Class 8 – Homework 7

Class 8 – Homework 7
In class we have learned about the measurement of contaminant concentration, the
different forms of pollutants, and have begun to study how these pollutants disperse
under a variety of circumstances.
To date the engineering side of the class has focused on the streams and rivers – and
how they flow and in turn how pollutants flow within them. We have examined
models that mathematically emulate natural flows and can help us understand the
flow of pollution and current.
Hydraulic fracturing as a means to recover oil and natural gas has been around in
something like the modern form since 1970. Even prior to that however people
were extracting natural gas from shale.
ENGINEERING by Bethel talks about the fact that industry typically innovates and
thus regulation is constantly trying to stay abreast of technological change.
Nowhere is this truer than in hydraulic fracturing…the technology of fracking is
ahead of the regulatory world. This is partially the result of the natural speed of
technical development and the reactionary nature of regulation – but also partially
the result of deliberate impediments on the allowed circle of regulation. (research
this point – but until recently regulation was impeded by corporate power).
There is a growing body of engineering and science to help the regulatory develop
controls and standards for the fracking industry . In particular Natural gas from
shale formation – The evolution, evidences and challenges of shale gas revolution in
United States an article in Science Direct discuss the progress made and remaining
challenge to the regulator of fracking.
In this journal article they discuss among other things:
Water Consumption
Water contamination from lagoons on the surface
Water contamination from discharge into aquifers due to burst or leaking
pipes or improper drilling practices
Shale gas vis a vis other fossil fuels in terms of climate change and air
Earthquakes caused by fracking
The nature of deep shale pollution.
This project will conduct a literature search to explore the water pollution issues
raised above.