Oklahoma Higher Education Grantsmanship: EPSCoR’s Involvement

Oklahoma Higher Education Grantsmanship:
EPSCoR’s Involvement
James P. Wicksted, Associate Director
Oklahoma EPSCoR
Presented at the Grant Writing Institute
The Oklahoma History Center
August 5, 2007
Brief Outline
 Brief History and Overview
 2007 Research Infrastructure Improvement Competition
 EPSCoR Opportunities for Researchers
Experimental Program to Stimulate
Competitive Research”
EPSCoR is a merit based science and
technology (S&T) initiative to improve the
research capacity capability and
competitiveness in states that historically
have not received significant federal
research and development (R&D) funding.
EPSCoR Mission
To assist NSF in its statutory function to
strengthen research and education in
science and engineering throughout the
United States and to avoid undue
concentration of such research and
NSF EPSCoR State Participation
By Year of Program Entrance
North Dakota
South Carolina
South Dakota
West Virginia
North Dakota
Puerto Rico
South Dakota
South Dakota
New Mexico
U.S. Virgin Islands
Rhode Island
New Hampshire
0.00 – 0.76 –
0.75% 1.50%
1.51 – 2.26 – 3.01 – 3.76 – 4.51 –
2.25% 3.00% 3.75% 4.50% 16.0%
How EPSCoR Works
Federal Agencies Identify Areas of Research Needs
Federal Agencies Request Research Proposals from EPSCoR States
State EPSCoR Committee Solicits State Proposals
Universities Collaborate to Submit Proposal(s)
Developed Proposals Submitted to Oklahoma EPSCoR Committee
Selected Proposals are Submitted to the Federal Agency
Federal Agency Selects Proposals from EPSCoR States for Funding
Federal Agencies with EPSCoR Programs
Active Oklahoma EPSCoR Awards
$62.3 million - NIH IDeA COBRE
FY00, FY02, FY03, FY04, FY05
Centers of Biomedical Research
Excellence (COBRE)
$17.95 million - NIH IDeA INBRE
IDeA Network of Biomedical Research
Excellence (INBRE)
$9 million - NSF EPSCoR
Research Infrastructure Improvement
$5.9 million – DEPSCoR
FY03, FY04, FY05
$5.5 million - NASA EPSCoR FY01
$3.4 million – DOE EPSCoR FY04
$ in millions (aggregate)
National Science Foundation
Research Infrastructure Improvement Grants:
Supports infrastructure improvements in S&T areas selected by the state’s
EPSCoR governing committee as being critical to its future R&D
Current Research Themes: (i) Nanotechnology
(ii) Plant Virus Biodiversity and Ecology
Current Project: $9 million for 36 months – Frank Waxman, PI - 2005-2008
Co-Funding Initiative:
Joint support of proposals submitted to the Foundation’s ongoing grant
programs and special competitions (EPSCoR funds half of first $300 K and
then 20% of funds above this amount)
Outreach Initiative:
Financial support for outreach visits of NSF staff to acquaint EPSCoR
researchers with NSF priorities, programs and policies and
to more fully acquaint NSF staff with the R&D
resources residing within EPSCoR states.
Dr. Matthew Kane
Program Director
Division of Molecular Cellular Biosciences
National Science Foundation
Plant Virus Biodiversity and
Ecology (PVBE)
Thorough understanding of virus
biodiversity in an ecological context
Profound advances in
understanding ecology of both
viruses and higher organisms
 The Oklahoma goal is to be internationally competitive in selected areas of
• Carbon nanotubes
• Fuel cell materials
• Optoelectronic devices
 Improve infrastructure for nanoscale materials research at four campuses.
• Shared instrumentation
• Staff to implement instrumentation and instruct users
 Spawn a NSEC, MRSEC (like C-SPIN), ERC or other federally
supported research center via the Interdisciplinary Research Groups
of the RII grant
EHR Outreach Initiatives
K-12 Student Development
 Integrating GPS & GIS into K-12 Classroom
 OSU Upward Bound Math & Science Center
 K-12 Field Trips to Science Museums
Entrepreneurial Workshops
Industry Internships
Business Plan Competitions
i2E Commercialization Vouchers
Postsecondary Outreach
 Comanche Nation Math Tutor
 Supplemental Instruction Program
at Langston University
 GRE Preparation at Langston University
 Research Experiences for Undergraduates
 Oklahoma Research Day for Regional Universities
 Women in Science Conference
 NSF SURE-STEP at University of Central Oklahoma
 Travel for Students to Professional Meetings
Faculty Development
Research Opportunity Awards - ROAs
Annual State Conference
Tallgrass Prairie Retreat
NSF Grants Workshop
Grant Writing Institute
OU Supercomputing Symposium
Coordinator for Grant Writing & External
Funding Technical Assistance
Public Outreach
 Research Day at the State Capitol
 Partnerships Science Museums
 Sci Tech Student Reporting Awards
New Projects
Virtual Tours of OU Research Labs
CASMEO Summit Meeting
CASMEO Checkpoints Project
Stillwater Children’s Museum – “Museum
Without Walls”
Department of Defense (DoD)
The DoD EPSCoR program (DEPSCoR) is administered through three DoD
research agencies:
Army Research Office (ARO)
Office of Naval Research (ONR)
Air Force Office of Scientific Research (AFOSR)
DEPSCoR is intended to take advantage of the state-based EPSCoR infrastructure
improvement programs already in place. The program supports research to assist
EPSCoR states to become more competitive for regular DoD research and training
grants. Each state is permitted to submit a single package of up to 5 three-year
Active Oklahoma DEPSCoR Awards
$5.9 Million
Phased Array Weather Radar System (OU)
Manybody Applications to Quantum Confined Systems (OU)
Quantum Dot Nanocrystals (TU)
Secure Framework for Sensor Networks (OSU)
Ultracold Collisions Studied Using Translational Energy Distributions (OU)
Security Certification Models (TU)
Life Prediction of High Temperature Polymer Matrix Composites of Aircraft Engine and Airframe
Application (OSU)
Integrated Target Detection, Tracking, Classification, and Learning for Dual-Band Infrared Imagery
Novel Tunable Lead Salt Mid-Infrared Diode Lasers for Chemical Sensing (OU)
National Aeronautics & Space
Administration (NASA)
The NASA EPSCoR research projects are closely related to
one of NASA's four strategic enterprises: Aeronautics,
Human Exploration and Development of Space, Earth
System Science, and Space Science. The project clusters
collaborate frequently with NASA's field installations and
program offices.
NASA awards up to $700K per state annually. The awards
have a matching funds requirement and are guaranteed for
three years, with the possibility of a two year renewal and
Oklahoma’s grant was recently renewed.
Oklahoma 2001 NASA EPSCoR Award
NASA Funding: $2.5 Million
OSRHE Match: $1.4 Million
1. Core funding for Research Infrastructure
Travel Grant Awards
Ten awards averaging $1,500 for faculty and students to visit a NASA Center for
up to three days.
Research Initiation Grants
Five awards averaging $21,000 to help develop research ideas and initiate
projects with researchers at NASA Centers of Excellence.
Student Fellowship Awards
Three awards of $7,333 to students who will work at least 20 hours per week in
support of proposed research activities.
2. Second Generation Photocatalytic Oxidation Processes for the NASA
Advanced Water Recovery
3. Development of Technology Addressing Power Generation and Storage
Challenges Faced by NASA
Implementation Grants – provide six-year maximum funding
of up to $750,000 per year to support a comprehensive statewide
plan to build research capacity in targeted areas and to enhance
the state’s human resource infrastructure. A minimum two-to one
match is required on the part of the states.
State-Laboratory Partnership Grants – awarded for one to
three years up to $150,000 per year for collaboration by the state
faculty with scientists from DoE national laboratories where unique
capabilities are present. Minimum 10% match required by state.
 Oklahoma Center for High Energy Physics
(OCHEP) was established in 2004 after receiving
a DOE EPSCoR Implementation Grant
 PI: Dr. Satya Nandi – Oklahoma State Univ. (OSU)
 Co PI: Dr. Mike Strauss – Oklahoma Univ. (OU)
 Co-PI: Dr. Joel Snow – Langston Univ. (LU)
 Two major objectives of the initial DOE EPSCoR
grant were:
 To initiate an experimental High Energy Physics (HEP)
program at OSU
 To establish a Grid Computing Facility at OU
National Institutes of Health (NIH)
IDeA Program
The Institutional Development Award (IDeA) program, established in FY 1993,
is administered by NIH’s National Center for Research Resources. The program is similar
in general intent to the National Science Foundation's EPSCoR program. IDeA was
designed to broaden the geographic distribution of NIH funding for health research.
The IDeA program funded
Biomedical Research Infrastructure Networks
in IDeA eligible states to further enhance the research capacity of institutions
through collaborative partnerships to allow them to more fully participate in the
competition for NIH awards. In 2004, the program was renamed IDeA Networks for
Biomedical Research Excellence (INBRE).
COBRE Awards (Centers of Biomedical Research Excellence)
eligible states are invited to apply for this award to augment and strengthen the institutional
biomedical research capabilities by providing support to expand and develop biomedical
faculty research capability through support of a multi-disciplinary center.
Oklahoma NIH COBRE Awards - 64 Million
(FY03) Biofilm Formation and Metabolism on Dental Surfaces - The Center takes a
multidisciplinary approach to study microbial biofilm formation on natural and artificial dental
(FY02) Mentoring Vision Research in Oklahoma – The Center supports research to enhance
knowledge and its translation to the treatment and prevention of debilitating and blinding eye
(FY00 & 05) Center for Functional Genomics / Proteomics for Bacterial/Host Interactions –
This Center is devoted to examining how infectious microorganisms cause disease and how
the human host responds to infection.
(FY04) Molecular Mechanisms and Genetics of Autoimmunity - This research will provide a
much deeper level of understanding to human autoimmune diseases and will foster the
independent career development of a strong group of Junior Investigators.
(FY03) Post-Translational Modifications in Host Defense - This Center interfaces
glycobiology with existing and emerging expertise in cardiovascular biology, bioengineering,
and immunology.
(FY00 & 05) Mentoring Immunology in Oklahoma: A Biomedical Program – This program
provides mentoring to junior faculty, starter grants and joint research projects in the discipline
of Immunology.
Oklahoma IDeA Network of
Biomedical Research Excellence (INBRE)
$17.9 Million – Frank Waxman, PI - 2004-2009
Major Research Projects (10)
Cancer, Neuroscience & Micro & Immunology
Undergraduate Institution Activities
Cores and Facilities
Research Projects
Bioinformatics Core (OUHSC)
Statewide Undergraduate Research Day
Microarray Facility (OMRF)
Research Whip
MRI Facility (OMRF)
Multi-campus Bioinformatics Education Specialist
OU Norman Bioinformatics/Microarray Satellite Facility Undergraduate Summer Research Program
OSU Bioinformatics/Microarray Satellite Facility
Collaborative Research Grants
TU Bioinformatics/Microarray Satellite Facility
Faculty Mini Grants
Equipment and Faculty Recruitment Fund
Research Opportunity Awards
Outreach Core
Bioinformatics Faculty Position (OCCC)
Science Faculty Position (Comanche Nation College)
Summer Research Internships
Oklahoma IDeA Network of Biomedical Research Excellence (INBRE)
The University of Tulsa
INBRE Participating Institutions
Oklahoma State University
Langston University
Northeastern State University
Southwestern Oklahoma State University
Cameron University
Southeastern Oklahoma State University
Comanche Nation College
University of Oklahoma Health Sciences Center
Oklahoma Medical Research Foundation
University of Oklahoma
University of Central Oklahoma
Oklahoma City Community College
Redlands Community College
NSF EPSCoR RII Grant Program
The purpose of an RII grant is to provide
support for lasting improvements in a
jurisdiction's academic research infrastructure
and increased national competitiveness.
EPSCoR support is intended to add specific
value to the jurisdiction's academic
infrastructure not generally available through
other funding sources.
Keys to Success
Successful infrastructure improvement plans
are likely to be those that enhance academic
R&D competitiveness among a jurisdiction's
universities, including pragmatic plans for the
generation of sustained non-EPSCoR support.
With EPSCoR support, it is expected that the
improvement strategies will enable targeted
research areas to become nationally
Oklahoma Selection Criteria
Applicants should make a case that their
project will build infrastructure that creates
strategic fidelity and adds value at the
institutional, jurisdictional and regional levels
in research, education and innovation. A
multi-disciplinary, multi-campus project that
includes compelling outreach components
along with a sustainability plan will be
Budget Considerations
NSF budget: $3-5 million per year
Period of support: 36-60 months
State Regents match: NA
Partition of funds will be approximately onethird for outreach and management activities
and two-thirds for science theme(s)
Plan for 2007 Competition
 Project Director regional meetings with scientific community
(January 2007 - OU, OUHSC, TU, OSU)
 Plenary meeting: 5 minute presentations (40) – March 23
 Project teams submit white papers (18) – April 11
 Oral presentations to OK EPSCoR Comm. – April 25
 One project selected by OK EPSCoR Comm. – April 27
 NSF Releases RFA – Summer 2007
 Oklahoma proposal submitted – October, 2007
Objective 1. Discover molecular mechanisms and tools
for biomass development
 Utilizing molecular-genetic, genomic and transgenic
approaches to improve biomass accumulation and
abiotic stress tolerance, and decrease lignin content in
 1.2. Functional genomic and molecular mapping
approaches to identify expressed unigenes, major
genes or QTLs for improved biomass production and
reduced cell wall in switchgrass
Objective 2. Effective conversion of biomass to liquid
 Microbial conversion
 Catalytic/chemical conversion
EPSCoR Opportunities for Researchers
 Single Investigator Proposals/New
 Research Opportunity Awards
 Proposal workshops
 I2e-commercialization vouchers
Long-Term Impact – Case Studies
 Bruce Roe at OU purchased his first DNA sequencer with EPSCoR funds and
went on to sequence human chromosome 22 and microbial and plant genomes.
 Kelvin Droegemeier at OU received early EPSCoR support and is now the lead
Oklahoma investigator on a recently funded NSF ERC, in collaboration with the
University of Massachusetts, focused on the development of weather radar
technology. Droegemeier is also a member of the National Science Board.
 Michael Gilmore at HSC received his first external funding from NSF EPSCoR
in 1986 for a project to study a membrane protein expressed by a soil bacterium.
This launched a highly successful career in which Gilmore has competed for >$8
million in external funding for studies on antibiotic resistant bacteria.
 Stephen McKeever at OSU also received his first EPSCoR funding in 1986.
Through this funding, he established a luminescence dosimetry system leading to
the development of a new model for charge photoelectric effects in quartz, which
McKeever later applied to aluminum oxide. This in turn led to >$1.2 million in
funding from Landauer Inc. and commercialization of a radiation dosimeter that has
generated nearly $1 million in royalty income for the University.
Impact on State R&D
Oklahoma entered the NSF EPSCoR Program in 1985. The EPSCoR
vision of was to create Federal-State partnerships. Although EPSCoR
certainly cannot claim sole credit for prompting Oklahoma to develop
programs to exploit scientific discoveries, the increased awareness of S&T
as a result of EPSCoR contributed to several State initiatives to enhance
high tech economic development.
 In 1987, the State-funded Oklahoma Center for the Advancement of Science &
Technology (OCAST) was created. OCAST supports basic and applied research,
small business assistance programs, business internships, and inventors
assistance programs. In 2006, State funding was increased by $10 million
bringing the annual appropriation to $23 million and permitting the formation of a
Seed Capital Fund, the Oklahoma Plant Sciences Research Program, and the
Oklahoma Nanotechnology Applications Project ($2 million).
 In 1997, the State-funded Turning Innovation into Enterprise (i2E) was created.
i2E provides direct support for technology commercialization.
Research Opportunity Awards (ROAs)
GOAL 1: Provide funds ($10 K) and opportunities for faculty at Regional
Colleges to conduct Research at Oklahoma’s Comprehensive
Universities (OSU, OU, TU)
GOAL 2: Encourage collaboration
 Mauricio A. Sanchez of UCO worked with Dr. Feng C. Lai at OU on
a project titled “Discrete Ordinate Simulation of the Propagation of
Incident Flux In Aoritc Tissue”.
 Dr. Xiaomin Ma of ORU worked with Dr. Hazem H. Refai at OU on a
project titled "Summer Research on Vehicular Ad Hoc Wireless
Communication System”.
 Dr. Evan Lemley of UCO worked with Dr. Dimitrios V. Papavassiliou
at OU on a project titled “Microfluidic Pressure Losses in T and Y
 Dr. Mohamed Bingabr of UCO worked with Dr. Robert Rennaker at
OU on a project titled “Auditory Nervous System Coding of Sound”.
Faculty Development
GOAL 1: Increase the number and quality of proposals submitted to NSF
and other funding agencies
GOAL 2: Encourage collaboration
Annual State Conferences – 195 faculty & students
 Gather to share research results & future trends
 Scientific poster session for both RII theme areas
NSF Grants Workshops – 142 faculty & students
 Nuts & bolts of grant writing
 NSF Program Officers share info on directorates &
funding opportunities
Summer Grantwriting Institutes – 44 faculty
 Faculty from regional universities are paired with
mentors and complete at least one grant proposal
during the institute
 Attendees mentor other faculty on home campuses
GOAL: In collaboration with i2E, Inc., provide resources for students and
faculty in pursuit of entrepreneurial opportunities and support
development of high tech business in the state
OK Governor’s Cup Statewide Collegiate
Business Plan Competition
Competition sponsored by Donald W. Reynolds Foundation with
partners including EPSCoR & i2E to encourage students to
develop and implement businesses
 Competition kick-off: “Who Wants to Be an Entrepreneur?”
 8 businesses launched by winners
 One winner received $80K SBIR grant (USDA)
I2E Commercialization Vouchers
$1K vouchers to researchers for commercialization assessment of
 30 technologies assessed
 7 resulted in new start-up companies
Oklahoma EPSCoR
Oklahoma City
Dr. Frank Waxman, State Director
Dawn Scott, Administrative Coordinator
Shelley Wear, Programs Coordinator
Dr. Jim Wicksted, Assoc. Dir.
Valerie Pogue, Program Manager
Pat Greer, Administrative Asst.
655 Research Parkway, Suite 200
Oklahoma City, OK 73104
Fax 405.225.9230
415 Whitehurst
Stillwater, OK 74078-1038
Fax 405.744.7688
Oklahoma EPSCoR Website