ________________ Print this form and staple it to: a hardcopy of your entire solution (not just the problem(s) mentioned in your request), and a hardcopy of the grader’s entire comments. ********************************************** To be completed by the professor: Original grade: ______ _____ Your grade was raised/lowered to ______ _____ Your grade was not revised because: ___ The basis of your request as summarized above does not constitute an error in grading. ___ Your explanation above fails to show that you understand the correct answer. ___ You have been given the same partial credit as other students who wrote a similar answer.