COURSE OUTLINES ACADEMIC YEAR: JUNE 2014 ONWARDS (BACHELOR OF FAMILY AND COMMUNITY SCIENCES) (With 144 credits) 1 DEPARTMENT OF EXTENSION AND COMMUNICATION FACULTY OF FAMILY AND COMMUNITY SCIENCES THE M. S. UNIVERSITY OF BARODA , VADODARA Undergraduate level (B.Sc.) 144 credit distribution Credits Semester First year 42 I & II Honors programme 84 III, IV, V, VI Elective 18 III, IV, V, VI TOTAL 144 2 DEPARTMENT OF EXTENSION AND COMMUNICATION FACULTY OF FAMILY AND COMMUNITY SCIENCES THE M. S. UNIVERSITY OF BARODA , VADODARA SEMESTERWISE DISTRIBUTION OF B.Sc. (Extension & Communication major) (Total : 90 Credits programme) (06 + 84 = 90 credits) FIRST YEAR : 06 credits (Subjects Offer by Department) Course No. Course Title Credits Theory Practical Total FIRST SEMESTER EXC Introduction to Extension and 1101 Communication 2 1 3 SECOND SEMESTER EXC Community Development Perspective 1201 and Approaches 3 - 3 3 DEPARTMENT OF EXTENSION AND COMMUNICATION FACULTY OF FAMILY AND COMMUNITY SCIENCES THE M. S. UNIVERSITY OF BARODA , VADODARA SEMESTER WISE DISTRIBUTION OF FOR UG (SY Honors programme and TY major in Extension and Communication ) (84 Credits) SEMESTER III SR. Course No. NO 1 EXC 1301 2 EXC 1302 3 EXC 1303 4 EXC 1304 5 EXC 1306 6 EXC 1305 Types of Courses Course Name CC Communication Process Socio economic trends in extension/communities Extension methods & materials PRA Technique for devt process Computer application designing Publicity Media 5 (3+2) 5(5+-) CA FG FE 3cr(1+2) 3 (2+1) 3(2+1) 3(3+-) Total Credits = 22 SEMESTER IV 1 EXC 1401 2 3 4 5 EXC 1403 EXC 1402 EXC 1405 EXC 1404 Non Formal , Adult & Life long education Software in Folk Media Project Mgt Information, Educational, & Communication materials for Development Electronic media & new technology in education 4(4+-) 4(3+1) 4(3+1) 4(2+2) 4(3+1) Total Credits =20 SEMESTER V 1 EC 301 2 EC 302 3 EC 303 4 5 6 EC 304 EC 305 EC 306 Software in Print Media Workshop in NFE Monitoring & Evaluation in development Programmes for development Genesis and Devt of NGO Management of community recreation 4(3+1) 5(-+5) 3(3+-) 3(3+-) 3(3+-) 2(1+1) Total Credits = 20 SEMESTER VI 1 EC 307 2 EC 308 3 EC 309 Workshop in Adult Edu Entrepreneurship development Research and Documentation 4 5 6 EC 310 EC 311 EC 312 Seminar Designing Action Projects Writing for Development 5(0+5) 4(-+4) 5(2+3) 3(3+-) 3(1+2) 2(1+1) Total Credits = 22 Grand Total=84 4 DEPARTMENT OF EXTENSION AND COMMUNICATION FACULTY OF FAMILY AND COMMUNITY SCIENCES THE M. S. UNIVERSITY OF BARODA , VADODARA SEMESTER WISE DISTRIBUTION OF CREDITS FOR ELECTIVE COURSES OFFERED BY EXTENSION AND COMMUNICATION DEPARTMENT (18 Credits) Offer in semester SR. NO Course No. Course Name EXC 1307 Entrepreneurship Management Extension Management Communication Strategies for Development Folk media for Development Communications Designing Action Project Writing for Development Communication EXC 1406 EXC 1407 EC 321 EC 323 EC 322 Types of Courses EG EO III 3(3+0) - IV IV 3(3+0) V 3(3+0) - V VI 3(1+2) 3(3+0) 3(3+0) Grand Total=18 5 DEPARTMENT OF EXTENSION AND COMMUNICATION FACULTY OF FAMILY AND COMMUNITY SCIENCES THE M. S. UNIVERSITY OF BARODA , VADODARA Semester: I (Core Compulsory) EXC 1101 INTRODUCTION TO EXTENSION AND COMMUNICATION Course Credits: 3 (2+1) OBJECTIVES 1. To develop understanding regarding the concept and process of communication. 2. To develop understanding regarding the concept of extension with special reference to Family and Community Sciences 3. To develop understanding regarding the types of communication aids and their functions in the teaching-learning process. 4. To develop ability in preparing graphic aids. 5. To develop understanding regarding the role of various mass media in Extension and Communication CONTENT Theory UNIT I: Communication (20%) 1 Meaning of Communication 2 Process of Communication 3 Types of Communication a. Interpersonal b. Group c. Mass Communication 4 Need and importance of Communication 5 Characteristics of Communication process 6 Role of Communication in development and social change. UNIT II: Extension 1 2 3 4 (20%) Meaning and concept of Extension Concept of Extension and Communication Principles of Communication in Extension Importance of feedback in extension communication UNIT III: Communication Media in Extension (30%) 1 Visual Media a. It's preparation and usage 2 Group Media and it's usage in Extension 3 Mass media and their uses for extension a. Electronic Media i. Radio ii. Television iii. Films 6 b. Print media i. News Paper ii Magazines c. Folk Media i. Meaning and Characteristics ii. Major Indian Folk forms iii. Importance of Folk forms Practical (30%) 1. Lettering techniques for graphic aids 2. Writing a Slogan/message so as to develop understanding about the basics of layout techniques. 3. Preparation of any two of the graphic aids (Charts/graphs/Maps/ Flashcards/poster) REFERENCE 1. Harks J.D. (1990) Mass Communication - An Introduction Survey, Wn.C. Brown Publishers, London. 2. Joseph M.K. (1996) , Modern Media and communication, Sociology and Communication Revolution, Vol.- 1, Anmol Publication Pvt. Ltd. , New Delhi. 3. Joshi U.J. (2000) , Textbook of Mass Communication, Anmol Publishers, Delhi 4. Malhan P.N. (1992) , Communication Media Yesterday, Today and Tomorrow, Ministry of Information and Broadcasting, New Delhi. 5. Mody Bella ( 1991) Designing messages for Developmental Communication, SAGE Publications, New Delhi. 6. Raydu C.S. (1993) Media and Communication Management, Bombay, Himalaya Publishing House. 7. Roy G.L. (1991) Extension Communication & Management, Naya Prakash, Calcutta. 8. Shah, Chandra and Joshi ( 1989) Fundamentals of Teaching Home Science, Sterling publishers, Delhi. 7 DEPARTMENT OF EXTENSION AND COMMUNICATION FACULTY OF FAMILY AND COMMUNITY SCIENCES THE M. S. UNIVERSITY OF BARODA , VADODARA Semester II (Core Compulsory) EXC 1201 COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT PERSPECTIVES AND APPROACHES Course Credits: 3 (3+0) OBJECTIVES : 1. To develop an understanding regarding the concept of community Development programme. 2. To develop an understanding regarding Historical perspectives of Development Approaches. 3. To develop an understanding regarding the implementation of Community Development programme. 4. To develop an understanding regarding the impact of Community Development programme. 5. To enable students to understand the existing support structures for development efforts. CONTENT Theory UNIT I: Concept of Community Development Programmes 1. Definitions of the term community development programmes. 2. Elements of community development programmes. 3. Need for community development programmes 4. Types of community development programmes. 5. Philosophy of community development programmes. 6. Principles of community development programmes 7. Approaches of community development programmes (25%) UNIT III: Historical Perspective of Development Approaches (15%) 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. The Capitalistic approach The Welfare approach The Gandhian approach The Modernisation approach The Institutional and Social justice approach UNIT III: Implementation of Community Development Programmes 1. Administration and process of urban & rural community development programmes. 2. Weaknesses of community development programmes. (20%) UNIT IV: Impact of Community Development Programmes 1. Social Impact 2. Economic Impact 3. Educational Impact (20%) 8 UNIT V: Support structures and their functions 1. Central Social Welfare Board 2. State Social Welfare Board 3. National Level voluntary agencies as CAPART, KVIC 4. Elected Panchayats (20%) Learning Experiences 1. Presentation of report from previous Five Year plans. 2. Review of any recent Urban Community Development Programmes 3. Review of any recent Rural Community Development Programmes. 4. Presentation of report on impact of Community Development Programmes. 5. Arranging Expert Lectures on different Perspectives of Development REFERENCES : 1. Baidyanath, Misra : Poverty, Unemployment and Rural Development, Himalaya Publishing House, Bombay 1991 2. Choubey, B.K. Handbook of Education Extension, Jyoti prakashan, Allahabad, 1990. 3. Chitambar, J.B. Introductory Rural Sociology. Wirly Eastern Ltd., New Delhi, 1992. 4. Desai Vasant : Rural Development (Vol. 1 to 6) Programmes and Strategies, Himalaya Publishing House, Bombay, 1988 5. Duarate, Barreto : India's search for Development and Social Justice. Analysis of Indian Society and Indian Situation Centre for Social Action, Bangalore, India. 1984 5. Dhama O.P. & Bhatnagar. Education and Communication for Development. Oxford and IBH Pub. Co. Delhi, 1999. 6. Dhama O.P. Extension & Rural Welfare. Ramprasad and Sons, Agra 1995. 7. Dube, S.C. Indian villages Routrdge Kegan Paul Ltd., 1985 8. Patnayak Rama : Rural Development in India, Anmol Publications, New Delhi 1990 9. Reddy A. Extension Education, Sri Lakshmi Press, Bapatla , 1987 10. Rogers Alan : Adults Learning for Development, Cassette Published in association with Education for Development, London, 1992. 11. Supe, S.V. Introduction to Extension Education. Oxford and IBH pub. Co. New Delhi 1982. 12. Vaghmare, S.K. Teaching Extension Education, Vallabh vidyanagar, Anand, Gujarat, 1980. 9 DEPARTMENT OF EXTENSION AND COMMUNICATION FACULTY OF FAMILY AND COMMUNITY SCIENCES THE M. S. UNIVERSITY OF BARODA , VADODARA Semester III (Core Compulsory) EXC 1301 : COMMUNICATION PROCESS Course Credits: 5 (3+2) OBJECTIVES 1. To comprehend the process of communication 2. To develop understanding regarding the importance of effective communication 3. To develop understanding regarding the elements of communication 4. To develop an understanding about the concept of group communication 5. To develop ability in selection, preparation, evaluation and use of group communication method CONTENT Theory UNIT I: 1 Basic functions of Communication 2 Models of Communication 3 Extension Communication system 4 Need for effective communication in extension programme (10%) UNIT II: Elements of Communication (40%) 1.Communicator - meaning & functions a. Characteristics of a communicator - knowledge, interests, preparation, skills required. b. Problems related to communicator 2. Message a. Characteristics of a good message b. Factors affecting selection of message c. Effect of poor communicator on message d. Problems related to the transmission of message. 3. Channel - meaning & role a. Characteristics of channels b. Classification of channels - characteristics, advantages, limitations. i. Individual ii. Group iii. Mass c. Problems related to channels 4 Treatment - meaning & function a. Need for treatment b. Organization of message 10 5 Receiver - meaning & role a. Characteristics of receiver b. Factors affecting receiver’s response c. Problems related to the receiver 6 Feedback in communication a. Role of feedback in extension programme b. Characteristics & methods c. Problems in getting feedback 7. Communication as a tool for public relations UNIT III : Group Communication 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. (10%) Meaning of group communication Function of group communication Essentials of good communication with special reference to group communication. Merits, demerits and problems in group communication. Types of group communication media (meaning and importance in learning process) Characteristics of group media Need for group communication in Family & Community Sciences and Extension UNIT IV: Materials for Group Communication (10%) 1 Meaning, preparation, educational values, limitations, organisation, evaluation, storage and problems in use of the following Displays : a. Chalk board b. Bulletin board c. Flannel board d. Magnetic board e. Showcase- Table top and wall f. Exhibition 2. Selection, preparation, organization, evaluation, storage, educational values, limitations & problems in use of the following Three-Dimensional Aids : a. Objects and specimen b. Models c. Mockups and Diorama d. Mobiles 3. Various methods for Group Communication UNIT V: Trends in Communication Approaches in Development Programmes (5%) 11 Practical (25%) 1. Preparation, arrangement and evaluation of : - Bulletin board - Flannel board 2. Preparation, arrangement and evaluation of any one Three-Dimensional Aids. 3. Preparation, arrangement and evaluation of Showcase / Exhibition 4. Viewing filmstrips on chalk board, bulletin boards. 5. Planning a group communication strategy for extension work. Please note that all practicals are to be done on topics relating to Family & Community Sciences in Extension . REFERENCES : 1. Barrett and Newbold ( 1996) : Approaches to media - A reader, Amold, New York 2. Dominig J. ( 1990) : The dynamics of mass communication, Mcgraw Hill Pub. Co., New Delhi. 3. Joseph M.K. ( 1996) : Modern Media and Communication, Sociology and Communication Rewolietion Vol. 1, Anmol Pub. Pvt. Ltd., New Delhi. 4. Leagons, J.P.( 1991) : The Communication process in Rural development. Mimeographed report, Cornell Uni., Ithaca, New York. 5. Malhan P.N. ( 1992) : Communication Media : Yesterday, Today and Tomorrow, Ministry of Information and Broadcasting, New Delhi. 6. Mohanty J. ( 1992) : Educational Technology, Deep and deep Pub., New Delhi. 7. Sandhu A. S. ( 1993) : textbook on agricultural communication, Process and Methods, Oxford and IBH Pub. Co. Pvt. Ltd., Culcutta. 8. Roy G. L. ( 1991) : Extension Communication and Management,Naya Prakash, Culcutta. 9. Amold ( 1995) Between Ourselves - An introduction to interpersonal communication, London. 10. Brown, J., Richards L. and Fred H. : (1985) AV Instructional Technology, Media and Methods Singapore , McGraw Hill Book Company 11. Hartley D. (1993) Interpersonal Communications, London. 12. Rayudu c.S. ( 1991) : Media and Communication, Naya Prakash, Culcutta. 13. Roy G.L. (1991) : Extension Communication and Management, Naya Prakash, Culcutta. 14. Shah A., Chandra A. and Joshi U. ( 1989) : Fundamentals of Teaching Home Science , Sterling Pub., Delhi. 15. Watts, E. ( 1993) : The Blackboard Book., Sangam books (India) Ltd. , Hyderabad 12 DEPARTMENT OF EXTENSION AND COMMUNICATION FACULTY OF FAMILY AND COMMUNITY SCIENCES THE M. S. UNIVERSITY OF BARODA , VADODARA Semester III (Core Compulsory) EXC 1302: SOCIO ECONOMIC TRENDS IN EXTENSION/COMMUNITIES Course Credits: 5 (5+0) OBJECTIVES: 1. To understand the concepts, approaches of Extension and Extension programme planning 2. To understand the concept of Socio Economic Analysis 3. To understand the social problems of Society 4. To understand the political system, Religion and culture CONTENT Theory UNIT I: Conceptual Analysis 1. a. b. c. d. (30%) Extension Meaning Philosophy Objectives Principles 2. Extension Education a. Meaning b. Need c. Importance 3. Approaches in Extension work a. Extension approach b. Training approach c. Co-operative, self help approach d. Integrated development approach 4 Extension Programme Planning a. Programme planning process b. Identify problems and decide objectives c. Develop plan of work d. Execute plan e. Evaluation of progress 13 UNIT II: Socio Economic Analysis 1. Meaning of Socio Economic Analysis 2. Need for Socio Economic Analysis 3. Ways/ Methods of Social Economic Analysis 4. Approaches for Social Economic Analysis 5. Contribution to the development of Society 6. Analysis of Family a. Family and types of family b. Marriages and types of marriages c. Roles and responsibilities of family 7. Analysis of social relation of Economic life a. Employment b. Types of employment c. Credit and types of credit d. Sources of credit e. Avenues of Economic generation f. Present and past analysis of economic life g. Measures adopted for solving economic life UNIT III: Social Problems of Society 1. Poverty 2. Inequality 3. Unemployment 4. Reservation 5. Social inequality 6. Corruption UNIT IV: Political system, Religion and culture 1 Traditional political system i.e. Panchayati Raj System 2 Electrol process 3 Religion and types of religion 4 Values of social justice, equality, liberty and solidarity (40%) (15%) (15%) Learning Experiences: 1. Visiting local organizations related in extension work like Deepak Foundation, Shroff Foundation, BCC, etc. 2. Visiting DRDA and TDO office for information regarding extension projects REFERENCES: 1. Dubey V.K., Extension Education and Communication, (2008) New Age Publication Pvt Ltd Publisher, New Delhi. 2. Dahama O.P. and Bhatnagar O.P., Educational and Communication for Development (1985), Oxford & IBH Publlishing Co. Pvt Ltd, New Delhi. 3. Supe, An Introduction to Extension Education (1983), oxford IBH publications 14 DEPARTMENT OF EXTENSION AND COMMUNICATION FACULTY OF FAMILY AND COMMUNITY SCIENCES THE M. S. UNIVERSITY OF BARODA , VADODARA Semester III (Core Compulsory) EXC 1303: EXTENSION METHODS AND MATERIALS Course Number: Course Credits: 3 (1+2) OBJECTIVE: 1. To understand the concept of Extension Methods 2. To understand the classification of teaching methods 3. To develop the understanding on development of extension materials CONTENT Theory UNIT I Concept of Extension Methods (10%) 1. Extension teaching learning process 2. Need for using methods and material for extension teaching 3. Factors affecting selection and use of extension methods and material 4. Methods of Extension teaching 5. Steps of Extension Teaching UNIT II Classification of Teaching Methods (15%) 1 Individual contact methods(Meaning, Selection, Usage, Advantages, Disadvantages, Limitations) a. farm and home visits b. office calls c. telephone calls d. personal calls e. computers 2 Group Contact Methods (Meaning, Selection Usage, Advantages, Disadvantages, Limitations) a. Method Demonstration b. Result Demonstration c. Group Meetings d. Training Courses e. Tours 3 Mass Contact Methods(Meaning, Selection, Usage, Advantages, Disadvantages, Limitations) a. All printed materials b. Folk media c. Exhibition 15 UNIT III: Extension Materials (Meaning, Selection, Usage, Advantages, Disadvantages, Limitations) (15%) 1. Chart 2. Poster 3. Flash cards 4. Flip book 5. Display boards 6. Models 7. Diorama 8. Objects 9. Specimens 10. Education Game Practical: (65%) 1. Developing innovative methods and material for extension projects 2. Usage of methods and materials in selected community 3. Computerized Educational Kit 4. Developing a innovative game REFERENCES: 1. Dubey V.K., Extension Education and Communication, (2008) New Age Publication Pvt Ltd Publisher, New Delhi. 2. Dahama O.P. and Bhatnagar O.P., Educational and Communication for Development (1985), Oxford & IBH Publlishing Co. Pvt Ltd, New Delhi. 3. Supe, An Introduction to Extension Education (1983), oxford IBH publications 4. Dubey V.K., Extension Education and Communication, (2008) New Age Publication Pvt Ltd Publisher, New Delhi. 16 DEPARTMENT OF EXTENSION AND COMMUNICATION FACULTY OF FAMILY AND COMMUNITY SCIENCES THE M. S. UNIVERSITY OF BARODA , VADODARA Semester III (Foundation generic) EXC 1304 : PRA TECHNIQUES FOR DEVELOPMENT PROCESS Course Credits: 3 (2+1) OBJECTIVES 1. To help students understand the meaning and concept of PRA for appraisal and evaluation of Development programmes. 2. To train students for using PRA techniques for governmental/ non governmental programmes/ projects of development 3. To get oriented to the various PRA techniques used by various development agencies. CONTENT Theory UNIT I PRA Techniques: Concept 1. 2. 3. Meaning and concept of PRA Techniques Definition of PRA Techniques Need and Significance of PRA Techniques UNIT II 1 2 3 4 5 (10%) PRA Techniques: (20%) Objectives of PRA Principles of PRA Components of PRA Advantages of PRA Limitation of PRA UNIT III PRA Methods 1. Body Mapping 2. Community Mapping 3. Seasonal Calendar 4. Wealth Ranking 5. Transects Walk 6. Interviews 7. Focus Group Discussions 8. Public Forum 9. Visualized Analysis 10. Trend lives 11. Life Web 12. Urban Diagrams 13. Daily Chart Activities (70%) 17 Practical: (10%) Using & Excercises in developing 1. Body mapping 2. Community mapping 3. Calenders 4. Focus group discussion 5. Interview Learning Experiences 1. Referring books/journals and development reports related to PRA Techniques. 2. Visiting websites related to various underdeveloped and developing Nation to review their development projects. 3. Visiting various local level NGO’s and GO’s for understanding their usage of PRA Techniques and reporting in the class. References 1. Alston, Margaret and Bowles Wenely (2003) Research for Social workers: An Introduction to Methods, 2nd edition, New Delhi, Rawat Publication 2. Agrawal C., Joshi S.P. and Sinha A: Communication Research and Development, The ISRO Experience Nawray Rai concept Pub. Co , New Delhi 3. Best J. (1959): Research in education. Englewood, Cliffs. New Jercy Prentice Hall Inc. 4. Brow F. (1988): Statistic for Behavioral Sciences, Bostan, Allyn and Barm Inc. 5. Costello M.J.Patric (2005): Action Research, Brijbasi Art Press, New Delhi 6. Good C.N. (1963) Introduction to Educational Research, New York, Applatan Centry Gofes 7. Joshi Uma (2009) Research Methodology for community development, Author’s press, New Delhi 18 DEPARTMENT OF EXTENSION AND COMMUNICATION FACULTY OF FAMILY AND COMMUNITY SCIENCES THE M. S. UNIVERSITY OF BARODA , VADODARA Semester III (Foundation Elective) EXC 1306 : COMPUTER APPLICATION DESIGNING Course Credits: 3 (2+1) OBJECTIVES 1. T o create the awareness regarding the use of computer application in designing. 2. To develop understanding regarding the various software for computer application designing. 3. To develop skills in using computer for making different designing. CONTENT Theory UNIT I: Computer Application Designing (10%) 1 Concept of Computer and Designing 2 Need of computer Application Designing in Extension and Communication 3 Scope of Computer Application Designing for Extension and Communication 4 Use of Computer Application Designing for Extension and Communication UNIT II: Computer Software for Designing Use of the following software for making IEC material and Teaching Aids 1 Word Processor 2 Presentation Software 3 Corel Draw 4 Paint 5 Photoshop 6 PageMaker (50%) UNIT III: Issues in Use of Computer Designing (10%) 1 Issues and Challenges in use of Computer for Designing in Extension and Communication Learning Experiences 1. Preparing various IEC material with the use of different software 2. Arranging expert talk on computer designing 3. Viewing different computer designs. 19 Practicals (30%) 1. Preparing charts/poster/flash cards etc with the help of computer 2. Preparing designed brochures, leaflets with the help of various software. 3. Preparing presentation with the help of presentation software on development programmes. REFERENCES 1.Kihrwadkar A, Pushpanadan, (2006), Information and Communication Technology in Education, Sarup and Sons, Delhi 2. Sampath K (1998), Introduction to Educational Technology, Sterling Publishers Pvt. Ltd 3.Sagar Krshna (2007), ICTs and Teacher Training, Authors Press, Delhi 4.Valerie Q (1998), Internet in a nutshell, Shroff Publishers and Distributors Pvt. Ltd, Delhi 20 DEPARTMENT OF EXTENSION AND COMMUNICATION FACULTY OF FAMILY AND COMMUNITY SCIENCES THE M. S. UNIVERSITY OF BARODA , VADODARA Semester III (Foundation Generic) EXC 1305 : PUBLICITY MEDIA Course Credits: 3 (3+0) OBJECTIVE : 1. To Orient and familiarize students to various mass media that are used for publicity 2. To develop understanding amongst the students regarding the mass media for publicity UNIT I: Mass Media 1. Meaning – Definition 2. Purposes, Types and use 3. Scope and relevance for publicity (15%) UNITII: Individual/Group Contacts (15%) 1 2 3 4 5 SMS/Mobile E-mail Telephone Faxing Mailing by post/mail UNIT III: Local Media (40%) 1 Print a. Local News paper b. Newsletters of Industries and Corporate sectors c. Magazines of Local Agencies d. Media Directories e. Business or social advertisement letters 2 Electronic a. Local T.V. b. Local Radio Broadcasts c. Mass Communication / Publicity Blogs d. Blogs (Web logs) e. Message Boards f. Podcasts g. Video and Audio sharing 3.Folk Media a. Street Plays b .Puppet Plays c. Bhawai d Tamasha e. Nautanki 21 UNIT IV: Social Marketing and Public Relations 1 2 3 4 5 (20%) Public relations firm Advertising and social marketing Propaganda Establishing media contacts Networking UNIT V: Outdoor Media (10 %) 1 Billboards 2 Transits 3 Hoardings Learning Experiences: Designing and developing - Advertisements and Messages for social marketing for E-mails SMS Local News paper Local T.V. Billboards and Hoardings Blogs or Web-pages Students can select any three depending on their interest in Print , Electronic or Folk Media Students can be given an exercise of listing and bringing photographs or advertisements of social advertisements for mass publicity. Students can identify and bring to class – _ SMS’S _ News letters _ Magazines having social and relevance usages for communication & media. REFERENCES: 1. Chauhan S. S. (2000) : Innovations in Teaching Learning Process, Vikas Pub. House PVt. Ltd., New Delhi. 2. D’souza Y.K (1999) : Electronic Media and the Internet, Dominant Pub. And Distributors, Delhi. 3. Jain, R. (1993) : Mass Media and Rural Development, Vol. II, New Delhi, Manak Pub. Pvt. Ltd. 4. Karunkaran K. and Hando J. (1988): Folklore in India, Coimbatore Bharathiar University, Coimbatore. 5. Mankekar D.R. (1979) : Media and Third world, Indian Institute of Mass Communication, New Delhi. 22 DEPARTMENT OF EXTENSION AND COMMUNICATION FACULTY OF FAMILY AND COMMUNITY SCIENCES THE M. S. UNIVERSITY OF BARODA , VADODARA Semester IV (Core Compulsory) EXC 1401 : NON FORMAL, ADULT AND LIFE LONG EDUCATION Course Credits: 4 (4+0) OBJECTIVES 1. To help students understand the meaning, concept and components of Life Long Learning. 2. To develop their understanding regarding objectives, need and various principles of Life Long Learning. 3. To train students for monitoring and evaluating various Life Long Learning Programmes. CONTENT UNIT I: Non Formal Education (20%) 1 Meaning & Purpose 2 Difference between formal & Non-Formal Education 3 Significance of Non-Formal Education in India 4 New education policy & NFE 5 Techniques of community study 6 Subject matter for Non-Formal Education 7 Physical aspects - place, seating arrangement, lighting, ventilation 8 Publicity of Non-Formal Programme. 9 Implementing the publicity plan UNIT II: Adult Education 1. Meaning & Concept of Adult Education 2. Content & scope of Adult Education 3. Adult Education programme in India 4. Importance of Adult Education 5. Need for Adult Education in Extension 6. Understanding the Adult Learners 7. Difference between Adult & Child learning 8. Developmental tasks of Adults 9. Characteristics of Adult learning 10.Positive & negative factors associated with Adult learning. 11.Methods of motivating Adults to learn UNIT III : Life Long Education 1. Definition of Life Long Education 2. Meaning and Concept of Life Long Education 3. Status of Life Long Education 4. Components of Life Long Education 5. Objectives of Life Long Education (20%) (20%) 23 6. Need/Importance and significance of Life Long Education 7. Various forms of Life Long Education 8. Principles of Life Long Education UNIT IV: Methods and Material for Non Formal/Adult/ Life Long Education (20%) 1 Methods 2 Materials 3 Monitoring 4.Evaluation 5 Programmes of Non Formal/Adult/ Life Long and Continuing Education UNIT V: Agencies (20%) 1 Local 2 State 3 National LEARNING EXPERIENCES 1. Visits to different NGO's involved in Non Formal/Adult/Life Long Education 2. Inviting experts from Government/Universities/ NGO's to share their experience of Non Formal/Adult/Life Long Education. 3. Reporting of Literacy news, events from periodicals and news papers. REFERENCES 1. Mishra. L., Adult Education, A study of the trials, APH Publishing Corporation, New Delhi. 2. Chandra A., Shah A. 1987, Non Formal Education for All, Sterling Publishers, New Delhi. 3. Singh M., 2007, New Companion to Adult Educators, International Institute of Adult and Life Long Education, New Delhi. 4. Singh N. K, 2010, Adult Education, Saurabh Publishing House, New Delhi. 5. Khajuria D. P., New Trends in Indian Education, Narendra Publishing House, Jalandhar. 24 DEPARTMENT OF EXTENSION AND COMMUNICATION FACULTY OF FAMILY AND COMMUNITY SCIENCES THE M. S. UNIVERSITY OF BARODA , VADODARA Semester IV (Core Allied) EXC 1403 : SOFTWARE IN FOLK MEDIA Course Credits: 4 (3+1) OBJECTIVES : 1. To develop awareness regarding historical developments in folk media. 2. To develop understanding regarding folk media and its role in developmental communication. 3. To develop understanding regarding traditional as well as contemporary folk forms of Communication. 4. To develop skill in selecting and using folk media for developmental communication. CONTENT : Theory UNIT I : Historical Perspective (15 %) 1 Genesis and growth of folk media in India. 2 Folk media as means of transmitting the culture of a society . 3 Current trends in the use of folk media in development. UNIT II : Folk Media In Developmental Communication (10 %) 1 Significance of folk media in developmental context. 2 Contribution of folk music, folk dances and folk dramas for developmental society. UNIT - III : Various types of Folk Media (30 %) 1 Forms of folk media a. Music b. Dance c. Theater 2 Folk Music - The concept of folk music, the cultural, physical intellectual, emotional, moral and spiritual value of music. 3 Folk Dance - Various forms of folk dances and their educational value. 4 Folk theater a. Street theater - meaning, preparation, its performance, its educational value, evaluation of street plays b.Puppets - types, stages, accessories, storage , performance, educational values 5. Popular Indian Folk theater Bhavai - Gujarat Lavani - Maharastra Nautanki – North India 25 UNIT IV : Messages For Folk Media ( 20 %) 1 Developing messages for folk media - Their nature - Steps in developing messages - Limitations of developing messages 2 Integrating of the exiting messages of the community with the developmental messages 3 Media blending - concept and it's importance are in the use of folk media. Practicals : (25 %) 1. Identify few folk forms of different religions of India with its content, context and origin with the specific cultural background. 2. Select any contemporary issues and write of script based on a selected folk format and enact it. 3. Record same folk forms - Nautanki - Bhavai - Lavani etc. REFERENCE : 1. Jain, R. ( 1993) : Mass Media and Rural Development, Vol. II, New Delhi, Manak Pub. Pvt. Ltd. 2. Karunkaran K. and Hando J. ( 1988) : Folklore in India, Coimbatore Bharathiar University, Coimbatore. 3. Kaur Betal ( 1993) ; Potentiality of communicating home improvement messages through traditional meia, M.Sc. dissertation, Hariyana Agricultural University, Hissar. 4. Mishra M.K. ( 1990) : Role of Traditional Media Today. Folklore March 5. Mody Bella ( 1991) : Designing Messages for Developmental Communication, New Delhi, Sage Pub. 6. Roy G.L. ( 1991) : Extension Communication Management , Calcutta, Naya prakash 7. Shah A. & Joshi U. ( 1992) : Puppetry & Folk drama for Non-formal education . Sterling Publishing Pvt. Ltd. New Delhi. 8. Thakur B.S. and Agarwal C. ( 1989) : Media Utilization for the development of women and children, New Delhi, Concept Pub. Company. 26 DEPARTMENT OF EXTENSION AND COMMUNICATION FACULTY OF FAMILY AND COMMUNITY SCIENCES THE M. S. UNIVERSITY OF BARODA , VADODARA Semester IV (Core compulsory) EXC 1402 : PROJECT MANAGEMENT Course Credits: 4 (3+1) OBJECTIVES 1. 2. 3. 4. To understand the concept of project management To understand the concept of service organisation To develop understanding regarding system of project management To develop understanding regarding role finance management in project planning 5. To develop ability in planning project for service organisation UNIT I : Concept of project management 1. Meaning of Project 2. Importance of Project 3. Guidelines to be considered for selection of project 4. Elements of project life cycle 5. Meaning of Project management 6. Importance of project management 7. Scope of project management (30%) UNIT II : Project cycle 1 Planning 2 Implementation 3 Evaluation (20%) UNIT III: Budgeting and Financial Management (10%) 1 Preparing the budget, -types of budgets, estimating costs, identification of donors, preparing the budget, fund raising 2 Performance to budget- book keeping, revising project schedule and budget, automating budgeting 3 Use of computers and spreadsheets UNIT IV : Problems and Issues in Project Management 1. Human-Personnel selection, controlling staff, 2. Non Human- Machine or equipments (10%) Practical 1. Identification of project through survey 2. Developing a project proposal for CSR activity, recent social issues, etc 3. Writing and presentation of report (30%) REFERENCES: 1. Ramakrishna. K., Essentials of Project Management, (2010) Published by PHI Learning Private Limited, New Delhi 2. Gupta B.L., Village Development Project Management (2009), Published by Mahamaya Publishing House, New Delhi 27 DEPARTMENT OF EXTENSION AND COMMUNICATION FACULTY OF FAMILY AND COMMUNITY SCIENCES THE M. S. UNIVERSITY OF BARODA , VADODARA Semester : IV (Foundation Elective) EXC 1405 : INFORMATION, EDUCATIONAL AND COMMUNICATION MATERIALS FOR DEVELOPMENT Course Credits: 4 (2+2) OBJECTIVES: 1. To develop the understanding regarding the concept and meaning of IEC material. 2. To develop the understanding regarding the significance of IEC material for development. 3. To develop the understanding regarding the selection and usage of various IEC material for development. 4. To develop ability in designing IEC material for development. UNIT I: Concept of IEC Material 1. Meaning of IEC Material 2.Importance and scope of IEC material for development. 3. Different types of IEC materials for development. 4. Role of IEC material for development. (10%) UNIT II Guidelines for Development of IEC Materials (20%) 1 Selection of IEC material a. Strength and Limitations of Various IEC materials b. Criteria for selecting IEC material c. IEC materials for combining for grater impact 2 Developing a creative brief a. Importance of creative brief. b. Elements of creative brief 3 Preparing prototype IEC material a. Guidelines for developing new IEC material b. Qualities of effective IEC material 4 Pretesting the prototype of IEC material 5 Assessing the pretested results and revising IEC materials 6 Monitoring the use and impact of IEC materials. UNIT III: Various Types of IEC Materials for Development (20%) 1. Graphics and audio visual charts, posters, flashcards, flexes, flip books, pamphlets, leaflets, brochures, booklets, modules, manuals 28 2. Mass Media IEC materials for radio, television, newspapers and magazines Radio scripts writing T.V. programme scripts writing News paper, magazine article writing Practices: (50%) 1. Content analysis of various IEC material for development messages. 2. Designing layouts for various IEC materials 3. Writing scripts on selected developmental issues for radio, and T.V programmes. Learning Experience: 1. Viewing and recording various types of television and radio programmes 2. Preparation of various graphic (IEC) materials 3. Identifying various IEC materials used by NGO’s and GO’s for development work. REFERENCES: 1. Enderson (1972): Introduction to communication theories and practices, Cummings publishing house, California 2. Bernice Hurst (1996) : The handbook of communication skills, Kogan Page Limited, London. 3. Chandra A, Shah A, Joshi U (1989) : Fundamentals of teaching home science, Sterling publishers, New Delhi 4. Wittich and Schuller (1967) : Audio visual materials, Havper & Row publications, London 5. Keval Kumar (2010) : Mass communication in India, Jaico publishing house, Ahmedabad 29 DEPARTMENT OF EXTENSION AND COMMUNICATION FACULTY OF FAMILY AND COMMUNITY SCIENCES THE M. S. UNIVERSITY OF BARODA , VADODARA Semester IV (Core Allied) EXC 1404 : ELECTRONIC MEDIA AND NEW TECHNOLOGY IN EDUCATION Course Credits: 4 (3+1) OBJECTIVES : 1. To develop understanding regarding the meaning and significance of electronic media. 2. To develop understanding regarding the contribution of electronic media for developmental purposes 3. To develop ability in writing script for electronic media. 4. To create awareness about the use of information and Communication technologies (ICT) in Education 5. To develop understanding regarding various new technologies and their use in education. CONTENT : Theory : UNIT I : Significance of Electronic Media (10 %) 1 Electronic Media - Meaning/Defining, Scope and Importance, Various Types of Electronic Media. UNIT II : Radio (10 %) 1 Growth in India 2 Contributions of Radio in the development ( Project on Radio education for Adult Literacy) 3 Writing for Radio - Principles and Techniques. 4 Feedback - Audience research - its Importance and relevance. UNIT III : Television, Video and Films (30 %) 1 Origin and Growth of television in India 2 Contributions of Television for developmental purposes ( SITE experiment, Jhabua Development Communication Project) 3 Writing for Television 4 Feedback and Audience research 5 Characteristics of Video, types of Video film programmes. 6 Use of Video for Developmental purposes ( SEWA video) 7 Writing for Video 8 The value of motion picture 9 The development of Film Industry in India 10 Types of films and Process of Film Production. 11 Feedback mechanism 30 UNIT IV : ICT in Education (20%) 1 Concept of ICT 2 Importance and scope of ICT in Education 3 Different forms of ICT 4 Role of ICT in Education 5 Uses of ICT in Education 6. New Technologies in Education a. Internet tools – Emails , FTP , HTML , PDF b. Mobile Technology c. Multimedia technology d. Online teaching and learning e. Webcasting & podcasting technology f. Weblogs g. E-content design and development Practical: (30%) 1. Script writing for Radio 2. Viewing and taping Radio and Television Programmes, Video Films and Films and analysing them according to technical aspects and messages. Learning Experiences: 1. Visiting radio/television station/film studio 2. Viewing various types of radio/TV/Video Programmes/ Films. 3. Discussions on a) Contributions of electronic media in development programmes. b) Social effects of films/TV programmes c) Contribution of social advertisements for development 4. Viewing and recoding/ collecting examples of different types of video films. 5. Preparing reports on E-learning , online teaching and learning , Weblogs , Webcasting technology 6. Presentations : using PowerPoint , paint /corel and other application based software 7. Arranging expert talks on : Role of ICT in education , Role of teacher as facilitator 8 .Viewing web-pages and educational web-sites REFERENCES: 1. Aram Arun ( 1993) : Television in education. Orient Longmen Pub. Madras, 2. Gramble Teri Keva, Gramble W. Michael ( 1989) : Introducing Mass Communication, Mc Graw Hill Book ompany, London. 3. Jain R. ( 1981) : Mass Media and Rural Development Vol. II, Manak Pub. Pvt. Ltd. New Delhi, 4. Joshi U. ( 2001) : Understanding Development Communication, Dominant Pub., New Delhi. 5. Joshi U. ( 1999) : Textbook on Mass Communication and Mass media, Anmol Pub.Pvt. Ltd., New Delhi. 6. Kuppuswami B. ( 1989) : Communication and social Development in India. Media promoters and Publishers Pvt. Ltd., Bombay. 31 7. Metallinos Nikos ( 1987) : Media Software, The Development of Cross Cultural Television Programming - conference paper, Quebec, Canada International Communication Association. 8. Modi Bella (1991) : Designing Messages for Developmental Communication, Sage Pub., New Delhi. 9. Nair K.S. and White s. (1993) : Perspectives on Development Communication, Sage Pub. , New Delhi. Abbott C. (2001) , “ICT : Changing Education “ , Routtedge Falmer , London 10. Joshi U. , Pahad A. , Maniar A.(2003) “ Information Communication Technology & Development “ , Dominant pub. & Distributors. 11. Khirwadkar A. , (2005) , Information & Communication technology in Education”, Sarup & Sons Pub. , New Delhi 12 .Lawrence T. , (2008) , Adapting Information & Communication technologies for Effective education , IGI Global Snippet 13.Navasaiah M.L. , (2007) , “ Information Communication Technology & education”, Discovery Pub. House , New Delhi 14. Unwin T. (2009), “Information & Communication Technology for Development”, Cambrige university Press, U.K. 15. Varma A. (2008), “ ICT in Education, “ICFAI Uni. Press 16. Vrasidas C. , Zembylas M. , Glass G. (2009), “ICT for Education, Development & Social Justice”, Info Age publishing Inc, U.S.A. 32 DEPARTMENT OF EXTENSION AND COMMUNICATION FACULTY OF FAMILY AND COMMUNITY SCIENCES THE M. S. UNIVERSITY OF BARODA , VADODARA Semester V (Core Allied) EC 301 : SOFTWARE IN PRINT MEDIA Course Credits: 4 (3+1) OBJECTIVES: 1. To develop understanding regarding the role of various Print Media in development communication 2. To develop understanding regarding the growth and development of Print Media 3. To develop skills in the production of software in Print Media. CONTENT Theory UNIT I: Print Media 1 2 3 4 Origin, growth and development of the Print Media Characteristics of Print Media Role of Print Media Functions and limitations of Print Media UNIT II: Visual Communication 1 2 3 4 5 6 (10%) (20%) Meaning and Importance of visual communication Forms of visual communication Different visual materials for communication Scope of their use in developmental communication Principles underlying preparation of visual materials Barriers of effective visual communication UNIT III: Press (20%) 1 Newspaper a. Their role as mass media b. Content and its selection c. News and Features - responsible reporting, News stories, Turning news into features d. Editorials - Principles of editing 2 Magazines a. Their role as mass media b. Various types of magazines c. Textbooks d. Press and Public Relations 33 UNIT IV: Graphic Arts (10%) 1 Basic principles of Graphic Reproduction 2 Types of printing - Design and Layout UNIT V: Legal Issues (5 %) 1 Laws related to Press, Agencies governing regulations and ensuring freedom of press Practical: (35%) 1. Content analysis of newspaper and periodicals for development messages and type of presentation . 2. Visits to printing press to get exposed to different types of printing. 3. Training in designing layouts. REFERENCES : 1. Agarwal Binod C. ( 1989) : Communication revolution : A study of video penetration in India Mimeo, , Development and Educational Research Organisation, Ahmedabad, India 2. Bhagat R. ( 1993) : Role of Mass Media in developing rural women, women and Science, Indian Science Congress Association. 3. Bradley, Sarah Murray ( 1995) : How people use pictures. An amoted Bibliography and Review for development workers, London, U.K. 4. Chakravarty S. ( 1997) : Press and Media : The global Dimensions. Kanishka Pub. New Delhi. 5. Kumar K. ( 1995) : Media Education Communication Policy, Himalaya Pub. House, Bombay. 6. Mc Givney, Veronica and Murray Fravees ( 1991) : Adult Education in Development, Methods and Approaches from Changing Societies, Leicester, U.K., National Institute of Adult and Continuing Education. 7. Mehta D.S. ( 1992) : Mass Communication and Journalism in India, Allied Pub. Ltd., New Delhi. 8. Modi Bella (1991) : Designing Messages for Developmental Communication, Sage Pub. , New Delhi. 9. Rayudu C.S. ( 1993) : Media & Communication Management , Himalay Pub. Bombay. 10. Roy G.L. ( 1991) Extension Communication Management, Naya Prakashan, Calcutta. 11. Srinivasan Lyra (1990) : Tool for community Participation - A Manual for Training Trainers in participatory techniques, New York, PROWWESS / UNDP Technical Series Park Inc. 12. Zietlyn Jonathan ( 1980) : Low cost Printing for development, Inter mediate. 13. Mass Media in India ( 1994) ; Pub. Division , Ministry of Information and Broadcasting , Govt. of India. 34 DEPARTMENT OF EXTENSION AND COMMUNICATION FACULTY OF FAMILY AND COMMUNITY SCIENCES THE M. S. UNIVERSITY OF BARODA , VADODARA Semester V (Core Compulsory) EC 302 : WORKSHOP IN NON FORMAL EDUCATION Course Credits: 5 (0+5) OBJECTIVES : 1. To know the various agencies involved in Non-Formal Education Programme for Children & Youth 2. To acquire knowledge & skill in organising Non-Formal Education Programme for Children & Youth 3. To evaluate the Non-Formal Education Programme for Children & Youth. Practical: (100 %) 1. Selection of community (Visiting 5 agencies of Non-Formal Education) 2. Conducting community survey if collaborating with agency. 3. Planning programmes for Non-Formal Education 4. Organizing/implementing programmes for Non-Formal Education 5. Observing communities, agencies other than one’s own. 6. Carrying out the evaluation of Non Formal Education Programme. 7. Writing the report of practical class. 8. Report presentation of the visit. 9. Organizing an Exhibition of the entire Programme. 10. Developing IEC materials related to the thrust areas. 35 DEPARTMENT OF EXTENSION AND COMMUNICATION FACULTY OF FAMILY AND COMMUNITY SCIENCES THE M. S. UNIVERSITY OF BARODA , VADODARA Semester V (Core Allied) EC 303 : MONITORING AND EVALUTION IN DEVELOPMENT Course Credits: 3 (3+0) OBJECTIVES: 1. To develop an understanding regarding the concept of monitoring and evaluation in development . 2. To develop an understanding regarding the process of monitoring and evaluation in development work. 3. To develop an understanding regarding importance of various approaches in monitoring and evaluation. 4. To develop an understanding about tools and techniques used for monitoring and evaluation. CONTENT: Theory UNIT I: Concept of Monitoring And Evaluation (20%) 1 Meaning of monitoring and evaluation 2 Importance of monitoring and evaluation in development projects/programmes. 3 Project cycle and the place of monitoring and evaluation in the cycle. UNIT II: Approaches in Monitoring and Evaluation (20%) 1 Programme oriented approach 2 People oriented approach UNIT III: Tools and Techniques for Monitoring and Evaluation (40%) 1 Questionnaire, Interview schedule, Observation, Case studies 2 Participatory Rural Appraisal (evolution , importance, strengths and weaknesses) 3 Steps in Participatory Appraisal UNIT IV: Problems in Monitoring and Evaluation (10%) Learning Experiences: (10%) 1. Reporting on ' evaluation techniques used by various Government programmes/projects.' 2. Constructing different tools for monitoring and evaluation - Questionnaire - Interview schedule - Observation schedule 3. Showing video film on the usage of Participatory Approaches in development. 36 REFERENCES: 1. Chauhan C.P.S. ( 1993) : Emerging Trends in Educational Evaluation, Common wealth Pub.,New Delhi. 2. Eyken, William Varder ( 1994) : Introducing Evaluation, The Hague, The Metherhands, Bernard Van Leer Foundation. 3. Karmal L.J. ( 1990) : Measurement and Evaluation in the school, The Macmillan Co., London. 4. Manor, Shaul & Chambouleyron, J. ( 1993) : Performance Measurement in Farmer Education, Managed imigation systems - Srilanka. 5. Mithin, Diana and John Thompson Ed. ( 1994) PRA NOTES : Special issue on participatory Tools and Methods in urban areas, International Institute for Environment and Development. 6. Narayan, Deepa ( 1993) : Participatory Evaluation Tools for managing change in water & sanitation, World Bank Technical Paper, Number 207, The world Bank. 7. Oakley, Peter and David marsden ( 1984) : Approaches to Participation in Rural Development, Geneva, ILO. 8. Parlikar Kalpana R. : Measurement Made Simple Booklet - II, Dept. of Home Science Extension & Communication, Faculty of Home Science. 9. Regional office for Asia and Pacific (RAPA) (1988) : Participatory Monitoring and Evaluation, Handbook for Training Field Workers, Bangkok, FAG. 10. Sandhu A.S. ( 1996) : Extension Programme Planning , Oxford and IBH Pub. Co. Pvt. Ltd., New Delhi. 11. Singh R. ( 1994) : Techniques of Measurement and Evaluation, Commonwealth Pub., New Delhi. 37 DEPARTMENT OF EXTENSION AND COMMUNICATION FACULTY OF FAMILY AND COMMUNITY SCIENCES THE M. S. UNIVERSITY OF BARODA , VADODARA Semester V (Foundation Elective) EC 304 : PROGRAMMES FOR DEVELOPMENT Course Credits: 3 (3+0) OBJECTIVES: 1. To develop understanding regarding concept of development programmes 2. To develop the understanding regarding the need for development programmes for various communities 3. To develop the understanding regarding various programmes for development at each level 4. To understand the impact and evaluation of ongoing and past programmes Unit 1 Concept of Development programmes 1 Definitions and elements of development programmes 2 Philosophy of Development Programmes 3 Principles of Development Programmes 4 Need for Development Programmes 5 Role of Development Communicator in Development Programmes (30%) Unit 2 Development Programmes at each level (30%) 1 Local level 2 Regional/State level 3 National level 4. International level 5. Boards/ Agencies/ Organizations for supporting development programmes Unit 3: Evaluation of Ongoing and past Development Programmes (20%) Unit 4 Impact of Development Programmes (20%) Learning experiences: 1. Presentation of report from previous Five Year Plans 2. Review of recent local, regional level Community Development Programmes 3. Review of recent local, regional level Community Development Programmes 4. Presentation of report on impact of Community Development Programmes 5. Arranging Expert Lectures on different Perspectives of Development References: 1. Dhama O.P (1985) education and communication for development, oxford publication, New Delhi 2. Dubey V.K., Extension Education and Communication, (2008) New Age Publication Pvt Ltd Publisher, New Delhi. 3. Dr. Rai. D. P. , Duggal A. and Dr. Singh Y.K. , Community Development(2007) published by Shree Publishers and Distributors, New Delhi 38 DEPARTMENT OF EXTENSION AND COMMUNICATION FACULTY OF FAMILY AND COMMUNITY SCIENCES THE M. S. UNIVERSITY OF BARODA , VADODARA Semester V (Foundation Generic) EC 305 : GENESIS AND DEVELOPMENT OF NGO Course Credits: 3 (3+0) Objective: 1 To understand the concept of NGO 2 To develop the understanding of starting a NGO 3 To understand NGO management System 4 To understand the problems of NGO Unit 1 Concept of NGO 1. Meaning of NGO and GO 2. Difference between Government Organizations and NGO 3. Characteristics of good NGO 4. Structure of NGO 5. Functions of NGO 6. Historical Perspective of NGO 7. Advantages of NGO 8. Present status of NGO 9. Contribution of NGO in the Development 10. Role of Development Communicator in developing NGO (20 %) Unit 2 Starting of NGO 1. Steps for starting NGO 2. Registration of NGO 3. Selection of Personnel 4. Training of Personnel 5 .Proposal writing under NGO 6. Identifying Funding agencies 7. Resource Mobilization 8. Planning, Implementation and Evaluation strategy under NGO 9. Documentation 10 .PR in NGO (30%) Unit 3: NGO Management 1. Organizational types and structures 2. Managing people and teams in NGOs 3. NGO management competencies 4. Applying NGO principles and values 5. Accountability and impact assessment for NGOs (30%) 39 Unit 4 Problems of NGO 1. Training 2. Recruitment 3. Funding 4. Resource Mobilization 5. Documentation (20%) Learning Experiences 1. Visit of Local NGO 2. Studying the Annual report of NGOs 3. Studying the ongoing Activities 4. Studying the problems References: 1. S. Chandra, Guidelines for NGO Management in India (2003), Published by Kanishka Distributors, New Delhi 2. D. Lewis, Management of Non Governmental Development Organization (2001), Second Edition, Published by Routledge, Newyork. 3. A. Abraham, Formation and Management of NGOs (2003), Third Edition, Published by Universal Law Publishing Co. Pvt Ltd., New Delhi. 40 DEPARTMENT OF EXTENSION AND COMMUNICATION FACULTY OF FAMILY AND COMMUNITY SCIENCES THE M. S. UNIVERSITY OF BARODA , VADODARA Semester V (Core Allied) EC 306 : MANAGEMENT OF COMMUNITY RECREATION Course Credits: 2 (1+1) OBJECTIVES 1. To help students understand the meaning and concept of community recreation. 2. To develop their understanding regarding objective, need and importance of community recreation. 3. To train students for management of community recreation with various groups of people. UNIT I – Community 1. Definitions, Meaning and Concept 2 Needs of Community 3 Recreational needs of community 4 Recreational needs according to various age groups 5 Children 6 Adolescents and Youth 7 Elderly (25%) UNIT II – Recreation 1 Definitions 2 Meaning and Concept of Recreation 3 Types of Recreation for Community (25%) Practical Recreational activities planning and executing Recreational Activities with: 1. Children 2. Adolescents and Youth 3. House wives 4. Elderly 5. Planning and Coordinating recreational activities with 6. NGOs 7. Clubs and Mandals 8. Corporate Social Responsibilities Department/ Forums 9. Recreational Activities with Old Age Home (50%) 41 Learning Experiences 1. Students can visit GOs and NGOs to get oriented with the various needs of recreational activities that they conduct with various groups of people and report to the class. 2. Students can visit various websites and understand the various types of recreational activities provided to various types of group of people by GOs, NGOs and Corporate sector. 3. Visiting mahila mandals and planning some recreational activities like Garba, Bhajan Singing, Rangoli Making and so on. REFERNCES 1. Butler G., Introduction to Community Recreation, Hill book company inc, New York, 1949. 2. Dass S. K, Community Participation in Health Management, Isha Books, Delhi, 2003. 3. Recreational Activities for Adults: a guide to the planning and conducting of recreation activities for adult groups, Association Press, New York, 1956. 42 DEPARTMENT OF EXTENSION AND COMMUNICATION FACULTY OF FAMILY AND COMMUNITY SCIENCES THE M. S. UNIVERSITY OF BARODA , VADODARA Semester VI (Core Compulsory) EC 307 : WORKSHOP IN ADULT EDUCATION Course Credits: 5 (-+5) OBJECTIVES : 1. To become aware of the existing programme for Adult Education and the agencies involved in it. 2. To understand the Adults, their needs and interest with reference to their socio - economic background Practicals : (100%) 1. Selecting the Communities/Collaborating with agency for carrying out Adult Education programme. 2. Conducting community survey 3. Identify the target group , and local leaders. 4. Meeting with the group collecting base line information, identify needs & problems. 5. Planning programme for Adult Education 6. Executing/implementing the programme. (With suitable methods and communication technologies) 7. Observing communities/agencies, other than own where adult education classes are conducted. 8. Visiting Adult Education Centres 9. Evaluating the programme 10. Writing the report. 11. Report presentation. 43 DEPARTMENT OF EXTENSION AND COMMUNICATION FACULTY OF FAMILY AND COMMUNITY SCIENCES THE M. S. UNIVERSITY OF BARODA , VADODARA Semester VI (Core Allied) EC 308 : ENTREPRENEURSHIP DEVELOPMENT Course Credits: 5 (2+3) OBJECTIVES : 1. To develop an understanding regarding the concept of training for self employment . 2. To develop an understanding for the entrepreneurship development . 3. To develop an understanding to take up the project for entrepreneurship development . CONTENT : Theory : UNIT I : Training Concepts 1 2 3 4 5 6 Meaning & need for training Training process & its nature Problems & prospects in training Meaning, categories and scope of self employment Role of self employment in national economy Need of training for self employment UNIT II : Concept of Enterpreneurship Development 1 2 3 4 5 (10 %) (10 %) New avenues for Family and Community Sciences. Entrepreneurship under Family and Community Sciences. Scope for Family and Community Sciences. Training institutes/organisations for entrepreneurship development. Problems in entrepreneurship development. UNIT III : Selection of The Projects For Enterpreneurship Development (10 %) 1 Preliminary preparations to start industry 2 Steps for selection of products a. Market Survey b. Visualising the risks c. Identification of the product 3 Quality control 4 Budgeting 5 Resource Management 6 Production 7 Marketing 8 Taxation 44 UNIT IV : General Industrial Policy of the Government 1 2 3 4 5 (10 %) Big, small, cottage and tiny industries Organisations giving financial, technical assistance Infrastructure of the industrial control Contemporary government policies for entrepreneurship development. Preparation of project report a. Fixed capital b. Working capital c. Sales receipts d. Net profits Practicals : (60 %) 1. Planning a panel discussion of successful entrepreneurship 2. Visiting different training institutes/organisations for entrepreneurship development 3. Selecting and preparing the project proposal for entrepreneurship development. 4. Producing any product in a group REFERENCES : 1. Batra G.S. (1999) : Entrepreneurship and Small scale Industries , Deep and Deep Pub. , New Delhi. 2. David O. ( 1980 ) : The complete entrepreneurs : A guide to survival for small business,Mercury books division. 3. Dargulkar M.D. ( 1983) : Udyogdeep, Udyog sahitya prakashan, Mathura sadan, Bombay. 4. Harper Malcan ( 1998) : Impact of small enterprise , Oxford, IBH Pub. Co., New Delhi. 5. Hisrich R.D. , Brush C.G. ( 1986) : The women Entrepreneurs , De Health & Co., toranto. 6. Kulshrestha ( 1999) : Successful Entrepreneurship, Kanishka Pub. Co., New Delhi. 7. Mathew J. Marimala ( 1999) Entrepreneurship theory at crosswords, Wheeler Pub. Co., New Delhi. 8. Mathew P.M. ( 1999) ; Small enterprise and Regional Development, Kanishka Pub. Co., New Delhi. 9. Patri C.M. ( 1999) : Self employment and successful entrepreneurship, Kanishka Pub. Co., New Delhi. 45 DEPARTMENT OF EXTENSION AND COMMUNICATION FACULTY OF FAMILY AND COMMUNITY SCIENCES THE M. S. UNIVERSITY OF BARODA , VADODARA Semester VI (Core Compulsory) EC 309 : RESEARCH AND DOCUMENTATION Course Credits: 3 (3+-) OBJECTIVES : 1. To understand the meaning and importance of research. 2. To develop awareness regarding the basic elements of research 3. To develop understanding regarding the characteristics of a good tool of research. 4. To develop understanding regarding the primary principles of constructing simple tools for survey research. 5. To develop understanding regarding simple statistical methods. 6. To understand various techniques of report writing and documentation. CONTENT : UNIT I : Introduction To Research 1.Definition of research 2 Need for research 3 Identification of a research topic 4 Formulation of research questions 5 Library skills required for research (15 %) UNIT II : Basic Elements of Research and their Importance 1 Review of literature 2 Objectives 3 Assumptions and hypothesis 4 Limitations 5 Sampling and sampling methods 6 Tool construction 7 Analysis and Interpretation (20 %) UNIT - III : Survey Research 1 Meaning 2 Importance 3 Advantages 4 Limitations 5 Develop tools for research a. Check list b. Questionnaire c. Interview schedule d. Rating scale (20 %) UNIT IV : Characteristics of a Good Tool 1 Validity 2 Reliability 3 Objectivity 4 Practicability (15 %) 46 UNIT V : Simple Statistical Methods 1 Types of research instruments 2 Classification and organisation of Data a. Coding b. Tabulation c. Graphic presentation 3 Simple statistical measures a. Percentages b. Mean c. Mode d. Median e. Standard deviation f. Normal curve UNIT VI : Techniques of Writing Reports and Documentation 1 Methods of follow-up and feed back 2 Need for Documentation 3 Techniques of Documentation. (25 %) (5 %) Learning Experiences: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. Exercise in referring the list of research topics in the department library Suggesting simple research topics Referring abstracts Framing objectives for research topics Referring survey research tools Constructing a simple tool for a preliminary survey on a selected topic. Applying simple statistics to the given data/scores. 47 DEPARTMENT OF EXTENSION AND COMMUNICATION FACULTY OF FAMILY AND COMMUNITY SCIENCES THE M. S. UNIVERSITY OF BARODA , VADODARA Semester VI (Core Compulsory) EC 310 : SEMINAR Course Credits: 4 (-+4) OBJECTIVES : 1. To become aware of the issues concerning areas in Extension and Communication. 2. To develop an ability in preparing and presenting the reports to the class. CONTENTS : The students will be required to refer literature, conduct surveys, interviews, observations on the selected topics and prepare reports on the same. 48 DEPARTMENT OF EXTENSION AND COMMUNICATION FACULTY OF FAMILY AND COMMUNITY SCIENCES THE M. S. UNIVERSITY OF BARODA , VADODARA Semester VI (Core Allied) EC 311: DESIGNING ACTION PROJECTS Course Credits: 3 (1+2) OBJECTIVES 1. To help students for developing their understanding regarding development action project. 2. To develop the understanding regarding planning, execution, evaluation and following up of development action projects. 3. To help students to develop proposals for funding of development action projects. UNIT I Development Action Projects (10 %) 1 Development: Meaning, Definition and Concept 2 Development Action projects proposals for developing countries 3 Writing proposals for funding agencies UNIT II Planning Development Action Projects Planning for 1 Components – content 2 Methods and Materials 3 Venue and Training programme 4 Budget or estimated budget 5 Experts for training (15 %) UNIT III Execution of Development Action Projects 1 Starting the project 2. Training programme 3. Executing the project (15%) Practical Developing an Action Projects (60%) Learning Experiences 1. Inviting Government officials from various agencies 2. Visiting various Non- Government Organizations 3. Arranging discussion on Developmental issues 49 DEPARTMENT OF EXTENSION AND COMMUNICATION FACULTY OF FAMILY AND COMMUNITY SCIENCES THE M. S. UNIVERSITY OF BARODA , VADODARA Semester VI (Core Compulsory) EC 312 : WRITING FOR DEVELOPMENT Course Credits: 2 (1+1) Objectives 1. To help students understand the basics of writing 2. To train students for writing newsletters and in- house journals. 3. To develop students’ understanding regarding writing for Development issues, programmes and projects. UNIT I Development Communication 1. Third world communication 2. Development meaning, concept and definition 3. Development communication (25%) UNIT II Basics of Writing 1 Writing structured articles 2 Writing for newspapers, local and national 3 Writing stories and articles 4 Writing newsletters and in- house journals 5 Writing reports for development projects. (25%) Practicals (50%) Writing For Development Issues Of Developing Nations Literacy and is importance Environment issues, problems and challenges Empowerment of women Corruption Learning Experiences 1. Collecting and reviewing Newspaper articles related to various developmental issues. 2. Visiting newspaper houses for their function and formats and styles of writing. 3. Writing on developmental issues of the society at large. REFERENCES 1. Dhama O.P. (1973): Extension and Rural Welfare, Ram Prasad and Sons, Agra U.P 2. Joshi Uma(2001): Understanding Development Communications: Dominant Pub., New Delhi 3. Kumar Keval (1981): Mass Communication in India. Jaico pub, Bombay 4. Mehta S.R. (1991): Communication for Development in third World, Theory and practice, SAGE publications, New Delhi 5. Modi Bella (1991): Designing Message for Development, SAGE pub., New Delhi 6. Rayadu C.S. (1993): Media and Communication on Management, Himalaya Pub., Bombay 50 51