Structural Analysis of Load Distribution within Single Cell Fuel Cell by Eric J. O’Brien An Engineering Project Submitted to the Graduate Faculty of Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute in Partial Fulfillment of the Requirements for the degree of MASTER OF ENGINEERING IN MECHANICAL ENGINEERING Approved: _________________________________________ Ernesto Gutierrez-Miravete, Adviser Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute Hartford, Connecticut December, 2011 ii CONTENTS LIST OF SYMBOLS ........................................................................................................ iv LIST OF TABLES ............................................................................................................. v LIST OF FIGURES .......................................................................................................... vi LIST OF KEY WORDS .................................................................................................. vii ABSTRACT ................................................................................................................... viii 1. INTRODUCTION/BACKGROUND ....................................................................... 1 2. THEORY/METHODOLOGY .................................................................................. 4 2.1. Solid Mechanics of the PEM fuel cell................................................................ 4 2.2. Design of Experiment Factorial Methodology................................................... 5 2.3. Geometry ............................................................................................................ 7 2.4. Materials ............................................................................................................. 9 3. RESULTS ................................................................................................................. 15 3.1. Results Overview ............................................................................................. 15 3.2. Selecting a Surface for Evaluation ................................................................... 17 3.3. Cell Pressure Results – Z component of Stress ................................................ 21 3.4. Factorial Analysis Results ................................................................................ 26 4. DISCUSSION ........................................................................................................... 30 5. CONCLUSIONS ...................................................................................................... 34 6. BIBLIOGRAPHY...................................................................................................... 35 7. APPENDICES .......................................................................................................... 37 7.1. Comsol Files: ................................................................................................... 37 7.2. Minitab Files .................................................................................................... 37 iii LIST OF SYMBOLS σ = Normal Stress (Pa) τ = Shear Stress (Pa) λ = Lamé’s Constant (Pa) ε = True Strain (-) δ = Elongation (m) G = Shear Modulus (Pa) e = Linear Strain E = Modulus of Elasticity (GPa) ν = Poisson’s Ratio (-) ρ = Density (kg/m^3) F = External Force/Load (N) A = Area (m2) p = Pressure (Pa) L = Length (m) W = Width (m) D = Diameter (m) iv LIST OF TABLES Table 1: DOE factorial variables for analysis .................................................................... 7 Table 2: Material Properties .............................................................................................. 9 Table 3: Compression results by case .............................................................................. 22 v LIST OF FIGURES Figure 1 - How a PEM fuel cell works [1] ........................................................................ 1 Figure 2: Fuel Cell Stack Diagram .................................................................................... 3 Figure 3: Visual representation of a Full Factorial vs. Half Factorial ............................... 6 Figure 4: Geometry of the single cell ................................................................................ 8 Figure 5: Highlighted surfaces represent symmetry boundary conditions ...................... 10 Figure 6 – Applied pressure location on the pressure plate ............................................. 11 Figure 7 - Side view of cell mesh .................................................................................... 13 Figure 8: Mesh containing triangular prisms. .................................................................. 14 Figure 9 – Von Mises stress plot of the pressure plate .................................................... 16 Figure 10: Cross Section Planes within separator plates. ................................................ 18 Figure 11 - Plot of Z direction of stress in a cross section of the separator plate. ........... 19 Figure 12: Comparison Plots of locations within the separator plates (a) 1.5 mm from center anode side (b) 1mm from center anode side (c) 1mm from center cathode side. . 20 Figure 13: 3D Plot of Z component stress in baseline separator plate ............................ 21 Figure 14: Plots of the Z component stress tensor (a) Case 1 (b) Case 2 (c) Case 3 (d) Case 4............................................................................................................................... 23 Figure 15: Plots of the Z component stress tensor (a) Case 5 (b) Case 6 (c) Case 7 (d) Case 8............................................................................................................................... 25 Figure 16: Main Effects plot for Average Values ........................................................... 26 Figure 17: Effects Pareto for Average ............................................................................. 27 Figure 18: Effects Pareto for Range ................................................................................ 28 Figure 19: Effects Pareto for Max Z Stress ..................................................................... 28 Figure 20: Pareto Chart of effects for Min Z stress ......................................................... 29 Figure 21: Optimization of Factorial Analysis ................................................................ 31 Figure 22: Low aspect ratio solution ............................................................................... 32 vi LIST OF KEY WORDS Fuel Cell PEM – Polymer Electrolyte Membrane Pressure Plate Separator Plate UEA – Unitized Electrode Assembly GDL – Gas Diffusion Layer DOE – Design of Experiments Factorial Analysis vii ABSTRACT A PEM fuel cell consists of a membrane within an electrode assembly, flow field plates to deliver the reactant gases, and pressure plates to load the system for sealing and conduction. Distribution of pressure on a fuel cell is important for maximum performance and durability of the membrane. This study evaluates the factors which affect the pressure within a single cell fuel cell by performing a structural analysis using a Finite Element model to evaluate eight different cases. The cases were generated using design of experiments factorial methods with four factors and two levels to vary the pressure plate thickness, flow field plate thickness, aspect ratio, and tie rod load in each case. The results show that there are areas of the cell which are not under compressive load. Pressure plate thickness and applied load are the largest factors which affect the load distribution of the cell. viii 1. INTRODUCTION/BACKGROUND Fuel Cells utilize an electrochemical reaction between a fuel, usually hydrogen, and oxygen, typically from air to generate electricity. There are multiple types of fuel cells which have different benefits for different applications. These include Direct Methanol, Alkaline, Phosphoric Acid, Molten Carbonate, Solid Oxide and Polymer Electrolyte Membrane fuel cells. The fuel cell type which will be evaluated in this paper is a Polymer Electrolyte Membrane (PEM) fuel cell. A single fuel cell does not generate a large amount of electricity; therefore, multiple cells are usually stacked together into a cell stack assembly. The area of each cell and the number of cells in the stack can be varied to meet specific operating conditions. Figure 1 - How a PEM fuel cell works [1] As seen in Figure 1, for a PEM fuel cell to function it needs to have a hydrogen flow field plate on the anode side, an oxygen flow field plate on the cathode side, and the polymer electrolyte membrane (PEM) in the center. The flow field plates usually are made from carbon graphite material. This material allows for electrical conductivity 1 through the plates, as well as channels to be machined into them for fuel and air flow. These flow channels allow for fuel and air to pass by the electrode assembly which contains the membrane, catalyst layers as well as gas diffusion layers (GDLs) which are located on either side of the membrane. The GDLs help the flow diffuse equally into the membrane, including areas between the actual flow channels. Often the electrode assembly is often bonded into a single assembly [2], or unitized, and referred to as a unitized electrode assembly or UEA. It is referred to as unitized because it is made into a single assembly which is then sandwiched between the flow field plates, also known as separator plates Electricity is generated in the fuel cell when a fuel, pure hydrogen in the case of PEM fuel cells, flows over the anode side of the electrode assembly and air flows over the cathode side of the electrode assembly. When this occurs, hydrogen reacts with a catalyst in the electrode which causes positive ions to pass through the membrane, while the negative ions create an electrical current. The positive ions then react with the oxygen in the air on the cathode side of cell to produce water. Below are the following equations for this reaction [3]: Anode Reaction: 2H 2 4H 4e Cathode Reaction: O2 4H 4e 2H 2 O Overall Cell Reaction: 2H 2 O2 2H 2O Although there are many factors which affect the performance of a fuel cell, the load on the UEA and more specifically on the GDL can significantly affect the performance. [4]. Proper load distribution of the fuel cell is important for both performance and durability. Low loads on a cell increases resistance and therefore reduces performance. High loads can create excessive stress on the cell membrane decreasing lifetime of the cell. Fuel cell stacks with dozens of cells end up with relatively even pressure distribution because the ratio of the length of the stack vs. the distance from the tie rod loads to the center of the cell is large. When this number is small the distribution of load at the UEA can be poor, such as in single cell stacks or stacks with only a few cells. 2 The pressure within a given single cell has been proven to vary as much as 4 times from the lowest pressure to the highest pressure even with different loads [5]. The question to be answered in this study is what variable of the design affect this ratio from the highest load to the lowest load. To apply load to the stack, there are stainless steel pressure plates on the either end of the assembly with threaded tie rods connecting the two pressure plates as seen in Figure 2 below [6]. The pressure plates are large plates of stainless steel represented by numbers 120 and 140 in the diagram below. The threaded tie rods, represented by number 102 in the figure below, extend through each of the pressure plates and nuts on either side pull the pressure plates together, compressing the cell stack assembly. None of the other features in the diagram represent the fuel cell discussed in this study. For instance, there are coolant ports in the pressure plate below, however the pressure plate used in this study does not have any ports in it. Figure 2: Fuel Cell Stack Diagram 3 2. THEORY/METHODOLOGY To ensure proper loading, optimization of the pressure plate and bipolar plate design is needed. The objective of this paper is to evaluate the change in load distribution when changing the configuration of the cell, including the thickness of the pressure plate, thickness of the separator plate, load on the cell and aspect ratio of the fuel cell. Using a constant pressure plate configuration, the pressure on the electrode assembly (UEA) will be evaluated. A finite element model was developed using the program Comsol. The geometry was originally modeled in Pro/Engineer and was then refined within Comsol such that the parametric features could be used within Comsol. Some simplifications were made in order to keep the mesh of reasonable size, such as the number of channels in the separator plates as well as having the channels run parallel instead of perpendicular. Meshing the perpendicular flow field would have exponentially increased the amount of elements needed. Minitab was used to develop a set of analyses with two levels for each variable using Design of Experiment (DOE) factorial methods. The results were evaluated for each of the cases required for the DOE analysis. The thru plane stress was the main output compared for each case. Because good load distribution on the cell is important for its performance, as stated above in the introduction, reducing the pressure distribution at the surface of the UEA was the goal of the analysis. 2.1. Solid Mechanics of the PEM fuel cell It is assumed that there are no initial stresses on the materials from machining or material processing and all materials are assumed to be isotropic. Due to the relatively low temperature of a PEM fuel cell, which is usually less than 100C, the material properties are assumed to be the same as room temperature. There is also assumed to be no thermal stress in the system. 4 The stress within the material is therefore represented with the following equations [7]: x xy xz ij xy y yz zx zy z [1] Since the system is in equilibrium the following equation applies: div 0 [2] The stress-stain relationship is Hooke’s Law: ij kk ij 2Geij [3] Where: G E 2(1 ) 2G 1 2 [4a] [4b] 2.2. Design of Experiment Factorial Methodology Design of Experiments is a method of experimentation to test or establish a hypothesis to see which inputs have the greatest effect on the output. Generally used for physical experiments to ensure variation is of the experiment does not affect the outcome, it can also be used for a set of analyses used to determine which parameters in the analysis have the greatest effect on the output. One type of analysis method is factorial analysis. The factorial analysis is a statistical method to describe the effect of variables on a system with a reduced number of factors. In this case there are four factors 5 being analyzed with two levels for each factor. To produce a full factorial of tests, 16 analyses would have to be run because the factorial equation is the number of levels raised to the power of the number of factors as represented in equation. However, a full factorial compares all interactions between all of the factors. For this case the assumption is that the higher level interactions are not large factors and a half factorial can be used. This allows for the most significant data to be collected with half of the cases, which would now be 8. The half factorial set selects 8 of the cases in a logical manner which allows for the least error. A graphical representation of full factorial vs. ½ factorial can be seen in Figure 3. This figure represents a three factor experiment where the number of cases reduces from 8 to 4; however the same logic applies to four factors. Figure 3: Visual representation of a Full Factorial vs. Half Factorial The experiment variables were selected to be the pressure plate thickness, tie rod load, aspect ratio of the cell, and the separator thickness. Minitab’ half factorial logic was used to calculate the set of cases and these are shown below in Table 1. In general the table is just a set of zeros or ones representing the two levels of each factor. To generate the cases specific to this analysis, the following four parameters were entered into Minitab: pressure plate thickness, load, aspect ratio, tie rod location. These cases were entered as variables within a finite analysis model as parameter such that the model could be run with any set of variables. The outputs from the analysis were then entered back into Minitab for post processing. The details of the post processing are within the Results and Discussion sections below. 6 Table 1: DOE factorial variables for analysis Run # 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 Pressure Plate Thicknes s (mm) 16 20 16 20 16 20 16 20 Load (kPa) 200 200 350 350 200 200 350 350 Separator Aspect Thickness Ratio (mm) 1.5:1 1.5:1 1.5:1 1.5:1 2:01 2:01 2:01 2:01 2 4 4 2 4 2 2 4 The table above contains the 8 cases which were analyzed. The factors were selected as bounds of the design space for each of the variables. The pressure plate thickness is the through thickness of the plate which was varied from 16mm to 20mm which is scaled for size from similar documented analyses [5]. The load is the pressure on the active area of the cell ranging from 200 kPa to 350 kPa which are standard loads on a fuel cell. The aspect ratio of the cell varied from 1.5:1 to 2:1 which is within a standard range of aspect ratios where fuel cells are not perfectly square as found in various studies [8]. The separator thickness was set to 2mm because standard fuel cell channels are around 1mm deep or less [9] . To add significant thickness the high level of the factor was set to 4mm. 2.3. Geometry The geometry is a simplified representation of a single cell fuel cell containing pressure plates, a fuel flow field plate, an air flow field plate and an electrode assembly (UEA). To reduce the number of elements needed, the model was made as ¼ of the actual assembly by taking advantage of symmetry. This is possible because the cell is symmetrical in both directions. This means instead of four tie rod loading points in the model, there is only one corner which is loaded. The gaskets within the flow field plates were ignored as they are only on the very edge of the plate and this study is focused on 7 the lack of pressure within the center of the assembly. The cell stack is assumed to have external manifolds for the reactants and coolant flows. Therefore, there are no features on the pressure plates other than the flanges for the tie rods. The resultant model including all of the modifications above is shown in Figure 4. The highlighted parts are the pressure plates while the remainders of pieces in the middle are the separator plates, which have channels in them, as well as the UEA. In the figure below, the pressure plates are 20mm thick, the separator plates are 2mm thick and the UEA is 0.5mm thick. The area of the cell for both cases of active area was held at a constant 200cm2. The 1.5:1 aspect ratio had a length of 175mm and width of 115mm. The 2:1 aspect ratio has a length of 200mm and width of 100mm. The actual lengths in the model are half of that due to the use of symmetry. Figure 4: Geometry of the single cell The hole for the tie rods was also removed to create a simpler mesh and not generate unrealistic stresses on the hole due to the coarse mesh in that area. Since that area was not of concern for this analysis the simplification was considered appropriate. 8 2.4. Materials Three different materials are included in the fuel cell. The pressure plates are made of Type 316 stainless steel. The flow field plate is made from graphite. Material properties from a standard fuel cell plate supplier, Graftech, were used for the separator plate materials. The UEA made up of multiple materials; however the thickest is the GDL, which is made from a fiberous graphite. Therefore the standard GDL material properties were used for the UEA. The material properties are listed in table 2. Table 2: Material Properties Material Density (kg/m3) Young’s Modulus (GPa) Poisson's Ratio Source 316 SS 7.92 193 .28 [10] 1.5 10 .27 [11] .9 10 .27 [11] Graftech Graphite Plate UEA 2.5. Boundary Conditions As mentioned above, in order to simulate the entire cell while still maintaining a manageable model, the symmetry boundary condition was used on two sides of the cell. Both the sides in highlighted in Figure 5 have symmetry boundary conditions applied. Therefore the actual cell size has four times the area analyzed in the model. 9 Figure 5: Highlighted surfaces represent symmetry boundary conditions The load on the fuel cell is created by four tie rods that run between the pressure plates similar to Figure 2. The load from the tie rod is distributed onto the pressure plate through a washer. The load from this washer is represented by an applied pressure on the circular surfaces on the pressure plate flanges. The area highlighted in Figure 6 is the area where load was applied to the model. 10 Figure 6 – Applied pressure location on the pressure plate The opposing side of the other pressure plate has the equal but opposite applied pressure to the same size area. This pressure was scaled such that the correct pressure was applied to the cell. The applied pressure is calculated from the force from the tie rod and the area of the washer which is in contact with the pressure plate and is represented by the following equations: pT FT AT 11 [5] Where the Force on the tie rod is ¼ of the force on the cell because there are four tie rods: FT Fc 4 [5a] And the force on the cell is calculated from the pressure and area of the cell separated into length and width within this equation: Fc LcWc p c [5b] The diameter of the washer which is loaded by the tie rod is 12mm, and the area which is loaded in the model is: AT D 2 4 [5c] The resultant equation is for the applied pressure is: pT LcWc pc D 2 [6] This pressure is a parameter in Comsol calculated for each cell pressure case. For 200Kpa the pressure is 8.897MPa. For a 300KPa pressure on the cell, the pressure is 13.35MPa. 2.6. Mesh The mesh is made up of triangular prism elements. In order to mesh the separator plate with channels, a surface mesh of triangles was first created on the side of the plate. The remainder of the pressure plate and the UEA were also surface meshed with triangles as seen in Figure 7. 12 Figure 7 - Side view of cell mesh The tabs at the top of the pressure plate where the tie rods are connected were surfaced meshed with triangles on the planes perpendicular to the rest of the model. This enabled the circle to be meshed appropriately while still having the mesh align with the triangular prisms below. The surfaces of triangular mesh were then swept across the volumes to create triangular prisms. The flanges at the top of the pressure plates were swept perpendicular to the remainder of the model. The entire mesh of the pressure plate is shown in Figure 8 below. 13 Figure 8: Mesh containing triangular prisms. 14 3. RESULTS 3.1. Results Overview The results below show how the pressure within the cell for each case of the DOE table. The main focus of results is the pressure distribution across the separator plate. In the finite element analysis this load is represented by the Z component of the stress tensor. Most of the plots below display a cross section within the separator plate of each of the results. The maximums, minimums and averages of the Z component of stress are then tabulated in the DOE table. The model detailed in the above section was run in Comsol. To get a general idea of the resultant stresses in the model, a plot of the von Mises’ stresses is displayed below in Figure 9. The von Mises’ stress is a criterion that summarizes the complete distribution of the state of stress on the system with a single number and is defined as [7]: 0 1 2 [( 1 2 ) 2 ( 2 3 ) 2 ( 3 1 ) 2 ]1 / 2 15 [7] Figure 9 – Von Mises stress plot of the pressure plate Evaluating the von Mises’ stress is good for understanding the general stresses in the cell and also makes sure that the materials are not being stressed beyond their yield stress. The yield stress for the pressure plate material, which is 304 SS is 276MPa [12] and the results in Figure 9 show the max stress at 192 MPa which means that the 16 analysis is not producing unrealistically high stresses to the point where the material would yield. 3.2. Selecting a Surface for Evaluation However, von Mises’ is not what is needed for the evaluation of stress on the UEA. For that the Z component of the stress tensor will be used as that component is normal to the surface under evaluation. For the baseline case there were multiple surfaces evaluated. Due the thinness of the UEA layer itself a cross section through that material was not used. Instead cross sections of the separator plate adjacent to the UEA were evaluated for stresses. Below in Figure 10, are the 3 surfaces that were evaluated in the baseline case. The first was on the anode separator plate ¾ thickness of the separator away from the UEA. The second was on the anode separator plate through the ½ thickness of the separator. This location intersected with the channels and therefore the results have gaps of material missing. The third location was on the cathode plate ½ through the thickness. This section also included the channels in the cross section. The purpose of the cathode results was to ensure the results were symmetrical since the model is symmetrical. 17 Figure 10: Cross Section Planes within separator plates. Figure 11 shows the actual location of the cross section through the pressure plate with the Z stress plotted. The Z direction of stress is through the thickness of the fuel cell. In this figure the cross section is through the ¾ anode thickness. Because the anode thickness increases for 4mm during some of the cases, the surface was held at a set value of 2mm from the center of the cell. Although there are no gaps in the results shown, the horizontal lines represent the uneven stress due to the close proximity to the channels in the plate. In general this plot shows the stresses highest closer to corner of the pressure plate with the tie rods as would be expected. The following plots will be 2D plots of the cross section shown in Figure 11. 18 Figure 11 - Plot of Z direction of stress in a cross section of the separator plate. To choose which plane is best for the comparison, the three locations were plotted and are shown in Figure 12. The tie rod load is on the top right hand corner of the plots which is why the highest negative stress is in these locations. All three of the plots display very similar results, however the first one shown, which is ¾ through the thickness of the separator plate will be used for comparison because it is easier to view without the lines from the channels actually shown, however, it does have the stresses from the channels on the plot. The second and third plots are the same location on both the anode and cathode plate. There is a slight difference likely due to some difference in mesh and the line constraints which were applied to the cathode side of the model to hold it in space. 19 Figure 12: Comparison Plots of locations within the separator plates (a) 1.5 mm from center anode side (b) 1mm from center anode side (c) 1mm from center cathode side. The plots in figure 10 have a scale which goes from 0.1 MPa to -0.1 MPa. Therefore the light yellow represents values close to zero while the blue represents compression on the cell and the red is the area the cell is not being compressed. However, the maximum on the compression side, -9.1 MPa, is significantly higher than the value of the load in the uncompressed area, 0.53 MPa. Figure 13 shows this stress with the compression stress peaking in the corner nearest the tie rod load. 20 Figure 13: 3D Plot of Z component stress in baseline separator plate To get more resolution on the upper ends of the scale since that is where the significant loads are the scale was changed from +/- 0.1 MPa to +/- 0.5MPa. It is still symmetric around zero such that the edge of the compression area can easily be seen. 3.3. Cell Pressure Results – Z component of Stress Below are the results from the study of the 8 cases which were evaluated. There are four factors which will be used to compare the compression on the UEA. The max compression value is the largest negative of the Z direction stress. Alternately the minimum compression is the maximum positive value on the surface evaluated. The average compression (negative Z direction stress) is a calculated average of the stresses 21 on the surface under evaluation and the range column is simply the difference between the max and min compression. The range is obviously heavily driven by the max compression because it is 1 to 2 orders of magnitude higher than the min. The details of these results are represented by two methods. One is an observation of the stress plots output from Comsol. The other is the output of the factorial analysis of the data itself within Minitab. Table 3: Compression results by case Run # 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 Pressure Plate Thickness (mm) 16 20 16 20 16 20 16 20 Load (kPa) Aspect Ratio 200 200 350 350 200 200 350 350 1.5:1 1.5:1 1.5:1 1.5:1 2:01 2:01 2:01 2:01 Separator Max Min Average Thickness Compression Compression Compressi (mm) (MPa) (MPa) on (MPa) -6.95 -4.50 -10.04 -9.62 -9.15 -5.31 -12.05 -7.87 2 4 4 2 4 2 2 4 0.34 0.20 0.40 0.44 0.53 0.31 0.68 0.38 -0.26 -0.20 -0.35 -0.35 -0.35 -0.20 -0.35 -0.35 Range (MPa) 7.29 4.70 10.43 10.06 9.68 5.62 12.73 8.25 The Plots for all 8 cases are below in Figures 14 & 15. All of the plots have the same scale, however, cases 1-4 have a different aspect ratio as cases 5-8 and this can be seen in the shape of the images. The images are all images of the cross section plane within the anode separator plate. The vertical lines representing spikes in stress are due to the cross section surface being in close proximity to the channels in the plate. The applied stress from the tie rod is not shown, but is on the top right corner of the cross section. 22 (a) (b) (c) (d) Figure 14: Plots of the Z component stress tensor (a) Case 1 (b) Case 2 (c) Case 3 (d) Case 4 Cases 1-4 all have varying levels of pressure plate thickness, separator thickness, and load. The largest difference is when comparing cases 1 and 2 to cases 3 and 4, is that 1 23 and 2 have a load of 200 kPa while 3 and 4 have a load of 350 kPa. The results of the change in load are both the area and magnitude of the compression stress (blue) is larger in cases 3 and 4. Likewise the red area representing high tensile stresses is also larger for cases 3 and 4. Cases 1 and 3 have a pressure plate thickness of 16mm while 2 and 4 have a thickness of 20 mm and cases 1 and 4 have a separator thickness of 2mm while cases 2 and 3 have a thickness of 4mm. While it is difficult to see any major differences in the plots, there appears to be a small effect of the width of the local stresses due to the change in thickness of the separator plate. Comparing cases 1-4 with cases 5-8, the aspect ratio does not appear to have a significant effect on the areas of significant compression or lack thereof. The excess length in cases 5-8 appears to be areas of low stress. The area of low stress appears to be a large percentage of the cell which could mean high electrical resistivity in the cell. Due to the short width direction in these cases, the area of low stress between the large compression and large tensile stress is extremely narrow. Cases 5 and 7 have a pressure plate thickness of 16mm while 6 and 8 have a thickness of 20 mm. Also cases 6 and 7 have a separator thickness of 2mm while cases 5 and 8 have a thickness of 4mm. Neither of these appears to have significant effects on the trends in the plots. Similarly to cases 1-4, the load difference between cases with low loaded (5 & 6) and those with high load (7 & 8) are significant. 24 (a) (b) (c) (d) Figure 15: Plots of the Z component stress tensor (a) Case 5 (b) Case 6 (c) Case 7 (d) Case 8 25 3.4. Factorial Analysis Results The second part of the results is the DOE factorial analysis. All of the plots below were generated using Minitab’s factorial analysis feature. It takes into account the data from all 8 cases which were run. This allows for the comparison of each of the variables by evaluating the results in table 3. Below in Figure 16 is the plot of the main affects which cause a change in the average Z direction of stress on the cell. Within this plot there are 4 individual graphs, one for each variable changed, which has a point for each of the values used in the analysis. The steeper the slope of the curve, the more impact that variable had on the results. For this analysis the load on the pressure plate has the largest impact on the average, which the separator thickness had the least. The pressure plate thickness was also significant, while the aspect ratio was not very significant. Main Effects Plot for Average Data Means -250000 Pressure Plate Thickness Load -275000 -300000 Mean -325000 -350000 16 20 200 2.0 2 Aspect Ratio -250000 350 Separator Thickness -275000 -300000 -325000 -350000 1.5 4 Figure 16: Main Effects plot for Average Values To further understand if any of these factors together are affecting the pressure on the UEA, a Pareto analysis of the effects was produced and the results are shown in Figure 17. The Pareto chart again shows that load is most crucial to the average pressure. Also significant is the thickness of the pressure plate and the interaction between the load and thickness which is represented by the “AB” term on the Pareto chart. Neither 26 aspect ratio nor separator thickness significantly affects the average Z direction stress in the UEA. Pareto Chart of the Effects (response is Average, Alpha = 0.05) 126672 F actor A B C D B A N ame P ressure P late Thickness Load A spect Ratio S eparator Thickness Term AB C AD AC D 0 20000 40000 60000 80000 Effect 100000 120000 140000 Lenth's PSE = 33652.5 Figure 17: Effects Pareto for Average Average stress being driven by the load makes sense since the average does not take into account the actual distribution of the load. The items which are affected by this are the max and min stresses on the UEA. The combination of these two is represented by the range value in the results table. The Pareto chart for the range of stress in the Z direction, shown in Figure 18 also shows that the load is the largest factor; however, the pressure plate thickness is almost as significant. The third most effective variable is the combination of the aspect ratio and the load. 27 Pareto Chart of the Effects (response is Range, Alpha = 0.05) 5371441 F actor A B C D B A N ame P ressure P late Thickness Load A spect Ratio S eparator Thickness Term AC C AD D AB 0 1000000 2000000 3000000 Effect 4000000 5000000 6000000 Lenth's PSE = 1427010 Figure 18: Effects Pareto for Range The Pareto chart for the maximum pressure, seen in Figure 19, is very similar because the range factor is largely driven by the maximum pressure. Pareto Chart of the Effects (response is Max, Alpha = 0.05) 4247484 F actor A B C D B A Term AC C AD D AB 0 1000000 2000000 3000000 Effect 4000000 Lenth's PSE = 1128412 Figure 19: Effects Pareto for Max Z Stress 28 N ame P ressure P late Thickness Load A spect Ratio S eparator Thickness The Pareto chart of effects for the minimum stress, see Figure 20, does not have a dominant factor. All of the factors are roughly equal, although the pressure plate thickness is the most significant. Pareto Chart of the Effects (response is Min, Alpha = 0.05) 609590 F actor A B C D A C N ame P ressure P late Thickness Load A spect Ratio S eparator Thickness Term B AC D AB AD 0 100000 200000 300000 400000 500000 600000 Effect Lenth's PSE = 161948 Figure 20: Pareto Chart of effects for Min Z stress 29 4. DISCUSSION Each of the Z component stress plots has a very distinct shape even if their values differ. There is an arc of zero loads where the pressure goes from positive to negative. This point is the equilibrium point where the deflection of the pressure plate is equal to the compression of the system. The tie rod loads put a moment on the edge of the pressure plate which from basic beam theory will cause a deflection away from the UEA. This causes the lack of load on the UEA. Changing the pressure plate design could yield improved results. The cell loaded by the pressure plate in this design would likely have a short lifetime due to the extremely high loads which are 20-50 times higher than the average load expected in the cell. These loads could likely damage the UEA especially during thermal cycling. On the opposing side, the areas with little or no pressure on the cell would definitely suffer from conductivity issues. The electron flow through the cell is a basic function of the fuel cell and an air gap between layer will be extremely resistive and performance with not be as good as if there were load on those sections of the cell. To investigate ways to improve the distribution of the cell an optimization analysis was run in Minitab. The analysis is shown below in Figure 21. This optimization analysis used the relationship between each of the factors and the outputs to determine the optimized solution for a target output. The settings can then be modified interactively to see how the settings affect the responses. The two outputs which were evaluated in Figure 21 were the range of Z direction stress and the average of Z direction stress. This optimization analysis used the relationship between each of the factors and the outputs to determine the optimized solution for a target output. The settings can then be modified interactively to see how the settings affect the responses. The two outputs which were evaluated in Figure 21 were the range of Z direction stress and the average of Z direction stress and can be seen in the left side column. The range was set to a target value of minimum which means the optimizer will try to get the value as close to zero as possible. The average was set to 300 kPa which is in between the applied pressures of 30 200 kPa and 350 kPa. The row of plots aligned with each of the outputs show the relationship between each of the factors, which are across the top are of the chart, and that individual output. The steeper the curve is on the plot, the greater the impact on the output. Although they are cut off the factors from left to right are: pressure plate thickness, applied load, aspect ratio and separator thickness. The bracketed numbers are the current values being input into the optimization while the numbers above and below are the two levels which were used in the analysis. Optimal High D Cur 0.55169 Low Pressure 20.0 [20.0] 16.0 Load 350.0 [300.0] 200.0 Aspect R 2.0 [2.0] 1.50 Separato 4.0 [4.0] 2.0 Composite Desirability 0.55169 Range Minimum y = 6.918E+06 d = 0.30826 Average Targ: -300000.0 y = -2.99E+05 d = 0.98735 Figure 21: Optimization of Factorial Analysis The top row of plots displays the relationship between each factor and its ability to satisfy the targeted solution. The higher the point on the plot the more desirable the solution is. The plots for pressure plate thickness, aspect ratio, and separator thickness all increase to the right on the desirability plots and therefore the maximum values for those factors are best for the solution. The load however has a maximum point which means that point is optimal for the solution. The composite desirably value on the left is 31 the geometric mean of each of the factor desirabilities, meaning how well the variables satisfy the solution. The composite desirability scale is from 0 to 1 with 1 being an optimal solution. In Figure 21 the composite desirability is 0.55 meaning that the factors do not completely satisfy the output targets. However, that is the optimal solution for the input range and output targets for this analysis. There are no other values which will yield a higher desirability of this analysis. The final optimized values are therefore a pressure plate thickness of 20mm, a load of 300 kPa, an aspect ratio of 2:1 and a separator thickness of 4. Although these exact values are not optimal they show which levels of each factor were in the direction of improving distribution of the cell. Because there are other target outputs besides stress on the cell when designing a fuel cell this analysis could be used to evaluate alternate near optimal solutions. For example, if for flow reasons a 1.5:1 aspect ratio is desired, the value in analysis could be set to 1.5 and it would yield the plots shown in Figure 22. New High D Cur 0.50785 Low Pressure 20.0 [20.0] 16.0 Load 350.0 [300.0] 200.0 Composite Desirability 0.50785 Range Minimum y = 7.362E+06 d = 0.26385 Average Targ: -300000.0 y = -2.98E+05 d = 0.97750 Figure 22: Low aspect ratio solution 32 Aspect R 2.0 [1.50] 1.50 Separato 4.0 [4.0] 2.0 Surprisingly the aspect ratio was not a large factor in the analysis. The results show that changing from an aspect ratio of 2:1 to 1.5:1 only changed the composite desirability from .55 to .50. From the plots in the aspect ratio column it can also be observed that the affect on average stress is almost zero since the line is nearly horizontal. The actual value for average stress went from -299 kPa to -298 kPa. The range of stress went from 6.92 MPa to 7.36 MPa. If these differences were insignificant for a given cell design the aspect ratio could be changed to anything between 2:1 and 1.5:1 The fact that the aspect ratio was could be due to the range of the values used for the analysis or the fact that the load distribution was so poor due that the aspect ratio did not matter. The percentage of the cell which had near zero loads was much greater in the higher aspect ratio cell. Depending on the sensitivity to loads of a given UEA this could justify having a cell with a smaller aspect ratio. Based on the current results it does not appear that the current design can ensure a fully loaded cell assembly without a change in basic design. Moving the actual tie rod locations closer to the center of the pressure plate would help the load distribution because the load would no longer be concentrated in the corner of the cell. The pressure plate itself could also change shape. Having a pressure plate which applies higher load to the center of the cell due to its shape would avoid the cantilever affect given by the current design. 33 5. CONCLUSIONS Although the exact design of pressure plate did not evenly distribute the load, the analysis pointed out the items which were most greatly affecting the distribution of load. From the Pareto charts of the factorial analysis it is important to note that pressure plate thickness was a large factor in the load distribution. The thicker pressure plate was better due to the stiffness and therefore lack of deflection across the surface of the cell. Alternate designs could also change the load such as designs which load from the middle of the cell as seen in some existing industry designs [13]. Changing the load on the cell is something else which had significant impact to the results. A further study should be done on any specific cell to ensure the loading is correct for the membrane and GDLs being used as there could some which are more tolerable to high pressure and others which may have bad conductivity without significant load. One of the weaknesses of the 2 level factorial analyses is that the system is assumed linear within the range being examined. To further understand the loading of a single cell an analysis with more levels would have to be evaluated. However, factorial analysis identified the factors which have the greatest impact on the load on the cell so they can be the factors which are analyzed in more detail and the insignificant ones can be assumed to have minimal impact. 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