UROP DEVELOPMENT GRANT APPLICATION For Development & Conceptualization of Creative and Performance Projects in Bachelor of Fine Arts Programs I. To be completed by student A—Part one Name: Student ID Number: Address (including street address, city, state, and zip code): Telephone Number and Email Address: Major(s): Year: Fr So Expected Graduation Date: Jr Current GPA: Sr Project Title and Faculty Sponsor Name: Check one: Research-based attendance at workshops, festivals, exhibitions or performances Interviews or consultations with experts in the field Duration of Project: From Collaborations Discipline-specific training Scouting locations Other (explain) ____________________________________ Funds Requested: To Stipend Expense Allowance Total B--Part two List the courses in which you are currently enrolled. NOTE: YOU MUST BE A FULL-TIME STUDENT TO APPLY. Department Course Number Title Credit Hours page 1 of 6 C--Part three—After consulting with your faculty sponsor, provide detailed answers to the following questions about your preparation for this project and the collaboration between you and the faculty member. What training and/or background in your field are needed to successfully develop this project? How have you fulfilled these requirements? How will your faculty sponsor’s expertise help you conceptualize or develop your project? What’s your plan for collaboration with the faculty sponsor? How often will you meet? Thinking about what type of feedback you respond to best, how will your mentor provide that to you? page 2 of 6 D--Part four UROP Budget Requisition--UROP will fund up to $500 total per project. Stipend (student pay) Please list below the phases of your project, and the number of hours to be spent on each phase. For the total budget multiple those hours by $9.00. Project phase and description of activity Hours Total Hours Total Stipend Expense Allowance If traveling, itemize your expenses, including transport to and from airport, airfare, gasoline, fees, per diem for food, etc. Name sources for estimates. Expense Item Estimated Cost Total Cost Stipend Requested: $__________Expenses Requested: $_________Total Budget Request: $__________ page 3 of 6 E--Part five Attach a narrative proposal, 5 pages maximum, outlining your request for funding. Please write the proposal in terms a non-expert can understand, using technical language only when necessary. The narrative should include: 1. Introduction: Tell us the objectives, points of curiosity from which you’re starting, hypothesis or question you’re exploring and the guiding principles of the work, including its purpose and function within your degree requirements, academic or professional training, and/or goals. Talk about collaborators and the roles they’ll play. Discuss where and when you hope the project will be exhibited, displayed, or performed upon completion. Indicate what contributions you’re making to the field. Provide complete and detailed justification for attendance at festivals, exhibitions, performances or workshops. 2. Background: Discuss what theoretical, aesthetic or creative tradition(s) influence your approach to your project, as well as how those traditions will be learned, elucidated or applied at any sites you’ve applied for funding to travel to. Include your own creative/performance history and talk about how it's prepared you for this project, as well as discussing your faculty sponsor's expertise and how that will help prepare you. 3. Methods: Provide a detailed description of how you’ll go about conceptualizing this work. This should include justification for the specific methods you’ll employ for applying experience gained offsite. 4. Time Schedule: Provide dates for the initiation and completion of each phase or step in the development of the project. Lay out a reasonable schedule, taking into consideration all phases of development as well as writing of the final report. F--Part six—Summary On a separate page (and after completing the final draft of the narrative) summarize your request for funding in 100 words. G—Part seven—Report At the end of this project you’ll provide your faculty sponsor with a) a well-developed artist statement on this project and b) a one-thousand word self reflection essay on your learning process. The second half of your grant will not be disbursed until your faculty sponsor signs off on this report. PLEASE NOTE: IF FUNDED, UROP SHOULD BE ACKNOWLEDGED IN WRITING AT ANY EXHIBITION, DISPLAY, PERFORMANCE, PUBLICATION OR OTHER PRIVATE OR PUBLIC PRESENTATION OF YOUR WORK. Page 4 of 6 II. To be completed by faculty sponsor This page is not intended to be shared with the student, but should provide guidance to the faculty member as to whether the student's project needs further conceptualization and/or development. Please evaluate the proposal in the following areas on a scale of 1 (poor) to 6 (excellent). Student name___________________________________ Faculty name___________________________________ Title of project__________________________________ Student shows a working knowledge of the assumptions, vocabulary, genres, oeuvres, or media in the field. 1 2 3 4 5 6 Student exhibits an understanding of the relevance of the project to the field and is able to situate it appropriately with other work of its kind. 1 2 3 4 5 6 Objectives, points of curiosity, hypothesis or question and guiding principles of the work are well-defined and clearly stated in the proposal. 1 2 3 4 5 6 Student shows an understanding of the creative process as it relates to this type of project. 1 2 3 4 5 6 Student’s review of previous work in the field indicate that she or he has a reasonably complete foundation for undertaking this project. 1 2 3 4 5 6 Student provides an in-depth and appropriate rationale for working offsite. 1 2 3 4 5 6 Rate the student’s overall ability compared to other undergraduate students you’ve worked with. 1 2 3 4 5 6 Describe in detail the overall merit of this project and its potential impact in the field, including whether and how the student will make an original contribution to the discipline with this project, how it fits into the student's portfolio or other larger project, etc. How might it enhance the student's artistic, creative, scholarly and/or intellectual development? page 5 of 6 III. To be completed by student and faculty once the proposal is ready for submission A—Part one Name: Department: Rank: College or School: Campus Box Number: Telephone Number and Email Address: B--Part two--Check list for completion of proposal. All areas relevant to the project must be complete for submission. Is the project’s purpose or focus clearly outlined in the proposal? Has background research been done? If travel is involved, is it appropriately justified in the proposal? Are other aspects of the budget for this project realistic? Is the time schedule realistic? Has faculty feedback on the proposal been responded to adequately? Has the student provided an adequate rationale for attendance offsite travel? Has the proposal been reviewed for correctness in punctuation, grammar, and overall usage of the English language? C--Part three—Signatures indicate that the application and written narrative have been jointly reviewed by student and faculty and approved by the faculty sponsor. __________________________________________ ___________________ Student signature Date __________________________________________ ___________________ Faculty sponsor signature Date page 6 of 6