Dr. Charusmita Surendra Gadekar
Father’s Name:
Dr. Surendra Nandkishore Gadekar
Mother’s Name:
Dr. Sanghamitra Desai Gadekar
Birth Date:
July 23, 1983.
Sampoorna Kranti Vidyalaya, Vedchhi. 394641
Gujarat, India.
Languages Known: Gujarati, Hindi & English
Educational Qualifications:
Name of the
Gujarati, English,
Samaj Nav
Rachna, Science,
Vastra Vidya I,
Vastra Vidya II
Gujarati, English,
History, Sanskrit,
Logic, Geography
Bachelor of Arts Major-Indian
History, Culture
and Archaeology
Master of Arts
Eligibility Test
Indian History,
Culture and
Name of the Institution
Year of
Gujarat Secondary
Board, Gandhinagar.
Gujarat Secondary
Board, Gandhinagar.
First class with
The Maharaja Sayajirao
University of Baroda,
Gold Medal
The Maharaja Sayajirao
University of Baroda,
University Grants
Commission, Delhi.
Doctor of
The Maharaja Sayajirao
University of Baroda,
Shri H.B. Majmudar Gold medal in Master of Arts, 2006. The Maharaja Sayajirao
University of Baroda, Vadodara.
Jawaharlal Nehru Scholarship for Doctoral Studies, 2012-2013.
Best Paper Award for the paper, ‘Micro-wear Analysis of Stone Tools: an Experimental
Study’ presented in the Session 3, Regional Science Congress, ‘Science for Shaping the
Future of India’, jointly organized by the Maharaja Sayajirao University of Baroda,
Gujarat and Indian Science Congress Association (Baroda Chapter) India, 2012.
Professor H.D. Sankalia Young Archaeologist Award, 2014.
Excavation/Exploration Experiences:
1. Excavation at Bagasra, a Mature Harappan site with the Department of Archaeology and
Ancient History, The Maharaja Sayajirao University of Baroda, January/February, 2005.
Part of field archaeology training given to master’s students.
2. Excavation at Pithad, a Late Harappan site with the Department of Archaeology and
Ancient History, The Maharaja Sayajirao University of Baroda, January/February, 2006.
Part of field archaeology training given to master’s students.
3. Excavation at Dwaraka, a Historical site with the Underwater Archaeology branch,
Archaeological Survey of India, February, 2007. Volunteer. In-charge of pottery yard,
duties included excavated pottery documentation and classification.
4. Excavation at Loteshwar, a Mesolithic-Chalcolithic site, under the North Gujarat
Archaeological Project, a collaborative initiative between the Department of Archaeology
and Ancient History, The Maharaja Sayajirao University of Baroda and Department of
Archaeology and Anthropology, Institució Milà i Fontanals, Spanish National Research
Council (CSIC), Barcelona, Spain. October/Novermber, 2009. In-charge of antiquities,
classification and documentation.
5. Excavation at Shikarpur, a Mature Harappan site with the Department of Archaeology
and Ancient History, The Maharaja Sayajirao University of Baroda, February, 2010.
Field supervisor.
6. Excavation at Datrana, an early Harappan site, under the North Gujarat Archaeological
Project, November/December, 2010. In-charge of antiquities, classification and
7. Explorations of Jamnagar and Rajkot districts. January-May, 2011. Part of collaboration
between Department of Archaeology and Ancient History, The Maharaja Sayajirao
University of Baroda and Research Institute for Humanity and Nature, Kyoto, Japan.
8. Excavation at Vaharvo timbo-Ranod, a Mesolithic-Chalcolithic site, under the North
Gujarat Archaeological Project. November/December, 2011. In-charge of antiquities,
classification and documentation.
9. Excavation at Bhamala Stupa, Taxila valley and explorations in and around Taxila valley,
Pakistan. Part of Archaeological Research and Conservation Programme 2013-14, jointly
launched by Department of Archaeology and Ancient History, The Maharaja Sayajirao
University of Baroda; Department of Archaeology, School of Cultural Heritage and
Creative Technologies, Hazara University Mansehra, Pakistan and Department of
Anthropology, University of Wisconsin, Madison, USA. January, 2013.
10. Explorations in parts of Gujarat and Rajasthan. Vegetation survey for isotope analysis of
plants. Part of the North Gujarat Archaeological Project. April, 2013
11. Explorations in Kachchh, as part of the project ‘Archaeological Excavation at Navinal in
Mundra Taluka, District Kachchh and Exploration in Kachchh District, Gujarat’ jointly
launched by University of Kerala, Kachchh University, Gujarat, Albion College, USA
and M.S. University of Baroda. December, 2013. Assistant teacher.
12. Excavation at Shikarpur, a Mature Harappan site with the Department of Archaeology
and Ancient History, The Maharaja Sayajirao University of Baroda, February, 2014.
Field supervisor.
13. Excavation at Vejalka, a regional Harappan site with the Department of Archaeology and
Ancient History, The Maharaja Sayajirao University of Baroda, February, 2016. Field
1. Gadekar, C.S., and P. Ajithprasad. 2005. A preliminary study of stone implements from
Gola Dhoro, an Indus Civilization site in Gujarat. Paper presented at the conference of
Indian Society for Prehistoric and Quaternary Studies, Bangalore, India.
2. Gadekar, C.S., and P. Ajithprasad. 2010. Lithic industry of Bagasra, Gujarat. Paper
presented at Bhuj Round Table, International Conference on Gujarat Harappans and
Chalcolithic cultures, Bhuj, Gujarat, India, 28-31 January.
3. Gadekar, C.S., and P. Ajithprasad. 2010. Lithic Blade Implements and their Role in the
Harappan Chalcolithic Cultural Development in Gujarat. Paper presented at the National
Conference on Recent Advances in Indian Archaeology, Department of Archaeology and
Ancient History, The Maharaja Sayajirao University of Baroda, Vadodara, India, 3-4
4. Gadekar, C.S., P. Ajithprasad and M. Madella. 2011. The importance of Lithics during
Chalcolithic period in Gujarat. Paper presented at the International Conference on the
Archaeology of South Asia, organized jointly by The International Association for
Women Archaeologists Working in South Asia and The Archaeology Forum, Center for
Historical Studies, JNU, Delhi, India, 22-24, August.
5. Gadekar, C.S., P. Ajithprasad and M. Madella. 2012. Datrana: A Lithic Blade Factory
Site. Paper presented at the International Seminar on Harappan Sites in Western India
(Gujarat), organized by the Department of Archaeology, Deccan Collage Post-graduate
and Research Institute, Pune, India, 22-24, March.
6. M. Madella, P. Ajithprasad, A.L. Balbo, F.C. Conesa, C. Gadekar, J.J. Garcia-Granero,
C. Lancelotti, J.L. Mateos, B. Rondelli and Rajesh SV. 2012. Recent Excavations in
North Gujarat: the NoGAP project 2009, 2010 and 2011 field seasons. International
conference of the European Association of South Asian Archaeologists, Paris, France,
July 2-6.
7. C.Lancelotti, B.Rondelli, A. Pecci, F.Inserra, A.L.Balbo, J.R.Perez, V.Yannitto, C.
Gadekar, M.Madella, P.Ajithprasad and M.A.Cau Ontiveros. 2012. Ethnoarchaeology of
Domestic Activities in Northern Gujrat: A Spatial Approach. International conference of
the European Association of South Asian Archaeologists, Paris, France, July 2-6.
8. Gadekar, C.S. 2012. Micro-wear Analysis of Stone Tools: An Experimental Study. Paper
presented at Session 3 of Regional Science Congress on ‘Science for Shaping the Future
of India’, organized jointly by The Maharaja Sayajirao University of Baroda, Vadodara
and Indian Science Congress Association (Baroda Chapter) India, 15-16 September.
9. Gadekar, C.S. and P. Ajithprasad. 2012. Importance of Geometric Tools. Paper
presented in Session A-9 “Prehistoric Archaeology” of the Joint Annual Conference of
Indian Archaeological Society, Indian Society for Prehistoric and Quaternary Studies and
Indian History and Culture Society. National Seminar on Archaeology and Cultural
Diversity, organized by the Department of Archaeology and Ancient History, The
Maharaja Sayajirao University of Baroda, Vadodara during 22-24 October.
10. Mushrif-Tripathy V., P. Ajithprasad, M. Madella, C. Lancelotti, Rajesh SV, R. Bernardo,
C. Gadekar, B.L. Andrea, J. Jose and Horge. 2012. Osteological analysis of the skeletal
finding from Vaharvo Timbo, Gujarat. Paper presented in session A-3 “Current Research
in Indian Archaeology” of the Joint Annual Conference of Indian Archaeological Society,
Indian Society for Prehistoric and Quaternary Studies and Indian History and Culture
Society. National Seminar on Archaeology and Cultural Diversity, organized by the
Department of Archaeology and Ancient History, The Maharaja Sayajirao University of
Baroda, Vadodara during 22-24 October.
11. Gadekar, C.S., Rajesh S.V. and P. Ajithprasad. 2013. Shikarpur lithic assemblage: new
questions regarding Rohri chert blade production. Poster presented in Session 3: “Stone
Tool Production and Processing Techniques” of 5th Archeoinvest Symposium ‘Stories
Written in Stone’, International Symposium on Chert and other Knappable Materials.
Organized by the “Alexandru Ioan Cuza” University of Iasi, Romania, 20-24 August.
12. Gadekar, C.S., P. Ajithprasad and M. Madella. 2013. Crested ridge technique and lithic
assemblage from Datrana, Gujarat. Paper presented at the Harappan and Regional
Chalcolithic cultures of Greater Indus Region: An International conference on Indus
Civilization. Organized by the Department of Archaeology, University of Kerala,
November 25-27.
13. Madella, M., P. Ajithprasad, A. Balbo, F.C. Conesa, C. Gadekar, J.J. García-Granero, C.
Lancelotti, J.L. Mateos, B. Rondelli, J.Ruiz-Perez and Rajesh S.V. 2013. Past socioecological Dynamics in North Gujarat: Preliminary results from the NoGAP project.
Poster presented at the Harappan and Regional Chalcolithic cultures of Greater Indus
Region: An International conference on Indus Civilization. Organized by the Department
of Archaeology, University of Kerala, November 25-27.
14. Gadekar, C.S., Rajesh SV, S. Shaikh, B. Chase, Y.S. Rawat, A. B. Patel, Abhayan G.S.,
Vinod V, Ajit Kumar, P. Ajithprasad, H. Raja and Rejninimol M.N. 2014. Diagnostic
Stone tools and lithic debitage from Harappan Settlement at Navinal (2013-14) in
Mundra Taluka, Kachchh District, Gujarat. Poster presented at 5th International Congress
of Society of South Asian Archaeology (SOSAA) held in Raipur, India. Organized by
Directorate of Culture and Archaeology, Govt of Chhattisgarh in collaboration with SoS
in Anthropology, Pandit Ravi Shankar Shukla University. February, 14-18.
15. Gadekar, C.S. and P. Ajithprasad. 2014. Lithic assemblage variation during the
Holocene Gujarat. Paper presented at the 22nd Conference of the European Association
for South Asian Archaeology and Art. Organized by the National Museums of World
Culture, Stockholm, Sweden, June 30-July 4.
16. Gadekar, C.S. 2014. Towards a New Direction in Lithic studies. Paper presented at the
International Seminar on Archaeology and Language and Joint Annual Conference of
Indian Archaeological Society, Indian Society for Prehistoric and Quaternary Studies and
Indian History and Culture Society. Organized by Department of Archaeology, Deccan
Collage Post-graduate and Research Institute, Pune, India, October 6-9.
17. Abhayan G.S., Aswathy Gopan S., Rajesh S.V., Ajit Kumar, Brad Chase, Y.S. Rawat,
Ambika Patel, Haseen Raja R., Charusmita Gadekar, P. Ajithprasad, Bhanu Prakash
Sharma, Akinori Uesugi, Prabhin Sukumaran, Renjinimol M.N., Muhammed Fasalu K.,
Ananthu V. Dev and Reni P. Joseph. 2015. Identification of Taxa of Fish Otoliths from
Navinal, Kachchh, Gujarat. Poster presented at the One day seminar on New
perspectives on Pre- and Protohistory in India organized by Deccan College and Indian
Society for Prehistoric and Quaternary Studies (ISPQS) at Pune, India, August 18.
18. Rajesh S.V., Vishnu M., Abhayan G.S., Ajit Kumar, Brad Chase, Y.S. Rawat, Ambika
Patel, Haseen Raja R., C.S. Gadekar, P. Ajithprasad, Bhanu Prakash Sharma, Akinori
Uesugi, Prabhin Sukumaran, Renjinimol M.N., Muhammad Fasalu K., Ananthu V. Dev
and Reni P. Joseph. 2015. Archaeological Explorations at Narapa in Nakhatrana Taluka
of Kachchh District, Gujarat. Poster presented at the One day seminar on New
perspectives on Pre- and Protohistory in India organized by Deccan College and Indian
Society for Prehistoric and Quaternary Studies (ISPQS) at Pune, India, August 18.
19. Gadekar, C.S. and P.Ajithprasad. 2015. A comparison of lithic assemblages belonging to
economically diverse settlements flourishing during mid-third millennium BCE Gujarat.
Paper presented at the International Symposium on Knappable Materials organized by the
Department of Geography and History, University of Barcelona, Spain, September 7-11.
20. P.Ajithprasad, Madella, M. and C. Gadekar. 2015. Early Harappan disc beads and
Stone Knapping Innovations. Paper presented at the International Symposium on
Knappable Materials organized by the Department of Geography and History, University
of Barcelona, Spain, September 7-11.
21. Gadekar, C.S., P.Ajithprasad and Rajesh S.V. 2016. Early Harappan contact in Gujarat as
evidenced through burial pottery and lithic tools. Paper presented at the International
Conference on Archaeology of Burials organized by the the Department of Archaeology,
University of Kerala, India, January 11-13.
1. Madella, M., P. Ajithprasad, C. Lancelotti, B. Rondelli, A. Balbo, C. French, D.
Rodriguez, J.J. Garcia-Granero, V. Yannitto, S.V. Rajesh, C.S. Gadekar and I. Briz.
2010. Social and environment transitions in arid zones: the North Gujarat Archaeological
Project – NoGAP. Antiquity. Vol. 084 Issue 325.
2. Gadekar, C.S., and P. Ajithprasad. Lithic industry of Bagasra, Gujarat. In J.Kharakwal,
Y.S. Rawat and T. Osada (eds.) Proceedings of the Bhuj Round Table 2010 International
Conference on Gujarat Harappans and Chalcolithic cultures. (In press)
3. Madella, M, A. Balbo, B. Rondelli, D. Rodriguez, V. Yannitto, P. Ajithprasad, C.S.
Gadekar, S. V. Rajesh, J. J. Garcia-Granero, C. Lancelotti and C. French. 2011. Proyecto
Arqueologico Norte del Gujarat. Informes y trabajos 5: Excavaciones en el exterior
2009. Ministerio De Cultura, Spain: 114-119.
4. Madella, M., P. Ajithprasad, A. Balbo, C. Lancelotti, B. Rondelli, F. Cecilia, G.
Fiorentino, SV Rajesh, C.S. Gadekar, N. Garcia, V. Yannitto, D. Rodriguez, JL Mateos,
J.Ruiz and J.J.Garcia-Granero. 2012. La campana de excavacion 2010 del proyecto
NoGAP: metodologia interdisciplinary para el studio de contectos socio-ecologicos en el
Holoceno. Informes y trabajos 7, Excavaciones en el exterior 2010. Ministerio de
Educacion, Cultura y Deporte, Spain: 110-117.
5. Madella, M., P. Ajithprasad, A. Balbo, J.C. Saiz, F. Cecilia, J.J. Garcia-Granero, C.
Lancelotti, B. Rondelli, SV Rajesh, J. Ruiz, JL Mateos, C.S. Gadekar, R.A. Dumka,
G.C. Kothyari, P. Mortekhai and P. Sukumaran. 2011. La campana de excavacion 2011
del North Gujarat Archaeological Project (NoGAP): metodologia interdisciplinar para el
estudio de contextos socio-ecologicos en el Holoceno. Informes y trabajos 09,
Excavaciones en el exterior 2011. Ministerio de Educacion, Cultura y Deporte, Spain:
6. Gadekar, C.S., P. Ajithprasad and M. Madella. 2013. Crested ridge technique and lithic
assemblage from Datrana, Gujarat. Heritage: Journal of Multidisciplinary Studies in
Archaeology 1: 16-28.
7. Rondelli, B, C. Lancelotti, M. Madella, A. Pecci, A. Balbo, J.R. Perez, F. Inserra, C.
Gadekar, M.A.C. Ontiveros and P.Ajithprasad. 2014. Anthropic activity markers and
spatial variability: an ethnoarchaeological experiment in a domestic unit of Northern
Gujarat (India). Journal of Archaeological Science 41: 482-492
8. Gadekar, C.S., Rajesh SV and P. Ajithprasad. 2014. Shikarpur Lithic Assemblage: New
questions regarding Rohri chert blade production. Journal of Lithic Studies (1): 137-149
DOI 10.2218/jls.v1i1.764
9. Gadekar, C., Rajesh S.V., Saleem Shaikh, Brad Chase, Y.S. Rawat, Ambika Patel,
Abhayan G.S., Vinod V., Ajitkumar and P. Ajithprasad. 2014. Typological analysis of
Chalcolithic lithic assemblage from Navinal, District Kachchh, Gujarat, western India.
Man and Environment XXXVIX(1): 92-105.
10. Mushrif-tripathy V., P. Ajithprasad, M. Madella, J.L. Mateos, S.V. Rajesh, B. Rondelli,
J.C. Saiz, C. Lancelloti, C. Gadekar and J.J. Garcia Granero. 2014. Osteological study of
a human skeleton excavated from Vaharvo Timbo, district Patan, Gujarat. Man and
Environment XXXVIX(1): 46-51.
11. Gadekar, C., P. Ajithprsad, M. Madella, A. Balbo, S.V. Rajesh, B. Rondelli, J.J. GarćiaGranero, D. Rodriguez and V. Yanitto. 2014. Continuation of a tradition over Five
Thousand years: Lithic Assemblage from Loteshwar, North Gujarat, Western India.
Heritage: Journal of Multidisciplinary Studies in Archaeology 2: 283-304.
12. Patel, A., Rajesh S.V., B. Chase, S. Shaikh, Y.S. Rawat, Abhayan G.S., Ajitkumar, H.
Raja, C. Gadekar, A. Uesugi, P. Ajithprasad, P. Sukumaran and M.N. Renjinimol. 2014.
Indications and implications of copper artefacts from Navinal, a Harappan site in
Kachchh, Gujarat, Western India. Heritage: Journal of Multidisciplinary Studies in
Archaeology 2: 545-592.
13. Gadekar C. 2015. Towards a New Direction in Lithic Studies. Man and Environment
XL (1): 19-26.
14. García-Granero JJ, C. Gadekar, I Estaban, C. Lancelotti, M. Madella, P. Ajithprasad.
2015. What’s on the craftmen’s menu? Plant consumption at Datrana, a 5000 years old
lithic blade workshop in North Gujarat (India). Archaeological Anthropological Science:
1-13. DOI 10.1007/s12520-015-0281-0
15. Gadekar C., Rajesh S.V., Brad Chase, Abhayan G.S., Ajit Kumar, Bhanuprakash
Sharma, Akinori Uesugi, Saleem Shaikh, Y.S. Rawat, Ambika Patel, P. Ajithprasad,
Haseen Raja R., Renjinimol M.N., Muhammed Fasalu K., Ananthu V. Dev, Reni P.
Joseph and Prabhin Sukumaran. 2015. Lithic Assemblage from Archaeological
Explorations (2014 and 2015) at Navinal in Gujarat, India. Pakistan Heritage 6: 1-22.
16. Gadekar, C., P.Ajithprasad and Rajesh S.V. 2015. A Comparison of Lithic Assemblags
belonging to Economically Diverse Settlements flourishing during third Millennium BCE
Gujarat. Heritage: Journal of Multidisciplinary Studies in Archaeology 3: 44-53.
Conference/Seminar/Workshop Participation:
1. The Joint Conference of Place Names Society of India, Epigraphical Society of India,
Indian Archaeological Society, Indian History and Culture Society and Indian Society for
Prehistoric and Quaternary Studies, organised at Central College, Bangalore, India.
December 15-18, 2005.
2. Magan and Indus Civilisation, International Seminar. Jointly organized by the
Archaeological Survey of India, Ministry of Culture, Government of India and the
Department of Archaeology and Ancient History, The Maharaja Sayajirao University of
Baroda, Vadodara. January 4-5, 2006.
3. International Seminar on Buddhist Heritage, Gujarat. Jointly organized by The Maharaja
Sayajirao University of Baroda and the Government of Gujarat, India. January 15-17,
4. The Bhuj Round Table, International Conference on Gujarat Harappans and Chalcolithic
cultures, Bhuj, Gujarat, India. Organized by Research Institute for Humanity and Nature,
Kyoto, Japan; Gujarat State Department of Archaeology, Gandhinagar and Institute of
Rajasthan Studies, JRN Rajasthan Vidyapeeth, Udaipur. January 28-31, 2010.
5. The National Conference on Recent Advances in Indian Archaeology, organized by the
Department of Archaeology and Ancient History, The Maharaja Sayajirao University of
Baroda, Vadodara, India. December 3-4, 2010.
6. The International Conference on the Archaeology of South Asia, organized jointly by
The International Association for Women Archaeologists Working in South Asia and The
Archaeology Forum, Center for Historical Studies, JNU, Delhi, India. August 22-24,
7. The National Conference on “Dimensions of Epigraphic Sources in Indian History.
XXXVII Annual Conference of Epigraphy Society of India, Mysor and XXXI Annual
Conference of Place Name Society of India, Mysore. Organized by the Department of
Archaeology and Ancient History, The Maharaja Sayajirao University of Baroda,
Vadodara, India. February 24-26, 2012.
8. The International Seminar on Harappan Sites in Western India (Gujarat), organized by
the Department of Archaeology, Deccan Collage Post-graduate and Research Institute,
Pune, India. March 22-24, 2012.
9. The Regional Science Congress on ‘Science for Shaping the Future of India’, organized
jointly by The Maharaja Sayajirao University of Baroda, Vadodara and Indian Science
Congress Association (Baroda Chapter) India. September 15-16, 2012.
10. The Joint Annual Conference of Indian Archaeological Society, Indian Society for
Prehistoric and Quaternary Studies and Indian History and Culture Society. National
Seminar on Archaeology and Cultural Diversity, organized by the Department of
Archaeology and Ancient History, The Maharaja Sayajirao University of Baroda,
Vadodara, India. October 22-24, 2012.
11. The Harappan and Regional Chalcolithic cultures of Greater Indus Region: An
International conference on Indus Civilization. Organized by the Department of
Archaeology, University of Kerala, India. November 25-27, 2013.
12. The 22nd Conference of the European Association for South Asian Archaeology and Art.
Organized by the National Museums of World Culture, Stockholm, Sweden. June 30-July
4, 2014.
13. The International Seminar on Archaeology and Language and Joint Annual Conference
of Indian Archaeological Society, Indian Society for Prehistoric and Quaternary Studies
and Indian History and Culture Society. Organized by Department of Archaeology,
Deccan Collage Post-graduate and Research Institute, Pune, India. October 6-9, 2014.
14. International Symposium on Knappable Materials organized by the Department of
Geography and History, University of Barcelona, Spain, September 7-11, 2015.
15. International Workshop on Commodity, Resource or Heirloom? Investigating the Social,
Economic and Ethical Values of Cultural Heritage. Organized by the Department of
Archaeology and Ancient History, The Maharaja Sayajirao University of Baroda,
Vadodara, India, British Council and Durham University, England, September 30, 2015.
16. International Conference on Archaeology of Burials organized by the the Department of
Archaeology, University of Kerala, India, January 11-13, 2016.
Teaching Experience:
Course paper titled “Prehistory of India” to Master Part-I students of Gujarat Vidyapith,
Ahmedabad as a guest lecturer during the academic year 2008-2009.
Course papers titled “Social and Political institutions of Ancient India” to Second Year
Bachelor’s students; “Religion and Society of Ancient India” to Third Year Bachelor’s
students of the Department of Archaeology and Ancient History and “The Elements of
Archaeology” to Master’s Part I students of the Maharaja Sayajirao University of India
as Temporary Teaching Assistant during the academic year 2014-2015.
Course papers titled “Ancient Indian History Culture and Archaeology” to First Year
Bachelor’s students; “Indian Prehistory” to Second Year Bachelor’s students; “Cities of
Ancient Civilization” to Third Year Bachelor’s students; “The Elements of
Archaeology” to Master’s Part I students; “Exploration of Human Diversity” and
“Bronze Age: Mesopotamia, Egypt and China” to Master’s Part II students of the
Maharaja Sayajirao University of India as Temporary Teaching Assistant during the
academic year 2015-2016.
Extra Curricular Activities:
Participated in a survey to assess the effects of radiation on the health of people living
near the site of nuclear bomb testing in Pokran, Rajasthan, 2000.
Participated in a survey conducted to understand the health effects of uranium mining
amongst miners and people living in vicinity of these mines in Jaduguda, Jharkhand,
Participated in a survey to assess the destruction caused by the earthquake in Kutch,
Gujarat, 2001.
Worked as an interpreter (English to Gujarati and vice-versa) for a German student
interviewing the organic farmers of Gujarat, 2007.
Participated in exhibition cum sales to promote the eco-friendly Khadi clothes made by
the earthquake affected artisans and riot affected women of Gujarat, 2002-2007.
Worked as a personal secretary of Mr. Narayan Desai, eminent Gandhian and the
Chancellor of Gujarat Vidyapith, Ahmedabad during 2009.
1. Prof. P. Ajithprasad
Department of Archaeology and Ancient History,
The Maharaja Sayajirao University of Baroda, Vadodara.
2. Dr. Prakash Sinha
Department of Ancient History, Culture and Archaeology,
University of Allahabad, Allahabad. 211002.
3. Dr. Marco Madella
ICREA - Department d’Humanitats,
Universitat Pompeu Fabra, Ramon Trias Fargas, 25-27,
08005 Barcelona, Spain.
0034 935422000