A Phased Trade Study for the Design of a Solid Rocket Motor by Andrew Joseph Gandia A Project Submitted to the Graduate Faculty of Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute in Partial Fulfillment of the Requirements for the degree of MASTER OF ENGINEERING IN MECHANICAL ENGINEERING Approved: _________________________________________ Ernesto Gutierrez - Miravete, Project Adviser Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute Hartford, Connecticut April, 2012 (For Graduation August, 2012) CONTENTS LIST OF TABLES ............................................................................................................ iv LIST OF FIGURES ........................................................................................................... v LIST OF SYMBOLS ........................................................................................................ vi ACKNOWLEDGMENT ................................................................................................ viii ABSTRACT ..................................................................................................................... ix 1. Introduction.................................................................................................................. 1 2. Theory and Methodology ............................................................................................ 3 Fundamentals of Rocket Design .................................................................................. 3 Solid Rocket Motor...................................................................................................... 3 Propellants ................................................................................................................... 5 Thrust Calculations ...................................................................................................... 5 Chamber Pressure ........................................................................................................ 6 Range Equation ............................................................................................................ 6 Design Approach ......................................................................................................... 7 Preliminary Design............................................................................................. 7 Trade Studies ...................................................................................................... 8 Final Design ....................................................................................................... 9 3. Results & Discussion ................................................................................................... 10 3.1 Preliminary Design .............................................................................................. 10 Preliminary Design Motor Dimensions ........................................................... 10 Propellant Characteristics................................................................................. 11 Weight Build-Up of Missile ............................................................................. 11 Length Build-Up .............................................................................................. 12 Thrust versus Time ........................................................................................... 13 Nozzle Design .................................................................................................. 14 Chamber Pressure and Hoop Stress ................................................................. 14 ii Range and Velocity .......................................................................................... 15 Overall Compliance ......................................................................................... 17 3.2 Material Trade ..................................................................................................... 18 3.3 Propellant Trade................................................................................................... 20 3.4 Dimensional Trade............................................................................................... 21 3.5 Final Design ......................................................................................................... 23 Final Design Motor Dimensions ...................................................................... 23 Propellant Characteristics................................................................................. 24 Thrust versus Time ........................................................................................... 26 Nozzle Design .................................................................................................. 27 Chamber Pressure and Hoop Stress ................................................................. 27 Range and Velocity .......................................................................................... 28 Overall Compliance ......................................................................................... 30 4. Conclusion ................................................................................................................... 31 5. References.................................................................................................................... 33 Appendices ...................................................................................................................... 34 Appendix A – Validation of Tools ............................................................................ 34 Appendix B – Summary of Tools .............................................................................. 36 iii LIST OF TABLES Table 1: Preliminary Design Motor Inputs ...................................................................... 10 Table 2: Preliminary Design Propellant Inputs ............................................................... 11 Table 3: Preliminary Design Weight Inputs .................................................................... 12 Table 4: Preliminary Design Dimensional Inputs ........................................................... 13 Table 5: Preliminary Design Nozzle Inputs ..................................................................... 14 Table 6: Preliminary Design Compliance Table ............................................................. 17 Table 7: Motor Case Materials [11]................................................................................. 18 Table 8: Chamber Temperature and Material Melting Temperatures ............................. 19 Table 9: Propellant Properties ......................................................................................... 20 Table 10: Propellant Trade Results.................................................................................. 21 Table 11: Final Design Motor Inputs............................................................................... 24 Table 12: Final Design Propellant Inputs ........................................................................ 25 Table 13: Final Design Weight Inputs ............................................................................. 25 Table 14: Final Design Dimensional Inputs .................................................................... 26 Table 15: Final Design Nozzle Inputs ............................................................................. 27 Table 16: Final Design Compliance Table ...................................................................... 30 iv LIST OF FIGURES Figure 1: Air to Air Missile [1].......................................................................................... 1 Figure 2: AIM-120A Missile [2] ....................................................................................... 1 Figure 3: Solid Rocket Schematic [6] ................................................................................ 3 Figure 4: Grain Cross Sections [6] .................................................................................... 4 Figure 5: Surface Recession of a Solid Propellant [4] ....................................................... 4 Figure 6: Trade Study Approach for Motor Design .......................................................... 7 Figure 7: Thrust versus Time of Preliminary Design ...................................................... 13 Figure 8: Chamber Pressure versus Time of Preliminary Design ................................... 15 Figure 9: Hoop Stress versus Time of Preliminary Design ............................................. 15 Figure 10: Range versus Time of Preliminary Design .................................................... 16 Figure 11: Velocity versus Time of Preliminary Design ................................................. 16 Figure 12: BurnSim Output for Thrust versus Time of Preliminary Design ................... 17 Figure 12: Stress versus Time of Preliminary Design and Materials .............................. 19 Figure 13: Thrust versus Time of Different Propellant Configuration ............................ 21 Figure 14: Thrust versus Time for different charge lengths ............................................ 22 Figure 15: Thrust versus Time for different conduit diameters ....................................... 23 Figure 17: Thrust versus Time of Final Design ............................................................... 27 Figure 18: Chamber Pressure versus Time of Final Design ............................................ 28 Figure 19: Hoop Stress versus Time of Final Design ...................................................... 28 Figure 20: Range versus Time of Final Design ............................................................... 29 Figure 21: Velocity versus Time of Final Design ........................................................... 29 Figure 22: BurnSim Output for Thrust versus Time of Final Design .............................. 30 Figure 23: Thrust vs. Time for Analytical Approach ...................................................... 34 Figure 24: Thrust vs. Time for BurnSim ......................................................................... 34 Figure 25: Thrust vs. Time Comparison .......................................................................... 35 v LIST OF SYMBOLS γ: ratio of specific heats ε: expansion ratio ρpropellant: density of propellant ( kg ) m3 σ: hoop stress (Pa) Aburn: burn area (m2) Aexit: nozzle exit area (m2) A*: throat area (m2) dcharge: charge diameter (m) dconduit: conduit diameter (m) dexit: Exit Diameter (m) dmotor: motor diameter (m) FN: thrust (N) CF,Actual: Actual Thrust Coefficient k: burning rate constant ( m ) Pa n lcharge: charge length (m) lguidance system: guidance system length (m) lmissile: total length (m) lnozzle: nozzle length (m) ltip: tip length (m) lwarhead: warhead length (m) Mw: molecular weight ( g ) mol mcasing: casing mass (kg) mguidance system: guidance system mass (kg) mmissile: missile mass (kg) mmiscellaneous comp: miscellaneous components mass (kg) mpropellant: propellant mass (kg) mt: mass of missile at current time step (kg) vi mwarhead: warhead mass (kg) n: burning rate exponent Pchamber: chamber pressure (Pa) R: gas constant for propellant exhaust gases ( J ) kg * K rb: burn rate (m/s) Δt: time step (s) tburn: burn time tcasing: casing thickness (m) Tchamber: Chamber Temperature (K) tinsulation: insulation thickness (m) vburnout: Velocity at burn-out (m/s) Vt: Velocity of missile at current time step (m/s) Vt+dt: Velocity of missile at next time step (m/s) x: displacement (m) X*: X-Function at the throat xt+dt: displacement at new time step (m) xt: displacement at current time step (m) vii ACKNOWLEDGMENT I would first like to thank my Heavenly Father, who has always given me strength and guidance throughout my life. I would like to recognize my family, who have supported me since the beginning and have always encouraged me to follow my dreams. I would also like to recognize Professor Ernesto, who was very supportive in helping me with this project and throughout my graduate career at Rensselaer. viii ABSTRACT This project utilized a phased trade study approach to design a solid rocket motor for an air to air missile. The focus of the study was to provide insight into the sensitivity of changing attributes of a missile motor and noting the impacts that resulted using that approach. Included in this effort was the utilization of analysis with propulsion principles and BurnSim Software. To meet the requirements of the motor and missile, the project was split into three different phases: Development of a Preliminary Design, trade study sensitivity analyses, and Final Design development. The Preliminary Design consisted of creating a baseline for the missile and motor that the different sensitivity studies could be performed on. Although non-compliant to the mission requirements, the Preliminary Design provided key propulsion outputs that would later be refined and assessed in the Final Design. The trade studies provided an observation into the sensitivities of changing different attributes of the motor in the areas of materials, propellants, and dimensions (charge length and conduit diameter). These trades provided sensitivity results that were applicable in creating the Final Design. The Final Design utilized the Preliminary Design and lessons learned from the trade studies to size the motor and the missile. The Final Design resulted in a compliant design to the requirements and validated the application of a phased trade study approach in understanding the sensitivities in motor and missile design. ix 1. Introduction Design for missile solid rocket motors is critical for modern warfare. Missiles are used amongst militaries all over the world, and provide the capability to precisely strike specified targets. Missions for different missiles are dependent on the specified type and required capability. Different applications of missiles include ballistic missiles, anti-ship missiles, and air to air missiles (Figure 1). Figure 1: Air to Air Missile [1] An example of an air to air missile is the AMRAAM AM-120 (Figure 2). This medium range missile was developed as a result of a Joint Service Operational Requirement in the post-1985 timeframe. It is powered by a solid rocket motor and can achieve a speed of Mach 4 in a range in excess of 30 miles. In long range engagements, the AMRAAM utilizes inertial guidance and receives updated target information from the launch aircraft. Aircraft utilizing this weapon system today include the F-15, and F-16, and F-18 fighters. [1] Figure 2: AIM-120A Missile [2] 1 With the understanding of mission requirements and the configuration of the missile, the design of a motor was investigated to validate compliance to specific requirements. Richard Nakka [3], R. Clay Hainline [4], and NASA [5] have also addressed numerous attributes of design of rockets. This study focused on the design of a solid rocket motor for an air to air missile under ideal conditions. The ideal conditions included steady state conditions (mass flow in the chamber equaling mass flow rate at the throat and exit at each time step), constant values for the ratio of specific heat and molecular weight, and all exhaust gases exiting the nozzle were assumed to be in the axial direction. For the requirements, the missile designed needed to have a total mass no greater than 100 kg. The warhead mass provided was 10 kg and the guidance system allocation was 20 kg. The overall length could not exceed 4 meters. The missile needed to also operate at an altitude of 3,000 m and the motor needed to burn for at least 2 s. The design approach included a phased approach: a) A Preliminary Design b) Trade Studies c) Final Design This process provides the framework to develop a compliant design. 2 2. Theory and Methodology Fundamentals of Rocket Design Rockets are the oldest type of aerospace propulsion system, dating back 2000 years to the Han Dynasty. Rockets are propulsion systems that produce thrust by accelerating mass through a nozzle. Chemical reactions are relied on by many rockets as an energy source. The propellant utilized in rockets consists of fuel and oxidizer components. The oxidizer is necessary since rockets are non air-breathing engines. Chemical rockets are categorized as: Liquid Propellant Rockets, Solid Propellant Rockets, or hybrid propellant rockets. [6] Solid Rocket Motor The solid rocket motor contains the propellant to be burned within a casing. The propellant takes the solid form called a grain, and once ignited, burns on the surfaces that are not inhibited by the case [7] [Figure 3]. Figure 3: Solid Rocket Schematic [6] The grain cross section is a factor in impacting the thrust versus time and performance of the rocket. For example, as seen from Figure 4, a propellant with a tubular grain design will have a thrust that will increase over time, while a rod and tube design will have a 3 thrust that is relatively stable over time. The selection of grain design is dependent on the application. Figure 4: Grain Cross Sections [6] In addition, there are two types of burning for a solid rocket motor. The first, end burning charges, are designed so that burning begins at one end of the chamber until reaching the other end. The second, and more prominently utilized, is radial burning, where the propellant cross sectional area changes with time. Radial burning provides high values of thrust for shorter durations of burn time. Figure 5 shows the surface recession of a solid propellant with a cross pattern. Figure 5: Surface Recession of a Solid Propellant [4] 4 Propellants Solid Rocket Motor Propellants are categorized as homogeneous, heterogeneous, or composite modified double base. The selection of the propellant, as well as the determination of the different input parameters of the motor, are fundamental to the design of the rocket motor. A key parameter for understanding the impact of a propellant is the burning rate. The law that correlates the burning rate of a propellant to the critical pressure and propellant characteristics is Vielle’s Law [6]: rb k (10 5 Pc ) n k ' Pcn 1000 k ' Pcn k10 5n 3 (1) (2) Where k represents the burning rate constant and n represents the burning rate exponent for a given propellant. Thrust Calculations To determine the thrust, three parameters were determined depending on the design of the rocket and selection of propellant. These parameters were the thrust coefficient Cf , the chamber pressure Pc , and the throat area A*. Utilizing these parameters, the thrust of the rocket was found utilizing the following expression [6]: FN CF , Actual PChamber A* The thrust over time is dependent on the change in chamber pressure. The chamber pressure varies with the burn area over time and will be discussed. 5 (3) Chamber Pressure The chamber pressure was calculated utilizing input parameters of the rocket from the expression [6]: 1 Pchamber propellantAburnk (10 5 ) RT chamber 1n 1000 A* X * (4) Chamber pressure plays a critical role in determining the hoop stress experienced by the casing of the solid propellant from the expression below [4]. Pchamberd ch arg e ( FactorofSafety) 2 * t ca sin g (5) This equation drove the decision of an appropriate material to be utilized. Range Equation A fundamental element to meeting missile specifications is understanding the range and velocity of a rocket. For this project, the following expressions were utilized to calculate these parameters at different time steps during the motor burn time. Velocity Equation at each time step: Vt dt Vt mt FN * t mt (6) dv FN dt (7) dx dt (8) v 6 Range Equation for each time step: xt dt xt Vt dt t (9) Design Approach To assess the mission objectives for the air to air missile mission, a trade study approach was developed. The goal of this trade study approach was to first develop a Preliminary Design that was utilized as a Baseline to perform trade studies. Once sensitivity trade studies were analyzed, the Preliminary Design and the lessons learned from the trade studies were utilized to create a Final Design. Figure 6 displays the trade study approach. Preliminary Design Trade Studies Final Design Figure 6: Trade Study Approach for Motor Design Preliminary Design Analytical Approach To begin the effort, an analytical Preliminary Design was prepared. The overall goal of this Preliminary Design was to develop a motor and missile to serve as a baseline for later trades. 7 The necessary input parameters necessary for the motor and missile included propellant properties, motor diameter, various lengths (charge length, nozzle length), various thicknesses (motor casing and insulation), nozzle diameter, and material. Utilizing these inputs, solid rocket propulsion theory equations were used to size the motor rocket and missile [6]. This approach included analytical calculations based upon the provided inputs to size the motor. Included in the dependant variables were nozzle exit area, throat area, chamber pressure, burn time, total mass, thrust, and range. The final product included tables and plots documenting the results and assumptions for the Preliminary Design. BurnSim Comparison The results of the Preliminary Design through the analytical approach were compared to the simulation results from the BurnSim Software. BurnSim Software is a tool that utilizes different input parameters such as charge length, conduit diameter, charge diameter, propellant properties, and nozzle properties to generate a thrust versus time plot. This was used as an independent assessment to validate the analytical results. Trade Studies Once all parameters were calculated and a Preliminary Design was prepared, the second phase of the trade study process was to conduct sensitivity analyses for different attributes of the motor. The following trades were performed for this project: Material Trade: Utilization of different materials for the motor casing. Propellant Trade: Selection of different propellants with different parameters as that of the Preliminary Design. Dimensional Trade: Changing the charge length and changing the conduit diameter of the rocket to understand the impact to output parameters. The conduit diameter is defined as the diameter of the opening within the solid propellant. 8 Final Design Utilizing the Preliminary Design and the trade study results, a Final Design of the motor and missile was assessed to meet the mission requirements. A similar analytical approach to the Preliminary Design to perform iterations of the motor design utilizing the lessons learned from the trade study was utilized. In addition, the BurnSim Software was used at this stage to validate the Final Design based upon on the Preliminary Design and trades. The result of the Final Design included documentation of the output parameters, a comparison chart of the parameters utilized in the Preliminary Design versus the Final Design, and a comparison plot from BurnSim. 9 3. Results & Discussion 3.1 Preliminary Design The Preliminary Design was developed as a starting point to perform the trades to develop the final motor and missile design. This design is not fully compliant, and the later trades will investigate different attributes of the missile to meet compliance. This section reviews the inputs decided upon for the Preliminary Design based on research of similar missiles and results in a comparison to the requirements. Preliminary Design Motor Dimensions The motor diameter was sized based on dimensions similar to those of the AIM-9 family of Sidewinder missiles [8]. Table 1 reviews the key inputs. Symbol Parameter Dimension Unit dmotor Motor Diameter 0.124 meters dcharge Charge Diameter 0.117 meters lcharge Charge Length 1.77 meters tcasing Casing Thickness 0.0025 meters tinsulation Insulation Thickness 0.001 meters dconduit Conduit Diameter 0.0784 meters Table 1: Preliminary Design Motor Inputs The charge diameter was determined based on the thickness of the casing and insulation thickness. The casing thickness was determined based upon a motor case sized in [6]. The insulation thickness was determined based on an initial estimate. Further investigation was conducted for the Final Design for a more accurate insulation thickness. The charge length was estimated based on a drawing of the AIM-9M [8]. To determine the size and shape of the conduit diameter, an initial estimate was determined based upon the sizing of the motor. [6] Further research was performed on the conduit 10 diameter size for the Final Design. The conduit shape was chosen as tubular due to the need to increase the thrust as the missile reaches its designated target. Propellant Characteristics The propellant selected for the Preliminary Design utilized a propellant mixture of Ammonium Perchlorate (Oxidizer) and Carboxyl-Terminated Polybutadiene (Fuel Binder). The selection of this propellant was based upon an initial assumption of a need for a high burn rate constant, which has a large impact on the thrust. This propellant was eventually compared against other solid motor propellants to determine an appropriate propellant for the Final Design. Specific propellant characteristics are given in Table 2 [6] Symbol Parameter Dimension Unit Tchamber Chamber Temperature 3370 K n Burning Rate Exponent 0.40 -- k Burning Rate Constant 4.0 -- ρpropellant Density (kg/m3) 1772 kg/m3 Mw Molecular Weight 29.3 (g/mol) R Gas Constant 284 (J/Kg*K) γ Ratio of Specific Heats 1.17 -- C* Characteristic Velocity 1575 m/s Table 2: Preliminary Design Propellant Inputs Weight Build-Up of Missile The weight of the missile was determined utilizing sizing techniques and estimates based upon similar sized missiles. Specific values for the mass build-up are given in Table 3. 11 Symbol Parameter Dimension Unit mwarhead Warhead Mass 10 kg mguidance system Guidance System Mass 20 kg mpropellant Propellant Mass 18.6 kg mcasing Casing Mass 7.92 kg mmiscellaneous comp Miscellaneous Components Mass 14.13 kg mmissile Total 70.65 kg Table 3: Preliminary Design Weight Inputs The warhead mass was estimated based upon the AIM-9E warhead mass of approximately 10 kg. [9] The guidance system mass was estimated comparing a theoretical guidance system allocation and length and utilizing ratio techniques that value versus the AIM-9M guidance system length [8]. For the Preliminary Design, a casing thickness was utilized for the entire missile. The material selected for this was Aluminum 2090-T86, driven by the preliminary selection for a lightweight solution. The casing mass was determined utilizing an approach mentioned in [10] of utilizing a hollow cylinder as a representation for the mass of the casing. The miscellaneous components mass was 25% of the sum of all other components and is representative of items such as miscellaneous structure, insulation, and fin mass. The factor was based on a conservative approach to ensure that all other miscellaneous components were accounted for in the mass build-up. 25% seems reasonable since the total mass of a missile, such as the AIM-9B, is 70 kg [9]. Note that the casing and propellant will change as the trades are conducted, but the 25% provides a strong justification for miscellaneous mass throughout the project. Length Build-Up The length of the missile components was based off similar dimensions of that of an AIM-9M missile drawing [8]. This is critical to understanding the length restrictions as the charge length is changed for different trade studies. Specific values are given in Table 4. 12 Symbol Parameter Dimension Unit lnozzle Nozzle Length 0.05 m lcharge Charge Length 1.77 m lwarhead Warhead Length 0.47 m lguidance system Guidance System Length 0.79 m ltip Tip Length 0.18 m lmissile Total Length 3.26 m Table 4: Preliminary Design Dimensional Inputs Thrust versus Time The computed thrust versus time plot is shown for the Preliminary Design. The burn time for the rocket motor was approximately 0.8 seconds, which is smaller than the provided requirement. The thrust profile did correlate to the expected burn profile of a tubular shaped design, where thrust increased with time. The thrust vs time plot is shown in Figure 7. Thrust (N) Thrust vs Time 80,000 70,000 60,000 50,000 40,000 30,000 20,000 10,000 0 0 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 Seconds 0.6 0.7 Figure 7: Thrust versus Time of Preliminary Design 13 0.8 Nozzle Design The nozzle design is essential for producing the optimal thrust necessary to perform the specified mission. Assumptions for the throat were that the flow was choked at the throat (M*=1) and that the exit pressure/chamber pressure did not vary with time. Table 5 shows the key parameters for the nozzle. Symbol Parameter Dimension Unit Aexit Exit Area 0.015 m^2 ϵ Epsilon 4 -- A* Throat Area 0.0038 m^2 dexit Exit Diameter 0.1397 m Table 5: Preliminary Design Nozzle Inputs The exit area was sized based on the exit diameter provided for the AIM-9M missile [8]. Epsilon was selected based on a theoretical rocket provided in [6]. The throat area was sized based upon the ratio of exit area to throat area Chamber Pressure and Hoop Stress Like thrust, the chamber pressure also varies with time. Utilizing equation 3, the chamber pressure was found for each time step and calculated to determine the hoop stress. Figure 8 displays this variation over time. 14 Chamber Pressure vs Time Chamber Pressure (Pa) 14,000,000 12,000,000 10,000,000 8,000,000 6,000,000 4,000,000 2,000,000 0 0 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 Time (s) 0.6 0.7 0.8 Figure 8: Chamber Pressure versus Time of Preliminary Design The hoop stress, utilizing equation 4, will drive the selection of the material for the pressure chamber of the Final Design. Hoop Stress vs Time Hoop Stress (MPa) 350 300 250 200 150 100 50 0 0 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 Seconds 0.6 0.7 0.8 Figure 9: Hoop Stress versus Time of Preliminary Design Range and Velocity The range of the Preliminary Design was calculated assuming aerodynamic impacts were minimal (Lift and Drag effects) and the missile was flying at an altitude of 3000 m 15 throughout its burn time. The range for this missile also analyzed utilizing the range equation for a given time step, yielding a range of 446 meters during the burn time. The range versus time is shown in Figure 10. Range vs Time 500 Range (m) 400 300 200 100 0 0 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 Time (s) 0.6 0.7 0.8 Figure 10: Range versus Time of Preliminary Design The velocity of the missile was calculated for the different time steps. The velocity changes as the thrust changes and is represented at each time step by equation 6 and the plot is displayed in Figure 11. Velocity vs Time 1000 Velocity (m/s) 800 600 400 200 0 0 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 Time (s) 0.6 0.7 Figure 11: Velocity versus Time of Preliminary Design 16 0.8 BurnSim Validation The results of the Preliminary Design were also compared against the BurnSim Software Output. Figure 12 displays the thrust versus time utilizing BurnSim. The burn time calculated through BurnSim was 0.87 s (versus the 0.8 seconds calculated through the analytical process. In addition, the max thrust calculated through BurnSim was 14813 lbs (65,892 N). Through the analytical approach, the max thrust was approximately 67,364 N. Thrust vs Time 70,000 60,000 Thrust (N) 50,000 40,000 30,000 20,000 10,000 0 0 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 Time (s) 0.5 0.6 0.7 0.8 Figure 12: BurnSim Output for Thrust versus Time of Preliminary Design Overall Compliance The Preliminary Design did not meet the requirements of the project. The key requirements and deltas are shown in Table 6. Attribute Requirement Preliminary Percentage Design Delta Compliance Mass (kg) 100 70.65 29% Compliant Length (m) 4 3.26 19% Compliant Burn Time (s) 2 0.8 60% Non-Compliant Table 6: Preliminary Design Compliance Table 17 With the Preliminary Design defined, the trade studies were utilized to determine which aspects of the motor and missile design could be improved to meet the requirements. 3.2 Material Trade The first trade performed for the air to air missile development was an investigation of materials for the motor case. The material selection and recommendations were based upon guidance from [4], [5] and [10]. The goal of this trade is to select a material for the casing that can withstand the hoop stress at all time steps, but also was sensitive to mass increase. The mass increase was critical to impacting the range equation. The baseline (Preliminary Design) and three alternative materials were selected. The selection of these materials were based upon usage on current missiles and recommended materials. Table 7 displays the materials and properties. Tracker Material Ultimate Yield Melting Strength Strength Temperature (MPa) (Mpa) (K) Density (kg/m^3) E Gpa Baseline Aluminum 2090-T86 550 520 833.15 2620 76 Alternative 1 AISI 4130 Steel 670 435 1705.35 7850 205 Alternative 2 Pyrolytic Graphite 80 -- 3923.15 2220 20 Alternative 3 Ti-6A1-4V 1170 1100 1877.15 4430 113.8 Table 7: Motor Case Materials [11] Each of the material’s yield stresses were compared against the Preliminary Design Hoop Stress, shown in Figure 13. 18 Stress vs Time 1200 Stress (MPa) 1000 800 Hoop Stress (Pa) 600 Aluminum 2090-T86 400 AISI 4130 Steel Pyrolytic Graphite 200 Ti-6A1-4V 0 0 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 time (s) 0.6 0.7 0.8 Figure 13: Stress versus Time of Preliminary Design and Materials This chart shows an important observation in that for the motor casing thickness of the motor of 0.0025 m, Titanium, Aluminum, and Steel were sufficient to accommodate the hoop stress of missile throughout the burn time. Based upon these results, it is recommended to use Ti-6A1-4V as the material for the Final Design. This result is driven by the desire to have the strongest material utilized. In addition, there was not a large mass increase by utilizing the Titanium material. A key fall-out of this trade was also the selection of an insulation material to accommodate the high chamber temperature. A comparison of the melting temperatures for each of the materials is shown below in Table 8: Chamber Aluminum 2090- Temperature (K) T86 (K) AISI 4130 Steel (K) Pyrolytic Graphite (K) Ti-6A1-4V (K) 3370 833.15 1705.35 3923.15 1877.15 Table 8: Chamber Temperature and Material Melting Temperatures This figure shows that although Titanium is the strongest material for the casing, the material with the highest melting temperature is the Pyrolytic Graphite. Therefore, the Final Design will utilize an insulation material composed of Pyrolytic Graphite. 19 3.3 Propellant Trade The second trade investigated for the air to air missile and motor design was the propellant selection. The goal of this trade was to determine the sensitivity of burn time and thrust utilizing different propellants. The propellant impacts parameters including burn time, thrust, and the sizing of the missile. Based upon Appendix D of [6] and provided propellant parameters, 2 alternative propellants were selected to trade against the baseline selection as shown in Table 9: Symbol Tchamber Parameter Chamber Baseline Alt 1 Alt 2 Unit (CTPB/AP/AL) (HTPB/AP/AL) (PBAN/AP/AL) 3370 3410 3500 K 0.40 0.45 0.33 -- 4.0 4.5 3.7 -- Temperature n Burning Rate Exponent k Burning Rate Constant ρpropellant Density (kg/m3) 1772 1855 1854.6 kg/m3 Mw Molecular 29.3 26.1 29.3 (g/mol) 1.17 1.18 1.17 -- 1575 1590 1577 m/s Weight γ Ratio of Specific Heats C* Characteristic Velocity Table 9: Propellant Properties Key in the selection of these propellants was the relatively higher and consistent values of k versus other propellants. [6] To analyze the impact of these propellants, the thrust versus time for each of these is plotted in Figure 14 and key results are shown and resulting attributes are shown in Table 10. 20 Thrust (N) Thrust vs Time 180,000 160,000 140,000 120,000 100,000 80,000 60,000 40,000 20,000 0 Baseline Alternative 1 Alternative 2 0 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.6 0.7 0.8 0.9 1 1.1 1.2 1.3 1.4 Time (s) Figure 14: Thrust versus Time of Different Propellant Configuration Symbol Parameter Baseline Alt 1 Alt 2 (CTPB/AP/AL) (HTPB/AP/AL) (PBAN/AP/AL) Unit tburn Burn Time 0.8 0.4 1.4 Seconds vburnout velocity 870 910 902 m/s x range 446 247 779 m FN Thrust at 67,364 159,844 38,689 N burnout Table 10: Propellant Trade Results Key to note for the results of these alternatives were the deltas amongst some of the key attributes. As expected, the propellant with the highest thrust will be the fastest to burn out propellant. This is because the mass flow rate exiting the missile is dependent on the thrust. Also, the propellant with the lowest burn rate had also the slowest burn time. Based upon the need to maintain a high thrust and burn time equivalent to roughly 2 seconds, a variation of the baseline propellant will be utilized in accordance to adjusting the conduit diameter and length. This is further discussed in the Final Design section. 3.4 Dimensional Trade This trade investigates the impact of changing the charge length and the conduit diameter of the missile. To exemplify the impact of impacting the length, different charge length variations were selected to accommodate the need to minimize impacts to 21 the missile overall length, but also to analyze the overall thrust increase at these different lengths. Figure 15 displays the thrust versus time for these different lengths: Charge Length vs Thrust 100,000 Thrust (N) 80,000 Charge Length = 1.67 m 60,000 Charge Length = 1.77 m 40,000 Charge Length = 1.87 m Charge Length = 1.97 m 20,000 Charge Length = 2.07 m 0 0 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.6 0.7 0.8 Time (s) Charge Length = 2.17 m Figure 15: Thrust versus Time for different charge lengths As expected, as the charge length of the solid rocket motor increased, the thrust of the motor increased. Interesting to note also was that with a higher charge length, there was a smaller burn time. It was not a large variation, but a noticeable one of about one tenth of a second. This was driven by the fact that the increase of the mass flow rate of the propellant is related to the increase in thrust. Therefore, since more mass is being burned, the time to burnout is faster. A comparison of the conduit diameters of the propellant was also performed for this missile. The main focus of the conduit diameters trade was to understand the impact to burn time for different conduit diameters. To assess the conduit diameter impacts, a plot of the thrust versus conduit diameter was generated and is shown in Figure 16. 22 Conduit Diameter vs Thrust 80,000 70,000 Thrust (N) 60,000 50,000 Conduit Diameter = 0.0784 m 40,000 Conduit Diameter = 0.08 m 30,000 Conduit Diameter = 0.09 m 20,000 Conduit Diameter = 0.1 m 10,000 0 0 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 Time (s) 0.5 0.6 0.7 0.8 Figure 16: Thrust versus Time for different conduit diameters The results showed that as the conduit diameter increased in size, the thrust at burn out remained approximately constant. There was however, a smaller burn time as the diameter of the conduit increased. Both these results are expected because the burn area, calculated for each time step as shown below, largely impacts the burn time and not the change in force at burn-out: Aburn d conduit l ch arg e (10) The main constraint on this trade is the throat area versus the conduit area. If the conduit area is smaller than the throat area, erosive burning is more likely to occur. Therefore, to attempt to avoid this, the throat area was kept higher than the burn area. To get higher performance, the conduit area needed to be at least two times greater than the throat area, which was the ratio utilized for the Final Design. 3.5 Final Design To arrive at the Final Design, the results of the trades and Preliminary Design were utilized to ensure that the requirements were met. This design was compliant to the design requirements and utilizing lessons learned from the Preliminary Design, the trades, and further research, the Final Design was formulated. Final Design Motor Dimensions For the Final Design, the Preliminary Design was revisited to ensure that the requirements were met for the project. Table 11 lists the key inputs. 23 Symbol Parameter Dimension Unit dmotor Motor Diameter 0.1461 meters dcharge Charge Diameter 0.1405 meters lcharge Charge Length 1.77 meters tcasing Casing Thickness 0.0025 meters tinsulation Insulation Thickness 0.0003 meters dconduit Conduit Diameter 0.1016 meters Table 11: Final Design Motor Inputs The overall motor diameter was changed based on the need to change the charge diameter and the conduit diameter. Charge diameter was changed based on the need to change the conduit diameter. The charge length was kept the same because the dimensional trade resulted in minimal changes to burn time. The casing thickness was maintained due to the Titanium material providing sufficient capability to react the pressures seen by the chamber. The insulation material thickness was reduced to reflect researched thicknesses on the order of 0.012 inches [9]. The conduit diameter was increased to reflect a throat to conduit area ratio that was greater than 2. The Preliminary Design had a very small throat to conduit ratio, which leads to erosive burning. Therefore, the conduit diameter needed to be changed for the Final Design. This drove changes in the design, specifically the propellant characteristics and the need to investigate the material selection. Propellant Characteristics The propellant selected for the Final Design was a variant of the propellant utilized in the Preliminary Design, a propellant mixture of Ammonium Perchlorate (Oxidizer) and Carboxyl-Terminated Polybutadiene (Fuel Binder). This was driven by after further research [6], the propellant rate of burn needed to be changed to accommodate the higher chamber pressures and the need for a higher burn time. The characteristics of the Final Design Propellant are displayed in Table 12. 24 Symbol Parameter Dimension Unit Tchamber Chamber Temperature 3371 K n Burning Rate Exponent 0.35 -- k Burning Rate Constant 2.2 -- ρpropellant Density (kg/m3) 1771.5 kg/m3 Mw Molecular Weight 29.3 (g/mol) R Gas Constant 284 (J/Kg*K) γ Ratio of Specific Heats 1.17 -- C* Characteristic Velocity 1577 m/s Table 12: Final Design Propellant Inputs Weight Build-Up The weight of the missile was maintained relatively similar to the Preliminary Design. Specific mass inputs are given in Table 13. Symbol Parameter Dimension Unit mwarhead Warhead Mass 10 kg mguidance system Guidance System Mass 20 kg mpropellant Propellant Mass 23.19 kg mcasing Casing Mass 9.52 kg mmiscellaneous comp Miscellaneous Components Mass 15.68 kg mmissile Total 78.39 kg Table 13: Final Design Weight Inputs The design of the warhead and guidance systems utilized the same rationale as the Preliminary Design. The propellant mass increased for the Final Design because the conduit and charge diameters became larger. This increase with different propellant characteristics drove a larger burn time than that of the Preliminary Design. For the Final Design, a casing thickness was also utilized for the entire missile. However, the material selected for this design was Titanium (Ti-6A1-4V), driven by the trade study results that showed Titanium as the most suitable material for the casing and handling the chamber 25 pressure. The factor of 25% for the miscellaneous components assumption was also utilized for the Final Design. Length Build-Up To meet the need of being compatible and integrated onto the aircraft, the length dimensions and rationale of the missile were kept relatively the same as the Preliminary Design, with the only exception being a slight variation in the nozzle length due to a minor configuration change from the Preliminary Design. Specific length inputs are given in Table 14: Final Design Dimensional Inputs. Symbol Parameter Dimension Unit lnozzle Nozzle Length 0.13 m lcharge Charge Length 1.77 m lwarhead Warhead Length 0.47 m lguidance system Guidance System Length 0.79 m ltip Tip Length 0.18 m lmissile Total Length 3.34 m Table 14: Final Design Dimensional Inputs Thrust versus Time The thrust versus time plot is shown for the Final Design. The burn time for the rocket motor was approximately 2.5 seconds, which is higher than that of the Preliminary Design and the requirement. Like the Preliminary Design, the thrust profile did correlate to the expected burn profile of a tubular shaped design, where thrust increased with time. The improvement of burn time was due to the change in propellant characteristics, as well as the increase in the overall charge diameter of the rocket. The thrust of the motor was lower than that of the Preliminary Design. The thrust versus time is shown in Figure 17. 26 Thrust vs Time 30,000 Thrust (N) 25,000 20,000 15,000 10,000 5,000 0 0 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.6 0.7 0.8 0.9 1 1.1 1.2 1.3 1.4 1.5 1.6 1.7 1.8 1.9 Time (s) 2 2.1 2.2 2.3 2.4 2.5 Figure 17: Thrust versus Time of Final Design Nozzle Design The nozzle design for the Final Design was kept the same as the Preliminary Design. This was driven by the need to keep the nozzle the same to analyze the impact of other attributes of the missile and motor. Specific nozzle inputs are given in Table 15. Symbol Parameter Dimension Unit Aexit Exit Area 0.015 m^2 ϵ Epsilon 4 -- A* Throat Area 0.0038 m^2 dexit Exit Diameter 0.1397 m Table 15: Final Design Nozzle Inputs Chamber Pressure and Hoop Stress The chamber pressure and hoop stress were key drivers into the material selection for the missile. As mentioned, Titanium was chosen as the material for the Final Design because of its high capability to withstand the chamber pressure through the trades. The Chamber Pressure versus Time is shown in Figure 18: Chamber Pressure versus Time of Final Design 27 Chamber Pressure vs Time Chamber Pressure (Pa) 5,000,000 4,000,000 3,000,000 2,000,000 1,000,000 0 0 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.6 0.7 0.8 0.9 1 1.1 1.2 1.3 1.4 1.5 1.6 1.7 1.8 1.9 2 Time (s) 2.1 2.2 2.3 2.4 2.5 Figure 18: Chamber Pressure versus Time of Final Design Figure 19 displays the hoop stress versus time of the casing and the yield strength of Titanium are compared. Hoop Stress vs Time Hoop Stress (MPa) 1200 1000 800 600 Hoop Stress (Mpa) 400 Titanium 200 0 0 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.6 0.7 0.8 0.9 1 1.1 1.2 1.3 1.4 1.5 1.6 1.7 1.8 1.9 2 Time (s) 2.1 2.2 2.3 2.4 2.5 Figure 19: Hoop Stress versus Time of Final Design Range and Velocity Like the Preliminary Design, the range during burn time was calculated assuming aerodynamic impacts (Lift and Drag Effects) were minimal and the missile was flying at a steady altitude of 3000 m. The range of the missile was calculated to be 1443 meters and the range versus time is shown in Figure 20. 28 Range (m) Range vs Time 1600 1400 1200 1000 800 600 400 200 0 0 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.6 0.7 0.8 0.9 1 1.1 1.2 1.3 1.4 1.5 1.6 1.7 1.8 1.9 Time (s) 2 2.1 2.2 2.3 2.4 2.5 Figure 20: Range versus Time of Final Design The velocity of the missile was calculated utilizing the same methodology as the Preliminary Design as shown in Figure 21. Velocity vs Time 1200 Velocity (m/s) 1000 800 600 400 200 0 0 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.6 0.7 0.8 0.9 1 1.1 1.2 1.3 1.4 1.5 1.6 1.7 1.8 1.9 2 2.1 2.2 2.3 2.4 2.5 Time (s) Figure 21: Velocity versus Time of Final Design BurnSim Validation Similar to the Preliminary Design, the results of the Final Design were also compared against the BurnSim Software Output. For the Final Design, the burn time calculated through BurnSim was 2.46 seconds. The max thrust was calculated to be 6334lbs (28178 N). These results were very similar to the analytical results of approximately 2.5 seconds and 24235 N. The BurnSim output is shown in Figure 22. 29 Thrust vs. Time 30,000 Thrust (N) 25,000 20,000 15,000 10,000 5,000 0 0 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.6 0.7 0.8 0.9 1 1.1 1.2 1.3 Time (s) 1.4 1.5 1.6 1.7 1.8 1.9 2 2.1 2.2 2.3 2.4 2.5 Figure 22: BurnSim Output for Thrust versus Time of Final Design Overall Compliance The Final Design met all project requirements. Compliance was attributed to the research of performing the trades and integrating those results into the Final Design. Specific values of compliance are shown in Table 16: Final Design Compliance Table . Attribute Requirement Preliminary Final Design Design Final Design Compliance Mass (kg) 100 70.65 74.48 Compliant Length 4 3.26 3.34 Compliant 2 0.8 2.5 Compliant (m) Burn Time (s) Table 16: Final Design Compliance Table 30 4. Conclusion The development of the motor design for the air to air missile led to many important conclusions. For motor design, there are many different attributes that can be impacted. For this project, it was shown that even going from a Preliminary Design to a Final Design can lead to different results based upon lessons learned throughout the trade study process. The Preliminary Design, although creating higher thrusts, had some challenges with the design, most notably the conduit to throat area ratio. The Preliminary Design also contained a quick burn time of approximately 0.8 seconds. This concluded in the need to change the conduit to throat area to be above 2 for the Final Design and the need to increase the burn time for the Final Design to meet the requirement. The trade studies yielded important results that helped drive key decision making for the Final Design. The materials trade presented evidence for the selection of Titanium as the best suitable material due to its capability to withstand the hoop stress. This was displayed through the comparison of the hoop stress versus the yield strength of Titanium for the entire burn time. The propellant trade showed very important results of the effect of burn rate on burn time. Although the exact propellants from the trade studies were not utilized for the Final Design, it showed the key sensitivity of burn rate versus burn time, where the propellants with lower burn rates had a longer burn time. The dimensions trade displayed that charge length and conduit diameters had impact on specific parameters (Charge Length impacts predominantly thrust and conduit diameter predominantly impacts burn time.) A key for this trade was to utilize reasonable conduit diameters of the propellant of at least two times the throat area. The Final Design utilized these trades and Preliminary Design to develop a compliant solution. Three of the major changes in the Final Design included the need to change the conduit diameter and the change in the propellant. The conduit diameter was altered due to the need to have a higher diameter at the propellant conduit versus the throat diameter. This had impacts to the design in which the propellants were analyzed further. The propellant selected was a variation of the Preliminary Design propellant and was selected due to its ability to provide longer burn times and still provide significant thrust. 31 The change in propellant with a different conduit diameter drove hoop stress and a check was done to validate the usage of Titanium as the selected material. With these changes, the Final Design was compliant to the specified mission parameters with a burn time of approximately 2.5 seconds. This drove the conclusion that the motor properties analyzed and traded had influence on sizing the Final Design to meet these specified requirements and it amplified the importance of analyzing attributes from a system level since many of the missile attributes impact each other. Overall, missile and motor design have multiple sensitivities in creating a design. This project resulted in notable and important results for these specific attributes and drove a compliant Final Design. However, this study not only utilized analytical results, but also proved the importance of the trade study process and the importance of utilizing a phased approach. 32 5. References [1] AIM 120 AMRAAM Slammer, Pike, John, Copyright 2000 – 2012 http://www.globalsecurity.org/military/systems/munitions/aim-120.htm [2] Directory of U.S. Military Rockets and Missile AIM-120, Parsch, Andreas, Copyright 2002 – 2007 http://www.designation-systems.net/dusrm/m-120.html [3] Nakka, Richard Allan. Solid Propellant Rocket Motor Design and Testing, April 1984, University of Manitoba [4] R Clay Hainline. Design Optimization of Solid Rocket Motor Grains for Internal Ballistic Performance. 1998, Southwest Missouri State University [5] Solid Propellant Grain Design and Internal Ballistics. NASA/SP-8076, March 1972 [6] Ward, Thomas. Aerospace Propulsion Systems. 1st ed Singapore: John Wiley & Sons (Asia) Pte Ltd., 2010. [7] Mattingly, Jack D. Elements of Propulsion. 1st ed Virginia: American Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics, Inc, 2006 [8] Ball, Jim Sidewinder AIM-9 Missile, Copyright 2008 http://www.rocketryonline.com/jimball/jimball/sidewinder/sidewinder.htm [9] Raytheon (Philco/General Electric) AAM-N-7/GAR-8/AIM-9 Sidewinder, Parsch, Andreas, Copyright 2002-2008 http://www.designation-systems.net/dusrm/m-9.html [10] Fleeman Eugene L. Tactical Missile Design, American Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics, 2001. [11] MATWEB, Matweb, LLC, Copyright 1996-2012, http://www.matweb.com/ 33 Appendices Appendix A – Validation of Tools To verify the analytical methodology, a validation was performed to compare both the analytical and BurnSim Software. The analysis was performed for the Final Design (A radial burning solid rocket motor utilizing a tubular grain cross section.) For the analytical approach, Microsoft Excel was utilized. Since mass flow rate and conduit area are dependent on time, time steps of 0.1 seconds were taken. Utilizing this approach, the burn time of the propellant was approximately 2.5 seconds and the resulting plot is shown below in Figure 23. Thrust vs Time 30,000 Thrust (N) 25,000 20,000 15,000 10,000 5,000 0 0 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.6 0.7 0.8 0.9 1 1.1 1.2 1.3 1.4 1.5 1.6 1.7 1.8 1.9 Time (s) 2 2.1 2.2 2.3 2.4 2.5 Figure 23: Thrust vs. Time for Analytical Approach The BurnSim software, utilizing the same inputs, resulted in the following plot below. time was calculated to be 2.46 seconds. Thrust vs. Time 30,000 Thrust (N) 25,000 20,000 15,000 10,000 5,000 0 0 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.6 0.7 0.8 0.9 1 1.1 1.2 1.3 Time (s) 1.4 1.5 1.6 1.7 1.8 Figure 24: Thrust vs. Time for BurnSim 34 1.9 2 2.1 2.2 2.3 2.4 2.5 Figure 25 compares the results of both the analytical approach versus BurnSim. The results outputted below show a percent error of 18% at time equals 0.01 seconds and a percent error of 13% at time equal to 2.5 s. The rationale behind this percent difference could be due to rounding estimations and the difference in methodology of calculating the results. Although there are slight deltas amongst the tools, the BurnSim tool can be utilized to validate the analytical approach for this effort. In addition, the burn time comparison is very similar (2.46 seconds for BurnSim, 2.5 seconds for analytical) Thrust vs. Time 30,000 Thrust (N) 25,000 20,000 15,000 BurnSim 10,000 Analytical 5,000 0 0 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.6 0.7 0.8 0.9 1 1.1 1.2 1.3 1.4 1.5 1.6 1.7 1.8 1.9 Time (s) 2 2.1 2.2 2.3 2.4 2.5 Figure 25: Thrust vs. Time Comparison 35 Appendix B – Summary of Tools This design project focused on utilizing numerous analytical tools to determine the required parameters for analysis. This appendix provides a short overview of each of the tools for each phase of the trade study: Preliminary Design Analytical Model: To begin analysis to determine attributes such as the thrust versus time, chamber pressure, hoop stress, range, and velocity, a model was developed based off methodology utilized for motor design. [6]. The model was designed for a radial burning, tubular shaped conduit. Inputs into the tool included all the nozzle inputs mentioned throughout the project (A*, Aexit), motor attributes (chamber diameter, conduit diameter, charge length, overall diameter), propellant characteristics, ambient pressure, and mass inputs. From these, utilizing propulsion principles and equations, the resulting outputs of the project were determined. A key note to include is for the thrust versus time plots, there is a very short time period (on the order of 0.01 s), where the thrust goes from 0 N to the first data points on the plots. This is neglected throughout the project due to minimal impact on the results and is not shown. In addition, for the velocity vs time plots, there is an initial velocity of for the missile since the aircraft carrying the missile is assumed to be in flight. BurnSim: As mentioned in the project main body, BurnSim was software that utilized propellant characteristics, motor characteristics (same as the analytical model), and nozzle characteristics to develop a thrust versus time curve. This provided a validation for the analytical tool. Trade Studies Materials Trade: Once preliminary research was performed on the materials, a comparison to the hoop stress was done utilizing the analytical model. 36 Propellant Trade: Similar to the materials trade, once preliminary research was performed on the propellants, the propellants selected were inserted into the analytical model and the impacts on thrust versus time were analyzed. Dimensions Trade: Upon completion of preliminary selection of diameters and lengths to be analyzed, the analytical model was utilized to analyze the impacts of the different selected lengths and diameters on thrust versus time. Final Design Analytical Model: The analytical model utilized for the Final Design was similar to that of the Preliminary Design. The main delta was the utilization of the new dimensions and propellant characteristics of the Final Design. BurnSim: Like the Preliminary Design, a BurnSim validation was performed on the motor performance. 37