April 24, 2002 Nathan Copenhaver Sikorsky Aircraft Simulation Modeling and Analysis Final Project Modified Case Study of Material Handling At California Steel Industries, Inc.1 Introduction California Steel Industries (CSI), founded in 1984, is located in Fontana, California and covers about 400 acres of land. CSI produces and ships over one million tons of steel each year. The facility is comprised of the land formally owned by the Kaiser steel plant and contains 8.5 miles of roads and a 22-mile rail system. The future outlook for the California Steel Industry is promising. Production is expected to increase which has led management to the decision to upgrade the facility. In order to remain competitive, the company has decided to look into the material handling system used in the current facility layout and to find ways to improve upon existing conditions. In order to do this, management has decided to create computer-simulated models to measure the efficiency of their current system based on the work-in-progress inventory and the cycle time of their products. Once these metrics are calculated CSI can begin to produce alternative methods and measure their performance against existing conditions. The goal of the company is to have a material handling system that minimizes both work-inprogress inventory and cycle time for their products. By achieving this goal, CSI will be able to increase productivity at a faster rate and a cheaper cost allowing them to stay competitive in the steel industry. Problem statement and Project Plan The problem statement that CSI wishes to address is: What will be the material handling system that will maximize our productivity and minimize our time and money? In addition: How can we use our existing facility infrastructure to best suit our needs and what will we have to add/replace? In order to tackle these issues, the company decided to use computer simulation models. In addition to their existing setup, two other models will be proposed and analyzed. To be able to compare the three models, some consistent 1 Original case study written by Hary Herho, David Hong, Genghis Kuo, and Ka Hsing Loi at California State Polytechnic University-Ponoma. This paper represents a modified version of their case study. metrics will be proposed to measure the efficiency of the handling systems. The two main metrics include: Work-in-progress (WIP) Cycle time of individual products It was decided that work-in-progress (WIP) would be a measure of the money that the company could save. The more items in inventory, the more money that is sitting around. By decreasing the WIP while maintaining the output CSI could realize a cost savings. The cycle time would show management how long it took to produce a product from its initial inception into the system to the completed product. The smaller the cycle time, the more product that, ideally, could be produced in the same amount of time as current production. Part of the problem statement involved using existing infrastructure such as the railways in new setups. This is taken into consideration in the two alternative models. New additions to the facility (such as more cranes) are also considered in the alternative models. Other possibilities for the alternative models include moving machines to different buildings, faster/more powerful material moving equipment, sharing of resources, and changes in downtime/reliability of various equipment. Models Existing layout The current layout of the California Steel Industry material handling system follows from the case study provided by Hary Herho, David Hong, Genghis Kuo, and Ka Hsing Loi in the text Simulation using ProModel. The locations of the model consist of 3 main buildings: the Tin Mill (TM), Cold Sheet Mill (CSM), and Galvanize Mill. Within each location, there are numerous machines. For the layout of the original model (See Appendix A) the TM box annealing machine, 5stand, and #2 galvinizing machines are located in the Tin mill. The cleaning, upender, and CSM annealing box are in the cold sheet mill and the #1 galvanizing machine is in the galvanize mill. As one notices in the model layout, each location has its own storage bay in the original configuration. In addition, there is a arrivals location where the work comes into. The arrivals, and storage bays all are assumed to have an infinite capacity. Otherwise, all of the machines have a capacity of 1 with the exception of the annealing Figure taken from Simulation boxes, which have a capacity of 12 (TM annealing) and 3 (CSM annealing). using ProModel pg. 388 The materials at CSI consist of three different types of steel coils: Full-hard, galvanized, and cold rolled. Each of these types of coils arrive at the Stand-5 and weigh between 2 and 32 tons. This is modeled by assigning them weights (an attribute) triangularly distributed with a mode of 16 tons. This value is valuable as it determines Galvanized coils shipped the annealing time when the coils reach the annealing stations. The different coils are broken down as follows: Coil Type Galvanized Cold Rolled Full-Hard Percentage of Coils 60% 35% 5% In addition to the 3 different types of coils, 60% of all the coils produced are heavy-gauge and the other 40% are light-gauge coils. Once the coils have run their course through the system, they are sent to the shipping location designated for the type of coil that they are. The processing of the coils will not be discussed in detail here but follow the main path shown in the above layout of the plant. A couple routings of note include the 2 annealing boxes in different locations. The original model has one annealing machine in the tin mill while the other annealing machine is in the cold sheet mill. Before each coil enters the annealing boxes they must be upended (routed through the upender). For the cold rolled coils, 70% of the coils go through the cleaning and the other 30 % are left alone because of additional treating at the 5-stand. 66% of all cold rolled coils are annealed in the tin mill while the remaining are only annealed in the cold sheet mill. One of the most important parts of the model are the resources which are used to transport materials. In the original configuration there are two internal diesel haulers. One is located in the tin mill while the other is located in the cold sheet mill. These haulers move the coils around from location to location within the buildings in which they are based. There are also 2 large diesel haulers, which move material between the buildings. The final resource that is used in this model is the 5-stand crane. The crane moves material from the 5-stand to the 5-stand storage. The crane is modeled as never having downtime. The 4 haulers, on the other hand, have their downtime modeled as if one of them was down at all times. In order to achieve this, each hauler went down every 40 minutes for 10 minutes. The downtimes were staggered so that the first hauler went down at time 0, the second one started at time 10 min, etc. This enabled the model to have one down at all times. Even though there was a pattern, it achieved the goal of the downtime simulation. The process times taken at the various locations are as follows: Location 5-stand #1 Galvanizing Line #2 Galvanizing Line Cleaning Annealing Time (in ProModel logic) N(8,2) min N(30,8) min N(25,4) min N(15,3) min 5 min/ton It should be noted that the annealing time given here differs from the one proposed in the case study in Simulation using ProModel. The problem that was realized was that by having an annealing time of 5 hr/ton, the batched anneal of 12 items at an average of about 16 tons, took approximately 960 hours to anneal. This came out to about 40 days for one batch to anneal. As a result, the WIP would just continue to increase no matter what the arrival interval. In addition, if the arrival interval was made to be very long ( a week or so), then the production of the plant became extremely small for 1 year. The original statement was made that the company produces over 1 million tons a year. This information was contradictory. It was decided upon to use 5 min/ton in order to get logical numbers for the simulation. Alternative Layout # 1 The alternative layouts in the case study are the portion of the study that begins to deviate from the proposed study in Simulation using ProModel. The reason for this is the restrictive nature of the ProModel Student package software. The proposed alternative layout includes adding multiple cranes and utilizing the rail system of the existing facility. This alternative could not be realized using the student version software because of the restrictions on the amount of resources and locations. The locations are restricted to 20 and the resources are restricted to 5. As a result, the case study had to change slightly with the same problem statement still in mind and another restriction imposed. As a result of these difficulties, the alternative #1 system (Appendix A) was designed as follows: 5-stand Upender #2 Galvanizing Galvanized coils shipped Cleaning Full hard coils shipped #1 Galvanizing CSM box annealing TM box annealing Cold rolled coils shipped The first main difference in the setup of the alternative material handling system is that of the TM annealing box being moved to the cold sheet mill. This move eliminates the transportation of coils back and forth between the tin mill and cold sheet mill. Other than that, the locations stay virtually the same from the original layout. In order to try and simulate the rail car system, conveyors were used from the #1 and #2 galvanizing stations to the galvanizing shipping location. The location “arrivals” and “galvanizing #2 storage”are eliminated from this model. This was required to accommodate the rails that were simulated in this model. The arriving coils now go to the 5-stand machine. Due to the arrival frequency (which will be expanded on in the analysis portion) and the process time of the 5-machine, there were no arrival failures and the “arrivals” location could be eliminated. The resources were changed in this model. The tin mill now consists of 2 cranes. The 5stand crane still exists but another crane has been installed which moves coils from the 5stand storage area to the galvanizing #2 machine, and the #2 rail which leaves the tin mill and meets up with the galvanize #1 rail which takes the completed coils to the galvanized coils shipping area. The addition of the crane eliminated the internal diesel hauler for the tin mill. By moving the TM annealing box to the cold sheet mill, the amount of uses of the external hauler is also reduced significantly. In general, the methods of processing the coils remains the same as does the distribution of types of coils. Alternative Layout #2 The second layout really takes the alternative layout 1 and expands on it. The layout itself is the same as alternative 1. The difference of this alternative is that the cold sheet mill now has 1 crane that does all of the maneuvering for that building. Although massive, the crane eliminates the need for the internal diesel hauler. In addition, a new location named “CSM_ARRIVALS” is created so that the external diesel hauler no longer has to go to each individual machine but rather delivers the coils between buildings to one location. From the “CSM_ARRIVALS” area, the crane in the cold sheet mill building can move the coils. The layout and code for alternative layout #2 can be found in Appendix A. Data Collection In the problem statement, the key metrics that were to be traced in the models were to be the work-in-progress (WIP) and the cycle time of the various products. In order to achieve this, global variables were set up to track these metrics. The coils began their cycle time the minute they arrived at the 5-stand and ended their journey when they reached their respective shipping docks. This system of tracking remained consistent throughout the 3 models. Before the models could be run and compared, a number of key elements had to be determined which were not suggested in the case study in Simulation using ProModel. The distances between locations/machines were not given in the text. This was the first thing that had to be determined and held constant throughout the simulations. This was an important aspect of material handling comparisons since the distance that the material must travel is a vital statistic. The distances were decided based on: The total acreage of the plant was 440 and the paths totaled 8.5 miles, which gives one a general idea of how large the facility is. Best guesses as to relative distances between facilities, machines, storage areas, etc. It was more important that the distances be relatively far (something further than 20 or 100 feet) and that they remain consistent throughout the models. The following table shows the decided distances to some of the more important routes. From TM, CSM, or Galv #1 building Any machine Any machine in 1 building Upender 5-Stand 5-Stand To External shipping dock Distance 3000 ft It’s own storage bay Any machine in same building TM Annealing (in TM) Upender Cleaning 20 ft 500 ft 4000 ft 3500 ft 3000 ft These distances remained constant throughout the models except in the case of the rails. The rails were simulated as existing rails with corners and bends in them. In this case, the distances from the galvanizing #1 building to the galvanizing coil shipping dock was not 3000 ft but rather a little longer due to the jogs in the rail and its routing. These rail systems were held consistent, however, between the 2 alternative models. Another factor that had to be considered before data collection was the arrival time of the coils into the system and their frequencies. This was another value that was not given in the published case study but was left to the investigator. In order to look at this problem, the original model was run for different arrival times and the WIP was observed. One assumption made at this point was that the WIP of the system did not run to infinity for the company. This was an assumption made on common sense. If the company had an uncontrollable arrival frequency such that the system continuously built up inventory, the company would not be in business. In order to get an idea for arrival times, the following data was generated to experiment with the arrivals. The original model layout was simulated for 1 week at 24 hours a day. The warmup period was 150 hours. The graphs on the following page show the results of the runs: From the graphs, one can see that the 40 min arrival time is the first time in which the WIP begins to act somewhat constant. It is noticed that over this interval the WIP still seems to be increasing. As a result, it was decided that the 45-minute arrival time would be used. The larger arrival times did not seem to improve the steadiness of the WIP unless time became much larger. If this happened, however, then the output of the factory would not be very large and the model would not accurately represent a working facility. The other graphs from this analysis can be found in Appendix B. In summary, the main information that was needed was found through reverse engineering the system to find values that were both reasonable and practical to the simulation setup. For the comparison of alternatives, the same distances were used except in noted cases and the arrival time was set to 45 minutes. Model Validation In order for the alternative models to be used, they had to be validated as being different than the original model. Since each model contained almost the limit allotted for locations and resources, the models could not be merged and ran together. As a result, each model was run separately using the same values of numbers. In order to compare the models with each other, the same stream was defined to run each simulation. The stream used was the default stream (stream 1). The original model and the second alternative were run by simulating 24 hours a day for 7 days (168 hours) and was repeated 10 times. The following table shows the difference in total coils output for the 10 runs of the different models. Original Model Alternate Model Total Coils Produced 182 178 182 167 185 182 185 194 189 201 Total Coils Produced 206 201 208 205 204 206 201 207 202 203 Difference 24 23 26 38 19 24 16 13 13 2 Computing the 95% confidence level resulted in: D = 19.8 s(D) = 9.6586 N = 10 s(D) = 3.0543 h = (2.262)*(3.0543) = 6.9089 95% confidence interval = [12.8911,26.7089] What this shows is that the model can assert with 95 % confidence that there is a statistically significant difference between the two systems. Even though the arrivals, streams, and runs were the same for both models, the alternative model resulted in more produced coils. This was a direct result of the material handling system being able to get more coils through the system quicker. The original model was also compared to the first alternative model and the second alternative model was compared to the first alternative model. All of the confidence levels were acceptable and can be seen in Appendix B. As a quick check, the confidence intervals for WIP was also found using the 95% interval calculation built into ProModel. The results were: Results of 95% Confidence Interval for WIP Model Original Alternative 1 Alternative 2 High confidence level 23.5362 22.9843 18.015 Low confidence level 28.372 20.3485 15.7022 This investigation proved that the 3 models were in fact different from each other and could be compared as good alternative method models. Data Collection and Analysis As stated in the problem statement, the metrics that were to be measured with the different models included WIP and the cycle time of the products. In order to do this, the following data was collected: WIP comparison for all 3 models doing runtime of 1 month (24 hrs * 30 days) with a warmup time of 70 hours. WIP comparison of average WIP over 1 year (24 hrs * 7 days for 52 replications) Cycle time comparison for all 3 models doing runtime of 1 month (24 hrs * 30 days) with a warmup time of 70 hours Average cycle time comparison over 1 year (24 hrs * 7 days for 52 replications) The following tables summarize the data collected. The data, in its entirety, can be found in Appendix B. Summary Data for Simulation of 1 month (30 day) period Original Model Alternative 1 Avg. WIP Galvanized Cycle Time (min) Cold Rolled Cycle Time (min) Full Hard Cycle Time (min) 56.4 197.4 7021.1 52.5 Alternative 2 56.2 92.7 6673.6 39.8 21.7 89.2 2538.7 40.8 Summary Data for Simulation of 1 year (52 week) period Original Model Avg. WIP 24.99 +/- 2.94 Alternative 1 Alternative 2 21.56 +/- 2.80 17.34 +/- 2.08 Galvanized Cycle Time (min) Cold Rolled Cycle Time (min) Full Hard Cycle Time (min) 182.04 +/- 25.55 92.4 +/- 1.51 90.45 +/- 2.58 3129.08 +/- 306.45 2760.23 +/- 266.85 2209.52 +/- 198.21 54.65 +/- 4.54 40.40 +/- .641 40.51 +/- .62 From the data in the last 2 tables, it starts to become clear that the second alternative is a superior configuration when compared to the original model. The first alternative sits in between the 2 models but does not seem to be a vast improvement over the original model. When looking at the year data summary, one can pull out some additional comparisons. For example, if you consider each item in WIP to be a certain weight the numbers become surprising. By taking the median weight of the coils (16 tons) and rounding off the WIP inventory to whole values we find the following: WIP Comparison Original Model Alternative 1 Alternative 2 25 22 17 400 tons - 352 tons 48 tons 272 tons 128 tons Avg. WIP amount Total weight of coils in system on average Savings over original model The model shows that the second alternative could save an average of 128 tons of material that would not be in WIP at any one time. This would be a huge cost savings. Of course the weight could be more or less depending on the distribution of the coils. It is pretty clear that the WIP savings are beneficial by going to either alternative 1 or alternative 2. The cycle time comparisons are also interesting to look at. The alternative 2, as shown in the validation portion and in Appendix B, produces more of each type of coil than do both the original model and the alternative 1. In fact, if you look at reduction time percentages: Galvanized Cycle Time reduction Cold Rolled Cycle Time reduction Full Hard Cycle Time reduction Alternative 1 49% Alternative 2 51% 22% 29% 26% 26% What the previous table points out is how alternative 2 reduces the more complex operations by a greater percentage. The full hard cycle time can not get much lower. In fact, it virtually stayed the same between the two alternatives because it is not very difficult of an operation. The cold rolled cycle coils, on the other hand, are more labor intensive and the reduction in its cycle time is much more apparent in the second alternative. When looking at the different models, we also have to take into account what is being used (i.e. existing fixtures, new cranes, old cranes, etc.) For alternative 1, the addition is only 1 new crane. Alternative 1 utilizes the rail system which the original configuration neglects. Alternative 1 does include moving the TM annealing station over to the cold sheet metal building. Alternative 2 includes adding 2 cranes that were not in the original configuration and builds on alternative 1’s idea of using the existing rail stations. Alternative 2 also requires that the TM annealing be moved to the cold sheet metal building. One conclusion that can be drawn is that the consolidation of the annealing buildings will reduce the back-and-forth ferrying of the coils between buildings. Despite restrictions with the software and some educated guesses, it is my belief that the models are consistent and reflect a representation of the California Steel Industry’s operations. Among the shortcomings of the model include the inaccurate representation of the rail system as conveyors. This could be changed with a more inclusive version of the software. As it stands, it is about as close as I can come to a rail system. From the validation aspect, the alternative models are different and thus can be used as statistically different models. Although no direct courses of action will be determined from the models, I feel as if they are a good first step in answering management’s questions about a new system. From my data, alternative 2 is the best option and offers more benefits over the original system than alternative 1. Alternative 1 is not a good enough step up to consider spending money on. It’s benefits would probably be outweighed by the cost to create it when one could just do alternative 2 with almost the same amount of money. Bibliograpy 1. Harrell, Charles, Royce Bowden, and Biman K. Ghosh 2000 Simulation using ProModel Boston: McGraw-Hill 2. Nicol, David M., Jerry Banks, John S. Carson II and Barry Nelson 2001. Discrete-Event System Simulation New Jersey: Prentice Hall Appendix A Model Layouts & Computer Code Layout of Original Configuration for California Steel Industry Original Configuration Code ******************************************************************************** * * * Formatted Listing of Model: * * C:\MYDOCU~1\SIMULA~1\FINALP~1\CALIFO~1.MOD * * * ******************************************************************************** Time Units: Distance Units: Minutes Feet ******************************************************************************** * Locations * ******************************************************************************** Name Cap Units Stats Rules Cost -------------------------- --- ----- ----------- ---------- -----------# #ANNEALING STAND LOCATED IN TM TM_ANNEALING 12 1 Time Series Oldest, , # #STAND LOCATED IN TM STAND5 1 1 Time Series Oldest, , # #LOCATED IN TM GALVANIZING2 1 1 Time Series Oldest, , # #STORAGE FOR ANNEALING IN TM TM_ANNEALING_STORAGE INF 1 Time Series Oldest, , # #STORAGE FOR STAND 5 IN TM STAND5_STORAGE INF 1 Time Series Oldest, , # #STORAGE FOR GALVANIZING IN TM GALVANIZING2_STORAGE INF 1 Time Series Oldest, , # #ANNEALING IN CSM CSM_ANNEALING 3 1 Time Series Oldest, , # #UPENDER IN CSM UPENDER 1 1 Time Series Oldest, , # #CLEANING IN CSM CLEANING 1 1 Time Series Oldest, , # #STORAGE FOR ANNEALING IN CSM CSM_ANNEALING_STORAGE INF 1 Time Series Oldest, , # #STORAGE FOR UPENDER IN CSM UPENDER_STORAGE INF 1 Time Series Oldest, , # #STORAGE FOR CLEANING IN CSM CLEANING_STORAGE INF 1 Time Series Oldest, , # #GALVANIZING IN OWN BUILDING GALVANIZING1 1 1 Time Series Oldest, , # #STORAGE FOR GALVINIZING IN OWN BUILDING GALVANIZING1_STORAGE 1 1 Time Series Oldest, , # #SPOT FOR ARRIVALS (USED TO TEST VARIOUS ARRIVAL TIMES) ARRIVALS INF 1 Time Series Oldest, , # #END PRODUCT LOCATION GALVANIZED_COILS_SHIPPING INF 1 Time Series Oldest, , # #END PRODUCT LOCATION FULL_HARD_COILS_SHIPPING INF 1 Time Series Oldest, , # #END PRODUCT LOCATION COLD_ROLLED_COILS_SHIPPING INF 1 Time Series Oldest, , ******************************************************************************** * Entities * ******************************************************************************** Name Speed (fpm) Stats Cost ---------------- ------------ ----------- -----------COIL 150 Time Series GALVANIZED_COIL 150 Time Series COLD_ROLLED_COIL 150 Time Series FULL_HARD_COIL 150 Time Series BATCH 150 Time Series ******************************************************************************** * Path Networks * ******************************************************************************** Name Type T/S From To BI Dist/Time Speed Factor ------------ ----------- ---------------- --------- --------- ---- ---------- -----------STAND5_CRANE Crane Speed & Distance Origin Rail1End Uni Origin BridgeEnd Uni BridgeEnd Rail2End Uni TM_INTERNAL Passing Speed & Distance N1 N2 Bi 3000 1 N1 N3 Bi 500 1 N4 N5 Bi 3000 1 N3 N4 Bi 20 1 EXTERNAL Passing Speed & Distance N1 N2 Bi 3000 1 N3 N4 Bi 3000 1 N1 N5 Bi 3000 1 N1 N6 Bi 3500 1 N7 N8 Bi 3000 1 N9 N6 Bi 4000 1 N2 N3 Bi 20 1 N6 N7 Bi 20 1 CSM_INTERNAL Passing Speed & Distance N1 N2 Bi 500 1 N2 N4 N3 N2 N3 N5 N4 N6 Bi Bi Bi Bi 500 3000 20 20 1 1 1 1 ******************************************************************************** * Interfaces * ******************************************************************************** Net Node Location Coords (R,B) ------------ ---------- -------------------------- -----------STAND5_CRANE N1 STAND5 0.00, 4.00 N2 STAND5_STORAGE 24.00, 4.00 TM_INTERNAL N1 STAND5_STORAGE N2 FULL_HARD_COILS_SHIPPING N3 GALVANIZING2 N4 GALVANIZING2_STORAGE N5 GALVANIZED_COILS_SHIPPING EXTERNAL N1 STAND5_STORAGE N2 GALVANIZING1 N3 GALVANIZING1_STORAGE N4 GALVANIZED_COILS_SHIPPING N5 CLEANING N6 UPENDER N7 UPENDER_STORAGE N8 TM_ANNEALING N9 TM_ANNEALING_STORAGE CSM_INTERNAL N1 CLEANING_STORAGE N2 UPENDER N3 CSM_ANNEALING N4 CSM_ANNEALING_STORAGE N5 COLD_ROLLED_COILS_SHIPPING N6 UPENDER_STORAGE ******************************************************************************** * Resources * ******************************************************************************** Res Ent Name Units Stats Search Search Path Motion Cost ----------------------- ----- -------- ------- ------ ------------ ------------------- -----------LARGE_DIESEL_HAULER 2 By Unit Closest Oldest EXTERNAL Empty: 200 fpm Home: N1 Full: 180 fpm TM_SMALL_DIESEL_HAULER 1 By Unit Closest Oldest TM_INTERNAL Empty: 150 fpm Home: N1 Full: 150 fpm CRANE1 1 By Unit Closest Oldest STAND5_CRANE Empty: 25,25 fpm Home: Origin Full: 25,25 fpm Pickup: 10 Seconds Deposit: 10 Seconds CSM_SMALL_DIESEL_HAULER 1 By Unit Closest Oldest CSM_INTERNAL Empty: 150 fpm Home: N1 Full: 150 fpm ******************************************************************************** * Clock downtimes for Resources * ******************************************************************************** Res Frequency First Time Priority Scheduled Node List Disable Logic ----------------------- ---------- ---------- ---------- --------- -------- -------- ------- -----------LARGE_DIESEL_HAULER 40 min 0 No No wait 10 min TM_SMALL_DIESEL_HAULER 40 10 No No wait 10 min CSM_SMALL_DIESEL_HAULER 40 20 No No wait 10 min ******************************************************************************** * Processing * ******************************************************************************** Process Routing Entity Location Operation Blk Output Destination Rule Move Logic ---------------- -------------------------- ------------------ ---- ---------------- -------------------------- ----------------- -----------COIL ARRIVALS WEIGHT = T(5,16,32) ANNEALED = 0 1 COIL STAND5 FIRST 1 COIL STAND5 TIME_IN = CLOCK() WIP = WIP + 1 WAIT N(8,2) MIN 1 GALVANIZED_COIL STAND5_STORAGE 0.600000 1 MOVE WITH CRANE1 THEN FREE COLD_ROLLED_COIL STAND5_STORAGE 0.350000 MOVE WITH CRANE1 THEN FREE FULL_HARD_COIL STAND5_STORAGE 0.050000 MOVE WITH CRANE1 THEN FREE FULL_HARD_COIL STAND5_STORAGE 1 FULL_HARD_COIL FULL_HARD_COILS_SHIPPING FIRST 1 MOVE WITH TM_SMALL_DIESEL_HAULER THEN FREE FULL_HARD_COIL FULL_HARD_COILS_SHIPPING TOTAL_FHC = TOTAL_FHC + 1 WIP = WIP - 1 FH_TOTAL_WEIGHT = FH_TOTAL_WEIGHT + WEIGHT LOG "FULL HARD COIL CYCLE TIME =", TIME_IN 1 FULL_HARD_COIL EXIT FIRST 1 GALVANIZED_COIL STAND5_STORAGE 1 GALVANIZED_COIL GALVANIZING2 0.400000 1 MOVE WITH TM_SMALL_DIESEL_HAULER THEN FREE GALVANIZED_COIL GALVANIZING1 0.600000 MOVE WITH LARGE_DIESEL_HAULER THEN FREE GALVANIZED_COIL GALVANIZING2 WAIT N(25,4) MIN 1 GALVANIZED_COIL GALVANIZING2_STORAGE FIRST 1 MOVE FOR 1 MIN GALVANIZED_COIL GALVANIZING2_STORAGE 1 GALVANIZED_COIL GALVANIZED_COILS_SHIPPING FIRST 1 MOVE WITH TM_SMALL_DIESEL_HAULER THEN FREE GALVANIZED_COIL GALVANIZING1 WAIT N(30,8) 1 GALVANIZED_COIL GALVANIZING1_STORAGE FIRST 1 MOVE FOR 1 MIN GALVANIZED_COIL GALVANIZING1_STORAGE 1 GALVANIZED_COIL GALVANIZED_COILS_SHIPPING FIRST 1 MOVE WITH LARGE_DIESEL_HAULER THEN FREE GALVANIZED_COIL GALVANIZED_COILS_SHIPPING TOTAL_GC = TOTAL_GC + 1 WIP = WIP - 1 GC_TOTAL_WEIGHT = GC_TOTAL_WEIGHT + WEIGHT LOG "GALVANIZED COIL CYCLE TIME =", TIME_IN 1 GALVANIZED_COIL EXIT FIRST 1 COLD_ROLLED_COIL STAND5_STORAGE 1 COLD_ROLLED_COIL CLEANING 0.700000 1 MOVE WITH LARGE_DIESEL_HAULER THEN FREE COLD_ROLLED_COIL UPENDER 0.300000 MOVE WITH LARGE_DIESEL_HAULER THEN FREE COLD_ROLLED_COIL CLEANING WAIT N(15,3) MIN 1 COLD_ROLLED_COIL CLEANING_STORAGE FIRST 1 MOVE FOR 1 MIN COLD_ROLLED_COIL CLEANING_STORAGE 1 COLD_ROLLED_COIL UPENDER EMPTY 1 MOVE WITH CSM_SMALL_DIESEL_HAULER THEN FREE COLD_ROLLED_COIL UPENDER WAIT 3 MIN 1 COLD_ROLLED_COIL UPENDER_STORAGE IF ANNEALED = 0, 1 MOVE FOR 1 MIN COLD_ROLLED_COIL CSM_ANNEALING IF ANNEALED = 1 MOVE WITH CSM_SMALL_DIESEL_HAULER THEN FREE COLD_ROLLED_COIL UPENDER_STORAGE 1 COLD_ROLLED_COIL TM_ANNEALING 0.660000 1 MOVE WITH LARGE_DIESEL_HAULER THEN FREE COLD_ROLLED_COIL CSM_ANNEALING 0.340000 MOVE WITH CSM_SMALL_DIESEL_HAULER THEN FREE COLD_ROLLED_COIL TM_ANNEALING TM_ANNEAL_WEIGHT = TM_ANNEAL_WEIGHT + WEIGHT GROUP 12 AS BATCH BATCH TM_ANNEALING UNGROUP WAIT TM_ANNEAL_WEIGHT*5 MIN COLD_ROLLED_COIL TM_ANNEALING ANNEALED = 1 TM_ANNEAL_WEIGHT = 0 1 COLD_ROLLED_COIL TM_ANNEALING_STORAGE FIRST 1 MOVE FOR 1 MIN COLD_ROLLED_COIL TM_ANNEALING_STORAGE 1 COLD_ROLLED_COIL UPENDER FIRST 1 MOVE WITH LARGE_DIESEL_HAULER THEN FREE COLD_ROLLED_COIL CSM_ANNEALING CSM_ANNEAL_WEIGHT = CSM_ANNEAL_WEIGHT + WEIGHT GROUP 3 AS BATCH BATCH CSM_ANNEALING UNGROUP WAIT CSM_ANNEAL_WEIGHT*5 MIN COLD_ROLLED_COIL CSM_ANNEALING ANNEALED = 1 CSM_ANNEAL_WEIGHT = 0 1 COLD_ROLLED_COIL CSM_ANNEALING_STORAGE FIRST 1 MOVE FOR 1 MIN COLD_ROLLED_COIL CSM_ANNEALING_STORAGE 1 COLD_ROLLED_COIL COLD_ROLLED_COILS_SHIPPING FIRST 1 MOVE WITH CSM_SMALL_DIESEL_HAULER THEN FREE COLD_ROLLED_COIL COLD_ROLLED_COILS_SHIPPING TOTAL_CRC = TOTAL_CRC + 1 CR_TOTAL_WEIGHT = CR_TOTAL_WEIGHT + WEIGHT WIP = WIP - 1 LOG "COLD ROLLED COIL CYCLE TIME =", TIME_IN 1 COLD_ROLLED_COIL EXIT FIRST 1 ******************************************************************************** * Arrivals * ******************************************************************************** Entity Location Qty each First Time Occurrences Frequency Logic -------- -------- ---------- ---------- ----------- ---------- -----------COIL ARRIVALS 1 0 INF 45 MIN ******************************************************************************** * Attributes * ******************************************************************************** ID Type Classification ---------- ------------ -------------WEIGHT Integer Entity TIME_IN Integer Entity ANNEALED Integer Entity ******************************************************************************** * Variables (global) * ******************************************************************************** ID Type Initial value Stats ----------------- ------------ ------------- ----------# #This variable totals up the number of Full Hard Coils that reach shipping TOTAL_FHC Integer 0 Time Series # #This variable tracks the current works in process WIP Integer 0 Time Series # #This variable totals up the galvanized coils that arrive at shipping TOTAL_GC Integer 0 Time Series # #This variable sums up the weight of the coils that approach the tin mill annealing machine so that the duration of the annealing process #can be calculated. The tin annealing machine takes 12 coils at once and operates at 5 hours per ton. TM_ANNEAL_WEIGHT Integer 0 Time Series # #This variable does the same as the TM_ANNEAL_WEIGHT except for the cold sheet mill. The cold sheet mill takes 3 coils at a time and also #operates at 5 tons per hour. CSM_ANNEAL_WEIGHT Integer 0 Time Series # #This variable totals up the number of cold rolled coils that are sent to shipping. TOTAL_CRC Integer 0 Time Series FH_TOTAL_WEIGHT Integer GC_TOTAL_WEIGHT Integer CR_TOTAL_WEIGHT Integer 0 0 0 Time Series Time Series Time Series Layout of Alternative #1 Configuration for California Steel Industry First Alternative Configuration Code ******************************************************************************** * * * Formatted Listing of Model: * * C:\MYDOCU~1\SIMULA~1\FINALP~1\CALIFO~2.MOD * * * ******************************************************************************** Time Units: Distance Units: Minutes Feet ******************************************************************************** * Locations * ******************************************************************************** Name Cap Units Stats Rules Cost -------------------------- -------- ----- ----------- -------------- -----------TM_ANNEALING 12 1 Time Series Oldest, , STAND5 1 1 Time Series Oldest, , GALVANIZING2 1 1 Time Series Oldest, , TM_ANNEALING_STORAGE INF 1 Time Series Oldest, , STAND5_STORAGE INF 1 Time Series Oldest, , CSM_ANNEALING 3 1 Time Series Oldest, , UPENDER 1 1 Time Series Oldest, , CLEANING 1 1 Time Series Oldest, , CSM_ANNEALING_STORAGE INF 1 Time Series Oldest, , UPENDER_STORAGE INF 1 Time Series Oldest, , CLEANING_STORAGE INF 1 Time Series Oldest, , GALVANIZING1 1 1 Time Series Oldest, , GALVANIZED_COILS_SHIPPING INF 1 Time Series Oldest, , FULL_HARD_COILS_SHIPPING INF 1 Time Series Oldest, , COLD_ROLLED_COILS_SHIPPING INF 1 Time Series Oldest, , RAIL1 INFINITE 1 Time Series Oldest, FIFO, RAIL2 INFINITE 1 Time Series Oldest, FIFO, RAIL3 INFINITE 1 Time Series Oldest, FIFO, RAIL4 INFINITE 1 Time Series Oldest, FIFO, ******************************************************************************** * Entities * ******************************************************************************** Name Speed (fpm) Stats Cost ---------------- ------------ ----------- -----------COIL 150 Time Series GALVANIZED_COIL 150 Time Series COLD_ROLLED_COIL 150 Time Series FULL_HARD_COIL 150 Time Series BATCH 150 Time Series ******************************************************************************** * Path Networks * ******************************************************************************** Name Type T/S From To BI Dist/Time Speed Factor ----------------- ----------- ---------------- --------- --------- ---- ---------- -----------STAND5_CRANE Crane Speed & Distance Origin Rail1End Uni Origin BridgeEnd Uni BridgeEnd Rail2End Uni EXTERNAL Passing Speed & Distance N1 N5 Bi 3000 1 N1 N6 Bi 3500 1 CSM_INTERNAL Passing Speed & Distance N1 N2 Bi 500 1 N2 N3 Bi 500 1 N4 N5 Bi 3000 1 N3 N4 Bi 20 1 N2 N6 Bi 20 1 N1 N7 Bi 100 1 N1 N8 Bi 500 1 N9 N8 Bi 20 1 GALVANIZING_CRANE Crane Speed & Distance Origin Rail1End Uni Origin BridgeEnd Uni BridgeEnd Rail2End Uni ******************************************************************************** * Interfaces * ******************************************************************************** Net Node Location Coords (R,B) ----------------- ---------- -------------------------- -----------STAND5_CRANE N1 STAND5 0.00, 4.00 N2 STAND5_STORAGE 24.00, 4.00 EXTERNAL N1 STAND5_STORAGE N5 CLEANING N6 UPENDER CSM_INTERNAL N1 CLEANING_STORAGE N2 UPENDER N3 CSM_ANNEALING N4 CSM_ANNEALING_STORAGE N5 COLD_ROLLED_COILS_SHIPPING N6 UPENDER_STORAGE N8 TM_ANNEALING N9 TM_ANNEALING_STORAGE GALVANIZING_CRANE N1 GALVANIZING2 N3 STAND5_STORAGE 25.73, 4.40 N4 RAIL1 16.18, 1.62 9.05, 3.56 ******************************************************************************** * Resources * ******************************************************************************** Res Ent Name Units Stats Search Search Path Motion Cost ----------------------- ----- -------- ------- ------ ----------------- ------------------- -----------LARGE_DIESEL_HAULER 2 None Closest Oldest EXTERNAL Empty: 200 fpm Home: N1 Full: 180 fpm CRANE1 1 By Unit Closest Oldest STAND5_CRANE Home: Origin Full: 25,25 fpm Pickup: 10 Seconds Deposit: 10 Seconds Empty: 25,25 fpm CSM_SMALL_DIESEL_HAULER 1 By Unit Closest Oldest CSM_INTERNAL Home: N1 Full: 150 fpm CRANE2 1 Empty: 150 fpm By Unit Closest Oldest GALVANIZING_CRANE Empty: 150,150 fpm Home: Origin Full: 150,150 fpm ******************************************************************************** * Clock downtimes for Resources * ******************************************************************************** Res Frequency First Time Priority Scheduled Node List Disable Logic ----------------------- ---------- ---------- ---------- --------- -------- -------- ------- -----------LARGE_DIESEL_HAULER 40 min 0 No No wait 10 min CSM_SMALL_DIESEL_HAULER 40 20 No No wait 10 min ******************************************************************************** * Processing * ******************************************************************************** Process Routing Entity Location Operation Blk Output Destination Rule Move Logic ---------------- -------------------------- ------------------ ---- ---------------- -------------------------- ----------------- -----------COIL STAND5 WEIGHT = T(5,16,32) ANNEALED = 0 TIME_IN = CLOCK() WIP = WIP + 1 WAIT N(8,2) MIN 1 GALVANIZED_COIL STAND5_STORAGE 0.600000 1 MOVE WITH CRANE1 THEN FREE COLD_ROLLED_COIL STAND5_STORAGE 0.350000 MOVE WITH CRANE1 THEN FREE FULL_HARD_COIL STAND5_STORAGE 0.050000 MOVE WITH CRANE1 THEN FREE FULL_HARD_COIL STAND5_STORAGE 1 FULL_HARD_COIL RAIL1 FIRST 1 MOVE WITH CRANE2 THEN FREE FULL_HARD_COIL RAIL1 1 FULL_HARD_COIL FULL_HARD_COILS_SHIPPING FIRST 1 FULL_HARD_COIL FULL_HARD_COILS_SHIPPING TOTAL_FHC = TOTAL_FHC + 1 WIP = WIP - 1 FH_TOTAL_WEIGHT = FH_TOTAL_WEIGHT + WEIGHT LOG "FULL HARD COIL CYCLE TIME =", TIME_IN 1 FULL_HARD_COIL EXIT FIRST 1 GALVANIZED_COIL STAND5_STORAGE 1 GALVANIZED_COIL GALVANIZING2 0.400000 1 MOVE WITH CRANE2 THEN FREE GALVANIZED_COIL RAIL4 0.600000 MOVE FOR 1 MIN GALVANIZED_COIL RAIL4 1 GALVANIZED_COIL GALVANIZING1 FIRST 1 GALVANIZED_COIL GALVANIZING2 WAIT N(25,4) MIN 1 GALVANIZED_COIL RAIL1 FIRST 1 MOVE WITH CRANE2 THEN FREE GALVANIZED_COIL RAIL1 1 GALVANIZED_COIL RAIL3 FIRST 1 GALVANIZED_COIL RAIL3 1 GALVANIZED_COIL GALVANIZED_COILS_SHIPPING FIRST 1 GALVANIZED_COIL GALVANIZED_COILS_SHIPPING TOTAL_GC = TOTAL_GC + 1 WIP = WIP - 1 GC_TOTAL_WEIGHT = GC_TOTAL_WEIGHT + WEIGHT LOG "GALVANIZED COIL CYCLE TIME =", TIME_IN 1 GALVANIZED_COIL EXIT FIRST 1 GALVANIZED_COIL GALVANIZING1 WAIT N(30,8) 1 GALVANIZED_COIL RAIL2 FIRST 1 MOVE FOR 1 MIN GALVANIZED_COIL RAIL2 1 GALVANIZED_COIL RAIL3 FIRST 1 COLD_ROLLED_COIL STAND5_STORAGE 1 COLD_ROLLED_COIL CLEANING 0.700000 1 MOVE WITH LARGE_DIESEL_HAULER THEN FREE COLD_ROLLED_COIL UPENDER 0.300000 MOVE WITH LARGE_DIESEL_HAULER THEN FREE COLD_ROLLED_COIL CLEANING WAIT N(15,3) MIN 1 COLD_ROLLED_COIL CLEANING_STORAGE FIRST 1 MOVE FOR 1 MIN COLD_ROLLED_COIL CLEANING_STORAGE 1 COLD_ROLLED_COIL UPENDER EMPTY 1 MOVE WITH CSM_SMALL_DIESEL_HAULER THEN FREE COLD_ROLLED_COIL UPENDER WAIT 3 MIN 1 COLD_ROLLED_COIL UPENDER_STORAGE IF ANNEALED = 0, 1 MOVE FOR 1 MIN COLD_ROLLED_COIL CSM_ANNEALING IF ANNEALED = 1 MOVE WITH CSM_SMALL_DIESEL_HAULER THEN FREE COLD_ROLLED_COIL UPENDER_STORAGE 1 COLD_ROLLED_COIL TM_ANNEALING 0.660000 1 MOVE WITH CSM_SMALL_DIESEL_HAULER THEN FREE COLD_ROLLED_COIL CSM_ANNEALING 0.340000 MOVE WITH CSM_SMALL_DIESEL_HAULER THEN FREE COLD_ROLLED_COIL TM_ANNEALING TM_ANNEAL_WEIGHT = TM_ANNEAL_WEIGHT + WEIGHT GROUP 12 AS BATCH BATCH TM_ANNEALING UNGROUP WAIT TM_ANNEAL_WEIGHT*5 MIN COLD_ROLLED_COIL TM_ANNEALING ANNEALED = 1 TM_ANNEAL_WEIGHT = 0 1 COLD_ROLLED_COIL TM_ANNEALING_STORAGE FIRST 1 MOVE FOR 1 MIN COLD_ROLLED_COIL TM_ANNEALING_STORAGE 1 COLD_ROLLED_COIL UPENDER FIRST 1 MOVE WITH CSM_SMALL_DIESEL_HAULER THEN FREE COLD_ROLLED_COIL CSM_ANNEALING CSM_ANNEAL_WEIGHT = CSM_ANNEAL_WEIGHT + WEIGHT GROUP 3 AS BATCH BATCH CSM_ANNEALING UNGROUP WAIT CSM_ANNEAL_WEIGHT*5 MIN COLD_ROLLED_COIL CSM_ANNEALING ANNEALED = 1 CSM_ANNEAL_WEIGHT = 0 1 COLD_ROLLED_COIL CSM_ANNEALING_STORAGE FIRST 1 MOVE FOR 1 MIN COLD_ROLLED_COIL CSM_ANNEALING_STORAGE 1 COLD_ROLLED_COIL COLD_ROLLED_COILS_SHIPPING FIRST 1 MOVE WITH CSM_SMALL_DIESEL_HAULER THEN FREE COLD_ROLLED_COIL COLD_ROLLED_COILS_SHIPPING TOTAL_CRC = TOTAL_CRC + 1 CR_TOTAL_WEIGHT = CR_TOTAL_WEIGHT + WEIGHT WIP = WIP - 1 LOG "COLD ROLLED COIL CYCLE TIME =", TIME_IN 1 COLD_ROLLED_COIL EXIT FIRST 1 ******************************************************************************** * Arrivals * ******************************************************************************** Entity Location Qty each First Time Occurrences Frequency Logic -------- -------- ---------- ---------- ----------- ---------- -----------COIL STAND5 1 0 INF 40 MIN ******************************************************************************** * Attributes * ******************************************************************************** ID Type Classification ---------- ------------ -------------WEIGHT Integer Entity TIME_IN Integer Entity ANNEALED Integer Entity ******************************************************************************** * Variables (global) * ******************************************************************************** ID Type Initial value Stats ----------------- ------------ ------------- ----------# #This variable totals up the number of Full Hard Coils that reach shipping TOTAL_FHC Integer 0 Time Series # #This variable tracks the current works in process WIP Integer 0 Time Series # #This variable totals up the galvanized coils that arrive at shipping TOTAL_GC Integer 0 Time Series # #This variable sums up the weight of the coils that approach the tin mill annealing machine so that the duration of the annealing process #can be calculated. The tin annealing machine takes 12 coils at once and operates at 5 hours per ton. TM_ANNEAL_WEIGHT Integer 0 Time Series # #This variable does the same as the TM_ANNEAL_WEIGHT except for the cold sheet mill. The cold sheet mill takes 3 coils at a time and also #operates at 5 tons per hour. CSM_ANNEAL_WEIGHT Integer 0 Time Series # #This variable totals up the number of cold rolled coils that are sent to shipping. TOTAL_CRC Integer 0 Time Series FH_TOTAL_WEIGHT Integer 0 Time Series GC_TOTAL_WEIGHT Integer 0 Time Series CR_TOTAL_WEIGHT Integer 0 Time Series Layout of Alternative #2 Configuration for California Steel Industry Second Alternative Configuration Code ******************************************************************************** * * * Formatted Listing of Model: * * C:\MYDOCU~1\SIMULA~1\FINALP~1\CALIFO~5.MOD * * * ******************************************************************************** Time Units: Distance Units: Minutes Feet ******************************************************************************** * Locations * ******************************************************************************** Name Cap Units Stats Rules Cost -------------------------- -------- ----- ----------- -------------- -----------TM_ANNEALING 12 1 Time Series Oldest, , STAND5 1 1 Time Series Oldest, , GALVANIZING2 1 1 Time Series Oldest, , TM_ANNEALING_STORAGE INF 1 Time Series Oldest, , STAND5_STORAGE INF 1 Time Series Oldest, , CSM_ANNEALING 3 1 Time Series Oldest, , UPENDER 1 1 Time Series Oldest, , CLEANING 1 1 Time Series Oldest, , CSM_ANNEALING_STORAGE INF 1 Time Series Oldest, , UPENDER_STORAGE INF 1 Time Series Oldest, , CLEANING_STORAGE INF 1 Time Series Oldest, , GALVANIZING1 1 1 Time Series Oldest, , GALVANIZED_COILS_SHIPPING INF 1 Time Series Oldest, , FULL_HARD_COILS_SHIPPING INF 1 Time Series Oldest, , COLD_ROLLED_COILS_SHIPPING INF 1 Time Series Oldest, , RAIL1 INFINITE 1 Time Series Oldest, FIFO, RAIL2 INFINITE 1 Time Series Oldest, FIFO, RAIL3 INFINITE 1 Time Series Oldest, FIFO, CSM_ARRIVALS 1 1 Time Series Oldest, , ******************************************************************************** * Entities * ******************************************************************************** Name Speed (fpm) Stats Cost ---------------- ------------ ----------- -----------COIL 150 Time Series GALVANIZED_COIL 150 Time Series COLD_ROLLED_COIL 150 Time Series FULL_HARD_COIL 150 Time Series BATCH 150 Time Series ******************************************************************************** * Path Networks * ******************************************************************************** Name Type T/S From To BI Dist/Time Speed Factor ------------ ----------- ---------------- --------- --------- ---- ---------- -----------STAND5_CRANE Crane Speed & Distance Origin Rail1End Uni Origin BridgeEnd Uni BridgeEnd Rail2End Uni EXTERNAL Passing Speed & Distance N1 N2 Bi 3000 1 N1 N3 Bi 3500 1 CSM_CRANE Crane Speed & Distance Origin Rail1End Uni Origin BridgeEnd Uni BridgeEnd Rail2End Uni EXTERNAL_2 Passing Speed & Distance N1 N2 Bi 3500 1 ******************************************************************************** * Interfaces * ******************************************************************************** Net Node Location Coords (R,B) ------------ ---------- -------------------------- -----------STAND5_CRANE N1 STAND5 0.00, 4.00 N2 STAND5_STORAGE 24.00, 4.00 N3 GALVANIZING2 11.90, 1.15 N4 RAIL1 20.89, 2.28 EXTERNAL N1 STAND5_STORAGE N2 CSM_ARRIVALS N3 GALVANIZING1 CSM_CRANE N2 N3 N4 N5 N6 N7 N8 N9 EXTERNAL_2 N2 N1 UPENDER_STORAGE 3.40, 1.85 UPENDER 4.59, 3.23 CLEANING_STORAGE 22.37, 1.77 CLEANING 19.03, 3.15 CSM_ANNEALING_STORAGE 8.63, 4.83 CSM_ANNEALING 9.87, 5.78 TM_ANNEALING 20.50, 5.81 TM_ANNEALING_STORAGE 26.07, 6.47 CSM_ARRIVALS 13.19, 0.97 N1 CSM_ANNEALING_STORAGE COLD_ROLLED_COILS_SHIPPING ******************************************************************************** * Resources * ******************************************************************************** Res Ent Name Units Stats Search Search Path Motion Cost ------------------- ----- -------- ------- ------ ------------ ------------------- -----------# #MOVES ITEMS BETWEEN TM AND CSM LARGE_DIESEL_HAULER 1 By Unit Closest Oldest EXTERNAL Home: N1 Full: 180 fpm (Return) # #CRANE IN TM CRANE1 1 # #CRANE IN CSM CRANE2 1 Empty: 200 fpm By Unit Closest Oldest STAND5_CRANE Empty: 25,25 fpm Home: Origin Full: 25,25 fpm Pickup: 10 Seconds Deposit: 10 Seconds By Unit Closest Oldest CSM_CRANE Empty: 150,150 fpm Home: Origin Full: 150,150 fpm EXTERNAL_TRANSPORT 1 By Unit Closest Oldest EXTERNAL_2 Empty: 150 fpm Home: N1 Full: 150 fpm ******************************************************************************** * Clock downtimes for Resources * ******************************************************************************** Res Frequency First Time Priority Scheduled Node List Disable Logic ------------------- ---------- ---------- ---------- --------- -------- -------- ------- -----------LARGE_DIESEL_HAULER 40 min 0 No No wait 10 min ******************************************************************************** * Processing * ******************************************************************************** Process Routing Entity Location Operation Blk Output Destination Rule Move Logic ---------------- -------------------------- ------------------ ---- ---------------- -------------------------- ----------------- -----------COIL STAND5 WEIGHT = T(5,16,32) ANNEALED = 0 TIME_IN = CLOCK() WIP = WIP + 1 WAIT N(8,2) MIN 1 GALVANIZED_COIL STAND5_STORAGE 0.600000 1 MOVE WITH CRANE1 THEN FREE COLD_ROLLED_COIL STAND5_STORAGE 0.350000 MOVE WITH CRANE1 THEN FREE FULL_HARD_COIL STAND5_STORAGE 0.050000 MOVE WITH CRANE1 THEN FREE FULL_HARD_COIL STAND5_STORAGE 1 FULL_HARD_COIL RAIL1 FIRST 1 MOVE WITH CRANE1 THEN FREE FULL_HARD_COIL RAIL1 1 FULL_HARD_COIL FULL_HARD_COILS_SHIPPING FIRST 1 FULL_HARD_COIL FULL_HARD_COILS_SHIPPING TOTAL_FHC = TOTAL_FHC + 1 WIP = WIP - 1 FH_TOTAL_WEIGHT = FH_TOTAL_WEIGHT + WEIGHT LOG "FULL HARD COIL CYCLE TIME =", TIME_IN 1 FULL_HARD_COIL EXIT FIRST 1 GALVANIZED_COIL STAND5_STORAGE 1 GALVANIZED_COIL GALVANIZING2 0.400000 1 MOVE WITH CRANE1 THEN FREE GALVANIZED_COIL GALVANIZING1 0.600000 MOVE WITH LARGE_DIESEL_HAULER THEN FREE GALVANIZED_COIL GALVANIZING2 WAIT N(25,4) MIN 1 GALVANIZED_COIL RAIL1 FIRST 1 MOVE WITH CRANE1 THEN FREE GALVANIZED_COIL RAIL1 1 GALVANIZED_COIL RAIL3 FIRST 1 GALVANIZED_COIL RAIL3 1 GALVANIZED_COIL GALVANIZED_COILS_SHIPPING FIRST 1 GALVANIZED_COIL GALVANIZED_COILS_SHIPPING TOTAL_GC = TOTAL_GC + 1 WIP = WIP - 1 GC_TOTAL_WEIGHT = GC_TOTAL_WEIGHT + WEIGHT LOG "GALVANIZED COIL CYCLE TIME =", TIME_IN 1 GALVANIZED_COIL EXIT FIRST 1 GALVANIZED_COIL GALVANIZING1 WAIT N(30,8) 1 GALVANIZED_COIL RAIL2 FIRST 1 MOVE FOR 1 MIN GALVANIZED_COIL RAIL2 1 GALVANIZED_COIL RAIL3 FIRST 1 COLD_ROLLED_COIL STAND5_STORAGE 1 COLD_ROLLED_COIL CSM_ARRIVALS 0.700000 1 MOVE WITH LARGE_DIESEL_HAULER THEN FREE COLD_ROLLED_COIL CSM_ARRIVALS 0.300000 MOVE WITH LARGE_DIESEL_HAULER THEN FREE COLD_ROLLED_COIL CSM_ARRIVALS 1 COLD_ROLLED_COIL CLEANING FIRST 1 MOVE WITH CRANE2 THEN FREE COLD_ROLLED_COIL CLEANING WAIT N(15,3) MIN 1 COLD_ROLLED_COIL CLEANING_STORAGE FIRST 1 MOVE FOR 1 MIN COLD_ROLLED_COIL CLEANING_STORAGE 1 COLD_ROLLED_COIL UPENDER EMPTY 1 MOVE WITH CRANE2 THEN FREE COLD_ROLLED_COIL UPENDER WAIT 3 MIN 1 COLD_ROLLED_COIL UPENDER_STORAGE IF ANNEALED = 0, 1 MOVE FOR 1 MIN COLD_ROLLED_COIL CSM_ANNEALING IF ANNEALED = 1 MOVE WITH CRANE2 THEN FREE COLD_ROLLED_COIL UPENDER_STORAGE 1 COLD_ROLLED_COIL TM_ANNEALING 0.660000 1 MOVE WITH CRANE2 THEN FREE COLD_ROLLED_COIL CSM_ANNEALING 0.340000 MOVE WITH CRANE2 THEN FREE COLD_ROLLED_COIL TM_ANNEALING TM_ANNEAL_WEIGHT = TM_ANNEAL_WEIGHT + WEIGHT GROUP 12 AS BATCH BATCH TM_ANNEALING UNGROUP WAIT TM_ANNEAL_WEIGHT*5 MIN COLD_ROLLED_COIL TM_ANNEALING ANNEALED = 1 TM_ANNEAL_WEIGHT = 0 1 COLD_ROLLED_COIL TM_ANNEALING_STORAGE FIRST 1 MOVE FOR 1 MIN COLD_ROLLED_COIL TM_ANNEALING_STORAGE 1 COLD_ROLLED_COIL UPENDER FIRST 1 MOVE WITH CRANE2 THEN FREE COLD_ROLLED_COIL CSM_ANNEALING CSM_ANNEAL_WEIGHT = CSM_ANNEAL_WEIGHT + WEIGHT GROUP 3 AS BATCH BATCH CSM_ANNEALING UNGROUP WAIT CSM_ANNEAL_WEIGHT*5 MIN COLD_ROLLED_COIL CSM_ANNEALING ANNEALED = 1 CSM_ANNEAL_WEIGHT = 0 1 COLD_ROLLED_COIL CSM_ANNEALING_STORAGE FIRST 1 MOVE FOR 1 MIN COLD_ROLLED_COIL CSM_ANNEALING_STORAGE 1 COLD_ROLLED_COIL COLD_ROLLED_COILS_SHIPPING FIRST 1 MOVE WITH EXTERNAL_TRANSPORT THEN FREE COLD_ROLLED_COIL COLD_ROLLED_COILS_SHIPPING TOTAL_CRC = TOTAL_CRC + 1 CR_TOTAL_WEIGHT = CR_TOTAL_WEIGHT + WEIGHT WIP = WIP - 1 LOG "COLD ROLLED COIL CYCLE TIME =", TIME_IN 1 COLD_ROLLED_COIL EXIT FIRST 1 ******************************************************************************** * Arrivals * ******************************************************************************** Entity Location Qty each First Time Occurrences Frequency Logic -------- -------- ---------- ---------- ----------- ---------- -----------COIL STAND5 1 0 INF 40 MIN ******************************************************************************** * Attributes * ******************************************************************************** ID Type Classification ---------- ------------ -------------WEIGHT Integer Entity TIME_IN Integer Entity ANNEALED Integer Entity ******************************************************************************** * Variables (global) * ******************************************************************************** ID Type Initial value Stats ----------------- ------------ ------------- ----------# #This variable totals up the number of Full Hard Coils that reach shipping TOTAL_FHC Integer 0 Time Series # #This variable tracks the current works in process WIP Integer 0 Time Series # #This variable totals up the galvanized coils that arrive at shipping TOTAL_GC Integer 0 Time Series # #This variable sums up the weight of the coils that approach the tin mill annealing machine so that the duration of the annealing process #can be calculated. The tin annealing machine takes 12 coils at once and operates at 5 hours per ton. TM_ANNEAL_WEIGHT Integer 0 Time Series # #This variable does the same as the TM_ANNEAL_WEIGHT except for the cold sheet mill. The cold sheet mill takes 3 coils at a time and also #operates at 5 tons per hour. CSM_ANNEAL_WEIGHT Integer 0 Time Series # #This variable totals up the number of cold rolled coils that are sent to shipping. TOTAL_CRC Integer 0 Time Series FH_TOTAL_WEIGHT Integer 0 Time Series GC_TOTAL_WEIGHT Integer 0 Time Series CR_TOTAL_WEIGHT Integer 0 Time Series Appendix B Simulation Data Graphs used in determining arrival time Due to lack of decent output numbers, the 60 minute arrival time was not used. The 45 minute arrival time not only gave a good WIP but also provided a decent coil output. Validation Calculations Original vs. Alternate 1 calculation Original Model Alternate 1 Model Total Coils Produced 182 178 182 167 185 182 185 194 189 201 Total Coils Produced 192 186 185 188 192 186 192 191 188 191 Difference 10 8 3 21 7 4 7 -3 -1 -10 (D - Dbar)^2 29.16 11.56 2.56 268.96 5.76 0.36 5.76 57.76 31.36 213.16 Dbar s(D) s(Dbar) 4.6 8.342661 2.638181 2.262 Confidence level Interval 5.967566 10.56757 High 1.367566 Low Original vs. Alternate 2 calculation Original Model Alternate 2 Model Total Coils Produced 182 178 182 167 185 182 185 194 189 201 Total Coils Produced 206 201 208 205 204 206 201 207 202 203 Difference 24 23 26 38 19 24 16 13 13 2 (D - Dbar)^2 17.64 10.24 38.44 331.24 0.64 17.64 14.44 46.24 46.24 316.84 Dbar s(D) s(Dbar) 19.8 9.658617 3.054323 2.262 Confidence level Interval 6.908879 26.70888 High 12.89112 Low Alternate 1 vs. Alternate 2 calculation Alternate 1 Model Alternate 2 Model Total Coils Produced 192 186 185 188 192 186 192 191 188 191 Total Coils Produced 206 201 208 205 204 206 201 207 202 203 Difference 14 15 23 17 12 20 9 16 14 12 (D - Dbar)^2 1.44 0.04 60.84 3.24 10.24 23.04 38.44 0.64 1.44 10.24 Original Model (Running for 1 month) -------------------------------------------------------------------------------General Report Output from C:\My Documents\Simulation Modeling & Analysis\Final Project\California_Steel_Industry.MOD Date: Apr/25/2002 Time: 12:33:19 AM -------------------------------------------------------------------------------Scenario : Normal Run Replication : 1 of 1 Warmup Time : 70 hr Simulation Time : 790 hr -------------------------------------------------------------------------------VARIABLES Variable Name Average Total Minutes Minimum Maximum Current Average Changes Per Change Value Value Value Value Dbar s(D) s(Dbar) 15.2 4.077036 1.289272 2.262 Confidence level Interval 2.916333 18.11633 High 12.28367 Low ----------------- ------- ---------- ------- ------- ------- ------TOTAL FHC 53 802.665509 5 58 58 33.4488 WIP 1858 23.242734 25 91 91 56.3543 TOTAL GC 582 74.190931 44 626 626 337.124 TM ANNEAL WEIGHT 342 124.982050 0 227 212 140.299 CSM ANNEAL WEIGHT 530 81.503681 0 80 69 38.8172 TOTAL CRC 263 161.496433 16 279 279 146.906 FH TOTAL WEIGHT 53 802.665509 122 1043 1043 606.892 GC TOTAL WEIGHT 582 74.190931 668 10702 10702 5722.46 CR TOTAL WEIGHT 263 161.496433 285 4764 4764 2510.86 LOGS Log Number Of Minimum Maximum Average Name Observations Value Value Value ----------------------------- ------------ ---------- ------------ ----------FULL HARD COIL CYCLE TIME = 53 31.272000 118.147000 52.472226 GALVANIZED COIL CYCLE TIME = 582 69.426000 658.874000 197.436074 COLD ROLLED COIL CYCLE TIME = 263 556.611000 13588.562000 7021.053213 Alternative 1 (Running for 1 month) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------General Report Output from C:\My Documents\Simulation Modeling & Analysis\Final Project\California_Steel_Industry_Alternative.MOD Date: Apr/25/2002 Time: 12:33:51 AM ------------------------------------------------------------------------------Scenario : Normal Run Replication : 1 of 1 Warmup Time : 70 hr Simulation Time : 790 hr ------------------------------------------------------------------------------VARIABLES Variable Average Name Value -------------------- Total Average Minutes Minimum Maximum Current Changes Per Change Value Value Value ------- ----------- ------- ------- ------- --- TOTAL FHC 28.2561 WIP 56.1547 TOTAL GC 335.859 TM ANNEAL WEIGHT 140.141 CSM ANNEAL WEIGHT 38.5092 TOTAL CRC 153.564 FH TOTAL WEIGHT 501.109 GC TOTAL WEIGHT 5709.41 CR TOTAL WEIGHT 2592.67 42 1014.115667 7 49 49 1858 23.247719 21 90 88 564 76.547002 52 616 616 389 110.276314 0 235 190 588 73.425389 0 75 38 292 147.925555 9 301 301 42 1014.115667 110 845 845 564 76.547002 845 10549 10549 292 147.925555 151 5153 5153 LOGS Log Average Name Value --------------------------------------FULL HARD COIL CYCLE TIME = 39.755548 GALVANIZED COIL CYCLE TIME = 92.741762 COLD ROLLED COIL CYCLE TIME = 6673.613805 Number Of Minimum Maximum Observations Value Value ------------ ---------- ------------ 42 34.712000 43.246000 564 60.893000 127.348000 292 475.433000 13042.063000 Alternative 2 (Running for 1 month) -------------------------------------------------------------------------------General Report Output from C:\My Documents\Simulation Modeling & Analysis\Final Project\California_Steel_Industry_Alternative2.MOD Date: Apr/25/2002 Time: 12:28:13 AM -------------------------------------------------------------------------------Scenario : Normal Run Replication : 1 of 1 Warmup Time : 70 hr Simulation Time : 790 hr -------------------------------------------------------------------------------VARIABLES Average Variable Total Minutes Minimum Maximum Current Average Name Changes Per Change Value Value Value Value ----------------- ------- ----------- ------- ------- ------- ------- TOTAL FHC 42 1016.308952 3 45 45 25.3374 WIP 1923 22.460332 9 32 22 21.6891 TOTAL GC 572 75.509124 54 626 626 346.943 TM ANNEAL WEIGHT 459 93.297235 0 252 208 166.651 CSM ANNEAL WEIGHT 700 61.587341 0 75 29 43.8477 TOTAL CRC 349 123.664049 12 361 361 179.864 FH TOTAL WEIGHT 42 1016.308952 54 808 808 460.998 GC TOTAL WEIGHT 572 75.509124 920 10761 10761 6042.17 CR TOTAL WEIGHT 349 123.664049 232 6234 6234 3159.95 LOGS Log Number Of Minimum Maximum Average Name Observations Value Value Value ----------------------------- ------------ ---------- ----------- ----------FULL HARD COIL CYCLE TIME = 42 37.358000 44.691000 40.849143 GALVANIZED COIL CYCLE TIME = 572 62.659000 138.031000 89.248804 COLD ROLLED COIL CYCLE TIME = 349 347.542000 4682.120000 2538.694461