FINAL PROJECT Numerical Analysis for Engineering STEADY STATE HEAT CONDUCTION IN A SQUARE FLAT PLATE WITH THREE EDGES AT A FIXED TEMPERATURE AND FOURTH EDGE LOOSING HEAT OVER NATURAL CONVECTION INTO THE AIR. Lasic Ismar March, 31st 2001 TABLE OF CONTENTS List of Symbols………………………………………………………………………….. Page 1 Abstract……………………………………………………………...……….…………… Page 2 Background……………………………………………………………..………….…….. Page 3 Introduction and Problem Description………………………………………………. Page 4 Theory and Numerical Approach Exact Solution by Separation of Variables ………………………………………...…….... Page 6 Numerical Solution of the Convection Problem………………………………...…….…… Page 7 Results and Discussion Exact Solution by Separation of Variables vs. Numerical Interpretation………...…….… Page 11 Numerical Solution of the Convection Problem…………………………….……………. Page 13 Summary………………………………………………………………….……….…….. Page 16 References…………………………………………………………..………….……….. Page 17 Appendix A. FORTRAN Code using Gauss-Seidel for Exact Solution 5 x 5 mesh …....….……… Page 18 B. FORTRAN Code using Gauss-Seidel for Exact Solution 9 x 9 mesh …...…..……… Page 19 B – 1. Output of the FORTRAN Code using 9 x 9 mesh ...…………………...………… Page 20 C. FORTRAN Code using Gauss-Seidel for Exact Solution 17 x 17 mesh …….……… Page 21 C – 1. Output for the FORTRAN Code using 17 x 17 mesh ……..….…….…………… Page 22 D. FORTRAN Code for Convection Problem with 5 x 5 mesh …………….………...… Page 23 E. FORTRAN Code for Convection Problem with 9 x 9 mesh …………….………...… Page 24 E – 1. Output of the FORTRAN Code for Convection with 9 x 9 mesh ……………....… Page 25 F. FORTRAN Code for Convection Problem with 17 x 17 mesh ……………….…...… Page 26 F - 1. Output of the FORTRAN Code for Convection with 17 x 17 mesh ……….…...… Page 27 G. Obtained Exact Solution utilizing Series in Figure 6. and its Convergence .….…...… Page 28 - Page 1 - LIST OF SYMBOLS 1. k [W/m*K] ............................................................................... Thermal conductivity 2. h [W/(m2*K)] ......................................................................... Convection coefficient 3. X [m]........................................................................................... Length of the node 4. Y [m]............................................................................................ Width of the node 5. L .............................................................................. Length of the plate (x dimension) 6. W .............................................................................. Width of the plate (y dimension) 7. x ................................................................. Distance from the origin in the x direction 8. y ................................................................. Distance from the origin in the y direction 9. 2 ....................................................................................... Separation constant 10. T[K]................................................................... Temperature of the Environment 11. Ts[K]............................................................ Constant Temperature along the Edge 12. Tm, n [K]............................................................ Temperature of the designated node 13. qi (i = 1,2,3...)[W/m]....................................... Heat transferred into node of interest 14. qconv (i = 1,2,3...)[W/m].............. Convection Heat transferred into node of interest - Page 2 - ABSTRACT The purpose of this project is to solve numerically the two dimensional temperature distributions over the flat plate with the constant temperatures on three edges while having the fourth edge exposed to free convection. Exact solution for a simpler case is found analytically establishing the base line. FORTRAN Code implementing Gauss-Seidel iterative algorithm called “GAUSS_EXACT” serves as a model of the simpler problem. “GAUSS_EXACT” is compared to the exact solution using different mesh sizes. Upon the validation of the FORTRAN Code harder problem involving convection was approached utilizing finite-difference form of the Heat Diffusion Equation in order to determine temperature distribution numerically. Nodal equations are derived using energy balance in form of finite difference equations. Gauss-Seidel iterative algorithm incorporated in FORTRAN Code is utilized in order to solve for the temperature distribution at all nodes of interest. The results will then be compared to published results from: "Fundamentals of Heat Transfer" by Incropera & DeWitt P.156 -- Cole Library QC 320.145 - Page 3 - BACKGROUND The fact that the heat equation is an evolution equation simplifies how the solution to the heat conduction problem can be obtained numerically. To solve the heat conduction problem completely requires the determination of the temperature at all points of the plate in both dimensions x and y. That would be an infinity of points and unknowns, something a computer cannot deal with. To make the number of unknowns finite, the points at which to find the temperature can be artificially restricted to a finite set by only including a mesh, or grid, of discrete points as shown in Figure 1 below. Using a mesh, solving the heat conduction problem reduces finding the temperature values at a finite number of points. When a finer mesh, with more mesh points, is used, the accuracy will be higher, but so will the computational effort. Dependent on its triviality, the temperature distribution in a flat plate can also be solved analytically. FIGURE 1. Nodal Network for 2-Dimensional problem involving a flat plate Once the nodal network has been established like in Figure 1. above and an appropriate finite difference equation has been written for each of the nodes based on the boundary conditions and energy balance at each node, the temperature distribution may be determined. - Page 4 - INTRODUCTION AND PROBLEM DESCRIPTION A large industrial furnace is supported on a long column of fire clay brick (k = 1 W/m*K), which is 1m x 1m on a side. During steady-state operation, installation is such that three surfaces of the column are maintained at 500 K while the remaining surface is exposed to an air stream for which: T = 300 K and h = 10 W/(m2*K). Using the Gauss-Seidel iterative method and given the grid of X = Y = 0.25 m, determine the two-dimensional temperature distribution in the column. We are not to forget that this is a steady state event (no energy stored), two-dimensional conduction with constant properties of the media and with no internal heat generation. Figure two below shows the grid that has 12 nodal points at which the temperature is unknown. Since the left and right edge in the respect to symmetry axis are at the same temperature as we can see in Figure 2. below, it is safe to assume that there will only be 8 unknown temperatures. Temperatures of the nodal points to the right of the symmetry axis will be equal to the temperatures to the left of the axis. FIGURE 2. Presentation of the Convection Problem Before we examine this type of problem let us establish a base line for the concept of 2-Dimensional heat transfer by finding the exact solution for much simpler case analytically. Then we can implement FORTRAN code to interpret the exact solution and make comparison. This will also validate our FORTRAN code if it were implemented to solve the problem presented in this project. - Page 5 If we refer to the Heat diffusion equation below: Than to simplify we introduce the transformation Figure 3. below: Let us now examine the case shown in the Figure 4. below: FIGURE 4. Boundary conditions for the flat plate Presenting the problem as above with following boundary conditions: (0,y) = 0 and (x, 0) = 0 (L, y) = 1 and (x, W) = 0 - Page 6 - THEORY AND NUMERICAL APPROACH Exact Solution by Separation of Variables Substituting the transform in Figure 3. into the Heat diffusion equation we get the transformed differential equation below: Assuming that the solution of this differential equation can be presented as product of two functions, we can apply the separation of variable technique to solve it. Assuming the solution of the form: (x, y) = X (x) * Y (y) exists we can than substitute it into the transformed differential equation and obtain two separate ordinary differential equations below: Solutions to equations above are respectively: X = C1 * COS (x) + C2 * SIN (x) and Y = C3 * e -(x) + C4 * e+(x) Combining the constants and involving infinite series expansion in terms of orthogonal functions leading to the Fourier series expansion we obtain the Exact solution in Figure 6. below: The equation above is convergent series where the temperature T corresponding to a value of may be obtained for the transform in Figure 4. The nature of the convergence as a sinusoidal decay can be seen in Appendix G. on Page 24. Now when we know how to obtain the exact solution for simple case of boundary condition for a 2-Dimensional heat transfer in a flat plate, we should go further now and discuss the theory behind the finite difference approach. Finite difference equations will be used in our numerical evaluation of the problem described in “Problem description”. - Page 7 - Numerical Solution of the Convection Problem By applying the conservation of energy to the control volume about one nodal area, we can easily obtain the finite difference equations for the node of interest. We have to however assume that all the heat flows to the node and only perpendicular to node as shown in Figure 7. below. FIGURE 7. Finite difference method about the node of interest in the flat plate Figure 8. below describes the fact that sum of all the magnitudes of energies entering the node is equal to zero and that in this particular problem there is no internal heat generation. FIGURE 8. Energy balance for this particular problem Simplified form of the Fourier's Law lets us proceed to remaining conduction rates that describe the heat transfer into node (m, n) from other neighboring nodes (Figures 9 - 12): - Page 8 The quantity (Y *1) is the heat transfer area and the expression in fraction represents the finite difference approximation of the temperature gradient at the boundary between the two nodes. Substituting equations in Figures 9 - 12 into energy balance equation in Figure 7. and keeping in mind that X = Y it follows that the finite difference equation for the interior node without energy generation is represented in Figure 13. below: Figure 13. Finite difference formula for the internal node Besides the internal node situation, for this particular problem we will have to derive one more case where the node is exposed to the external free convection and we will do that by setting up the energy balance based on the Figure 14. below: FIGURE 14. Nodes exposed to free Convection Here we want to come up with the finite difference equation for node (m, n). We know that sum of all energies entering the node have to equal zero, that nodes (m, n+1) and (m, n-1) only transfer energy through the half of the area to node (m, n) as opposed to node (m-1, n) and the free convection which use (X * 1). Thus, equations for the nodes exposed to free convection are: Q1 = k * (T (m-1, n) - T (m, n)) Q2 = k/2 * (T (m, n-1) - T (m, n)) Q3 = k/2 * (T (m, n+1) - T (m, n)) Q conv = h * X * (T - T (m, n)) - Page 9 Energy balance equation implies that: Q1 + Q2 + Q3 + Qconv = 0 hence obtaining the expression for the finite difference equation for the node exposed to free convection heat transfer in Figure 15. below: FIGURE 15. Finite difference formula for the nodes on the convecting edge Knowing those finite difference equations we can proceed to formulation of those equations for the nodes of interest for this particular problem, in order to determine the temperature distribution. Hence Equations for particular nodes are: NODE1 --> T2 + T3 + 500 + 500 - 4 * T1 = 0 NODE2 --> 2 * T1 + T4 + 500 - 4 * T2 = 0 NODE3 --> T1 + T4 + T5 + 500 - 4 * T3 = 0 NODE4 --> T2 + 2 * T3 + T6 - 4 * T4 = 0 NODE5 --> T3 + T6 + T7 + 500 - 4 * T5 = 0 NODE6 --> T4 + 2 * T5 + T8 - 4 * T6 = 0 Knowing that h = 10 [W/m2*K], X = 0.25 [m] and k = 1 [W/m*K] and plugging the values in equation Figure11. we get following finite difference equations for nodes exposed to free convection: NODE7 --> 2*T5 + T8 + 2000 - 9 * T7 = 0 NODE8 --> 2*T6 + 2*T7 + 1500 - 9 * T8 = 0 Now when we have the finite difference equations laid out for every single node of interest, we ended up with linear systems of 8 equations and 8 unknowns. Utilizing Gauss-Seidel iteration method coded in Fortran we will determine those temperatures to within desired error tolerance. Finite difference equations obtained from the energy balance in the nodal network will be rearranged such that they are diagonally dominant. Iterative process will follow the sequence formula in Figure 16. FIGURE 16. Gauss-Seidel iterative formula and it will stop when the convergence criteria in Figure 17. is satisfied. FIGURE 17. Convergence criteria for Gauss-Seidel algorithm - Page 10 In Gauss-Seidel the equations are examined one at a time in sequence, and that previously computed results are used as soon as they are available. Two important facts about the GaussSeidel method should be noted. First, the computations appear to be serial. Since each component of the new iterates depends upon all previously computed components, the updates cannot be done simultaneously. Second, the new iterate depends upon the order in which the equations are examined. The Gauss-Seidel method is sometimes called the "method of successive displacements" to indicate the dependence of iterates on the ordering. If this ordering is changed, the components of the new iterate (and not just their order) will also change. To apply the method, the set of equations must be written in a form so that each of the variables is given by one of the equations in the set. For example, the set might be written in the form as shown in Figures 18 - 22. below: And for the nodes exposed to free convection we have the following equations: FORTRAN code that is implementing the Gauss-Seidel iteration does not require that we place equations in particular form as seen in Figures 18 - 22. FORTRAN however does require us to provide the formula through which the old values became the new values (one iteration step). The code basically takes 2 dimensional array and performs the calculations obtained by finite difference energy balance and as soon as the solutions are obtained they are reassigned to the new value. New value is subtracted from old value and if the tolerance is not met the iterations will take place. Each new iteration is set to a count, so that we can easily obtain the number of iterations it took to converge to the solutions designated by the tolerance. - Page 11 - RESULTS AND DISCUSSION Exact Solution by Separation of Variables vs. Numerical Interpretation First of all we shall impose the convention of how to reference the nodes of interest to avoid confusion. Below in Table 1. presented are the nodes as they are distributed along the "x" and "y" directions and their displacement from the origin: NODES OF INTEREST y=0. 00 y=0. 25 y=0. 50 y=0. 75 y=1. 00 x=0. 00 T(1,1) T(1,2) T(1,3) T(1,4) T(1,5) TABLE 1. x=0. 25 T(2,1) T(2,2) T(2,3) T(2,4) T(2,5) x=0. 50 T(3,1) T(3,2) T(3,3) T(3,4) T(3,5) x=0. 75 T(4,1) T(4,2) T(4,3) T(4,4) T(4,5) x=1. 00 T(5,1) T(5,2) T(5,3) T(5,4) T(5,5) 5 x 5 node location diagram over the flat plate After the implementation of the exact solution series formula in Figure 6. in the excel spreadsheet that can be found in Appendix G. for a specific case where T1 = 0 K is a fixed temperature on three edges of the flat plate and T2 = 1 K is the fixed temperature along the fourth edge, exact solutions for the reduced factor are obtained in the Table 2. below: TEMPERATURES y=0. 00 y=0. 25 y=0. 50 y=0. 75 y=1. 00 x=0. 00 0.0000000 0.0000000 0.0000000 0.0000000 0.0000000 x=0. 25 0.0000000 0.0679720 0.0954140 0.0679720 0.0000000 x=0. 50 0.0000000 0.1820280 0.2500000 0.1820280 0.0000000 x=0. 75 0.0000000 0.4320280 0.5405290 0.4320280 0.0000000 x=1. 00 0.0000000 1.0000000 1.0000000 1.0000000 0.0000000 TABLE 2. Temperature values for distribution in the flat plate obtained by calculating exact solution Since T = (*(T2-T1)) + T1 and since T1= 0 K and T2 = 1 K, from Figure 3. it follows that = T. We can see that the temperature distribution in the plate follows a hyperbolic pattern of distribution from the 0 K edge to 1 K edges assuring exactness of the solution. Results of the FORTRAN code "GAUSS_EXACT" for this particular problem were obtained at 0.001 % tolerance for 5 x 5 mesh size and after 19 iterations in Table 3.: TEMPERATURES y=0.00 y=0.25 y=0.50 y=0.75 y=1.00 x=0.00 0.0000000 0.0000000 0.0000000 0.0000000 0.0000000 x=0.25 0.0000000 0.0714291 0.0982148 0.0714291 0.0000000 x=0.50 0.0000000 0.1875006 0.2500004 0.1875006 0.0000000 x=0.75 0.0000000 0.4285717 0.5267860 0.4285717 0.0000000 x=1.00 0.0000000 1.0000000 1.0000000 1.0000000 0.0000000 TABLE 3. Temperature values in the flat plate obtained by FORTRAN approximation of exact solution FORTRAN Code “GAUSS_EXACT” for 5 x 5 mesh size can be seen in Appendix A. - Page 12 If we compare the results obtained by exact solution method presented in the Table 2. above to the approximated solutions obtained by FORTRAN code "GAUSS_EXACT" in Table 3. we can see that the major discrepancy is located along the colder temperature edge. That is due to the rigidity of the code, if you refer to the "GAUSS_EXACT" code you will find that side was forced to be at that temperature. Once the boundary conditions for the flat plate are established of "hardwired" the output will not be affected nor forced to follow specific temperature distribution pattern, which may be regulated by the exact solution formula. Besides the lower temperature boundary condition temperatures inside the plate at the internal nodes of interest are within 0 (at node T3, 3) to 2.54 % (at node T4, 3) accurate. We should now get the differences between baseline (exact) solution and numerical approximation on all points, in order to determine the error norm as a final step in error analysis. Hence, below in Table 4. presented are the differences for each node of interest: DIFFERENCES y=0. 00 y=0. 25 y=0. 50 y=0. 75 y=1. 00 x=0. 00 0.0000000 0.0000000 0.0000000 0.0000000 0.0000000 x=0. 25 0.0000000 0.003457 0.002801 0.003457 0.0000000 x=0. 50 0.0000000 0.005473 0.000000 0.005473 0.0000000 x=0. 75 0.0000000 0.003456 0.013743 0.003456 0.0000000 x=1. 00 0.0000000 0.0000000 0.0000000 0.0000000 0.0000000 TABLE 4. Differences between the exact solution and FORTRAN Code (5 x 5 resolution) All the differences are squared and summed and from the final sum the square root was taken giving us the Norm below in Figure 24: 25 ( DIFFERENCE ) i 1 2 i 0.017447 Now if we increase the size of mesh for “GAUSS_EXACT" code from 5 x 5 to 9 x 9 (making X = Y = 0.125 m), we should see the improvement in error. FORTRAN Code “GAUSS_EXACT” for 9 x 9 mesh size can be seen in Appendix B. Table 5. Below shows the results obtained after 1001 iterations, for increased mesh size: TEMPERATURES y=0. 00 y=0. 25 y=0. 50 y=0. 75 y=1. 00 x=0. 00 0.0000000 0.0000000 0.0000000 0.0000000 0.0000000 x=0. 25 0.0000000 0.068947 0.096273 0.068947 0.0000000 x=0. 50 0.0000000 0.1838240 0.2500000 0.1838240 0.0000000 x=0. 75 0.0000000 0.4310530 0.5360800 0.4310530 0.0000000 x=1. 00 0.0000000 1.0000000 1.0000000 1.0000000 0.0000000 TABLE 5. Temperature values obtained by FORTRAN (9 x 9 mesh size) approximation of exact solution Error percentage decreased to within 0 (at node T3, 3) to 0.82 % (at node T4, 3). Again, all the differences are squared and summed and from the final sum the square root was taken giving us the norm below between the 9 x 9 mesh size FORTRAN approximation and Exact solution in Figure 25: 25 ( DIFFERENCE ) i 1 2 i 0.005548 - Page 13 We can take this further into finer mesh now when we witnessed the error improvement. Let’s see in Table 6. Below, by how much will error percentage decrease on the 17 x 17 mesh size (making X = Y = 0.0625 m): TEMPERATURES y=0. 00 y=0. 25 y=0. 50 y=0. 75 y=1. 00 x=0. 00 0.0000000 0.0000000 0.0000000 0.0000000 0.0000000 x=0. 25 0.0000000 0.0682310 0.0956590 0.0682330 0.0000000 x=0. 50 0.0000000 0.1825300 0.2500210 0.1825320 0.0000000 x=0. 75 0.0000000 0.4317880 0.5393390 0.4317900 0.0000000 x=1. 00 0.0000000 1.0000000 1.0000000 1.0000000 0.0000000 TABLE 6. Temperature values obtained by FORTRAN (17 x 17 mesh size) approximation of exact solution FORTRAN Code “GAUSS_EXACT” for 17 x 17 mesh size can be seen in Appendix C. Finally error percentage came down to 0.0084 (at node T3, 3) to 0.22 % (at node T4, 3) and the norm as shown in Figure 26. below: 25 ( DIFFERENCE ) i 1 2 i 0.001494 This mesh size showed accuracy in norm to within 10-3 in reference to the last mesh size 9 x 9, validating and accrediting the “GAUSS_EXACT” code that is to be used on described Problem. Obtained data moves in a specific pattern over the flat plate with prescribed boundary conditions, indicating that the isotherms take shape of the bottleneck on the sides and hyperbolic on the cold temperature edge as we can see in the Figure 27. below: - Page 14 - Numerical Solution of the Convection Problem Having validated the FORTRAN code for specific base line problem we can now proceed and consider resolving the convection problem. Table 5. below shows results after only 8 iterations as they appear in the Published Text (underlined) for the described Problem, hence not giving us solid reference as an exact solution. However, it can serve as a relative reference or baseline for our numerical approximation: T(4,2)489.1000 T(3,2)471.9000 T(2,2)436.8000 T(1,2)356.9000 T(4,3)485.0000 T(3,3)461.8000 T(2,3)418.6000 T(1,3)339.0000 TABLE 7. Published results for convection problem (not exact solution) In Table 6. below we can see the output of the FORTRAN code for convection problem after 16 iterations. Clearly the following approximations should be closer to the exact solution than Published solutions: T(5,1)500.0000 T(4,1)500.0000 T(3,1)500.0000 T(2,1)500.0000 T(1,1)500.0000 T(5,2)500.0000 T(4,2)489.2907 T(3,2)472.0359 T(2,2)436.9151 T(1,2)356.9848 T(5,3)500.0000 T(4,3)485.1392 T(3,3)461.9755 T(2,3)418.7033 T(1,3)339.0418 T(5,4)500.0000 T(4,4)489.2971 T(3,4)472.0493 T(2,4)436.9310 T(1,4)356.9893 T(5,5)500.0000 T(4,5)500.0000 T(3,5)500.0000 T(2,5)500.0000 T(1,5)500.0000 TABLE 8. Results obtained by a FORTRAN Code for Convection Problem with 5 x 5 mesh in Figure 2. After the comparison of the approximated results obtained by a source code to the published results, we can see that the difference percentage falls between 0.01 and 0.04 %. Norm in Figure 26. below is obtained after the differences between the Table 7. and Table 8. were obtained below in Table 9.: T(4,2)0.0907 T(3,2)0.1359 T(2,2)0.1151 T(1,2)0.0848 T(4,3)0.1392 T(3,3)0.1755 T(2,3)0.1033 T(1,3)0.0418 FIGURE 28. Norm between two approximate solutions only after 8 additional iterations The average percentage error is 0.028 % which can only be due to higher magnitude of iterations the FORTRAN Code for Convection Problem with 5 x 5 mesh in Figure 2. has gone through. FORTRAN Code for Convection Problem with 5 x 5 mesh in Figure 2. is in Appendix D. Now that our FORTRAN Code works and it has been validated on a exact solution problem as well as on described Problem, we can increase the mesh size over the plate, by reducing our X from 0.25 m (5 x 5 mesh) to 0.125 m (9 x 9 mesh) and 0.0625 m (17 x 17 mesh). This will give us more accurate results for the nodes at same spatial locations. - Page 15 So below in Table 10. we have the results for the 9 x 9 mesh of the plate in described Problem, where now the X=0.125 m. T(5,1)500.0000 T(4,1)500.0000 T(3,1)500.0000 T(2,1)500.0000 T(1,1)500.0000 T(5,2)500.0000 T(4,2)489.5586 T(3,2)472.2873 T(2,2)435.7520 T(1,2)349.8863 T(5,3)500.0000 T(4,3)485.3590 T(3,3)461.8207 T(2,3)416.8531 T(1,3)337.4382 T(5,4)500.0000 T(4,4)489.5616 T(3,4)472.2925 T(2,4)435.7572 T(1,4)349.8880 T(5,5)500.0000 T(4,5)500.0000 T(3,5)500.0000 T(2,5)500.0000 T(1,5)500.0000 TABLE 10. Results obtained by a FORTRAN Code for Convection Problem with 9 x 9 mesh in Figure 2. FORTRAN Code for Convection Problem with 9 x 9 mesh in Figure 2. is in Appendix E. Observe node T (2,3) = 418.6000 K at a 5 x 5 mesh in Table 8. and node T (2,3) = 416.8531 in Table 10. 9 x 9 mesh size. It is evident that by increasing the mesh size we approach the solution that is closer to exact solution. Now let's look at the results obtained from the FORTRAN Code for Convection Problem with 17 x 17 mesh size X=0.0625 m. below in Table 11.: T(5,1)500.0000 T(4,1)500.0000 T(3,1)500.0000 T(2,1)500.0000 T(1,1)500.0000 T(5,2)500.0000 T(4,2)489.6495 T(3,2)472.4099 T(2,2)435.4932 T(1,2)348.5947 T(5,3)500.0000 T(4,3)485.4474 T(3,3)461.8154 T(2,3)416.3406 T(1,3)337.3164 T(5,4)500.0000 T(4,4)489.6495 T(3,4)472.4099 T(2,4)435.4932 T(1,4)348.5947 T(5,5)500.0000 T(4,5)500.0000 T(3,5)500.0000 T(2,5)500.0000 T(1,5)500.0000 TABLE 11. Results obtained by a FORTRAN Code for Convection Problem with 17 x 17 mesh in Figure 2. FORTRAN Code for Convection Problem with 17 x 17 mesh in Figure 2. is in Appendix F. Observe node T (2,3) = 418.6000 K at a 5 x 5 mesh in Table 8. and node T (2,3) = 416.3406 in Table 11. 17 x 17 mesh size. In closing to the error analysis for Convection Problem, let us just take node in the middle of the plate T (3,3) and observe how the norm between each increasing mesh dimension reduces. T (3, 3) TABLE 6 (5 x 5) TABLE 8 (9 x 9) TABLE 9 (17 x 17) 461.9755 461.8207 461.8154 Norm decreases from SQRT ((461.9755 – 461.8207) 2) = 0.1548 on the 9 x 9 mesh, to SQRT ((461.8207 – 461.8154) 2) = 0.0053 on the 17 x 17 mesh. The error percentage reduced from 0.033 % on the 9 x 9 to 0.0011 % on the 17 x 17 mesh. This is a confirmation of the validity of the FORTRAN incorporated Gauss-Seidel approximation Code, yet for the second time. Values obtained in Table 9. are very close to the exact solution according to the decreasing trend the convergence is undergoing when mesh dimensions are increased. - Page 16 - Summary The objective of this project was to determine the two-dimensional steady-state temperature distribution in square flat plate that had three edges at a fixed temperature and fourth edge exposed to free convection into the air utilizing FORTRAN code obtained approximated solutions. Code included inputs like Conductivity, Convectivity, Tolerance, Convection temperature and desired column number in order to give one specific column of temperatures approximated with Gauss-Seidel iterative algorithm and the number of iterations it took to converge to the desired tolerance. Code also gives opportunity to continue or terminate the execution of the program. FORTRAN code was validated using the exact solution of a much simpler problem that involves the flat plate that in stead of convection on one edge has fixed temperature that differs from the temperatures of the remaining edges. Exact solutions were found for simpler problem and compared to the results obtained by FORTRAN code approximation. FORTRAN code approximation for the exact solution was done two times for finer meshes. Each time the mesh dimensions were doubled to find that error percentage and the norm were rapidly decaying toward convergence. Published results for the convection problem were used as baseline since those are the approximations as well and they were only the results after 8 iterations. Validated code fixed for a Convection Problem converged after 16 iterations giving very close results to published results. To assure convergence of the FORTRAN Code for Convection Problem yet again the finer meshes had to be done. The results obtained after implementing the mesh of double the size were compared to the results obtained on smaller mesh sizes. As a result of this comparison we have seen that the norm and the error percentage have decreased by 3 orders of magnitude on each doubling in the mesh size. In closing, for this particular project we might say that the use of numerical approximation was successfully demonstrated and that it produced very minor and consistent error bandwidth. - Page 17 - Reference Smith, G. D., "Numerical Solution of Partial Differential Equations: Finite Difference Methods", Clarendon Press, London, 1985, p. 239-311. Bickford, William, "Finite Element Method", Irwing, Boston, 1990 DeWitt, David P., and Incropera, Frank P., "Fundamentals of Heat and Mass Transfer" 4th Edition, John Wiley & Sons, Inc., New York, NY, 1996. Burden, R. L. & Faires, J. D., "Numerical Analysis" 7th edition, Brooks/Cole Publishing Company, Pacific Grove, CA, 2000 Appendix A FORTRAN Code using Gauss-Seidel 5 x 5 mesh size for Exact Solution in Figure 4. C 5 10 20 C 30 C 40 C 50 C 55 C 60 70 C C 90 100 C 110 120 C 140 150 160 170 180 INTEGER X,Y,ITS,TEST REAL T(5,5), T2(5,5), ACT, TACT, K, H, ACQ, Ts SET ALL TEMPS DO 20 X=1,5 DO 10 Y=1,5 T(X,Y)=0. T2(X,Y)=0. CONTINUE CONTINUE LEFT EDGE TEMPS DO 30 Y=1,5 T(1,Y)=0 CONTINUE RIGHT EDGE TEMPS DO 40 Y=1,5 T(5,Y)=1 CONTINUE BOTTOM EDGE TEMPS DO 50 X=1,5 T(X,1)=0 CONTINUE TOP EDGE TEMPS DO 55 X=2,4 T(X,5)=0 CONTINUE FIRST GUESS 0.5 EVERYWHERE DO 70 Y=2,4 DO 60 X=2,4 T(X,Y)=0.5 CONTINUE CONTINUE GET USER VALUES WRITE (*,*) 'INPUT ACCEPTABLE ERROR AS A PERCENT' READ (*,*) ACT RUN ITERATIONS DO 160 ITS = 1, 10000 DO 100 X=1,5 DO 90 Y=1,5 T2(X,Y)=T(X,Y) CONTINUE CONTINUE TEST=0 INTERNAL NODES DO 120 X=2,4 DO 110 Y=2,4 T2(X,Y)=T(X,Y) T(X,Y)=(T(X+1,Y)+T(X-1,Y)+T(X,Y+1)+T(X,Y-1))/4 CONTINUE CONTINUE TEST ACCURACY DO 150 X=1,5 DO 140 Y=1,5 TACT=100*ABS((T(X,Y)-T2(X,Y))/T(X,Y)) IF (TACT.GT.ACT) THEN TEST=1 ENDIF CONTINUE CONTINUE IF (TEST.EQ.0) THEN GOTO 170 ENDIF CONTINUE WRITE (*,*) 'ENTER COLUMN FOR TEMPS' READ (*,*) X DO 180 Y=5,1,-1 WRITE (*,*) 'T(',X,Y,')',T(X,Y) CONTINUE WRITE (*,*) 'ITS',ITS WRITE (*,*) 'TO RUN AGAIN, PRESS 1, ELSE ANY OTHER NUMBER' READ (*,*) X IF (X.EQ.1) THEN GOTO 5 ENDIF END - Page 18 - B C 5 10 20 C 30 C 40 C 50 C 55 C 60 70 C C 90 100 C 110 120 C 140 150 160 170 180 FORTRAN Code using Gauss-Seidel 9 x 9 mesh size for Exact Solution in Figure 4. INTEGER X,Y,ITS,TEST REAL T(9,9), T2(9,9), ACT, TACT, K, H, ACQ, Ts SET ALL TEMPS DO 20 X=1,9 DO 10 Y=1,9 T(X,Y)=0. T2(X,Y)=0. CONTINUE CONTINUE LEFT EDGE TEMPS DO 30 Y=1,9 T(1,Y)=0 CONTINUE RIGHT EDGE TEMPS DO 40 Y=1,9 T(9,Y)=1 CONTINUE BOTTOM EDGE TEMPS DO 50 X=1,9 T(X,1)=0 CONTINUE TOP EDGE TEMPS DO 55 X=2,8 T(X,9)=0 CONTINUE FIRST GUESS 0.5 EVERYWHERE DO 70 Y=2,8 DO 60 X=2,8 T(X,Y)=0.5 CONTINUE CONTINUE GET USER VALUES WRITE (*,*) 'INPUT ACCEPTABLE ERROR AS A PERCENT' READ (*,*) ACT RUN ITERATIONS DO 160 ITS = 1, 10000 DO 100 X=1,9 DO 90 Y=1,9 T2(X,Y)=T(X,Y) CONTINUE CONTINUE TEST=0 INTERNAL NODES DO 120 X=2,8 DO 110 Y=2,8 T2(X,Y)=T(X,Y) T(X,Y)=(T(X+1,Y)+T(X-1,Y)+T(X,Y+1)+T(X,Y-1))/4 CONTINUE CONTINUE TEST ACCURACY DO 150 X=1,9 DO 140 Y=1,9 TACT=100*ABS((T(X,Y)-T2(X,Y))/T(X,Y)) IF (TACT.GT.ACT) THEN TEST=1 ENDIF CONTINUE CONTINUE IF (TEST.EQ.0) THEN GOTO 170 ENDIF CONTINUE WRITE (*,*) 'ENTER COLUMN FOR TEMPS' READ (*,*) X DO 180 Y=9,1,-1 WRITE (*,*) 'T(',X,Y,')',T(X,Y) CONTINUE WRITE (*,*) 'ITS',ITS WRITE (*,*) 'TO RUN AGAIN, PRESS 1, ELSE ANY OTHER NUMBER' READ (*,*) X IF (X.EQ.1) THEN GOTO 5 ENDIF END - Page 19 - -Page 20- B-1 Here is the output of the FORTRAN Code using Gauss-Seidel 9 x 9 mesh size for Exact Solution: 9x9 y = 0.000 y = 0.125 y = 0.250 y = 0.375 y = 0.500 y = 0.625 y = 0.750 y = 0.875 y = 1.000 x = 0.000 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 x = 0.125 0.000000 0.017413 0.031969 0.041515 0.044826 0.041515 0.031969 0.017413 0.000000 x = 0.250 0.000000 0.037683 0.068947 0.089267 0.096273 0.089267 0.068947 0.037683 0.000000 x = 0.375 0.000000 0.064373 0.116869 0.150331 0.161734 0.150331 0.116869 0.064373 0.000000 x = 0.500 0.000000 0.102941 0.183824 0.233456 0.250000 0.233456 0.183824 0.102941 0.000000 x = 0.625 0.000000 0.163568 0.282028 0.349669 0.371354 0.349669 0.282028 0.163568 0.000000 x = 0.750 0.000000 0.269302 0.431053 0.511836 0.536080 0.511836 0.431053 0.269302 0.000000 x = 0.875 0.000000 0.482587 0.661046 0.730543 0.749292 0.730543 0.661046 0.482587 0.000000 x = 1.000 0.000000 1.000000 1.000000 1.000000 1.000000 1.000000 1.000000 1.000000 0.000000 C C 5 10 20 C 30 C 40 C 50 C 55 C 60 70 C C 90 100 C 110 120 C 140 150 160 170 180 FORTRAN Code using Gauss-Seidel 17 x 17 mesh size for Exact Solution in Figure 4. INTEGER X,Y,ITS,TEST REAL T(17,17), T2(17,17), ACT, TACT, K, H, ACQ, Ts SET ALL TEMPS DO 20 X=1,17 DO 10 Y=1,17 T(X,Y)=0. T2(X,Y)=0. CONTINUE CONTINUE LEFT EDGE TEMPS DO 30 Y=1,17 T(1,Y)=0 CONTINUE RIGHT EDGE TEMPS DO 40 Y=1,17 T(17,Y)=1 CONTINUE BOTTOM EDGE TEMPS DO 50 X=1,17 T(X,1)=0 CONTINUE TOP EDGE TEMPS DO 55 X=2,17 T(X,17)=0 CONTINUE FIRST GUESS 0.5 EVERYWHERE DO 70 Y=2,16 DO 60 X=2,16 T(X,Y)=0.5 CONTINUE CONTINUE GET USER VALUES WRITE (*,*) 'INPUT ACCEPTABLE ERROR AS A PERCENT' READ (*,*) ACT RUN ITERATIONS DO 160 ITS = 1, 10000 DO 100 X=1,17 DO 90 Y=1,17 T2(X,Y)=T(X,Y) CONTINUE CONTINUE TEST=0 INTERNAL NODES DO 120 X=2,16 DO 110 Y=2,16 T2(X,Y)=T(X,Y) T(X,Y)=(T(X+1,Y)+T(X-1,Y)+T(X,Y+1)+T(X,Y-1))/4 CONTINUE CONTINUE TEST ACCURACY DO 150 X=1,17 DO 140 Y=1,17 TACT=100*ABS((T(X,Y)-T2(X,Y))/T(X,Y)) IF (TACT.GT.ACT) THEN TEST=1 ENDIF CONTINUE CONTINUE IF (TEST.EQ.0) THEN GOTO 170 ENDIF CONTINUE WRITE (*,*) 'ENTER COLUMN FOR TEMPS' READ (*,*) X DO 180 Y=17,1,-1 WRITE (*,*) 'T(',X,Y,')',T(X,Y) CONTINUE WRITE (*,*) 'ITS',ITS WRITE (*,*) 'TO RUN AGAIN, PRESS 1, ELSE ANY OTHER NUMBER' READ (*,*) X IF (X.EQ.1) THEN GOTO 5 ENDIF END -Page 21- - Page 22 - C-1 Here is the output of the FORTRAN Code using Gauss-Seidel 17 x 17 mesh size for Exact Solution: 17 x 17 x = 0.000 0.0625 0.1250 0.1875 0.2500 0.3125 0.3750 0.4375 0.5000 0.0000 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000 0.0625 0.00000 0.00430 0.00877 0.01359 0.01898 0.02517 0.03246 0.04125 0.05206 0.1250 0.00000 0.00842 0.01717 0.02662 0.03716 0.04925 0.06344 0.08046 0.10128 0.1875 0.00000 0.01220 0.02489 0.03856 0.05379 0.07121 0.09159 0.11588 0.14532 0.2500 0.00000 0.01550 0.03161 0.04896 0.06823 0.09022 0.11582 0.14614 0.18253 0.3125 0.00000 0.01819 0.03709 0.05742 0.07996 0.10560 0.13533 0.17032 0.21194 0.3750 0.00000 0.02019 0.04114 0.06366 0.08860 0.11689 0.14959 0.18787 0.23308 0.4375 0.00000 0.02141 0.04362 0.06748 0.09388 0.12378 0.15826 0.19849 0.24579 0.5000 0.00000 0.02182 0.04446 0.06877 0.09566 0.12610 0.16116 0.20204 0.25002 0.5625 0.00000 0.02141 0.04362 0.06749 0.09388 0.12378 0.15826 0.19849 0.24579 0.6250 0.00000 0.02019 0.04114 0.06366 0.08860 0.11689 0.14959 0.18787 0.23308 0.6875 0.00000 0.01819 0.03709 0.05742 0.07996 0.10560 0.13533 0.17032 0.21194 0.7500 0.00000 0.01550 0.03161 0.04896 0.06823 0.09022 0.11582 0.14614 0.18253 0.8125 0.00000 0.01220 0.02489 0.03857 0.05379 0.07121 0.09159 0.11588 0.14532 0.8750 0.00000 0.00842 0.01717 0.02662 0.03716 0.04925 0.06344 0.08046 0.10128 0.9375 0.00000 0.00430 0.00877 0.01359 0.01898 0.02517 0.03247 0.04125 0.05206 1.0000 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000 y [m] 0.5625 0.6250 0.6875 0.7500 0.8125 0.8750 0.9375 1.0000 0.0000 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000 0.0625 0.06570 0.08346 0.10757 0.14232 0.19692 0.29386 0.49571 1.00000 0.1250 0.12729 0.16058 0.20451 0.26477 0.35149 0.48283 0.68896 1.00000 0.1875 0.18160 0.22705 0.28510 0.36078 0.46145 0.59701 0.77730 1.00000 0.2500 0.22672 0.28094 0.34806 0.43179 0.53651 0.66648 0.82321 1.00000 0.3125 0.26182 0.32191 0.39443 0.48181 0.58631 0.70918 0.84907 1.00000 0.3750 0.28673 0.35045 0.42593 0.51470 0.61774 0.73487 0.86390 1.00000 0.4375 0.30155 0.36722 0.44414 0.53332 0.63509 0.74866 0.87166 1.00000 0.5000 0.30647 0.37275 0.45009 0.53934 0.64063 0.75301 0.87408 1.00000 0.5625 0.30155 0.36722 0.44414 0.53332 0.63509 0.74866 0.87166 1.00000 0.6250 0.28673 0.35045 0.42593 0.51470 0.61774 0.73487 0.86390 1.00000 0.6875 0.26183 0.32191 0.39443 0.48181 0.58631 0.70918 0.84907 1.00000 0.7500 0.22672 0.28094 0.34806 0.43179 0.53651 0.66648 0.82321 1.00000 0.8125 0.18160 0.22706 0.28510 0.36078 0.46145 0.59701 0.77730 1.00000 0.8750 0.12729 0.16058 0.20451 0.26477 0.35149 0.48283 0.68896 1.00000 0.9375 0.06570 0.08346 0.10757 0.14232 0.19692 0.29386 0.49571 1.00000 1.0000 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000 x [m] D C 5 10 20 C 30 C 40 C 50 C 60 70 C C 90 100 C 110 120 C 130 C 140 150 160 170 180 FORTRAN Code for Convection Problem with 5 x 5 mesh in Figure 2. INTEGER X,Y,ITS,TEST REAL T(5,5), T2(5,5), ACT, TACT, K, H, ACQ, Ts SET ALL TEMPS DO 20 X=1,5 DO 10 Y=1,5 T(X,Y)=0. T2(X,Y)=0. CONTINUE CONTINUE LEFT EDGE TEMPS DO 30 Y=1,5 T(1,Y)=500 CONTINUE RIGHT EDGE TEMPS DO 40 Y=1,5 T(5,Y)=500 CONTINUE TOP EDGE TEMPS DO 50 X=1,5 T(X,5)=500 CONTINUE FIRST GUESS 200 EVERYWHERE DO 70 Y=2,4 DO 60 X=2,4 T(X,Y)=200 CONTINUE CONTINUE GET USER VALUES WRITE (*,*) 'INPUT VALUE K (Conductivity) IN W/MK' READ (*,*) K WRITE (*,*) 'INPUT VALUE H (Convectivity) IN W/(M^2)K' READ (*,*) H WRITE (*,*) 'INPUT VALUE Ts (Environment Temperature) IN K' READ (*,*) Ts WRITE (*,*) 'INPUT ACCEPTABLE ERROR AS A PERCENT' READ (*,*) ACT RUN ITERATIONS DO 160 ITS = 1, 10000 DO 100 X=1,5 DO 90 Y=1,5 T2(X,Y)=T(X,Y) CONTINUE CONTINUE TEST=0 INTERNAL NODES DO 120 X=2,4 DO 110 Y=2,4 T2(X,Y)=T(X,Y) T(X,Y)=(T(X+1,Y)+T(X-1,Y)+T(X,Y+1)+T(X,Y-1))/4 CONTINUE CONTINUE CONVECTION NODES Y=1 DO 130 X=2,4 T(X,Y)=(T(X+1,Y)+T(X-1,Y)+2*T(X,Y+1)+(0.5*Ts*H/K))/(4+0.5*H/K) CONTINUE TEST ACCURACY DO 150 X=1,5 DO 140 Y=1,5 TACT=100*ABS((T(X,Y)-T2(X,Y))/T(X,Y)) IF (TACT.GT.ACT) THEN TEST=1 ENDIF CONTINUE CONTINUE IF (TEST.EQ.0) THEN GOTO 170 ENDIF CONTINUE WRITE (*,*) 'ENTER COLUMN FOR TEMPS' READ (*,*) X DO 180 Y=5,1,-1 WRITE (*,*) 'T(',X,Y,')',T(X,Y) CONTINUE WRITE (*,*) 'ITS',ITS WRITE (*,*) 'TO RUN AGAIN, PRESS 1, ELSE ANY OTHER NUMBER' READ (*,*) X IF (X.EQ.1) THEN GOTO 5 ENDIF END - Page 23 - E C 5 10 20 C 30 C 40 C 50 C 60 70 C C 90 100 C 110 120 C 130 C 140 150 160 170 180 FORTRAN Code for Convection Problem with 9 x 9 mesh in Figure 2. INTEGER X,Y,ITS,TEST REAL T(9,9), T2(9,9), ACT, TACT, K, H, ACQ, Ts SET ALL TEMPS DO 20 X=1,9 DO 10 Y=1,9 T(X,Y)=0. T2(X,Y)=0. CONTINUE CONTINUE LEFT EDGE TEMPS DO 30 Y=1,9 T(1,Y)=500 CONTINUE RIGHT EDGE TEMPS DO 40 Y=1,9 T(9,Y)=500 CONTINUE TOP EDGE TEMPS DO 50 X=1,9 T(X,9)=500 CONTINUE FIRST GUESS 200 EVERYWHERE DO 70 Y=2,8 DO 60 X=2,8 T(X,Y)=200 CONTINUE CONTINUE GET USER VALUES WRITE (*,*) 'INPUT VALUE K (Conductivity) IN W/MK' READ (*,*) K WRITE (*,*) 'INPUT VALUE H (Convectivity) IN W/(M^2)K' READ (*,*) H WRITE (*,*) 'INPUT VALUE Ts (Environment Temperature) IN K' READ (*,*) Ts WRITE (*,*) 'INPUT ACCEPTABLE ERROR AS A PERCENT' READ (*,*) ACT RUN ITERATIONS DO 160 ITS = 1, 10000 DO 100 X=1,9 DO 90 Y=1,9 T2(X,Y)=T(X,Y) CONTINUE CONTINUE TEST=0 INTERNAL NODES DO 120 X=2,8 DO 110 Y=2,8 T2(X,Y)=T(X,Y) T(X,Y)=(T(X+1,Y)+T(X-1,Y)+T(X,Y+1)+T(X,Y-1))/4 CONTINUE CONTINUE CONVECTION NODES Y=1 DO 130 X=2,8 T(X,Y)=(T(X+1,Y)+T(X-1,Y)+2*T(X,Y+1)+(0.5*Ts*H/K))/(4+0.5*H/K) CONTINUE TEST ACCURACY DO 150 X=1,9 DO 140 Y=1,9 TACT=100*ABS((T(X,Y)-T2(X,Y))/T(X,Y)) IF (TACT.GT.ACT) THEN TEST=1 ENDIF CONTINUE CONTINUE IF (TEST.EQ.0) THEN GOTO 170 ENDIF CONTINUE WRITE (*,*) 'ENTER COLUMN FOR TEMPS' READ (*,*) X DO 180 Y=9,1,-1 WRITE (*,*) 'T(',X,Y,')',T(X,Y) CONTINUE WRITE (*,*) 'ITS',ITS WRITE (*,*) 'TO RUN AGAIN, PRESS 1, ELSE ANY OTHER NUMBER' READ (*,*) X IF (X.EQ.1) THEN GOTO 5 ENDIF END - Page 24 - - Page 25 - E-1 Here is the output of the FORTRAN Code using Gauss-Seidel 9 x 9 mesh size for Convection Problem: 9x9 y = 0.000 y = 0.125 y = 0.250 y = 0.375 y = 0.500 y = 0.625 y = 0.750 y = 0.875 y = 1.000 x = 0.000 500.000000 500.000000 500.000000 500.000000 500.000000 500.000000 500.000000 500.000000 500.000000 x = 0.125 500.000000 497.366700 494.312700 490.327900 484.673000 476.081400 461.973800 436.067000 380.310700 x = 0.250 500.000000 495.154900 489.558600 482.329900 472.287300 457.684100 435.752000 401.988500 349.886300 x = 0.375 500.000000 493.695300 486.440100 477.150700 464.468700 446.623200 421.369000 386.255900 339.974600 x = 0.500 500.000000 493.187400 485.359000 475.369800 461.820700 442.979100 416.853100 381.699400 337.438200 x = 0.625 500.000000 493.696300 486.442000 477.153500 464.472100 446.626800 421.372400 386.258400 339.975700 x = 0.750 500.000000 495.156300 489.561600 482.334200 472.292500 457.689700 435.757200 401.992400 349.888000 x = 0.875 500.000000 497.367900 494.315100 490.331500 484.677200 476.085900 461.978000 436.070200 380.312100 x = 1.000 500.000000 500.000000 500.000000 500.000000 500.000000 500.000000 500.000000 500.000000 500.000000 F C 5 10 20 C 30 C 40 C 50 C 60 70 C C 90 100 C 110 120 C 130 C 140 150 160 170 180 FORTRAN Code for Convection Problem with 17 x 17 mesh in Figure 2. INTEGER X,Y,ITS,TEST REAL T(17,17), T2(17,17), ACT, TACT, K, H, ACQ, Ts SET ALL TEMPS DO 20 X=1,17 DO 10 Y=1,17 T(X,Y)=0. T2(X,Y)=0. CONTINUE CONTINUE LEFT EDGE TEMPS DO 30 Y=1,17 T(1,Y)=500 CONTINUE RIGHT EDGE TEMPS DO 40 Y=1,17 T(17,Y)=500 CONTINUE TOP EDGE TEMPS DO 50 X=1,17 T(X,17)=500 CONTINUE FIRST GUESS 200 EVERYWHERE DO 70 Y=2,16 DO 60 X=2,16 T(X,Y)=200 CONTINUE CONTINUE GET USER VALUES WRITE (*,*) 'INPUT VALUE K (Conductivity) IN W/MK' READ (*,*) K WRITE (*,*) 'INPUT VALUE H (Convectivity) IN W/(M^2)K' READ (*,*) H WRITE (*,*) 'INPUT VALUE Ts (Environment Temperature) IN K' READ (*,*) Ts WRITE (*,*) 'INPUT ACCEPTABLE ERROR AS A PERCENT' READ (*,*) ACT RUN ITERATIONS DO 160 ITS = 1, 10000 DO 100 X=1,17 DO 90 Y=1,17 T2(X,Y)=T(X,Y) CONTINUE CONTINUE TEST=0 INTERNAL NODES DO 120 X=2,16 DO 110 Y=2,16 T2(X,Y)=T(X,Y) T(X,Y)=(T(X+1,Y)+T(X-1,Y)+T(X,Y+1)+T(X,Y-1))/4 CONTINUE CONTINUE CONVECTION NODES Y=1 DO 130 X=2,16 T(X,Y)=(T(X+1,Y)+T(X-1,Y)+2*T(X,Y+1)+(0.5*Ts*H/K))/(4+0.5*H/K) CONTINUE TEST ACCURACY DO 150 X=1,17 DO 140 Y=1,17 TACT=100*ABS((T(X,Y)-T2(X,Y))/T(X,Y)) IF (TACT.GT.ACT) THEN TEST=1 ENDIF CONTINUE CONTINUE IF (TEST.EQ.0) THEN GOTO 170 ENDIF CONTINUE WRITE (*,*) 'ENTER COLUMN FOR TEMPS' READ (*,*) X DO 180 Y=17,1,-1 WRITE (*,*) 'T(',X,Y,')',T(X,Y) CONTINUE WRITE (*,*) 'ITS',ITS WRITE (*,*) 'TO RUN AGAIN, PRESS 1, ELSE ANY OTHER NUMBER' READ (*,*) X IF (X.EQ.1) THEN GOTO 5 ENDIF END - Page 26 - -Page 27- F-1 Here is the output of the FORTRAN Code using Gauss-Seidel 17 x 17 mesh size for Convection Problem: 17 x 17 x = 0.0 0.0625 0.1250 0.1875 0.2500 0.3125 0.3750 0.4375 0.5000 0.0000 500.0 500.0000 500.0000 500.0000 500.0000 500.0000 500.0000 500.0000 500.0000 0.0625 500.0 499.3489 498.7237 498.1490 497.6471 497.2366 496.9327 496.7460 496.6830 0.1250 500.0 498.6719 497.3969 496.2254 495.2026 494.3668 493.7481 493.3683 493.2402 0.1875 500.0 497.9417 495.9666 494.1531 492.5712 491.2798 490.3247 489.7388 489.5413 0.2500 500.0 497.1285 494.3747 491.8492 489.6495 487.8564 486.5323 485.7208 485.4474 0.3125 500.0 496.1975 492.5545 489.2194 486.3211 483.9642 482.2274 481.1646 480.8069 0.3750 500.0 495.1071 490.4264 486.1527 482.4513 479.4519 477.2484 475.9032 475.4511 0.4375 500.0 493.8046 487.8912 482.5138 477.8796 474.1436 471.4113 469.7488 469.1910 0.5000 500.0 492.2202 484.8202 478.1315 472.4099 467.8314 464.5046 462.4898 461.8154 0.5625 500.0 490.2561 481.0377 472.7822 465.7972 460.2674 456.2859 453.8903 453.0912 0.6250 500.0 487.7664 476.2925 466.1624 457.7293 451.1551 446.4814 443.6942 442.7688 0.6875 500.0 484.5171 470.2035 457.8455 447.8026 440.1423 434.7903 431.6365 430.5956 0.7500 500.0 480.0984 462.1589 447.2135 435.4932 426.8214 420.9012 417.4658 416.3406 0.8125 500.0 473.7176 451.1202 433.3564 420.1354 410.7485 404.5275 400.9850 399.8352 0.8750 500.0 463.6518 435.2480 414.9566 400.9436 391.5099 385.4751 382.1113 381.0305 0.9375 500.0 445.6416 411.2634 390.2784 377.1723 368.8726 363.7518 360.9547 360.0641 1.0000 500.0 407.6512 373.8856 357.7213 348.5947 343.0562 339.7050 337.8916 337.3164 1.0 x =[m] y [m] 0.5625 0.6250 0.6875 0.7500 0.0000 500.0000 500.0000 500.0000 500.0000 500.0000 0.8125 500.0000 0.8750 500.0000 0.9375 500.0 0.0625 496.7460 496.9327 497.2366 497.6471 498.1490 498.7237 499.3489 500.0 0.1250 493.3683 493.7481 494.3668 495.2026 496.2254 497.3969 498.6719 500.0 0.1875 489.7388 490.3247 491.2798 492.5712 494.1531 495.9666 497.9417 500.0 0.2500 485.7208 486.5323 487.8564 489.6495 491.8492 494.3747 497.1285 500.0 0.3125 481.1646 482.2274 483.9642 486.3211 489.2194 492.5545 496.1975 500.0 0.3750 475.9032 477.2484 479.4519 482.4513 486.1527 490.4264 495.1071 500.0 0.4375 469.7488 471.4113 474.1436 477.8796 482.5138 487.8912 493.8046 500.0 0.5000 462.4898 464.5046 467.8314 472.4099 478.1315 484.8202 492.2202 500.0 0.5625 453.8903 456.2859 460.2674 465.7972 472.7822 481.0377 490.2561 500.0 0.6250 443.6942 446.4814 451.1551 457.7293 466.1624 476.2925 487.7664 500.0 0.6875 431.6365 434.7903 440.1423 447.8026 457.8455 470.2035 484.5171 500.0 0.7500 417.4658 420.9012 426.8214 435.4932 447.2135 462.1589 480.0984 500.0 0.8125 400.9850 404.5275 410.7485 420.1354 433.3564 451.1202 473.7176 500.0 0.8750 382.1113 385.4751 391.5099 400.9436 414.9566 435.2480 463.6518 500.0 0.9375 360.9547 363.7518 368.8726 377.1723 390.2784 411.2634 445.6416 500.0 1.0000 337.8916 339.7050 343.0562 348.5947 357.7213 373.8856 407.6512 500.0 Obtained Exact Solution utilizing Series in Figure 6. and its Convergence - Page 28 – G T (X,Y) 0.00 0.25 0.50 0.75 1.00 X [m] 0.00 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 0.25 0.000000 0.067972 0.095414 0.067972 0.000000 0.50 0.000000 0.182028 0.250000 0.182028 0.000000 0.75 0.000000 0.432028 0.540529 0.432028 0.000000 Y [m] 1.00 0.000000 1.000000 1.000000 1.000000 0.000000 Exact Solution Series convergence Iteration 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 SUM Theta (.5,.5) 0.576380 0.000000 -0.040226 0.000000 0.005017 0.000000 -0.000745 0.000000 0.000120 0.000000 -0.000020 0.000000 0.000004 0.000000 -0.000001 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 0.540529 Series1 0.700000 0.600000 0.500000 Series value 0.400000 0.300000 0.200000 0.100000 0.000000 0 2 4 6 -0.100000 Iterations 8 10