By Angelina Medina
We each are at the center of the universe no matter where in the world we are. Look all around you and you will find yourself in a sacred space or what might at one time have been a sacred space. That sacred space has been, or is being contaminated, polluted or destroyed by mankind.
This northern continent had already been a sacred space for thousands of years. There was clean air, water, and food that could be obtained from animals and plants. The Indigenous people who had occupied land all across the continent had strong and healthy reciprocal relationships with Mother Earth.
The sense of sacredness of humanity and nature was absent from the consciousness of Western Europeans. The idea of their survival and making profits seemed then, and now, to be the only priority. Since the taking of this northern continent, Western colonizers have worked against nature and the consciousness of all things in nature, by changing the environment to suit and satisfy their purposes. This,
I believe, has brought us to the present situation. We all have been witnesses to the tsunamis, hurricanes, floods, fires and other so called natural disasters here in the
United States and around the world. Stories told by Indigenous story tellers predicted that nature would reclaim its sacred spaces.
We Indigenous people believe that everything has life. Humans, plants, animals, rocks, mountains and everything in nature has life and spirit. We humans
are all made from Mother Earth so we are biologically connected. We are composed as well from the very chemicals present in our Mother Earth. We used to be able to drink from the rivers, streams, and lakes that were replenished by clean rain. We breathe the same air which was once clean. We know that we humans cannot live without the plants and animals that are in nature. The plants and animals do not need humans.
Let me speak a little about Indigenous connections and reciprocal relationships to nature. It really is not so difficult to understand about respecting those who are different from us, but are yet the same. We tend to disrespect other life forms. It is an honorable thing to show gratefulness and appreciation for all of the creations that the Creator has provided.
There is no word for Art in Indigenous language. A majority of the artistic creations are to honor relationships we have with all things in nature. Petroglyphs, drawings, paintings, sculptures, and even jewelry honor various plants, animals, clouds, lightning, etc. for the food, clothing, tools, and other benefits they provide to help us to survive on this planet. All of those living things have the Creator’s energy in them. No artist starts a piece without offering a prayer that asks to be guided during the process of creating. Imbedded in each piece is a prayer that asks for the healing, health, and happiness of all.
Indigenous drumming, songs and dances, which are prayers, acknowledgement, gratefulness, and appreciation to the Creator and the natural community for their teachings of survival, adaptation, acceptance of life and death, perseverance, and
communication among other things. The intention is to ask for all beings to return to or be in a state of balance.
Creating Sacred Space can begin in various ways, but the intent must be grounded in one’s truth, honesty, and sincerity. We die into the night giving thanks for the day’s lessons and to ask for dreams and visions that will guide our lives. The dreams and visions contain information for what we need to do, what needs to be set right, and what we need to prepare for. In the morning our morning ritual consists of taking a small amount of prayermeal, softly blowing our breath into it, offer our prayer, and then sprinkle it in the direction of Father Sun. The breeze or wind will pick it up to disseminate it to those sacred beings who will read the prayerful intention in order to return blessings, or to provide lessons for spiritual growth.
Because the Creator is in all things, we breathe in the breath of the Creator and exhale with intention. When prayers, gifts, or words of wisdom are bestowed upon us, we cup that energy and breath in what becomes our power to use. The ritual of using breath, thought, and intent goes from us, in our center of the universe, and is carried out as in mental telepathy. In this way, we have created Sacred Space for all. It does not have to be physical.
The act of kindness toward all plants and animals, and even to so-called nonliving things, according to Western Science, is creating sacred space for those entities. But those acts of kindness are recognized by all entities. In return good
things happen. Let’s discuss plants, as an example. Many are so-called beautiful and others may not look beautiful but in fact they are all beautiful. Just think of what plants provide for our planet. Think of the food and medicines they provide. Plants know their purpose for being and accept it.
When we take a plant from its family, (yes, they have families, also) then we must accept responsibility for their care. When they are placed in a pot and taken home, they are totally dependent on us, as upon a parent, to provide love and water for its nourishment. It is not funny to laugh and say, “Oh, I don’t have a green thumb” when a plant dies under your care.
So when we bring plants into our homes, with a commitment to care for them, then not only are we creating sacred space for ourselves, but we must place those plants in their sacred space. Where is the sacred space for plants? It is that place where there is concentrated energy. These are places or areas that have strong coordinate or subordinate points of energy.
Keep in mind that our thoughts and emotions affect our plants and those points of energy. If your emotions are happy the plants will look very healthy. If you are feeling upset, depressed, or angry, our plants pick up those emotions and begin to weak, wilt, or die. This is how sacred space is affected, whatever that action may be.
Animals also know their purpose for being and accept it. The buffaloes that existed in this country once provided the basic needs of human beings. Now there are
great populations of cows, pigs, and chickens, among other animals, that are destined for restaurant menus and kitchen tables. The animals that were natural to this continent were teachers to humans. It was from them that we learned which plants were medicines, which plants to avoid, and which plants we could safely eat.
Considering they are at the losing end of the bargain, they do not blame humans. To create sacred space with animals, it is important to observe how very well they understand us and how it is possible to communicate with them, if we open ourselves up to practice. Give thanks to plants and animals for their presence and for their contributions to humanity. Take only what is needed and do not allow it to go to waste.
You may choose to visit any of the Pueblos along the Rio Grande to celebrate with those tribes when they honor the buffaloes, deer, antelopes, and cougars in our winter dances. In the Pueblo dance paraphernalia you will find symbols of life giving entities of nature. They are being celebrated as well. As you view the choreography and the faces of the dancers, you will find them in deep thought and concentration.
They are connected during that time with all Creation. They incorporate your energy in these songs and dances of prayer.
The electro-magnetic energy that is within us that goes out from us affects those things we are thinking about, whether it is negative or positive thought. Stop and enjoy the wonder and beauty of all that is nature and offer a joyful salutation.
Thoughts create reality. The reality that is in your life now is how you have created your sacred space in the center of the universe. Therefore, you have formed
your past, your present, and you will create your own future. This conference is an opportune time to plan, develop, implement and restore, individually and en masse, a healthy world community. What you do in this space happens in other places of the world that you may not even know about. Your point of power is right now, this moment, to change you and your center of the universe into spiritual wholeness.