Stephen Ganz HW4 Problem 2 2. Write a brief description of all the regions encountered in the wear mechanism map of steel. The lower left section of the wear map illustrates wear at low pressure and sliding velocity. Here it can be seen that wear increases proportionally with load for a given range of sliding velocity. However, at a certain velocity a mild oxidation wear transition is reached and the wear coefficient can drop by ≈ 2 orders of magnitude. This region is less sensitive to load, hence the near vertically oriented contour lines for K. Further increasing the sliding velocity will transition into a severe oxidation wear region and the wear coefficient reduces further. However, wear in this region is nearly proportional to load again. If load is continually increased another transition is reached and wear drastically increases (≈ 2 orders of magnitude). The seizure region across the top third of the map shows that for a critical load, regardless of sliding velocity, the metals will friction weld together.