




LECTURE/TU: 3/1 per week Paper (3 Hrs.) : 100 marks

PRACTICAL: 4 per week PR / TW / VIVA : 100 marks

TOTAL : 8 Total : 200 marks


Units and Dimensional Analysis, Significant Figures, Errors, Scalars and Vectors, Dot product,

Cross product, Review of Rectilinear Motion, Review of Newton’s law of Motion; Momentum and Conservation of momentum; Acceleration due to gravity, Force of friction (Static, dynamic and rolling); Incline plane; Uses and limitations of Friction; Viscosity; Stock’s law; Elasticity and

Hooke’s law; Work, Unit of work, power, energy; Potential energy and kinetic energy;

Conservation of energy; Rotational motion; Kinematics of Angular Motion; Angular variables;

Relation between Linear and Angular Variables; Dynamics of Angular motion; Torque; Work done by a Torque; pressure; Archimedes’ Principle; Surface Tension; Density of Solids, liquids and fibers.


Simple harmonic Motion; Damped and Forced Oscillators; Resonance; Waves; Wavelength,

Period and frequency; Longitudinal and Transverse Waves; travelling and Standing Waves; idea of Superposition of Waves; Examples of Mechanical Waves, Sound, Ultrasonics.

3. HEAT:

Review, Zeroth law of Thermodynamics; Temperature and Scales of Temperature; Linear

Expansion; Thermal Conductivity; Application to fiber; Temperature Sensors; Introduction to the

Laws of Thermodynamics (First and Second); Heat, Specific heat, Latent heat; thermocouple as a Temperature Sensor.


ElectrostaticsCoulomb’s Law; Electric field and potential; Idea of capacitance and Dielectric;

Application in Textile Physics; Current and Resistance; Kirchoff’s law; Ohm’s law; Ohmic and

Non-ohmic devices; Magneto-statics; Magnetic field due to electric current flowing in a straight conductor and a current coil; Solenoid; Analogy with a bar magnet; Faraday’s law; Concept of

Flux; Self induction and Mutual induction


Electromagnetic Radiations; Review of Reflection and Refraction (Mirror, Lens, Prism);

Refractive Index of textile materials; Microscope; Elementary ideas of Interference and

Diffraction; Single-slit and Double-slit; Application in Textiles;; Polarization of Light; Elementary

Color Science; Additive color mixture, dominant wavelength and purity, subtractive method of color mixing of the color paints and inks.


Modern Physics; Basic ideas of Quantization; Problem of the Black body radiation; Planck;

Photoelectric effect and its applications; Bohr model of the atom; de Broglie waves; X-rays;

Lasers; Semiconductors; p-n diode; Thermistor as a temperature sensor.

List of Experiments g by Free fall; Fri ction; Viscosity: Stock’s law; Elasticity: Young’s Modulus; Density of Fiber; Simple

Harmonic Motion; Damping Surface tension; using a Microscope; Melde’s Experiment; Resonance

Tube; Temperature Sensors ; Ohm’s law and Diode (as a non-ohmic device); Refractive Index of a

Prism using a Spectrometer; Photocell

Demonstration of Some Experiments: Ultrasonic waves; laser, Polarization, law of electromagnetism, Thermal conductivity, Specific Heat and Latent Heat


LECTURE /Tutorial: 3/1 per week Paper (3 Hrs.): 100 marks

PRACTICAL : -- PR / TW / VIVA : --

TOTAL : 4 per week Total : 100 marks

Unit – I Algebra : Determinants: Definition and properties. Solution of simultaneous linear equations using Cramer’s rule. Matrices: Definitions and Elementary operations.

Unit – 2 Trigonometry: Trigonometric ratios of allied angles, addition formulae, inverse functions, trigonometric equations, properties of triangle.

Unit – 3 Co-ordinate Geometry: Point, straight line, circle, parabola, hyperbola, ellipse

Unit – 4 Differential Calculus: Limits, first and higher order derivatives, rules for determination, chain rule, integrals, substitution method, integration by parts, method of partial fractions.

Text References:

1. Algebra by N. N. Shah

2. Trigonometry by Loney

3. University mathematics by C. C. Shah


LECTURE/TU: 3/1 per week Paper (3 Hrs.) : 100 marks

PRACTICAL : 6 per week PR / TW / VIVA : 100 marks

TOTAL : 10 Total : 200 marks

1. Introduction to Chemistry; Elements, compounds and mixtures; Physical and chemical change; symbol, formula, valency and equations, Stoichiometry of chemical reactions

2. Basic concepts of elements and compounds; Atomic and molecular weight; Equivalent weight,

Solution and solubility, Normality, molarity and molality.

3. General laws of gases; Boyle’s law, Charles’s law, Gay-Lussac’s law; general gas equation;

Avogadro’s law; Graham’s law and Diffusion; Dalton’s Law and partial pressure.

4. Acids, bases and Salts; general characteristics; Methods of preparation; Arrhenius theory,

Bronsted-Lowry theory and Lewis theory; Oxidation and reduction.

5. Water: Sources and impurities in water; Temporary and Permanent hardness; Clark’s method of removal of hardness; Water of crystallization, deliquescence and efflorescence.

6. Structure of Atom: Rutherford model; Bohr’s model; Quantum numbers, Electronic configuration

7. Hydrogen and Oxygen: Preparation; Properties; Uses; Important compounds.

8. Sodium and Chlorine: Preparation; Properties; Uses; Important compounds.

Practical/Term work: Practical and Term work will be based on the above course conducted during the semester.

Books recommended:

1. Fundamental of Inorganic Chemistry – P. L. Soni

2. Inorganic Chemistry – Gehani, Bhagwat and Parekh

3. Engineering Chemistry – Jain and Jain; Dhanpatrai Publishing House


LECTURE: 4 per week Paper (3 Hrs.): 100 marks

PRACTICAL: 4 per week PR / TW / VIVA: 100 marks

TOTAL: 8 Total: 200 marks

I. Theory:

 General properties and requirements of textile fibers.

 Classification of textiles fibers according to their nature and origin, names, thermoplasticity, moisture absorption behavior, utility, etc.

 Occurrence, morphology, constitution, purification, physical, chemical and biological properties and uses of various natural fibers – cellulosic fibers (cotton and bast fibers), protein fibres (wool, silk and other animal fibers).

 Immunized cotton, formation of oxycellulose and hydrocellulose.

 Regenerated fibers (viscose rayon, cellulose acetate rayon, cuprammonium rayon, polynosic fiber, etc.): their manufacturing process, their physical, chemical and biological properties and uses.

II. Practical/Term work: Practical/Term work will be based on the above theory syllabus conducted during semester.


Reference book:

1. Technology of Textile Processing Vol. 1: Textile fibers by Prof. V. A. Shenai

2. Chemical Technology of fibrous materials by F. Sadov

3. Textile Fibers: Their Physical, Microscopical, and Chemical Properties by Matthews

4. Handbook of Textile Fibers (Vol. I and Vol II) by J Gordon Cook

5. Man-made fibers by R. W. Moncrieff


LECTURE: 2 per week Paper (2 Hrs.): 50 marks

PRACTICAL: 4 per week PR / TW / VIVA: 50 marks

TOTAL: 6 Total: 100 marks



Cotton, cotton fibres its preparatory & spinning of yarn, brief out lines of various processes involved in preparation of threads for loom.

Manufacture of coloured and grey yarn





The principle base weaves

Selection of material & cloth analysis

Common defects in fabrics, causes & remedies

Methods of yarn counting.



LECTURE/Tu: 3/1 per week Paper (3 Hrs.): 100 marks

PRACTICAL: 6 per week PR / TW / VIVA: 100 marks

TOTAL: 10 Total: 200 marks

1. Introduction to Organic chemistry: Difference between organic and inorganic compounds;

Covalent, Sigma and Pi bonds; Characterization of carbon atom; Nomenclature of Organic compounds; isomerism, Different types of isomerism.

2. Chemistry of Aliphatic compounds I: Alkanes: Preparation, properties and uses.

3. Chemistry of Aliphatic compounds II: Alkenes: Preparation, properties and uses; Alkynes:

Preparation, properties and uses.

4. Chemistry of Aliphatic compounds III: Alkyl halides: Preparation, properties and uses.

5. Chemistry of Aromatic compounds I: Introduction to aromatic compounds; Benzene and its homologues; Preparation, properties and uses.

6. Chemistry of Aromatic compounds II: Aryl halides: Preparation, properties and uses.

7. Chemistry of Aromatic compounds III: Introduction to aromatic nitro compounds; Various reagents used for nitration and factors affecting nitration; Nitro benzene: Preparation, properties and uses.

8. Chemistry of Aromatic compounds IV: Introduction and classification of phenols: Dow, Raschig and Cumene process for the manufacture of phenol; Properties and uses of phenol.

Practical/Term work: Practical and Term work will be based on the above course conducted during the semester.

Books recommended:

1. Text Book of Organic Chemistry for B. Sc. Students: P. L. Soni

2. Organic Chemistry: Morrison and Boyd

3. Text Book of Organic Chemistry: Bahl and Bahl


LECTURE: 4 per week Paper (3 Hrs.): 100 marks

1. (a) Agreement of subject and verb. (b) Parts of speech: nouns, pronouns, verbs, adjective, adverbs, prepositions, conjunction. (c) Position of parts of speech in a sentence, (d) Use of articles. (e) Common errors resulting from sequence of tenses, other typical errors.

2. Ability to frame sentence: (a) simple sentence, (b) compound sentence, (c) complex sentence,

(d) mixed sentence, (e) use of relative pronouns, (f) analysis of various types of sentences.

3. Transformation of sentence: active and passive voice; directed and reported speech.

4. Antonyms and synonyms words liable to be confused.

5. Use of punctuation marks.

6. Idioms and their uses: commercial and technical.

7. Constitution of paragraph length, unity, position of theme etc.

8. Letter writing: simple, business, correspondence letters of application, credit etc.

9. Précis writing.


LECTURE/TU: 2/1 per week Paper (3 Hrs.): 100 marks

PRACTICAL: 4 per week PR / TW / VIVA: 50 marks

TOTAL: 7 Total: 150 marks

1. Types of lines, letterings and dimensioning as per IS-SP-46, 1988.

2. Orthographic projections: First angle projection only.

3. Types of Sectional views, Sectional views of single objects.

4. Practices of freehand proportionate sketches of following machine parts: a) Screw threads: nomenclature, types and application, ISO metric screw thread designate scheme, conventional representation of threads b) Types of nuts and bolts: their drawing as per rough – rule dimensions, applications; special purpose nuts c) Studs, set-screw d) Illustration of method of prevention of rotation of bolts, locking arrangement for nuts, foundation bolts e) Piping symbols f) Keys: their types; cotter-joint; pin-joint g) Riveted joints, welded joints, their types h) Muff coupling, flanged coupling

Text/Reference books:

Author Title Publications

1. N. D. Bhatt Machine Drawing Charotar Pub. House

2. Siddheswar Machine Drawing Tata McGraw Hill

3. P. J. Shah Engineering Drawing C. Jamnadas & Co.


LECTURE : 4 per week Paper (3 Hrs.) : 100 marks

PRACTICAL : 6 per week PR / TW / VIVA : 100 marks

TOTAL : 10 Total : 200 marks



 Brief history of ancient dyeing of textiles with natural colours.

 Definition of dye, colour and pigment.

 Nomenclature and classification of dyes according to the methods of their application to textile fibres.

 General mechanism of dyeing textile fibers.

 Direct dyes, sulphur dyes, basic dyes, acid dyes, metal complex dyes, mordant dyes and natural mordant dyes – their properties, chemical structure, classification and methods of application to various natural textile fibers, correction and stripping, etc.

 Brief introduction to the various fastness properties of the dyes and their remedies. After treatments to improve the various fastness characteristics of individual dyes.

II Practical/Term work: Practical/Term work will be based on the above theory syllabus conducted during semester.

III Reference book:

1. Technology of Textile Processing Vol. 2: Chemistry of Dyes and Principles of Dyeing: Prof.

V. A. Shenai

2. Technology of Textile Processing Vol. 6:Technology of Dyeing: Prof. V. A. Shenai

3. Chemical Technology of Fibrous material: F. Sadov

4. Dyeing and Chemical Technology of Textile fibers: E. R. Trotman

5. Handbook of Textiles & Industrial Dyeing: Edited by M. Clark




LECTURE/Tu : 3/1 per week Paper (3 Hrs.) : 100 marks

PRACTICAL : 6 per week PR / TW / VIVA : 100 marks

TOTAL : 10 Total : 200 marks

1. Laws of Chemical Combination; Law of Conservation of Mass, Law of Constant Proportions;

Law of Multiple Proportions; Law of Reciprocal Proportions; Law of Gaseous Volumes

2. Kinetic theory of Gases: Kinetic Gas Equation, Anomalous behaviour of real gases, van der waal’s equation.

3. Chemical equilibrium: Law of Mass Action; Le Chatelier’s principle; Salt hydrolysis

4. Periodic Table: Periodic Properties of elements; Quantum numbers and electronic configuration of d and f block elements; Ionization potential, electron affinity and electron negativity

5. Silver and Copper: Preparation; Properties; Uses; Important compounds

6. Inert gases: Preparation; Properties; Uses; Important compounds

7. Water for Industry: Disadvantages of hard water (Domestic and Industrial); Lime soda Process for removal of hardness of water; Zeolite method for removal of hardness of water; Ion exchange method for removal of hardness of water

8. Sulphuric, Nitric, Hydrochloride acid, acid: Manufacturing process; Properties; Uses.

Practical/Term work: Practical and Term work will be based on the above course conducted during the semester.

Books recommended:-

1. Engineering Chemistry

Jain and Jain; Dhanpatrai Publishing House

2. Industrial Chemistry – B K Sharma; Goel Publishing House

3. Essential of Physical Chemistry

B S Bahl, Arun Bahl and G D Tuli; S Chand & Co. Ltd.

4. Principles of Physical Chemistry

B R Puri, L R Sharma, M S Pathania; Shoban lal Nagin

Chand & Co.


LECTURE: 4 per week Paper (3 Hrs.): 100 marks

PRACTICAL: 6 per week PR / TW / VIVA: 100 marks

TOTAL: 10 Total: 200 marks

I. Theory:

 Azoic dyes, oxidation colors, metallic pigments like mineral khakhi, vat dye and solublised vat dye – their properties, chemical structure, classification and methods of application to various textile fibers, correction and stripping, etc.

 After treatments to improve the various fastness characteristics of individual dyes.

II. Practical viva examination: will be based on the above theory syllabus conducted during the


III. Reference book:

1. Technology of Textile Processing Vol. 2: Chemistry of Dyes and Principles of Dyeing:

Prof. V. A. Shenai

2. Technology of Textile Processing Vol. 6:Technology of Dyeing: Prof. V. A. Shenai

3. Chemical Technology of Fibrous material: F. Sadov

4. Dyeing and Chemical Technology of Textile fibers: E. R. Trotman

5. Handbook of Textiles & Industrial Dyeing: Edited by M. Clark



LECTURE: 4 per week Paper (3 Hrs.): 100 marks

PRACTICA : 4 per week PR / TW / VIVA: 100 marks

TOTAL: 8 Total: 200 marks

I. Theory:

 Raw material and the monomers used for preparation of various synthetic fibers.

 Synthesis of various monomers.

 Manufacture (Polymerization and spinning), important physical, chemical and biological properties and uses of various synthetic fibres.

 Important characteristics required in a polymer to make it fibers forming.

 Brief introduction to the determination of molecular weights, crystalline and amorphous regions, and orientation of textile fibers.

 Brief introduction to the method of producing textured yarns, non-woven fabrics, geotextiles, various carbon fibers, electrometric fibres and other textile fibres fabrics.

 A brief introduction to smart textiles and technical textiles.

II. Practical/ viva examination: Practical/Term work will be based on the above theory syllabus conducted during semester

III. Reference book:

1. Technology of Textile Processing Vol. 1: Textile fibers by Prof. V. A. Shenai

2. Production of Synthetic Fibers: A. A. Vaidya



LECTURE: 3 per week Paper (3 Hrs.): 100 marks

Unit – I Management: Definition, Managerial roles and skills, Fayol’s principles. External

Environment of Business

Communication: Meaning, Process

Motivation: Meaning, Theories

Unit – II Forms of Business Organization: Industrial Proprietorship, Joint stock company, Their merits and demerits, Office management, Organization structures.

Unit – III Financial Management: Source of Finance, Long term, Medium term, Short term role,

Functions and services of stock exchange

Unit – IV Enterprise management: Setting up a small scale enterprise.

Institutional assistance and related managerial problems

Production planning

Purchase procedure and Inventory Management

Unit V Marketing Management and Human Resource management: Definition, core concept, Ecommerce

HRM Definition, Training and Development, Selection and Recruitment

Concept of Industrial relations

Unit VI Legal Aspects: Objectives and applications of factory Act – Health Welfare and Safety


Trade Union Acts: Objective and Registration of a Trade Union

Payment of Wages Act: Objectives and other important features

Recommended Books:

1. Fundamental of Business Organization and Management – Y. K. Bhushan

2. Management – James A. F. Stoner. R. Edward Freeman

3. Essential of Management – Harold Koontz, Heinz Wehrion

4. Marketing Management – Philip Kotler

5. Production of Operation Management

Chunawala & Patel

6. Entrepreneurship

David H. Holt

7. Elements of Mercantile law – N. D. Kapoor


LECTURE: 2 per week Paper (2 Hrs.): 50 marks


 Chemicals & Processes involved in sizing and pretreatments of cotton, wool, silk and other natural fibres.

Evaluation of the chemical/auxiliaries used in sizing & pretreatment processes

Reference book:

1. Technology of Textile Processing Vol. 3: Technology of Bleaching & Mercerization by

Prof. V. A. Shenai

2. Chemical Technology of Fibrous material: F. Sadov

3. Chemical Technology in the Pre-treatment processes of Textiles by S. R. Karmakar




LECTURE: 4 per week Paper (3 Hrs.): 100 marks

PRACTICAL: 6 per week PR / TW / VIVA: 100 marks

TOTAL: 10 Total: 200 marks

1. Purification of Organic Compounds, Purification of Solids by Crystallization, Sublimation,

Extraction with solvents; Purifications of Liquids by Simple Distillation, Vacuum Distillation,

Steam Distillation

2. Detection and E stimation of Elements: Lassaigne’s test for the detection of N, S and Halogens;

Estimation of C, H, N and Halogens

3. Alcohols: General methods of preparation, Properties and Uses

4. Heterocyclic Compounds: General methods of preparation, Properties and Uses of Furan,

Thiophene and Pyrrol

5. Aromatic Amino Compounds and Diazonium Salts: General methods of preparation, Properties and Uses

6. Aromatic Aldehydes and Ketones: General methods of preparation, Properties and Uses

7. Aromatic Carboxylic Acids: General methods of preparation, Properties and Uses

8. Polymers: Introduction, Classification, Types of Polymerization, Examples and Uses

Practical/Term work: Practical and Term work will be based on the above course conducted during the semester.

Books recommended:-

1. Text Book of Organic Chemistry for B. Sc. Students: P. L. Soni

2. Organic Chemistry: Morrison and Boyd

3. Text Book of Organic Chemistry: Bahl and Bahl



LECTURE: 4 per week Paper (3 Hrs.): 100 marks

1. Properties of steam: Introduction, Formation of Steam at constant pressure, Sensible heating of water, Latent Heat, Total heat, D.F wet steam, Sup. Steam, Specific volume, use of steam tables, Ext. work, Evaporation, Internal latent heat, I. L. of steam

– problems.

2. Steam Boiler: Classification, Shell or Tank Boilers, Cornish & Lancashire, Construction of

Boiler Shell & Furnace tube, Fire tube Boilers, Simple vertical Cochran, Locomotive Boilers,

Water tube boilers – Babcock & Wilcox Boilers. Comparison between f. t. & w. t boilers.

3. Boiler mountings & Accessories: Different types of Safety Valves, Water level indicator,

Steam pressure gauge, Fusible plug, Feed check valves, Blow off valve, Injector, Economizer,

Air heater, Super heater steam separator.

4. Steam Engines: Introduction, Classification, Parts, working, Hypothetical indication diagram – mean off, pressure, actual indicator diagram, method of calculate cylinder volume I.H.P.,

B.H.P., F.T.P., efficiencies of steam engine mechanical, thermal, overall, Examples.

5. I.C. Engines: Classification, Otto, Diesel, Dual Combustion Engines, 2-stroke and 4-stroke

Engines, Power of I. C. engine, I. H. P., B. H. P., Mech. & Thermal problems.

6. Transmission of Power: Types of drives, Groups and Individual Drives, Their merits and demerits, Belt, Chain and Gear Drive. Calculation of Pulley sizes and gear trains for speed reduction. Types of Bearings.


LECTURE: 4 per week Paper (3 Hrs.): 100 marks

PRACTICAL: 6 per week PR / TW / VIVA: 100 marks

TOTAL: 10 Total: 200 marks



 Introduction to textile printing.

 Difference between Dyeing & Printing.

 Various process involved in the Preparation of fabric for textile printing.

 Preparation of Printing paste, its properties and criteria. Importance of various ingredients used in the printing paste.

 Various thickeners – their classification, uses and properties.

 Different styles of printing.

 Brief introduction to various methods of printing.

 Printing of Direct, Basic, Sulphur, Oxidation colours, Azoic colours, Rapid fast, Rapidogen,

Rapidozols in different styles on various fabrics.


Practical/Viva Examination : Practical/Viva Examination will be based on the above theory syllabus conducted during semester.


Reference books :

1. Technology of Textile Processing Vol. 4 Technology of Printing: By Prof. V. A. Shenai

2. Principles of Cotton Printing - D.G. Kale

3. Technology of Textile Printing – R.S. Prayag



LECTURE: 2 per week Paper (2 Hrs.): 50 marks


 Pretreatment processes of man-made fiber fabrics and their blends with natural fibers.

 Thermosetting of synthetic fiber fabrics.

II. Reference Books:

1. Technology of Textile Processing Vol. 3: Technology of Bleaching by Prof. V. A. Shenai

2. Textile Scouring & Bleaching by E.R. Trotman

3. Bleaching & Mercerization by J.T. Marsh



PRACTICAL: 6 per week, Practical/TW/Viva: 100 marks

Matching of shades and Preparation of shade cards with primary, secondary and tertiary colours for direct dyestuffs.


LECTURE: 4 per week Paper (3 Hrs.): 100 marks

I. Theory:

 Machines employed for grey inspection, stitching, shearing and cropping.

 Machinery employed in the process of singeing, Scouring, Bleaching and Dyeing of the material in various forms such as raw stock, sliver, yarn, fabric etc.

II. Reference Books:

1. Technology of Textile Processing Vol. 6:Technology of Dyeing: Prof. V. A. Shenai

2. Textile Bleaching: J. T. Marsh




LECTURE: 2 per week Paper (2 Hrs.): 50 marks

I. Theory:

 Nomenclature, functions and classification of Textile Auxiliaries such as Wetting agent,

Detergents, Protective colloids, Leveling agents, Dye fixing agent, Proofing agents etc. used in textile processing.

 Surface active and non surface active auxiliaries.

 The ionic nature of auxiliaries such as anionic, cationic and non ionic and amphoteric.

Preparation and chemistry of these products.

 Chemistry of Textile Auxiliaries and Special purpose Finishing auxiliaries

 Qualitative and Quantitative evaluation of auxiliaries.

Reference Books

1. Technology of Textile Processing Vol. 5: Chemistry of Textile Auxiliaries: Prof. V. A.



LECTURE: 4 per week Paper (3 Hrs.) : 100 marks

1. Petroleum Industries: Crude Oil; Occurrence and theories of Origin; Classification; Refining by

Bubble Tower; Refined Fractions and their uses

2. Cracking of Heavy Oil: Knocking; Octane and Cetane number; Types of Cracking; thermal and catalytic cracking; cracking processes with flow-sheet diagram

3. Fats, Oils and Waxes; Distinction between fats and oils; Properties; Classification;

Manufacturing processes; Analysis

4. Environmental Pollution: Introduction, Classification, Water pollution

5. Detergents: Classification; Anionic detergents: Properties and uses; Cationic detergents:

Properties and uses; Non-ionic detergents: Properties and uses.

6. Polymers: Classification of polymers; Thermoplastic resins: Properties and uses; Thermosetting resins: Properties and uses.

7. Cellulose and Starch: Esters and Ethers of cellulose; Manufacture of rayon; Preparation of Corn starch; Uses of Starch

8. Preparation of some inorganic materials: Sodium Chloride; Sodium Hydrosulphide; Sodium

Perborate; Peracetic acid

Practical/Term work: Practical and Term work will be based on the above course conducted during the semester.

Books recommended:-

1. Engineering Chemistry – Jain and Jain; Dhanpatrai Publishing House

2. Industrial Chemistry – B K Sharma; Goel Publishing House


LECTURE: 4 per week Paper (3 Hrs.): 100 marks

PRACTICAL: 6 per week PR / TW / VIVA: 100 marks

TOTAL: 10 Total: 200 marks



 Printing of Indigo and other vat dyes, solubilized vat dyes, and reactive dyes on cotton fabrics in different styles.

 Printing of different regenerated and synthetic fabrics and their blends with different classes of dyes in different styles.

 Special printing process such as transfer printing, burnt out printing, metal printing, flock printing, etc.

 Brief introduction to velvet and carpet printing, foam printing.

 Economy in printing of textiles.

 Recent development in printing of various textiles.


Practical/Viva Examination : Practical/Viva Examination will be based on the above theory syllabus conducted during semester


Reference Books:

1. Technology of Textile Processing Vol. 4:Technology of Printing: Prof. V. A. Shenai

2. Chemical Processing of Synthetic Fibres & Blends by Datye & Vaidya

3. Technology of Textile Printing by R.S. Prayag


LECTURE: 4 per week Paper (3 Hrs.): 100 marks

PRACTICAL: 6 per week PR / TW / VIVA: 100 marks

TOTAL: 10 Total: 200 marks



 Reactive dyes, Disperse dyes – their chemical nature, classification, method of application to various fibers.

 After treatment to increase the fastness properties.

 Dyeing of unions and blended fabrics. Introduction to foam dyeing and dyeing texturisrd fibers.

 Economy and energy saving in dye house.

 Recent development in dyeing processes (nylon/acrylic).


Practical/Viva Examination Practical/Viva Examination will be based on the above theory syllabus conducted during semester.

Reference Books:

1. Technology of Textile Processing Vol. 6:Technology of Dyeing: Prof. V. A. Shenai

2. Chemical Technology of Fibrous material: F. Sadov

3. Dyeing and Chemical Technology of Textile fibers: E. R. Trotman

4. Handbook of Textiles & Industrial Dyeing: Edited by M. Clark

5. Textile Chemistry Vol III by R.H. Peters

6. Chemical Processing of Synthetic Fibres & Blends by Datye & Vaidya



LECTURE: 4 per week Paper (3 Hrs.): 100 marks

PRACTICAL: 4 per week PR / TW / VIVA: 100 marks

TOTAL: 8 Total: 200 marks

1. Phase rule: Terms used in Gibbs phase rule, Derivation, Application of phase rule to one component system.

2. Chemical Kinetics: Molecularity and order of reaction, zero order and first order reactions with examples.

3. Adsorption: Introduction, physical and chemical adsorption, Langmuir and Freundlich adsorption isotherm, Applications.

4. Electrochemistry: Faraday’s law of electrolysis, resistance and conductance of solution, specific conductance

5. Catalysis: Introduction, Positive and negative catalysis, Homogeneous and Heterogeneous catalysis, Theory of catalysis.

6. Thermo Chemistry: Enthalpy of combustion of reaction, etc.; Heat of neutralization, Hesse’s law.

7. Dilute Solution: Vapour pressure, Raoult’s law of lowering of vapour pressure, elevation in B.

P. and Depression in freezing point.

8. Colloids: Types of Colloids, Preparation, Optical and electrical properties, Applications.

Practical/Term work: Practical and Term work will be based on the above course conducted during the semester.

Books recommended:

1. Text Book of Physical Chemistry – Bahl and Tuli

2. Text Book of Physical Chemistry – Soni and Dharmendra

3. Text Book of Physical Chemistry – A. J. Mee

4. Text Book of Physical Chemistry – Daniels and Alberty


LECTURE: 4 per week Paper (3 Hrs.): 100 marks

I. Theory:

 Machinery employed in the process of printing and finishing of the material in different forms.

 Faults in printing and their remedies.

 Recent developments in machinery for processing of various textiles materials.

II. Reference Books:

1. Technology of Textile Processing Vol. 4:Technology of Printing: Prof. V. A. Shenai

2. Textile Finishing: by J. T. Marsh


LECTURE: 4 per week Paper (3 Hrs.) : 100 marks

I. Theory:

 Types of finishes: Temporary and durable; mechanical and chemical; conversation and special finishes.

 Finishing agent like stiffeners, binders, wetting agent, softeners, optical brighteners, etc.

 Physical and chemical aspects of mercerization of cotton. Determination of the efficiency of mercerization and the factors affecting its efficiency.

 Finishes based on swelling of cotton; anti-shrink finishes; finishing for improving wrinkle resistance; wash and wear and durable press properties of fabrics; soil release finishes.

 Finishes based on coating laminating

 Finishes for improving the resistance of the textile fabrics to micro-organisms, weathering etc.

 Water proofing and water repellent finishes; Anti felting and other finishes for wool;

Chemical modification and grafting of textiles; Finishes of blended fibre fabrics.

II. Reference Books:

1. Introduction to Textile Finishing by J.T. Marsh

2. Chemical Processing of Synthetic Fibres & Blends by Datye & Vaidya

3. Technology of Textile Processing Vol. 10:Technology of Finishing by Prof. V. A. Shenai

4. Bleaching & Mercerization by J.T. Marsh


LECTURE: 4 per week Paper (3 Hrs.): 100 marks

I. Theory:

 Classification of dyes according to chemical constitution and according to application.

 Study of the preparation of different intermediates required in the preparation of synthetic dyes.

 Study of the preparation of different synthetic dyes.

 Colour and its chemical constitution.

 Chemical structure and substantivity of dyes.

 Action of light on dyes and fabrics.

 Brief introduction to computer colour matching.

II. Reference Books:

1. Synthetic Dyes by Cain & Thorpe

2. Introduction to Chemistry of Dyes by Prof. V.A. Shenai

3. Chemistry of Synthetic Dyes: Vol. 1-8 by Venkatraman

4. Instrumental Colour Measurements and Computer Aided Colour Matching for Textiles by H.

S. Shah and R. S. Gandhi

5. Text Book of Dyes by M.G. Arora


LECTURE: 2 per week Paper (2 Hrs.): 50 marks

I. Theory:

 Testing methods for process & Quality control at the different stages of wet processing of the textile goods.

 Automization in the wet processing of textiles.

Reference Books:

1. Quality control and testing management by Dr. V.K. Kothari

2. Principle of textile testing by J.E. Booth

3. Physical testing of textiles by B.P. Sarulle


PRACTICA: 8 per week PRACTICAL/TW/Viva: 100 marks

Testing of various classes of dyes. Identification of various classes of dyes on dyed material.

Preparation of shade cards with primary, secondary and tertiary colours of vat dyestuffs.

