Curriculum Vitae AJITHPRASAD. P

Curriculum Vitae
Date of Birth
: 30 November 1957.
Present Position
16 July 2009 till date: Professor, Department of Archaeology and Ancient History, The Faculty of Arts,
The M. S. University of Baroda, Vadodara, India. 390002.
Tel. (O) 091 0265 2713522; ( R) 091 0265 2792436
Previous positions
6 July 1999 to 15 July 2009:
Reader, Department of Archaeology and Ancient History, The Faculty
of Arts, The M. S. University of Baroda, Vadodara, India. 390002.
6 July 1995 to 5 July 1999 :
Lecturer (Sr. Scale). Department of Archaeology and Ancient History,
Faculty of Arts, The M. S. University of Baroda, Vadodara, 390002,
5 July 1990 to 5 July 1995 :
Lecturer (Archaeology), Department of Archaeology and Ancient
History, Faculty of Arts, The M. S. University of Baroda, Vadodara
390002, India.
Ph. D in Archaeology, The M. S. University of Baroda, India.
P .G. Diploma in Archaeology, School of Archaeology, A.S.I. Govt. of India.
M. A. Archaeology, The M. S. University of Baroda, India.
B. Sc. Chemistry, University of Calicut, Kerala.
Field of Specialization:
Prehistoric Archaeology, Quaternary Environmental Adaptations and
Harappan studies
Awards /Fellowships
1. Ford Foundation Junior Research Fellow: 1985-1988
2. Ford Foundation Senior Research Fellow: 1988- 1990
3. Post Graduate Visiting Fellow at the Institute of Archaeology, UCL, London, UK.
(1 January 2006 to 30 March 2006).
4. UGC Visiting Fellow at the Deccan College, Pune (2 – 8 March 2008)
5. Visiting Research Fellow, Indus Project, Research Institute for Humanity and Nature (RIHN),
Kyoto, Japan. (7 April 2008 to 6 July 2008)
6. Visiting Research Fellow, Indus Project, Research Institute for Humanity and Nature (RIHN),
Kyoto, Japan. (10 May 2011 to 9 August 2011)
7. Rao Bahadur K.N. Dikshit Visiting Scholar, Department of Anthropology, University of Wisconsin,
Madison, USA, 2 to 21October 2012
Visiting Faculty
1. 19 to 21 June 2014
2. 8 to 10 July 2009
3. 25 to 31 March 2009
4. 23 to 26 August 2007
5. 18 to 22 November 2000
6. 12 to 21 October 1999
Institute of Archaeology, ASI, Govt. of India. New Delhi.
Institute of Archaeology, ASI, Govt. of India. New Delhi.
Institute of Archaeology, ASI, Govt. of India. New Delhi.
Institute of Archaeology, ASI, Govt. of India. New Delhi
Institute of Archaeology, A.S.I, New Delhi, Govt. of India.
Institute of Archaeology, A.S.I, New Delhi, Govt. of India
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Resource Person
1. Refresher course in History:
21-22 July 2000
2. Refresher course in Ancient
History and Archaeology,
3. Orientation course on Recent
Advances in Archaeology
Membership of
Academic bodies:
Research Projects
A. Completed
1985 – 1990
Department of History, University of Calicut, Kerala.
Department of History, University of Calicut, Kerala.
10-11 January 2004
Institute of Archaeology, ASI, New Delhi
21 April 2011
1. Life Member, Indian Society for Prehistoric and Quaternary
2. Life member, Indian Archaeological Society
3. Member, Geological Society of India.
Prehistoric Archaeology and Palaeoenvironmental Studies in the Orsang Valley.
Ford Foundation Grant to the Department of Archaeology.
Palaeoenvironmental Investigations and Prehistoric Studies in the Sikhi Valley
Ford Foundation Grant to the Department of Archaeology.
1992 –1998
Harappan Affiliated Chalcolithic Settlements in North Gujarat.
Under the Ford Foundation Grant to the Department of Archaeology
Research team Member, Ford Foundation Grant to the Department of
Archaeology. Grant No.840 - 0506-1. From 1992-1998
2002 - 2007 (Phase-I)
Prehistoric and Harappan Studies in Gujarat
Departmental Project under UGC, SAP (Phase-I)
Core member of the Thrust Area of research.
University Grants Commission (UGC), Special Assistance Programme (SAP),
Govt. of India.
2007 – 2011 (Phase II) Prehistoric and Harappan Studies in Gujarat
Departmental Project under UGC, SAP,.
Core member of the Thrust Area of research. University Grants Commission
(UGC), Special Assistance Programme (SAP), Govt. of India.
2010 to 2011
Gujarat Harappan Sites Gazetteer Project (GHSGP)
Collaborative project between Department Archaeology and Ancient History, The
M. S. University of Baroda and the Indus Project of the Research Institute for
Humanity and Nature (RIHN), Kyoto, Japan. (MoU Signed between the two
B. On-going Research Programmes
North Gujarat Archaeological Project (NoGAP)
Collaborative project between Department of Archaeology and Ancient History,
The M. S. University of Baroda and the Department of Archaeology and Anthropology, IMF,
CSIC, Barcelona, Spain. (MoU signed between the two Institutions)
Duration: 5 years; 1 September 2007 to 31 August 2012; extended to August 2017.
Workshop Organization
Environmental Archaeology: Organized an International workshop on environmental
Archaeology and at the Department of Archaeology, The M. S. University of Baroda,
Vadodara, in collaboration with the Department of Archaeology and Anthropology, IMF,
CSIC, Barcelona, Spain form 12th to 16th September 2011.
Page 2
GIS Workshop: Organized an International Workshop on Application of GIS and
Photogrammetry in Archaeology at the Department of Archaeology, The M. S. University
of Baroda, Vadodara, in collaboration with the Research Institute for Humanity and
Nature (RIHN), Kyoto, Japan form 3 - 12th October 2008.
Salpeteur, M., H. Patel, A. L. Balbo, X. Rubio-Campillo, M. Madella, P. Ajithprasad, and
V. Reyes-García. “When Knowledge Follows Blood”
Current Anthropology, Vol. 56,
No. 3; June 2015: 471-483
García-Granero, J. J., C. Gadekar, I. Esteban, C. Lancelotti, M. Madella and P. Ajithprasad
“What’s on the craftsmen’s menu? Plant consumption at Datrana, a 5000 years old lithic
blade workshop in North Gujarat, India” Archaeological and Anthropological Sciences.
Published on line 7 Aug. 2015 doi 10.1007/s12520-015-0281-0
Amekawa, S
., K. Kubota, Y. Miyairi, A. Seki, Y. Kawakubo, S. Sakai, P. Ajithprasad,
H. Maemoku, T. Osada, Y. Yokoyama. “Fossil otoliths, from the Gulf of Kutch, Western
India, as a paleo-archive for the mid- to late-Holocene environment”
Quaternary International (2015),
Blinkhorn, J., H. Achyuthan, P. Ajithprasad “Middle Palaeolithic point technologies in
the Thar Desert, India”, Quaternary International (2015): 1-13
Ajithprasad.P. “The Cultural and Stratigraphic Context of the Harappan Black Slipped
Jar at Bagasra, Gujarat” Journal of Indian Ocean Archaeology No. 9, 2013:166 - 194
Ajithprasad. P.
“Palaeoloithic Cultural Developments and Modern Human
Dispersal in Gujarat” Puratattva No.44, 2014:16 - 28
Ajithprasad. P. “Bagasra” in History of Ancient India (Ed.) Dilip K. Chakrabarti and
Makhan Lal. Vol.II – VII.2. Sites: Vivekananda International Foundation, New Delhi,
Aryan Books International, New Delhi: 243-662
Brad Chase, Ajithprasad. P, Rajesh. S.V., Ambika Patel and Bhanu Sharma
“Materializing Harappan Identities: Unity and Diversity in the Boarder lands of the
Indus Civilization” Journal of Anthropological Archaeology 35 (2014): 63–78
Brad Chase, David Meiggs, P. Ajithprasad and Philip A Slater “Pastoral land - use
of the Indus Civilization in Gujarat: faunal analysis and biogenic isotopes at
Bagasra” Journal of Archaeological Science June 2014; available online
Balbo, A.L, B. Rondelli, C. F. Cecilia, C. Lancelotti, M. Madella and P. Ajithprasad
“Contributions of geoarchaeology and remote sensing to the study of Holocene
Hunter- gatherer and agro-pastoral groups in arid margins: The case of North Gujarat
(northwest India)” Quaternary International April 2014. Available on line
Veena Mushrif-Tripathy, P. Ajithprasad, M. Madella, J. L. Mateos, S.V. Rajesh,
B. Rondelli, J.C. Saiz, C. Lancelotti, C. Gadekar, and J.J. Garcia Granero
“Osteological Study of a Human Skeleton Excavated from Vaharvo Timbo,
District Patan, Gujarat” Man and Environment XXXIX (1): 45-51
Page 3
Charusmita Gadekar, S.V. Rajesh, Saleem Shaikh, Brad Chase, Y.S. Rawat, Ambika
Patel, G.S Abhayan, V.Vinod, Ajit Kumar and P. Ajithprasad. “Typological Analysis
of Chalcolithic Lithic Assemblage from Navinal, District Kachchh, Gujarat, Western
India” Man and Environment XXXIX (1): 92-105
Rondelli, B., C. Lancelotti, M. Madella, A. Pecci, A. Balbo, J.R. Perez, F. Inserra, C.
Gadekar, M.A.C. Ontiveros & P. Ajithprasad. Anthropic activity markers and spatial
variability: an ethnoarchaeological experiment in a domestic unit of Northern Gujarat
(India). Journal of Archaeological Science 41: 482-492
Gadekar, C.S., Rajesh SV & P. Ajithprasad. “Shikarpur Lithic Assemblage: New
questions regarding Rohri chert blade production. Journal of Lithic Studies (1): 137149. DOI 10.2218/jls.v1i1.764
Gadekar, C.S., P. Ajithprasad & M. Madella. “Crested ridge technique and lithic
assemblage from Datrana, Gujarat. Heritage: Journal of Multidisciplinary Studies in
Archaeology 1: 16-28.
Rajesh, S. V., K. Krishnan, P. Ajithprasad and Marco Madella “Pre-Prabhas
Assemblage from Gujarat, Western India’ Heritage: Journal of Multidisciplinary
Studies in Archaeology 1: 181-209.
Conesa, F.C., N. Devanthery, A. Balbo, M. Madella and P. Ajithprasad. “
Identification of Seasonally Flooded Areas in North Gujarat Using Radar Satellite
Imagery. Implications for Archaeology” Heritage: Journal of Multidisciplinary
Studies in Archaeology 1: 344-355.
Lanceloti, C., V. Caracuta, G. Fiorentino, M. Madella and P. Ajithprasad “Holocene
Monsoon Dynamics and Human Occupation in Gujarat: Stable Isotope Analysis on
Plant Remains: 288-300 Heritage: Journal of Multidisciplinary Studies in
Archaeology 1: 16-28.
Madella. M., P. Ajithprasad, A. L Balbo, J. C Saiz, F. Cecilia, J.J. Garcia-Granero, C.
Lancelotti, B. Rondelli, S. V. Rajesh, J. Ruiz, J. L. Mateos, C. S. Gadekar, R. A. Dumka,
G. C. Kothiyari,P. Mortekhai and Prabhin Sukumaran. “La campana de excavation 2011
del North Gujarat Archaeological Project (NoGAP): Methodologia interdesciplnar para el
studio de contextos socio-ecologicos en el Holoceneo” in Informes Y Trabajos,
Excavaciones en el exterior 2011 Catalogo de publicaciones de Ministerio, Ministterio De
Educacion, Cultura Y Deporte, Spain: 261-272
Ajithprasad. P. “Chalcolithic Cultural Patterns and the Early Harappan Interaction in
North Gujarat” In Toshiki Osada and Michael Witzel (Eds.) Cultural Relations
between the Indus and the Iranian Plateau during the Third Millennium BCE;
Harvard Oriental Series; Opera Minora Vol.7:11-40 ISBN 1-888-789-08-5
Ajithprasad. P and V. H. Sonawane. “The Harappa Culture in North Gujarat: Regional
Paradigm” In Occasional Paper 12: Linguistics, Archaeology and Human Past. Toshiki
Osada and Endo Hitoshi (Eds.). Indus Project, Research Institute for Humanity and Nature,
Kyoto, Japan: PP.223 -269.
Ajithprasad, P., Rajesh S.V. and Sharma, B.P. “Archaeological Explorations in the
Saurashtra coast of Junagadh District, Gujarat” In Occasional Paper 10: Linguistics,
Archaeology and Human Past. Toshiki Osada and Akinori Uesugi (Eds.). Indus Project,
Research Institute for Humanity and Nature, Kyoto, Japan: PP.27-70.
Page 4
August G Costa, P. Ajithprasad and Bhanu Sharma “Tracking Early Humans in Coastal
Western India: the Gujarat Palaeoanthropology Project” Antiquity Bulletin Project Gallery
Issue 327, Vol85, 2011
Madella M., Ajithprasad P., Lancelotti C., Rondelli B., Balbo A., French C.,Rodríguez
D., García-Granero J.J., Yannitto V., Rajesh S.V., Gadekar C.S., Briz I.. “Social and
environmental transitions in arid zones: the North Gujarat Archaeological Project
– NoGAP”. Antiquity Bulletin. Project Gallery Issue 325,Vol85, 2010
Lancelotti, C., Madella, M., Ajithprasad, P. & Petrie, C. Temperature, compression and
fragmentation: an experimental analysis to assess the impact of taphonomic processes on
charcoal preservation. Archaeological and Anthropological Sciences, 2(4):307-320
Ajithprasad. P. “Jaidak (Pithad): A Sorath Harappan site in Jamnagar District, Gujarat
and its Architectural Features”. In Linguistics, Archaeology and Human Past. Occasional
Paper 4. Toshiki Osada and Akinori Uesugi (Eds.). Indus Project, Research Institute for
Humanity and Nature, Kyoto, Japan: PP.83-99.
Ajithprasad. P. “Formation Processes of the Acheulian sites of the Orsang Valley,
Gujarat”. In Formation process and Indian Archaeology. K. Paddayya (Ed.). Deccan
College Post-Graduate and Research Institute, Pune: PP 79-91
Ajithprasad. P. “The Rock Paintings in the Sukhi Valley and their Archaeological and
Social context”. In Kerala Spectrum: Aspects of Cultural Inheritance. Charles Dias (Ed.).
The Indo Portuguese Cultural Institute, Cochin: 15-46.
Ajithprasad. P “Early Middle Palaeolithic: a Transition Phase between the Upper
Acheulian and Middle Palaeolithic cultures in the Orsang Valley, Gujarat”. Man and
Environment XXX(2):1-11
Ajithprasad. P. “Palaeolithic Cultural Sequence in the Sukhi valley, Gujarat”. In River
Valley Cultures of India K. K. Chakrabarty and G. L. Badam (Eds.) IGRMS Bhopal and
Aryan Book International New Delhi: 83-98.
Ajithprasad. P. “The Indus Civilization and its Cultural Heritage in Gujarat” In
Heritage Tourism: Exploring the Future. Varum Maira (Ed.) Monograph, Govt. of Gujarat.
K.K. Bhan, V. H. Sonawane, P. Ajithprasad and S. Pratapachandran 2005. Excavations
of an Important Harappan Trading and Craft Production Centre at Gola -Dhoro (Bagasra),
on the Gulf of Kutch, Gujarat, India. Journal of Interdisciplinary Studies in History and
Archaeology Vol.1. No.2:153-158.
Ajithprasad. P.
Holocene Adaptation of the Mesolithic and Chalcolithic
Settlements in North Gujarat. In Yasuda, Y and Vasant Shinde (Eds.) “Monsoon
and Civilizations” Roli Books Pvt. Ltd. New Delhi: 115-132.
V.H Sonawane, P. Ajithprasad, K.K. Bhan, K. Krishnan, S. Pratapachandran, Abhijit
Majumdar, Ajita K. Patel and Jaya Menon. “Excavations at Bagasra 1996-2003: A
preliminary Report”. Man and Environment XXVIII (2)-2003 2004: 21-50
Ajithprasad.P. “The Pre-Harappan Cultures of Gujarat”. In S. Settar and Ravi Korisettar
(eds.) Indian Archaeology in Retrospect Vol.II Protohistory: Archaeology of the
Harappan Civilization ICHR Manohar New Delhi: pp.129-158
Page 5
Ajithprasad. P. The Mesolithic Culture in the Orsang Valley, Gujarat. In Misra V.D and
J.N. Pal (eds.) Mesolithic India
Department of Ancient Indian History culture and
Archaeology, University of Allahabad, Allahabad: 154-189.
Ajithprasad. P Acheulian Culture of the Orsang Valley: A Regional Approach.
In Khanduri B.M. and Vinod Nautyal (Eds.) Him-Kanti: Archaeology, Art and History
(Professor K.P Nautyal Felicitation Volume) Book India Publishing Co. Delhi 1997.pp.
Sonawane, V. H and P. Ajithprasad “Harappa Culture and Gujarat”. Man and
Environment XX (1-2): 37-49.
Hegde, K. T. M, V. H. Sonawane, K. K. Bhan, P. Ajithprasad and K. Krishnan.
“Excavation at Nagwada 1987-88: A Preliminary Report”. In Adaptation and Other
Essays, (Proceedings of the Archaeological Conference 1988) Ghosh, N. C and Subrata
Chakrabarti (Eds.): 191-196.
Hegde, K.T.M., V.H. Sonawane, D. R. Shah, K. K. Bhan, P. Ajithprasad, K. Krishnan
and S. Pratapachandran. “Excavations at Nagwada-1986 and 1987: A Preliminary
Report” Man and Environment XII: 55-65
In Press
Balbo, A.L, B. Rondelli, C. F. Cecilia, C. Lancelotti, M. Madella and P. Ajithprasad
“Contributions of geoarchaeology and remote sensing to the study of Holocene Huntergathererand agro-pastoral groups in arid margins: The case of North Gujarat
(northwest India)” Quaternary International April 2014
Ajithprasad P. “Rock Art and Gujarat” in Pradhan Sadasiva (ed.) Felicitation Volume on
V.H. Sonawane
Madella M., Ajithprasad P., Balbo A., Rondelli B., Rodríguez D., Yannitto V., Garcia-Granero
J.J., Lancelotti C., French C., Gadekar C.S., Rajesh S.V. “Proyectoarqueológico norte del
Gujarat -- North Gujarat Archaeological Project – NoGAP”. Informes y Trabajos, vol 4,
Instituto del Patrimonio Cultural de España.
Andrea L. Balbo, D. Cabanes, J. J. Garcia-Granero, A. Bonet, P. Ajithprasad and X. Terradas
“A Microarchaeological approach for the study of storage structures” 2014
Environmental Archaeology: The Journal of Human Palaeoecology
Francesc C. Conesa, Marco Madella, Nikolaos Galiatsatos, Andrea Balbo, Rajesh S. V. and
Ajithprasad, P. “CORONA photographs in monsoonal semi-arid environments:
addressing archaeological surveys and historic landscape dynamics over North Gujarat,
India” In Archaeological Prospection:
Book Review:
1. Mesolithic Mahadaha: The Faunal Remains. P.P Joglekar, V.D. Misra, J.N. Pal
and M.C. Gupta. 2003. Department of Ancient History, Culture and Archaeology
University of Allahabad, Allahabad. Pages 1999 Price not mentioned.
In Puratattva (35) 2004-2005. pp.218 – 221.
2. The Afghan Connection, Pathak, P. V. Pen, District Raigad: Prajna Prakashan,
Pages 88, and Price Rs. 100/- (1999). In Man and Environment XXIII (1) 2000
Page 6
Seminar/Workshop Presentation
2015 Ajithprasad. P., M. Madella, C. Gadekar, “Early Harappan Disc Beads and Stone Knapping
Innovations” Presented at the 10th International symposium on Knappable Materials at the
Universitat de Barcelona in Barcelona, Spain: 7 to 11 September 2015
Ajithprasad. P. “Early Harappan Bead Production in Gujarat: Technology, Adaptation and
Contacts” Short term course cum Workshop on History, Science and Technology of Stone
Beads at IIT Gandhinagar, Gujarat: 10-14 August 2015
Ajithprasad. P. “Gujarat and the Harappan Expansion Towards the South East of the Indus”.
Presented at the Conference “Dialogue of Civilizations: Comparing Multiple Centres” at
Peking University, Beijing, China 5 – 10 April 2015 (National Geographic Society,
University College London, Peking University).
Ajithprasad. P. Excavating Regional Harappan Sites: Comparing Bagasra and Shikarpur
Pre-Conference Presentation 43rd South Asia Conference, University of Wisconsin,
Madison, U.S.A: 15 October 2014
Ajithprasad. P. Excavations at Vaharvo Timbo, North Gujarat and New Evidence of
Mesolithic – Chalcolithic Interaction. 43rd South Asia Conference, University of
Wisconsin, Madison, U.S.A; 16-18 October 2014
Ajithprasad. P. “The Harappan Settlement Plan and Shikarpur, Gujarat” Presented in the 22nd
Biannual conference of the European Association for South Asian Archaeology and
Art (EASAA), Stockholm 30 June to 4 July 2014
Brad Chase, David Meiggs, and P. Ajithprasad, “Pastoral Landscape of the Indus Civilization
in Gujarat as revealed by Biogenic isotopes” Presented in the 22nd biannual conference
of the European Association for South Asian Archaeology and Art (EASAA),
Stockholm 30 June to 4 July 2014
Charusmita Gadekar and P. Ajithprasad, “Lithic Assemblage variation during the Holocene,
Gujarat” Presented in the 22nd biannual conference of the European Association for
South Asian Archaeology and Art (EASAA), Stockholm 30 June to 4 July 2014
F.C. Conesa, A. Balbo, M. Madella,B. Rondelli, C. Lancelotti and P. Ajithprasad, “A Matter
of Scale: A geographical Approach to Holocene Archaeology in Semi Arid areas (North
Gujarat, India)”. Presented in the 22nd biannual conference of the European Association
for South Asian Archaeology and Art (EASAA), Stockholm 30 June to 4 July 2014
Carla Lancelotti, G. Orlando, V. Caracuta, G. Florentino, J.J. Garcia Granero, M. Madella and
P. Ajithprasad, “Rainfall Pattern Temperature, ecology and human behaviour: all you
can get from archaeological wood charcoal. Astudy fron Loteshwar, North Gujarat”
Presented in the 22nd biannual conference of the European Association for South Asian
Archaeology and Art (EASAA), Stockholm 30 June to 4 July 2014
J.J. Garcia Granero, C. Lancelotti, M. Madella and P. Ajithprasad, “What is in the Thali?
Holocene Plant Related Subsistence Strategies in North Gujarat”. Presented in the 22nd
biannual conference of the European Association for South Asian Archaeology and Art
(EASAA), Stockholm 30 June to 4 July 2014
Ajithprasad. P. “Excavations at Shikarpur, Harappan site in Kutch, Gujarat and the Harappan
Overseas Trade” Presented in the Workshop on the Shared Archaeological Heritage of
Page 7
Oman, India, Pakistan, Ministry of Heritage and Culture, Oman,and US State
Department. Muscat, Oman. 1 -10 April 2014
Ajithprasad. P. “Palaeolithic Studies in Gujarat After Bruce Foote – and the Way Ahead”
Presented in the international seminar on A hundred and fifty years of Pre-historic
Archaeological Studies in India: Homage to Robert Bruce Foote. The Asiatic Society
Kolkata; March 31-April 1, 2014
Ajithprasad. P. “Late Pleistocene Palaeolithic remains and Hominin dispersal in Gujarat,
Western India. Presented in the second Workshop of the Joint India-UK collaborative
research entitled “Out of Africa, into South Asia” at the School of Archaeology,
University of Oxford, UK from 16 to 18 April 2013
August G. Costa, Jeffrey Illingworth, P. Ajithprasad, K. Bhan, and K. Krishnan “New
perishable cord and textile traces from Shikarpur, a Harappan site in Kutch, western
India” (Poster Presentation). Annual conference of the Society for American
Archaeology at Honolulu, April 2013. Urbanism, Ecologies Adaptability and Climatic
change in the Indus Civilization
Ajithprasad. P, Kaoru Kubota, Yusuke Yokoyama, Saburo Sakai, Toshiki Osada “Otoliths
and Oxygen Isotope Studies: Reconstructing the Holocene Palaeo-temperature of
Western India” Annual conference of the Regional Science Congress, Baroda, 15 -16
Sept. 2012.
Ajithprasad. P and M. Madella.
“The Early Harappan Encounters and
Chalcolithic Developments in Gujarat” 21st biannual Conference of the European
Association for South Asia Archaeology and Art (EASAA), Paris, 2-6 July 2012
B. Chase, P. Ajithprasad, A. Patel, B. Sharma and Rajesh.S .V. “Exploring Diversity:
Material Variation at Two Harappan Settlements in Gujarat (India)” 21st biannual
Conference of the European Association for South Asia Archaeology and Art (EASAA),
Paris, 2-6 July 2012
M. Madella, P. Ajithprasad, A.L. Balbo, F.C. Conesa, C. Gadekar, J.J. Garcia Granero,
C. Lancelotti, J.L. Mateos, B. Rondelli and Rajesh S. V. “ Recent Excavations in North
Gujarat: the NoGAP Project 2009, 2010, 2011 field seasons”. 21st biannual Conference
of the European Association for South Asia Archaeology and Art (EASAA), Paris, 2-6
July 2012
A.L. Balbo, B. Rondelli, C. Lancelotti, M. Madella, F. C. Conesa, P. Ajithprasad and G.
Fiorentino. “Reconstructing Environment and Climate of North Gujarat during the
Holocene: an Integrated Approach” 21st biannual Conference of the European
Association for South Asia Archaeology and Art (EASAA), Paris, 2-6 July 2012
F. C. Conesa, A.L. Balbo, B. Rondelli, M. Madella and P. Ajithprasad. “A Remote
Sensing based approach for identifying geoarchaeological evidence in North Gujarat,
India” 21st biannual Conference of the European Association for South Asia
Archaeology and Art (EASAA), Paris, 2-6 July 2012.
C. Lancelotti, B. Rondelli, M. Madella, A. Pecci,F. Inserra,A.L.Balbo, J.R. Perez, V.
Yannitto, C. Gadekar, M. Madella, P. Ajithprasad and M. .A.Cau Ontiveros.
Ethnoarchaeology of DomesticActivities in Northern Gujarat: A Spatial approach” 21st
biannual Conference of the European Association for South Asia Archaeology and Art
(EASAA), Paris, 2-6 July 2012
Page 8
Ajithprasad.P “Harappan Settlement features at Bagasra and Shikarpur in Gujarat:
Unity and Diversity” Presented at the international Conference: Archaeology and
cultural Heritage in Pakistan and Adjacent Regions organized by American Institute
of Pakistan Studies in Islamabad, Pakistan from 5-8 January 2012.
Ajithprasad.P “Blade-Flake Component and the Spread of Anatomically
Modern Humans in the Sukhi Valley” Presented in the International Seminar
on Human Evolution and Population Migration, 7-9 December 2011The
Asiatic Society, Kolkata
Ajithprasad. P “In Search of the First Farmers of Gujarat” Presented at the Visiting
Researchers Forum at the Research Institute for Humanity and Nature, Kyoto,
Japan. 4 August 2011.
Ajithprasad. P “Excavations at Shikarpur 2010-11 Presented at the Annual
Conference of the Indus Project 2011, Research Institute for Humanity and Nature,
Kyoto, Japan. 7 August 2011.
Kaoru Kubota, Yusuke Yokoyama, Sauro Sakai, Hideaki Maemoku, Ajithprasad, Toshiki
Osada. “Mid-Holocene Climate Reconstruction Using Oxygen and Carbon Isotopic
Composition of Modern and Fossil Catfish Otolith (Aropsis spp.) in North West India”
Presented at the Annual Conference of the Indus Project 2011, Research Institute for
Humanity and Nature, Kyoto, Japan. 7 August 2011
“Excavations at Shikarpur 2008 -2010: An Update” Paper presented at the Annual Seminar
of the Indus Project, RIHN, Kyoto, Japan; 27 to 28 August 2010 .
“The Harappan Urbanism and Aspects of Economic Production at Bagasra and
Shikarpur in Gujarat”. Paper presented in the 20th Biannual Conference of the EASAA,
Vienna, 4th to 9th July 2010.
Ajithprasad. P “Late Pleistocene Hominin Records; Their Chronological and
Technological Issues in Western India” Presented in the first Workshop of the Joint IndiaUK collaborative research entitled “Out of Africa, into South Asia” at the School of
Archaeology, University of Oxford, UK from 29 to 31 October 2010.
M. Madella, P. Ajithprasad, A. Balbo, B. Rondelli, L. Carla, C. French (2010). New
Perspectives on Holocene hunter-gatherers, pastoralists and farmers of North Gujarat
(India). European Association for South Asia Archaeology and Art Conference,
Vienna, Austria, 8th July 2010.
Chase, Brad and P. Ajithprasad “Proximity and Distance: Subsistence Organization and
Social Practice at Two Small Harappan Settlements in Gujarat” Paper presented in the 20th
Biannual Conference of the European Association of the South Asian Archaeology
and Arts (EASAA), Vienna, Austria; 8th July 2010.
“The Pre-Prabhas Pottery and the Early Chalcolithic Cultural Developments in
North Gujarat” Paper presentation in the International conference on “Harappa Culture
and Gujarat” in Bhuj, Kachchh, Gujarat, 28 – 29 January 2010
The Anarta Chalcolithic Tradition of North Gujarat. Paper presentation in the
International conference on “Harappa Culture and Gujarat” in Bhuj, Kachchh, Gujarat,
28 – 29 January 2010
Page 9
“The Harappan Burials in Gujarat” Paper presentation in the 13th Harvard University
Round Table, “Ethnogenesis of the South and Central Asia” Kyoto Session, Research
Institute for Humanity and Nature (RIHN), Kyoto, Japan. 30 – 31May 2009
“The Palaeolithic Remains and the Spread of Hominine Ancestors in the Orsang and the
Sabarmati Valleys in Gujarat” Paper presented in the International Workshop on “PlioPleistocene Environment and Hominin Adaptations in India” in Bhopal;
1st to 5th Dec.2008. Stone Age Institute and Indiana University (USA) and Punjab
University (India).
“Cultural Patterns and the Early Harappan Interactions in Gujarat”. Paper presented in the
International Conference on Cultural Relations Between the Indus and the Iranian Plateau
During the Third Millennium BCE. Indus Project, Research Institute for Humanity and
Nature (RIHN), Kyoto, Japan. 7 – 8 June 2008.
“The Chronological and Cultural Context of the Harappan Cultural Remains at Jaidak in
Gujarat”. Paper presented in the 36th Annual International Conference on South Asia, at
The University of Wisconsin - Madison, USA. 12-14 October 2007.
International Indo-US Technology Conference on “Technology Transfer and Training for
the Visualization of Archaeological Sites of the Indus-Saraswati Civilization” Baroda. The
M. S. University of Baroda , Indo-US Science and Technology Forum and Global Heritage
Fund. 17 to 20 March 2007.
“The Harappan Black Slipped Jar from Bagasra, Gujarat and its Significance” Paper
presented in the International Seminar on “Magan and Indus Civilization”, Baroda. The
ASI and the M. S. University of Baroda. 4 – 5 January 2006.
“The Acheulian Culture and its Stratigraphic Context in the Middle Sabarmati Valley”.
Paper presented jointly with Sharma BP, Rajesh SV and Vinod V. in the First International
conference of the Society of South Asian Archaeology (SOSAA) in Bombay. 16 to 18
December 2006.
International Workshop on “Application of Computers in Archaeology” at HNB
University, Srinagar, Garhwal, Uttaranchal, 18 to 20 October 2002. Participation.
Holocene Adaptation of the Mesolithic and Chalcolithic Settlements in North Gujarat.
Papers presented in the 2nd ALDP International Workshop “Monsoon and Civilizations” in
Pune in January 2001.
Prehistoric Settlements in the Orsang Valley. Paper presented in the “ Workshop on
Palaeoclimatic records of Arid and Semi-Arid Regions During the Late Quaternary” at
Deccan College, Pune from 8 to 11 December 1998.
Ajithprasad, P., K. Krishnan, K.K. Bhan and S. Pratapachandran “ Excavations at
Shikarpur 2008-13: An Over View” 48th Annual conference of the IAS, BHU, Banaras,
12-14 Dec.2013
Ajithprasad,P. “The Harappan Cooking and Serving Vessels from Shikarpur and the
Importance of Harappan Cuisines” 8th National conference on Maritime Archaeology
of Indian Ocean Countries, 1-2 July 2013, NIO, Goa
Page 10
“Recent Studies on the Beginning of Farming Economies and their Environmental
Background in Gujarat” at the Orientation Course on Recent Advances in Archaeology
(18th April – 02nd May 2011), Institute of Archaeology, Archaeological Survey of India,
New Delhi. 21 April 2011
“The Prabhas Assemblage and the Recent Exploration in the Saurashtra Coast of Gujarat”.
Paper presented in the XXXI Annual Conference of the ISPQS at Raipur, Chhatisgarh. 1 to
4 December 2007.
“The Quaternary Stratigraphy of the Acheulian Artefacts in the Middle Sabarmati Basin,
Gujarat” Paper presentation. DST workshop on “Geo-archaeology and Human Response to
Landscape Evolution” Anna University, Chennai. 13 to 15 October 2006.
“Anarta: The Regional Chalcolithic Tradition of North Gujarat”. Paper presented in
the Workshop on “Harappa Culture and Gujarat”. Dept. of Archaeology, The M..S.
University of Baroda. 11 to 12 December 2004.
“Pithad – A Sorath Harappan Settlement in Jamnagar District, Gujarat” Paper
presented in the XXXI Annual Conference of the ISPQS at Sri Venketeshwara University,
Tirupati from 19 to 22 Dec. 2003
“The Origin of the Sorath Harappans in the Light of Technology Dissemination”.
Paper presented in the XXX annual conference of the ISPQS at Baroda in
November 2001.
“The Harappan Sequence at Rangpur and New Data from Bagasara”. Paper presented in
the XXVII annual conference of the ISPQS at Deccan College,
Pune in 1999.
“Palaeolithic Settlements in the Sukhi Valley, Gujarat”. Paper presented in
The National Conference on River Valley Civilization at the IGRMS in Bhopal in
September 1998.
“Excavations at Bagasra 1997-98: A Preliminary Report”. Paper presented
jointly with V.H. Sonawane, K.K. Bhan, S. Pratapachandran and Abhijt Majumdar
at the XXVI Annual conference of the ISPQS at Allahabad in November 1998.
“Palaeolithic settlements in Jogpura, Sukhi Valley, Gujarat”. Paper Presented
in the XXV annual Conference of the ISPQS at HNB University, Srinagar, Garhwal,
UP in 1997
“The Mesolithic Culture of the Orsang Valley”. National Seminar on The Mesolithic
Culture in India at Allahabad University, Allahabad in March 1996.
Datrana: A Chalcolithic Blade Industry site in North
Gujarat Paper presented jointly
with V.H. Sonawane, V.S. Parekh and P.C. Chaudhari in the XXIII Annual Conference of
the ISPQS at Gorakhpur in 1995.
“The Harappa Culture in North Gujarat: A Regional Paradigm”. Paper Presented in the
National Workshop on “The Harappa Culture in Gujarat” in 1993 at Deccan College Pune
The Acheulian Culture of the Sukhi valley: Preliminary Report. Paper presented in the XXI
Annual Conference of the ISPQS at Berielly in 1993.
Otoliths and the Mesolithic Culture in North Gujarat. Paper presented in the XXI Annual
Conference of the ISPQS at Bereilly in 1993.
Page 11
Microlithic Blade Technique: A Case Study. Paper presented in the XX Annual
Conference of the ISPQS at Dharwar in 1992.
The Acheulian Culture of the Orsang Valley: A Regional Approach. Paper presented in the
XVIII Annual Conference of the ISPQS at Kanyakumari in 1990.
Early Middle Palaeolithic: A Transition Phase between upper Acheulian and the
Middle Palaeolithic periods in the Orsang Valley, Gujarat. Paper Presented in the XVII
Annual Conference of the ISPQS at Guntur in 1989.
Invited Talks
1. Dr. A.P Khatri Memmorial Lecture “ Palaeoloithic Cultural Developments and Modern Human
dispersal in Gujarat” at the 48th Annual conference of the IAS 14 Dec. 2013, BHU, Banaras.
2. Rao Bahadur K.N. Dixit Endowment Fund memorial talk, “Excavations at Shikarpur: A Harappan
site in Gujarat, Western India”, 4 Oct. 2012, South Asia Study Centre, University of Wisconsin,
Madison, USA.
3. Dept.of Anthropology, University of Wisconsin, Madison, USA., In Search of the First Farmers of
Gujarat, Western India, 9 Oct. 2012.
4. Department of Anthropology, Albion College, Albion, USA, In Search of the First Farmers of
Gujarat, Western India, 5 Oct. 2012
5. Dept. of Anthropology, New York University, New York, USA, In Search of the First Farmers of
Gujarat, Western India, 17 October 2012
6. Dept. of Anthropology, New York University, New York, USA, Excavations at Shikarpur: A
Harappan site in Gujarat, Western India, 18 October 2012
Field Experience: Excavation
2015 January – February : Member of the Excavation team at Vejalka, A Sorath Harappan site in
taluka of Botad district, Gujarat
2014 January – February : Excavation at Shikarpur, A Classical
Harappan site in Bhachau taluka, of Kachchh district, Gujarat.
Job Assignment: Director of the Excavation.
2013 January – February : Excavation at Shikarpur, A Classical
Harappan site in Bhachau taluka, of Kachchh district, Gujarat.
Job Assignment: Director of the Excavation.
2012 January – February: Member of the Department’s Excavation team at Shikarpur, A Classical
Harappan site in Bhachau taluka, of Kachchh district, Gujarat.
Job Assignment: Excavation, classification and recording of artefact and other
excavated remains.
2011 November – December: Excavation at Vaharvo Timbo, A Mesolithic site in the Sami
taluka of Patan district in north Gujarat. Collaborative excavation with IMF, CSIC,
Barcelona, Spain.
Job Assignment: Director of excavation.
Page 12
2011 January – February: Member of the Department’s Excavation team at Shikarpur, A Classical
Harappan site in Bhachhau taluka, of Kachchh district, Gujarat.
Job Assignment: Excavation, classification and recording of artefact and other excavated
2010 November – December: Excavation at Datrana, A Mesolithic- Early Chalcolithic site in the Sami
taluka of Patan district in north Gujarat.
Collaborative excavation with IMF, CSIC, Barcelona, Spain.
Job Assignment: Director of excavation.
2010 January – March: Member of the Department’s Excavation team at Shikarpur, A Classical
Harappan site in Bhachhau taluka, of Kachchh district, Gujarat.
Job Assignment: Excavation, classification and recording of artefact and other excavated
2009 October – November: Excavation at Loteshwar, A Mesolithic- Early Chalcolithic site in the Sami
taluka of Patan district an Early Chalcolithic site in north Gujarat.
Collaborative excavation with IMF, CSIC, Barcelona, Spain.
Job Assignment: Director of excavation.
2009 January - March: Member of the Department’s Excavation team at Shikarpur, A Classical
Harappan site in Bhachhau taluka, of Kachchh district, Gujarat.
Job Assignment: Excavation, classification and recording of artefact and other excavated
2008 January - February: Member of the Department’s excavation team at Shikarpur, a Classical
Harappan site in Bhachhau taluka of Kachchh district, Gujarat.
Job Assignment: Excavation, classification and recording of artefact and other excavated
2007 January – February: Member of the Department’s excavation team at Pithad/Jaidak, a Sorath
Harappan site in Jodia Taluka of Jamnagar district, Gujarat.
Job Assignment: Excavation, classification and recording of artefact and other excavated
1996 to 2005: Member of the Department's excavation team at Bagasra, a Mature
Harappan site in Maliya Taluka, Rajkot District, Gujarat.
Job Assignment: Excavation, classification and recording of artefact and other excavated
1996 November- December: Conducted excavations at Jogpura, a primary Acheulian
site in Pavi jetpur Taluka, Baroda District, Gujarat
Job Assignment: Director of Excavation
1995 January - February: Member of the Department's excavation team at Datrana, a
Harappan affiliated Chalcolithic site, in Santalpur, Banaskantha District, ujarat.
Job Assignment: Excavation, classification and recording of artefacts and other excavated
1994 December - January: Conducted excavation at Ambakut, a Mesolithic rock-shelter,
in Pavi Jetpur, Baroda District, Gujarat.
Job Assignment: Director of excavation.
1994 January: Carried out a trial-excavation at Datrana, Banaskantha District, as a part of
Department's excavation programme.
Page 13
Job Assignment: Excavation and classification and recording of artefacts and other
excavated remains.
1994 February: Member of the excavation team at Santhli, a Chalcolithic site in
Banaskantha District, Gujarat.
Job Assignment: Excavation, classification and recording of artefacts and other excavated
1993 January - February: Member of the excavation team at Moti Pipli, a Chalcolithic
site in Banaskantha District, Gujarat.
Job Assignment: Excavation, classification and recording of artefacts and other excavated
1992 January - February: Member of the Department's excavation team at Pithad, a
Harappan site, in Jodia Taluka, Jamnagar District, Gujarat.
Job Assignment: Excavation, classification and recording of artefacts and other excavated
1991 January - February: Member of the Department's excavation team at Loteshwar, a Mesolithic
and Chalcolithic site, in Sami Taluka, Mehsana District, Gujarat.
Job Assignment: Excavation, classification and recording of artefacts and other excavated
1986 to 1990 : Member of the Department's excavation team at Nagwada, a Harappan
affiliated Chalcolithic site, in Dasada Taluka, Surendranagar District, Gujarat.
Job Assignment: Excavation, classification and recording of artefacts and other excavated
1985 February - April: Member of the Department's excavation team at Ratanpura, a
Late Harappan site, in Sami Taluka, Mehsana District, Gujarat.
Job Assignment: Excavation, classification and recording of artefacts and other excavated
1984 January - February: Member of the Department's excavation team at Nageshwar, a
Harappan site, in Jamnagar District, Gujarat.
Job Assignment: Excavation, classification and recording of artefacts and other excavation
1983 December: Participated in the joint excavation at the Ancient Zinc distillation site
at Zawar in Udaipur, Rajasthan, by the Department of Archaeology,
the M. S. University and British Museum, London in 1983.
Job Assignment: Excavation and classification of artefacts and other excavated remains.
III. Exploration
Exploration in Kachchh in order to investigate the stratigraphic context of Palaeolithic and
the Mesolithic artefact assemblages in the region in collaboration with James Blinkhorn of
the PACEA, University of Bordeaux, France
Directed the survey of Harappan and other Chalcolithic cites in North Gujarat, Kachchh
and Saurashtra for the GHSG Project in collaboration with the Indus Project of the
RIHN, Kyoto, Japan
Page 14
Conducted geomorphological survey and sedimentary sample collection across a transept
from the Aravali foothills to the Little Rann of Kachchh in North Gujarat as a part of the
Geomorphological studies in the NoGAP research Project.
Conducted a geomorphological survey and sedimentary sample collection from
north Gujarat sites in collaboration with Dr. Marco Madella, IMF, Barcelona Spain, Dr.
Charles C French and Carla Lancelotti of the University of Cambridge UK. in March 2008.
The study was a part of the North Gujarat Archaeological Project and was sponsored by
the project.
Exploration along the Saurashtra coast of Junagadh and Porbandar districts for locating
Prabhas and Harappan Chalcolithic cultures in October 2006 and located 13 new
Chalcolithic sites and 14 Historic period sites. The exploration was supported by the UGC
SAP project (Phase-I)
Exploration in the Vera and other tributary streams of the Sabarmati near Dheroi
in November 2005 and located 27 primary context Acheulian sites and a Mesolithic site as
a part of the Prehistoric and Palaeoenvironmental studies in the middle Sabarmati basin
sponsored by the UGC SAP project (Phase-I).
2004 Exploration in the Debhol stream, a tributary of the Sabarmati river in Nov. 2004
and located 21 Primary context Acheulian sites and a Mesolithic painted rock-shelter as
a part of the Prehistoric and Palaeoenvironmental studies in the middle Sabarmati basin
sponsored by the UGC SAP project.
1992 - 95.
Exploration in the Sukhi valley, a tributary of the Orsang in 1992, 1993 and 1995 resulted
in the discovery of 30 Primary Acheulian sites and a number of Mesolithic rock-shelters
with prehistoric paintings. (As a part of the research project, "Prehistoric Archaeology
and the Palaeo-environmental Studies in the Sukhi Valley" sponsored by the Ford
Foundation Grant)
1990 - 94.
Participated in the explorations carried out by the Department in 1985 and from 1990
to 1994 in the north Gujarat region, resulting into the discovery of more than 90 Harappan
affiliated Chalcolithic and a few Mesolithic sites.
Conducted Prehistoric explorations in the Orsang Valley, Gujarat, during the period
between 1985 and 1988 and discovered 32 primary Acheulian sites, 6 early Middle
Palaeolithic and 20 Mesolithic sites in the Middle Orsang Valley.
Page 15