Comparative Deflection Analysis of Aluminum and Composite Laminate Plates Using the Rayleigh-Ritz and the Finite Element Method by Kenneth Carroll An Engineering Project Submitted to the Graduate Faculty of Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute In Partial Fulfillment of the Requirements for the degree of MASTER OF ENGINEERING IN MECHANICAL ENGINEERING Approved: ________________________________________________ Ernesto Gutierrez-Miravete, Engineering Project Advisor Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute Hartford, Connecticut December 2013 © Copyright 2013 by Kenneth Carroll All Rights Reserve ii Table of Contents LIST OF TABLES .............................................................................................................................................. v LIST OF FIGURES ........................................................................................................................................... vi LIST OF SYMBOLS ........................................................................................................................................ vii ACKNOWLEDGMENT .................................................................................................................................... ix ABSTRACT...................................................................................................................................................... x 1. Introduction .............................................................................................................................................. 1 2. Methodology ............................................................................................................................................. 3 2.1 Thin Plate Theory ................................................................................................................................ 4 2.2 Material Properties of Aluminum ....................................................................................................... 4 2.3 Equation for Thin Plate Theory ........................................................................................................... 4 2.4 Material Properties of Composite Ply ................................................................................................. 5 2.5 Equations for Composite Thin Plate Theory ....................................................................................... 6 2.5.1 Governing Equations for a Simply Supported Symmetric Laminate ............................................ 9 2.5.2 Governing Equations for a Simply Supported Symmetric Cross-Ply Laminate .......................... 10 2.5.3 Governing Equations for a Simply Supported Symmetric Angle Laminate................................ 11 2.6 Failure Criterion ................................................................................................................................ 12 2.6.1 Maximum Stress Criterion ......................................................................................................... 13 2.6.2 Tsai-Wu Failure Criterion ........................................................................................................... 14 2.7 ANSYS Model for Aluminum Plate .................................................................................................... 14 2.8 ANSYS Model for Composite Plate.................................................................................................... 16 3. Results ..................................................................................................................................................... 19 3.1 Aluminum Thin Plate Results ............................................................................................................ 19 3.2 Composite Thin Plate Results............................................................................................................ 19 3.3 Composite Failure Criterion Results.................................................................................................. 22 3.4 Error Analysis .................................................................................................................................... 22 4. Conclusions ............................................................................................................................................. 24 REFERENCES ................................................................................................................................................ 25 APPENDIX A ................................................................................................................................................. 27 APPENDIX B ................................................................................................................................................. 32 APPENDIX C ................................................................................................................................................. 33 APPENDIX D................................................................................................................................................. 38 iii APPENDIX E ................................................................................................................................................. 40 APPENDIX F ................................................................................................................................................. 43 APPENDIX G................................................................................................................................................. 46 APPENDIX H................................................................................................................................................. 58 iv LIST OF TABLES Table 1: Material Properties of Aluminum Table 2: Material Properties of Composite Ply Table 3: Failure Stresses for Graphite Reinforced Composite Table 4: Composite Laminate Results Table 5: Composite Laminate Results - Full Plate Modeled Table 6: Maximum Stress Criterion Results Table 7: Tsai-Wu Criterion Results v LIST OF FIGURES Figure 1: Strength and stiffness of advanced composite materials Figure 2: Fiber-reinforced material in 1-2 and x-y coordinate systems Figure 3: SHELL63 Element Figure 4: SHELL63 Element with Mesh (Edge Length = 0.75") Figure 5: SHELL63 Element with Boundary Conditions and Pressure Applied Figure 6: SHELL181 Element Figure 7: SHELL181 Element - Full plate with Constraints and Pressure Applied Figure 8: Nodal Displacement for Quarter Plate - [+/-45 0 +/-45 0]s Laminate Figure 9: Nodal Displacement for Full Plate - [+/-45 0 +/-45 0]s Laminate vi LIST OF SYMBOLS t - thickness (in) σ - stress (psi) τ - shear stress (psi) ε - strain (in/in) ν - Poisson's Ratio E - Modulus of Elasticity (psi) G - Shear Modulus (psi) γ - Engineering Shear Strain (rad) C - Stiffness Matrix (psi) S - Compliance Matrix (1/psi) Q - Reduced Stiffness Matrix (psi) [T] - Transformation matrix m = cos(θ) n = sin(θ) Μ - Transformed Reduced Stiffness (psi) Q θ - ply angle M - Bending Moment Resultant (lb*in/in) N - Force Resultant (psi/in) P - Point Load (lb) uo - displacement in x-direction (in) vo - displacement in y-direction (in) wo - displacement in z-direction (in) εo - Extensional Strain of Reference Surface (in/in) κox, κoy - Curvature of Reference Surface (1/in) γoxy - Surface In-plane Shear Strain (rad) κoxy - Reference Surface Twisting Curvature (1/in) vii [A] - Extensional Stiffness Matrix (lb/in) [B] - Coupling Stiffness Matrix (lb) [D] - Bending Stiffness Matrix (lb*in) N+x - Normal Force Resultant (psi/in) N+xy - Shear Force Resultant (psi/in) M+x - Bending Moment Resultant (lb*in/in) M+xy - Twisting Moment Resultant (lb*in/in) Q+x - Transverse Shear Force Resultant (psi/in) q - Applied Distributed Force (psi) π1πΆ - compression failure stress in the 1-direction π1π - tension failure stress in the 1-direction π2πΆ - compression failure stress in the 2-direction π2π - tension failure stress in the 2-direction πΉ π12 - shear failure stress in the 1-2 plane x - x-direction y - y-direction z - z-direction a - length in x-direction (in) b - length in y-direction (in) wmax - maximum deflection (in) w - deflection (in) p - uniform pressure (psi) m,n = the number of terms used in the calculation of a plate's deflection viii ACKNOWLEDGMENT I would like to thank my family and fiancé for supporting me in my academic career. It has been a long journey, but with their support I have gotten to my goal. A special thanks to Prof. Ken Brown and Prof. Rajiv Naik. The courses in Finite Element Analysis and Mechanics of Composite Materials were the most interesting classes I took at RPI Hartford. I will use all that I learned in these classes throughout my career. I also would like to thank my advisor Prof. Ernesto Gutierrez-Miravete for all of his guidance during the completion of my degree. ix ABSTRACT This paper analyzes the deflection of a simply supported plate that has a uniform pressure applied to the surface. Two different analyses were conducted to compare the deflection results of an aluminum plate with a symmetric composite plate. Results were determined using the finite element modeling program ANSYS and compared to thin plate theory. Different symmetric ply arrangements ranging from eight plies to 16 plies were analyzed. Composite plate stack-ups were evaluated to determine which would outperform the aluminum plate. The failure criterion were investigated for each composite plate to determine the range for failure loads and which layer limited each composite plate. The goal of this project was to analyze the response of composite plates to find potential replacements for an aluminum plate. x 1. Introduction There are many applications for composite materials in today's industrial markets. Composite materials gained popularity from the aerospace industry with the development of aircraft. Composite materials are now being used in automobiles, boats, sports equipment, protective equipment, homebuilding products, civil engineering, and aircraft. Figure 1 compares the specific strength to the specific modulus of a composite material. There are some composite materials that can be stronger than a metal in a specific configuration. The greatest advantage of using composite is that the material will have a high strength to weight ratio. While this is not extremely important in some everyday products, materials with a high strength to weight ratio are a staple for the aerospace industry. Aerospace companies continue to design aircraft with lighter materials to increase range and fuel efficiency without sacrificing strength. Figure 1: Strength and stiffness of advanced composite materials Another important advantage to using composite materials versus metallic materials is cost. When composite technology was first being applied the cost per pound of material was extremely high. Because of the high cost, the use of composite materials was restricted to those companies that could afford the research and development. Most of the early development in using composite materials was in the aerospace industry. Since the 1960's composite materials have become easier to apply in designs. As it becomes more common to use composite material in engineering designs, the overall 1 cost of using a composite material has decreased. This is apparent with composite materials being used in homebuilding and sports equipment. Further developments in the application and fabrication of composite materials will lead to more extensive use in future designs. In the aerospace industry many recently developed aircraft are predominantly made out of composite materials. The Boeing V22 Osprey® is made up of roughly 50% composite materials while the new Boeing 787 Dreamliner® consists of 32 short tons of carbon-fiber-reinforced polymer (CFRP)1. The final hurdle for using composite materials in the aerospace industry is to develop the allcomposite airplane2. In order to use all composite materials, technology will need to improve the efficiency of fabricating composite parts. 1 2 - Boeing 787 Dreamliner Jones Mechanics of Composite Materials page 25 2 2. Methodology The deflection of a simply supported plate with a uniformly distributed load to its surface is calculated in two different ways for this project. The first part of the analysis creates a finite element model using ANSYS to determine the maximum deflection of the aluminum and composite plates. ANSYS allows for many different types of analyses. The analysis completed for this project utilized shell elements for both an aluminum plate and different composite plate configurations. The overall size of each model in ANSYS can be reduced due to the symmetry of the plate and the symmetry of the boundary conditions. The symmetry of the plate requires only one quarter of the plate to be modeled to determine the solution. The finite element model can be solved after the boundary conditions and uniform pressure are applied. The second part of the analysis uses thin plate theory equations solved in Maple to determine the accuracy of the ANSYS results. To calculate the deflection of the simply supported rectangular aluminum plate the Navier Solution outlined by Timoshenko in Theory of Plates and Shells can be applied. The composite plate consists of layers of plies with different material properties based on the ply angle. In cases of composite plates different governing equations based on the Classical Lamination Theory and the Rayleigh-Ritz Method are used to calculate the deflection of the plate. In the case of a composite plate that is a symmetric cross-ply laminate, the case for specially orthotropic plates can be applied. For a cross-ply laminate the D16 and D26 values are equal to zero. The case for specially orthotropic plates can only be used for a cross-ply laminate because the [D] matrix simplifies due to the symmetry of the laminate. In the case of a symmetric angle ply laminate there are no zero values in the [D] matrix. The Rayleigh-Ritz Method is based on an equation for the total potential energy of the system. Solving for the total potential energy of the system will give an approximate result for the deflection of a composite plate. The failure criterion for the composite plates will then be discussed. Failure criterion are important because they calculate the limiting stresses that can be applied to a laminate. Each type of composite fiber has failure stresses for the x-direction, y-direction, and shear xy-direction. The failure criterion will outline the limits of the composite plates that had a maximum deflection equal to or less than the baseline aluminum plate. The range for failure stresses for a composite ply will be provided for the composite plates. 3 2.1 Thin Plate Theory The analysis of thin plates with small deflection makes the following three assumptions when the deflection, w, is small in comparison to the thickness of the plate3: ο· ο· ο· There is no deformation in the middle plane of the plate. This plane remains neutral during bending Points of the plate lying initially on a normal-to-the-middle plane of the plate remain on the normal-to-the-middle surface of the plate after bending The stresses in the direction transverse to the plate can be disregarded. These three assumptions for thin plate theory are based off of Kirchhoff-Love Plate Theory. Thin plate theory relies on different boundary conditions to constrain the plate. The three assumptions that are made for thin plates with small deflections means that the material of the plate will not be stretched. With these three assumptions and the boundary conditions the deflection of the plate, w, can be calculated. 2.2 Material Properties of Aluminum The following properties for the Aluminum plate were used: Table 1: Material Properties of Aluminum Modulus of Elasticity (E) 4 Thickness (h) Poisson's Ratio (ν) Edge Length (a) Applied Surface Pressure (q) 10 x 106 psi 0.250 inch 0.3 24 inch 10 psi 2.3 Equation for Thin Plate Theory For this analysis it was assumed that the thin plate is square and has a uniformly applied surface pressure of 10 psi. The square plate will be simply supported along each edge. There are a series of equations that can be used for analyzing a simply supported rectangular plate. For the square plate with a uniform load, the exact solution for the maximum deflection of the plate is from Theory of Plates and Shells (Timoshenko & 3 4 Timoshenko & Woinowsky-Krieger Theory of Plates and Shells page 1 Young's Modulus for some common materials: 4 Woinowsky-Krieger) Article 30: Alternate Solution for Simply Supported and Uniformly Loaded Rectangular Plates. The derivation of the maximum deflection equation from Article 30 can be found in Appendix A. The derived equation for the maximum deflection of the plate can be expressed by: wmax = α where D = ( π∗π4 π· ) πΈ∗β3 12∗(1−π2 ) [1] [2] α is a factor that is dependent on the ratio of the edge length of the plate. Appendix B shows Table 8 from Theory of Plates and Shells for the numerical factors for a uniformly loaded and simply supported rectangular plate. Equation (1) is the governing equation for calculating the maximum deflection of the aluminum plate using thin plate theory. 2.4 Material Properties of Composite Ply A composite ply has material properties that are unique in each direction. From my research in the textbook by Hyer, the following material properties for graphite-polymer composite plies were used: Table 2: Material Properties of Composite Ply Edge Length (a) Ply Thickness E1 E2 E3 ν12 ν23 ν13 G12 G23 G13 Applied Surface Pressure (q) 24 inch 0.040 inch 2.25 x 107 psi 1.75 x 106 psi 1.75 x 106 psi 0.248 0.458 0.248 6.38 x 105 psi 4.64 x 105 psi 6.38 x 105 psi 10 psi Table 2 is based off of a table from Stress Analysis of Fiber-Reinforced Composite Materials by Michael Hyer. The material properties in metric units can be found in Appendix H. 5 2.5 Equations for Composite Thin Plate Theory There are a series of governing equations that are used for determining the maximum deflection of a laminated plate. A number of factors that need to be considered when analyzing a laminated plate are ply material properties, ply orientation, boundary conditions of the plate, and applied loads. A laminated plate can be subjected to point loads, in-plane loads, moments, and distributed applied loads5. All of the plates analyzed for this project had a distributed applied load. The equations required for determining the ABD of each laminated plate analysis are fully outlined in Appendix C. The following section will provide a brief description of each equation used and the development of the governing equations for Classical Lamination Theory and fiber reinforce laminated plates. The first series of equations that are used for a laminated plate analysis is organized into the Stiffness Matrix. The Stiffness Matrix shows the relationship between the stress and strain of the composite in the 1-, 2-, and 3-directions and is organized into the following 6x6 matrix: π1 σ2 σ3 τ23 = τ13 {τ12 } πΆ11 πΆ21 πΆ31 0 0 [ 0 πΆ12 πΆ22 πΆ32 0 0 0 πΆ13 πΆ23 πΆ33 0 0 0 0 0 0 πΆ44 0 0 0 0 0 0 πΆ55 0 π1 0 π2 0 π3 0 * πΎ 23 0 πΎ13 0 πΆ 66 ] {πΎ12 } [3] The Plane Stress Assumption is used to simplify the Stiffness Matrix for the laminated plate. The assumptions made are that the stresses in the plane of the plate are much larger than the stresses perpendicular to the plane6. With these assumptions we can set the σ3, τ23, and τ13 stress components to zero. These assumptions allow the previous 6x6 Stiffness Matrix to be reduced to a 3x3 matrix. π1 πΆ11 { σ2 } = [πΆ21 τ12 0 πΆ12 πΆ22 0 π1 0 0 ] * { π2 } πΎ12 πΆ66 This 3x3 matrix is the basis for the Reduced Stiffness Matrix: 5 6 Hyer Stress Analysis of Fiber-Reinforced Composite Materials page 241 Hyer Stress Analysis of Fiber-Reinforced Composite Materials p 165 6 [4] π1 π11 { σ2 } = [π21 τ12 0 π1 0 0 ] * { π2 } πΎ12 π66 π12 π22 0 [5] where: Q11 = C11 − 2 πΆ13 Q12 = C12 − πΆ33 Q22 = πΆ22 − 2 πΆ23 πΆ13 πΆ23 [6] πΆ33 Q66 = πΆ66 πΆ33 The relationships between the terms of the Q Matrix and the Stiffness Matrix are shown by Equation (6). Using this method requires more calculations when organizing the terms of the Q Matrix. A more convenient series of equations is outlined by Hyer with each equation being in terms of the engineering constants. The alternative equations for the 3x3 Q Matrix are7: Q11 = πΈ1 Q12 = 1−π12 π21 Q22 = π12 πΈ2 1−π12 π21 πΈ2 = π21 πΈ1 [7] 1−π12 π21 Q66 = G12 1−π12 π21 It is important to note that ν12 is not equal to ν21. The Poisson's Ratio in the 1-2 direction and 2-1 direction are related to one another by the composite material properties. The three equalities for the Poisson's ratios are expressed as: π12 π21 = πΈ1 πΈ2 π13 π31 = πΈ1 πΈ3 π23 π32 = πΈ2 πΈ3 [8] In the case of an isotropic material like aluminum, the equations for the 3x3 Q Matrix simplify because the Poisson's ratio is the same in all of the principle direction. The equations shown by (7) would then become: Q11 = Q22 = πΈ 1−π2 Q12 = πΈ 1−π2 Q66 = G = πΈ [9] 2(1+π) As mentioned earlier, one of the factors that will need to be considered when analyzing a composite plate is the ply angle. The material properties will vary depending on the angle of orientation. A ply that is at a 0° orientation will have different strength properties than a ply at a 45° orientation. Determining the Transformed Reduced Stiffness Matrix will allow the stiffness matrix for each ply orientation to be combined into a single large matrix. 7 Hyer, Stress Analysis of Fiber-Reinforced Composite Materials p 172 7 The Transformation Matrix is based on the trigonometric functions sine and cosine. The matrix [T] allows the stresses in the x-y coordinate system to correspond to the 1-2 coordinate system with respect to the angle of the ply. Figure 2 shows how a fiberreinforced material in the 1-2 coordinate system relates to the x-y coordinate system. Figure 2: Fiber-reinforced material in 1-2 and x-y coordinate systems8 π2 π2 2ππ 2 2 [π]= [ π π −2ππ ] −ππ ππ π2 − π2 m = cosθ n = sinθ πx π1 { σ2 } = [π] ∗ { σπ¦ } τπ₯π¦ τ12 [10] [11] The Transformed Reduced Stiffness Matrix relates the stresses and strains in the x-y coordinate system for a ply oriented at a given angle. The stress-strain relationship for a ply at an angle, θ gives the equation: ππ₯ πΜ 11 { ππ¦ } = [πΜ 12 ππ₯π¦ πΜ 16 πΜ 12 πΜ 22 πΜ 26 ππ₯ πΜ 16 πΜ 26 ] ∗ { ππ¦ } πΎπ₯π¦ πΜ [12] 66 where: πΜ 11 = π11 π4 + 2(π12 + 2π66 )π2 π2 + π22 π4 πΜ 12 = (π11 + π22 − 4π66 )π2 π2 + π12 (π4 + π4 ) πΜ 16 = (π11 − π12 − 2π66 )ππ3 + (π12 − π22 + 2π66 )π3 π πΜ 22 = π11 π4 + 2(π12 + 2π66 )π2 π2 + π22 π4 8 Hyer, Stress Analysis of Fiber-Reinforced Composite Materials p 180 8 [13] πΜ 26 = (π11 − π12 − 2π66 )π3 π + (π12 − π22 + 2π66 )ππ3 πΜ 66 = (π11 + π22 − 2π12 − 2π66 )π2 π2 + π66 (π4 + π4 ) After developing the Transformed Reduced Stiffness Matrix for each ply orientation, the ABD Matrix can be determined. The ABD Matrix creates expressions for the normal force resultants and moments acting on the laminated plate with respect to the transformed reduced stiffness matrix for each layer and strains and curvatures of the reference surface9. Each segment of the ABD Matrix is taken from the transformed reduced stiffness matrix with respect to the thickness of the ply. π Aij = ∑ π=1 Μ ij (zk − zk−1 ) Q k π 1 π΅ππ = ∑ 2 π=1 π 1 π·ππ = ∑ 3 π=1 Nx ππ¦ Nπ₯π¦ = Mπ₯ Mπ¦ {Mπ₯π¦ } π΄11 π΄12 π΄16 π΅11 π΅12 [π΅16 π΄12 π΄22 π΄26 π΅12 π΅22 π΅26 [14] 2 Μ ij (zk2 − zk−1 Q ) k [15] 3 Μ ij (zk3 − zk−1 Q ) k [16] π΄16 π΄26 π΄66 π΅16 π΅26 π΅66 π΅11 π΅12 π΅16 π·11 π·12 π·16 π΅12 π΅22 π΅26 π·12 π·22 π·26 ππ₯π π΅16 ππ¦π π΅26 π πΎπ₯π¦ π΅66 * π·16 κππ₯ π·26 κππ¦ π·66 ] {κππ₯π¦ } [17] 2.5.1 Governing Equations for a Simply Supported Symmetric Laminate After organizing the ABD Matrix for the symmetric laminate, the governing equations can be organized with the simply supported boundary conditions. The three equations that govern the response of a laminated plate are10: πππ₯ ππ₯ + πππ₯π¦ ππ₯ πππ₯π¦ + ππ¦ πππ¦ ππ¦ =0 =0 [18] [19] [20] 9 Hyer Stress Analysis of Fiber-Reinforced Composite Materials Chapter 9 Hyer Stress Analysis of Fiber-Reinforced Composite Materials p584 10 9 π 2 ππ₯π¦ π 2 ππ¦ π 2 ππ₯ +2 + +π =0 ππ₯ 2 ππ₯ππ¦ ππ¦ 2 And three partial differential equations that govern the displacement response of a fiberreinforced laminated plate are11: π΄11 π 2 π’π ππ₯ 2 π΅11 π΄16 π 2 π’π ππ₯ 2 + π΄66 ππ₯ππ¦ π3 π€ π − 3π΅16 ππ₯ 3 + (π΄12 + π΄66 ) π΅16 π·11 π2 π’π + 2π΄16 π4 π€ π π3 π€ π ππ₯ 3 − ππ¦ 2 3 π π€π ππ₯ 2 ππ¦ π 2 π’π + π΄16 + π΄26 ππ₯ππ¦ π4 π€ π π2 π£ π ππ₯ 2 π 2 π’π ππ¦ 2 3 π π€π ππ₯ 2 ππ¦ − 3π΅26 π3 π£ π ππ₯ 2 ππ¦ − 3π΅26 ππ₯ππ¦ 2 ππ₯ππ¦ 2 − + 4π·26 2 ππ₯ππ¦ π3 π£ π ππ₯ππ¦ − π΅26 2 − π΅22 2 + π΄26 π2 π£ π ππ¦ 3 3 π π£π ππ¦ 3 ππ¦ 2 =0 + π·22 3 − π΅16 − [21] π2 π£ π ππ¦ 2 =0 π4 π€ π ππ₯ππ¦ 3 π π’π π2 π£ π + π΄22 ππ₯ππ¦ π3 π€ π π΅22 3 ππ¦ − ππ₯ 2 ππ¦ π 2 π’π π2 π£ π ππ₯ππ¦ π3 π€ π π΅26 3 ππ¦ + 2π΄26 ππ₯ 2 π3 π€ π π4 π€ π − (π΅12 + 2π΅66 ) (π΅12 + 2π΅66 ) π3 π€ π π2 π£ π + π΄66 + 2(π·12 + 2π·66 ) ππ₯ 3 ππ¦ π 3 π’π 3π΅16 2 ππ₯ ππ¦ + (π΄12 + π΄66 ) − (π΅12 + 2π΅66 ) − (π΅12 + 2π΅66 ) + 4π·16 ππ₯ 4 π 3 π’π π΅11 3 ππ₯ π 2 π’π − [22] π4 π€ π ππ¦ 4 π3 π£ π ππ₯ 3 − − =π [23] 2.5.2 Governing Equations for a Simply Supported Symmetric Cross-Ply Laminate When the laminated composite plate is symmetric with a cross-ply orientation the values for A16, A26, Bij, D16, and D26 are all zero. This simplifies the above governing equations to: π΄11 π 2 π’π ππ₯ 2 + π΄66 (π΄12 + π΄66 ) π·11 π4 π€ π ππ₯ 4 π 2 π’π ππ¦ 2 π 2 π’π ππ₯ππ¦ + (π΄12 + π΄66 ) + π΄66 + 2(π·12 + 2π·66 ) π2 π£ π ππ₯ 2 + π΄22 π4 π€ π ππ₯ 2 ππ¦ π2 π£ π ππ₯ππ¦ π2 π£ π ππ¦ 2 + π·22 2 =0 [24] =0 [25] π4 π€ π ππ¦ 4 =π The maximum deflection of the simply supported plate will be at its center. boundary conditions for the simply supported edges are: 11 Hyer Stress Analysis of Fiber-Reinforced Composite Materials p590 10 [26] The π₯ = 0, π: π€ = 0 ππ₯ = −π·11 π¦ = 0, π: π€ = 0 ππ¦ = −π·12 π2 π€ π − π·12 ππ₯ 2 π2 π€ π − π·22 ππ₯ 2 π2 π€ π ππ¦ 2 π2 π€ π ππ¦ 2 =0 [27] =0 [28] The load can be expanded into a double Fourier series: ∞ π(π₯, π¦) = ∑∞ π=1 ∑π=1 πππ (sin πππ₯ π sin πππ¦ π ) [29] The solution for the equation to find q is: ∞ π€(π₯, π¦) = ∑∞ π=1 ∑π=1 amn (sin πππ₯ π sin πππ¦ π ) [30] with πππ = πππ π4 π 4 π π 2 π 2 π π [31] π 4 π π·11 ( ) +2(π·12 +2π·66 )( ) ( ) +π·22 ( ) The solution for the maximum deflection of the plate will then be: π€= ∞ ∑∞ π=1,3,5 ∑π=1,3,5 16π πππ₯ πππ¦ sin sin π π π6 ππ π 4 π 2 π 2 π 4 π·11 ( ) +2(π·12 +2π·66 )( ) ( ) +π·22 ( ) π π π π [32] 2.5.3 Governing Equations for a Simply Supported Symmetric Angle Laminate A symmetric balanced laminate cannot use the same method as mentioned above for a cross-ply laminate. A symmetric balanced laminate has a full [D] matrix which will alter the third governing differential equation and boundary conditions to: π·11 π4 π€ π ππ₯ 4 π4 π€ π π4 π€π π4 π€ π + 4π·16 ππ₯ 3 ππ¦ + 2(π·12 + 2π·66 ) ππ₯ 2 ππ¦ 2 + 4π·26 ππ₯ππ¦ 3 + π·22 π₯ = 0, π: π€ = 0 ππ₯ = −π·11 π¦ = 0, π: π€ = 0 ππ¦ = −π·12 π2 π€ π ππ₯ 2 π2 π€ π ππ₯ 2 − π·12 − π·22 π2 π€ π ππ¦ 2 π2 π€ π ππ¦ 2 − 2π·16 − 2π·26 π4 π€π ππ¦ 4 π2 π€ π ππ₯ππ¦ π2 π€ π ππ₯ππ¦ =π [33] =0 [34] =0 [35] Symmetric laminates cannot be solved using the method of separation of variables because the Fourier expansion does not satisfy the governing differential equation. The alternative method that is required for solving for deflection of a symmetric laminate plate is the Rayleigh-Ritz Method. The Rayleigh-Ritz Method is based on the minimization of the total potential energy. Calculating the total potential energy with the 11 Rayleigh-Ritz Method, when used with enough terms in the equations, will converge to the approximate total deflection so long as the geometric boundary conditions are satisfied12. The total potential energy for a symmetric angle ply laminate is given by: π= 1 ∫ ∫(π·11 2 π4 π€ π ππ₯ 4 + 2π·12 π4 π€ π + π·22 2 ππ₯ 2 ππ¦ π4 π€ π 4π·26 ππ₯ππ¦ 3 π4 π€ π ππ¦ 4 π2 π€ π + 4π·66 ( − 2ππ€)ππ₯ππ¦ 2 π2 π€ π ) + 4π·16 ππ₯ 3ππ¦ + ππ₯ππ¦ [36] The Rayleigh-Ritz Method assumes that the deflection of the laminate plate can be expressed as: ∞ π€ = ∑∞ π=1 ∑π=1 πΆππ sin πππ₯ π sin πππ¦ π [37] where Cij are unknown coefficients Equation [37] is substituted into Equation [36] and the integration is performed. Integrating equation [36] with respect to x and y will yield a single algebraic equation for the total potential energy in terms of the pressure, p, and the unknown Cijs. The resulting equation is differentiated with respect to each of the unknown Cijs and each equation is made equal to zero. This creates a m*n system of coupled simultaneous algebraic equations for the Cijs.. The system of equations can then be solved using matrix elimination methods with Maple. After all of the unknowns are solved, the approximated deflection of the laminated plate can be found using Equation [37]. 2.6 Failure Criterion Failure is due to a part not being able to carry an applied load. For a composite laminate the failure needs to be a function of the direction of the applied stress relative to the direction of the fibers13. For a composite plate that may have plies oriented at different angles, it is important to understand how the stress components impact failure. Failure can occur due to tension, compression, shear or a combination of all three. Two methods that are commonly used to determine the failure loads for a ply are the Maximum Stress Criterion and the Tsai-Wu Criterion. The failure stresses used for both the Maximum Stress Criterion and the Tsai-Wu Criterion are shown in Table 3. 12 13 Jones Mechanics of Composite Materials p 251 Hyer Stress Analysis of Fiber-Reinforced Composite Materials p 387 12 Table 3: Failure Stress (psi) for Graphite Reinforced Composite14 π1πΆ π1π π2πΆ π2π πΉ π12 Graphite-Reinforced Composite (psi) -181,297 217,557 -29,008 7,252 14,504 The values provided in Table 3 were obtained from the textbook written by Hyer. The stresses provided are the limits for compression and tension in the 1-direction and the 2-direction. From the assumptions mentioned in thin plate theory, the stresses acting in the 3-direction are in the transverse direction on the plate and can be neglected. The failure criterion methods used will provide a range of stresses for the laminate plate in the 1-direction, 2-direction, and 12-shear direction. It was assumed that the composite laminate was subjected to biaxial forces. The stress applied to the plate in the y-direction is equal to one half the stress that is applied in the x-direction. Not all of the composite laminate trials had the failure criterion determined. In each case the range for the maximum applied load that could be applied to the laminate under biaxial stress is determined. 2.6.1 Maximum Stress Criterion The maximum stress failure criterion can be stated as15: A fiber-reinforced composite material in a general state of stress will fail when: EITHER, The maximum stress in the fiber direction equals the maximum stress in a uniaxial specimen of the same material loaded in the fiber direction when it fails; OR, The maximum stress perpendicular to the fiber direction equals the maximum stress in a uniaxial specimen of the same material loaded perpendicular to the fiber direction when it fails; OR 14 15 Hyer Stress Analysis of Fiber-Reinforced Composite Materials p 395 Hyer Stress Analysis of Fiber-Reinforced Composite Materials p 395 13 The maximum shear stress in the 1-2 plane equals the maximum shear stress in a specimen of the same material loaded in shear in the 1-2 plane when it fails. A simpler way to look at the maximum stress failure criterion is that material will not fail as long as π1πΆ < π1 < π1π [38] π2πΆ < π2 < π2π [39] πΉ |π12 | < π12 [40] 2.6.2 Tsai-Wu Failure Criterion The Tsai-Wu Criterion is simpler than the Maximum Stress Criterion. The Tsai-Wu is different from the maximum stress criterion in that there is only one governing equation. 2 πΉ1 π1 + πΉ2 π2 + πΉ11 π12 + πΉ22 π22 + πΉ66 π12 − √πΉ11 πΉ22 π1 π2 = 1 [41] where 1 1 1 1 πΉ1 = (ππ + ππΆ ) 1 1 2 2 1 πΉ2 = (ππ + ππΆ ) 1 πΉ11 = − ππ ππΆ 1 1 1 πΉ22 = − ππ ππΆ πΉ66 = (ππΉ ) 2 2 [42] 2 12 The Tsai-Wu failure criterion is considered to be a quadratic failure criteria. Solving for the stresses of a laminate plate using the Tsai-Wu criterion will yield a positive and negative result. This is similar to how the Maximum Stress criterion provides a range of values where the laminate will not fail. The third difference between the Tsai-Wu criterion and the Maximum Stress criterion is that the Tsai-Wu criterion does not indicate the mode of failure for a ply. The mode of failure could be determined after further calculations. 2.7 ANSYS Model for Aluminum Plate The aluminum plate was modeled in ANSYS using a SHELL63 element. The SHELL63 element was used for the aluminum plate analysis because the element has both bending and membrane capabilities and is widely used for a linear elastic analysis. Each node of the element has six degrees of freedom, three translational degrees of freedom and three rotational degrees of freedom. A representation of the SHELL63 Element from ANSYS is shown in Figure 3. 14 The SHELL63 element was used to create an area by dimensions in the active workspace. Due to the symmetry of the aluminum plate, only a quarter of the plate has to be created for the analysis. The 12 inch square was oriented in the x-y plane. A thickness of 0.250 inch was entered for the plate in the z-direction. The edge length for the generated mesh was 0.75 inch. This mesh size was used so that the number of meshed elements for the model were evenly spaced. Figure 4 below shows the generated plate in ANSYS with meshing. Figure 3: SHELL63 Element16 Side 1 Side 4 Y Z X Origin Side 2 Side 3 Figure 4: SHELL63 Element with Mesh (Edge Length = 0.75") 16 SHELL63 Element diagram from ANSYS 15 The aluminum plate had a series of constraints applied in order to compute the maximum deflection. The constraints shown for the finite element model in Figure 4 are listed below: ο· ο· ο· ο· ο· ο· The keypoint at the origin of the active workspace is where the maximum deflection should be measured. The keypoint at the origin is constrained in Ux and Uy directions. Side 1 and Side 2 of the finite element model were the sides that were simply supported. Side 1 is constrained in the Uz direction to prevent translation in the z-direction and in ROTy to prevent rotation in the y-direction. Side 2 is constrained in the Uz direction to prevent translation in the z-direction and in ROTx to prevent rotation in the x-direction. Side 3 is constrained in ROTx to prevent rotation in the x-direction. Side 4 is constrained in ROTy to prevent rotation in the y-direction. These constraints create the simply supported edges along Side 1 and Side 2. The sides are prevented from freely rotating in both the x- and y-axes. Figure 5 shows the model in ANSYS with the applied constraints and a pressure of 10 psi acting on the plate in the negative z-direction. Figure 5: SHELL63 Element with Constraints and Pressure Applied 2.8 ANSYS Model for Composite Plate The stacking of the plies to form a single composite laminate cannot be effectively calculated using the SHELL63 element. In order to model the layers of the composite plate, the SHELL181 element was used to create the finite element model in ANSYS. 16 The SHELL181 element is similar to the SHELL63 element in that they are both 4 noded elements with six degrees of freedom at each node. The advantage to using a SHELL181 element for a composite plate is that it allows for the plies to layered. A representation of the SHELL181 Element from ANSYS is shown in Figure 6. Figure 6: Shell181 Element17 Initially the composite laminate was modeled in a similar manner to the aluminum plate. Only a quarter of the plate was modeled due to the symmetry of the plate. The length of the edges of the quarter plate remained at 12 inches. The thickness of the composite ply was set as 0.040". With a quarter of the plate modeled, the same mesh size of 0.75" was assigned to the model. The uniform pressure that was applied to the surface of the composite plate was 10 psi for all composite laminate trials. Each laminate was modeled to be symmetric about the center plane. A set of trials were run for cross-ply laminates, where all of the plies are either at 0° or 90°. A second set of trials were run for symmetric angle plies, where plies not at 0° or 90° were modeled. All of the constraints for the composite laminate were the same as the constraints applied to the aluminum plate. All results and findings for the composite laminate trials will be discussed in the following section. Additionally, the full plate was modeled in ANSYS for the three symmetric angle ply trials. The length of each edge of the plate was modeled at 24 inches. Due to limits on the number of elements that can be modeled the mesh size was changed to be 1.0. The pressure and the ply thickness remained the same as the trials that modeled a quarter of the plate. Due to the full plate being modeled, the constraints applied to the edges of the model are required to be different. The following boundary conditions based on review of VM82 from the ANSYS library and the supplemental paper Chapter 6 Shells were applied to the full plate analysis. Figure 7 show the full plate modeled in ANSYS with the constraints applied. The constraints for the model shown in Figure 7 are: 17 SHELL181 Element diagram from ANSYS 17 ο· ο· ο· Sides 1, 2, 3, & 4 are the simply supported edges of the model. All four edges are constrained against translation in the z-direction. Side 2 and Side 4 are constrained to prevent translation in the x-direction and rotation in the x-direction. Side 1 and Side 3 are constrained to prevent translation in the y-direction and rotation in the y-direction. Side 1 Y Z Side 4 X Side 2 Side 3 Figure 7: SHELL181 Element - Full plate with Constraints and Pressure Applied It is interesting to note that applying the constraints outlined by Chapter 6 Shells were not adequate to solve the full plate in ANSYS. After additional research, the constraints against translation in the x-direction and y-direction were applied to the edges as previously mentioned. The translational constraints on the edges were based on the VM82 file from the ANSYS Verification Manual. After adding these constraints to the edges of the full plate, a solution was found for the symmetric angle ply trials. The results of the models will be discussed in the next section. 18 3. Results 3.1 Aluminum Thin Plate Results The exact solution using the equations listed in Section 2.1.2: D= (1π7 ππ π)∗(0.25 πππβ)3 12∗(1−0.32 ) [43] = 14,308.608 lb*inch For b/a = 1.0, α = 0.00406 wmax = 0.00406 * (10ππ π)∗(24 πππβ)4 14,308.608 ππ∗πππβ = 0.941399 inch [44] The maximum deflection of the simply supported aluminum plate in ANSYS was calculated to be 0.941085". 3.2 Composite Thin Plate Results Using the governing equations stated in Sections and, results were calculated using Maple. Due to the nature of the cross-ply laminate and the symmetric angle ply laminate, the equations for both the specially orthotropic laminate and the Rayleigh-Ritz Method were used. Please refer to Appendix G for the Maple code for calculating the deflection for both of these methods. In the case of the Rayleigh-Ritz Method a total of 49 terms were used (i.e. M=7, N=7). Table 4: Composite Laminate Results - 1/4 of Plate Modeled Laminate Stack-up [0 90 0 90]s [0 90 0 90 0 90]s [0 90 0 90 0 90 0 90]s [+/-30 0 +/-30 0]s [+/-45 0 +/-45 0]s [+/-60 0 +/-60 0]s Deflection - ANSYS (in) 0.7182 0.2141 0.091 0.1591 0.1452 0.1600 Deflection - Maple (in) 0.7146 0.21196 0.0895 0.1433 0.1304 0.1445 Percent Error -0.50 -1.0 -1.7 -11.02 -11.3 -10.7 The intent of the composite laminate model in ANSYS was to model it similarly to the aluminum plate. The trials for the cross-ply laminates had a high correlation between the exact solution using the method outlined in Section 2.5.2 in Maple and the finite element method in ANSYS. The close results from using both of these methods supports the accuracy of the quarter plate finite element model for the cross-ply trials. 19 After running each trial in ANSYS and comparing it to the exact solution from Maple, there was a significant difference for the symmetric angle ply trials. After reviewing the results in both Maple and ANSYS, one contributing factor can be attributed to the D16 and D26 terms from the [D] Matrix. For a cross-ply laminate the [D] Matrix simplifies because D16 and D26 are both equal to zero. For a symmetric angle ply laminate both D16 and D26 are non-zero. These two terms introduce the twisting moment resultant into the governing equations for the composite plate. D16 and D26 are responsible for the coupling of moments and deformations not normally associated with each other 18. The Fourier expansion that is used to develop the governing equations for the cross-ply laminate cannot be applied because the expansion with the D16 and D26 terms will not satisfy the boundary conditions19. The full [D] matrix requires that the Rayleigh-Ritz Method be applied to calculate the deflection of the plate. Due to the higher percent error for the symmetric angle ply trials, further review was required to determine the cause. There is no exact solution for a symmetric angle ply laminate. The Rayleigh-Ritz Method gives an approximation of the deflection based on the total potential energy of the plate. The results will converge to the exact solution if enough terms are used in the calculation. Since the Rayleigh-Ritz Method will provide a solution that converges to the exact solution, for the purpose of this analysis I have assumed that the Rayleigh-Ritz Method provides the more accurate result. By assuming that the Rayleigh-Ritz Method is calculating the more accurate solution, the model being created in ANSYS was reviewed further. After an in-depth discussion regarding the constraints of the model with my advisor, additional full plate trials for symmetric angle ply laminates were modeled in ANSYS. The results from each full plate trial compared with the calculated solution in Maple is listed in Table 5. Table 5: Composite Laminate Results - Full Plate Modeled Laminate Stack-up [+/-30 0 +/-30 0]s [+/-45 0 +/-45 0]s [+/-60 0 +/-60 0]s Deflection - ANSYS (in) 0.1457 0.1328 0.1469 Deflection - Maple (in) 0.1433 0.1304 0.1445 Percent Error -1.64 -1.84 -1.66 Modeling the full plate in ANSYS for each symmetric angle ply trial produced a result that is much closer to the calculated solution using the Rayleigh-Ritz Method. Due to the symmetry of the plate, it was expected that the full plate model would produce the same result as the quarter plate model. This significant difference in results can be attributed to the change in constraints for the full plate model. The constraints for the quarter plate model are consistent with what is outlined by Chapter 6 Shells and gives 18 19 Hyer, Stress Analysis of Fiber-Reinforced Composite Materials p 341 Jones, Mechanics of Composite Materials p 250 20 accurate results for both the aluminum plate and the cross-ply laminate plate. The only difference between the cross-ply laminate and the symmetric angle ply laminate are the terms D16 and D26. Figure 8 and Figure 9 below show the nodal solution for displacement in the z-direction for both the [+/-45 0 +/-45 0]s quarter plate model and full plate model. While this laminate is symmetric, and it is expected that the displacement gradients would be circular, the figure shows a slightly oval pattern skewed in the direction of 45°. Also note that the scale for the nodal solution from ANSYS for both the quarter plate model and the full plate model are not the same. This further supports that results for the symmetric angle ply laminate as a quarter plate model were not producing accurate results. Figure 8: Nodal Displacement for Quarter Plate - [+/-45 0 +/-45 0]s Laminate Figure 9: Nodal Displacement for Full Plate - [+/-45 0 +/-45 0]s Laminate 21 It is concluded that the inclusion of these two terms in the [D] Matrix does not provide an accurate approximation of the deflection using the quarter plate model in ANSYS. The full plate model for each trial with the simply supported constraints will produce a solution that is accurate with the exact solution using the Rayleigh-Ritz Method. 3.3 Composite Failure Criterion Results Table 5 in Appendix D has the Maximum Stress Criterion results for both cross-ply and symmetric angle laminates. It is interesting to note what stress was required for each ply to fail. In the cases where a 0° ply was used in a laminate, this ply orientation would not fail due to a shear stress. This is because shear failure cannot be produced in these layers without an applied axial load. In comparing the results on Table 5, much larger stresses can be applied to the plies of the cross-ply composite plates before failure. Table 6 in Appendix D has the Tsai-Wu Criterion for both cross-ply and symmetric angle laminates. This alternate method is a quadratic failure criterion and provides a negative and positive value for the stress in each direction. In order to determine the range of failure stresses in a specific ply orientation the quadratic roots from the Tsai-Wu criterion are multiplied by the transformed stresses acting in the 1-2 coordinate system for the ply. The values for P will provide the range that a ply will not fail under so long as the applied stress is within the stress range. 3.4 Error Analysis The maximum deflection using ANSYS to analyze the simply supported aluminum plate is 0.941085". The maximum deflection using the governing equations for the simply supported aluminum plate is 0.941399". % Error = πΆππππ’πππ‘ππ π·ππππππ‘πππ−π΄ππππ π·ππππππ‘πππ % Error = πΆππππ’πππ‘ππ π·ππππππ‘πππ (0.941399-0.941085) 0.941399" * 100 [45] * 100 = 0.0334% ANSYS and Maple were used to determine the maximum deflection for a simply supported composite plate. The first composite plate that I found deflected less than the aluminum plate was a [0 90 0 90]s cross-ply composite laminate. The maximum deflection using ANSYS to analyze the simply supported composite plate is 0.7182". The maximum deflection using the governing equations in Maple for the simply supported composite plate is 0.7146". 22 % Error = % Error = πΆππππ’πππ‘ππ π·ππππππ‘πππ−π΄ππππ π·ππππππ‘πππ πΆππππ’πππ‘ππ π·ππππππ‘πππ (0.7146-0.7182) 0.7146" * 100 * 100 = -0.5% Additional trials for composite plates were conducted using ANSYS and Maple. The calculated percent error is shown in Table 4 and Table 5 for all of the trials. 23 [46] 4. Conclusions This project analyzed the maximum deflection for a simply supported aluminum plate and composite plates. The deflection of both the aluminum plate and the composite plates were calculated using the exact solutions in Maple. ANSYS was used to model both an aluminum simply supported plate and composite simply supported plates. The accuracy of the ANSYS models were verified using thin plate theory for the aluminum plate and classical lamination theory for the composite plates. The results for the aluminum plate are listed in section 3.1. All of the results for the composite plates including an error calculation are listed in Table 4 and Table 5 in section 3.2. Two tables of data are listed in Section 3.2 for the results in modeling a quarter plate and a full plate for the symmetric angle ply laminates. The number of plies that made up the laminated plates varied from eight plies to sixteen plies. The laminates that were analyzed also varied from a cross-ply laminate to a symmetric angle laminate. In both cases, the composite plate was symmetric about the central plane. The orientation of the composite fibers had a significant effect on the maximum deflection of the laminated plate. The following conclusions were made: ο· The composite plate that had the smallest deflection was the 16 ply [0 90 0 90 0 90 0 90]s laminate. ο· The thinnest plate that had the smallest deflection is the 12 ply [+/-45 0 +/-45 0]s laminate ο· The higher percent error for the symmetric angle ply laminates in Table 4 can be attributed to multiple factors including the introduction of the terms D 16 & D26 and inconsistent constraints along the ANSYS model edges. The full plate model produces more accurate results as shown in Table 5. ο· The quarter plate model for symmetric angle composite plates was not consistent with a full plate model. It was found that the full plate model, when constrained against translation and rotational displacements along the edges, calculated the more accurate deflection of the symmetric angle ply plates. ο· All of the symmetric angle ply laminates are symmetric about the center plane of the composite plate. However the nodal solution contour plot produced by ANSYS for the symmetric angle ply laminates shows oval shaped displacement gradients skewed at the angle of the angle plies. ο· Using a total of 49 terms for the Rayleigh-Ritz Method does provide a solution that is convergent to the exact solution. 24 REFERENCES [1] Hyer, Michael W. Stress Analysis of Fiber-Reinforced Composite Materials Update Edition, 2009 DEStech Publications, Inc. [2] Timoshenko, S. and Woinowsky-Krieger, S. Theory of Plates and Shells 2nd Edition, 1959 McGraw-Hill, Inc. [3] Notes from MANE 6180 Mechanics of Composite Materials R. Naik 2013 [4] Manahan, Mer Arnel A Finite Element Study of the Deflection of Simply Supported Composite Plates Subject to Uniform Load. RPI Hartford Master's Project December 2011 [5] Kirchoff-Love Plate Theory Wikipedia Date Accessed: 9/20/2013 [6] Agarwal, Bhagwan D. and Broutman, Lawrence J. Analysis and Performance of Fiber Composites, Second Edition 1990 [7] ANSYS Tips by Paul Dufour Date Accessed: 10/15/2013 [8] Young's Modulus for common materials Date Accessed: 9/20/2013 [9] Jones, Robert M. Mechanics of Composite Materials 1st Edition, 1975 McGraw-Hill, Inc. [10] Boeing 787 Dreamliner® Date Accessed: 11/20/2013 [11] Van Keuren, Kevin Structural Optimization of a Simply Supported Orthotropic Composite Plate RPI Hartford Master's Project December 2010 [12] Chapter 6 Shells (PDF) Date Accessed: 12/9/2013 25 [13] R. Rolfes, K. Rohwer, M. Ballerstaedt, Efficient linear transverse normal stress analysis of layered composite plates. 1998 [14] Bending of Symmetric Angle-ply Lamianted Plates - Prof. Naik notes [15] J.E. Ashton, An Analogy for Certain Anisotropic Plates 1969 [16] J.N. Reddy, Exact Solutions of Moderately Thick Laminates Shells 1984 [17] J.M Whitney, On the Analysis of Anisotropic Rectangular Plates 1972 [18] VM82 - ANSYS Verification Manual [19] Laminate Plate Equations - SE 253 Mechanics of Laminated Composite Structures Prof. Hyonny Kim 26 APPENDIX A 27 28 29 30 31 APPENDIX B Timoshenko & Woinowsky-Krieger Theory of Plates and Shells page 120 32 APPENDIX C Equations for Determining the ABD Matrix of a Composite Plate 33 34 35 36 37 APPENDIX D Table 6: Maximum Stress Criterion Results 38 Table 7: Tsai-Wu Criterion Results 39 APPENDIX E ANSYS Code for 0.25" thick Simply Supported Aluminum Plate /BATCH /COM,ANSYS RELEASE 10.0A1 UP20060105 20:31:34 /input,menust,tmp,'',,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,1 /GRA,POWER /GST,ON /PLO,INFO,3 /GRO,CURL,ON /CPLANE,1 /REPLOT,RESIZE WPSTYLE,,,,,,,,0 !* /NOPR /PMETH,OFF,0 KEYW,PR_SET,1 KEYW,PR_STRUC,1 KEYW,PR_THERM,0 KEYW,PR_FLUID,0 KEYW,PR_ELMAG,0 KEYW,MAGNOD,0 KEYW,MAGEDG,0 KEYW,MAGHFE,0 KEYW,MAGELC,0 KEYW,PR_MULTI,0 KEYW,PR_CFD,0 KEYW,LSDYNA,0 /GO !* /COM, /COM,Preferences for GUI filtering have been set to display: /COM, Structural !* /PREP7 !* ET,1,SHELL63 !* R,1,0.25, , , , , , RMORE, , , , 40 10/14/2013 RMORE RMORE, , !* !* MPTEMP,,,,,,,, MPTEMP,1,0 MPDATA,EX,1,,10e6 MPDATA,PRXY,1,,0.3 RECTNG,0,12,0,12, /VIEW,1,1,1,1 /ANG,1 /REP,FAST ESIZE,0.75,0, MSHAPE,0,2D MSHKEY,0 !* CM,_Y,AREA ASEL, , , , 1 CM,_Y1,AREA CHKMSH,'AREA' CMSEL,S,_Y !* AMESH,_Y1 !* CMDELE,_Y CMDELE,_Y1 CMDELE,_Y2 !* FLST,2,2,4,ORDE,2 FITEM,2,2 FITEM,2,-3 !* /GO DL,P51X, ,UZ, FLST,2,2,4,ORDE,2 FITEM,2,1 FITEM,2,-2 !* /GO DL,P51X, ,ROTX, 41 FLST,2,2,4,ORDE,2 FITEM,2,3 FITEM,2,-4 !* /GO DL,P51X, ,ROTY, FLST,2,1,3,ORDE,1 FITEM,2,1 !* /GO DK,P51X, , , ,0,UX,UY, , , , , FLST,2,1,5,ORDE,1 FITEM,2,1 /GO !* SFA,P51X,1,PRES,-10 FINISH /SOL /STATUS,SOLU SOLVE FINISH /POST1 PLDISP,1 !* /EFACET,1 PLNSOL, U,Z, 0,1.0 SAVE FINISH ! /EXIT,ALL 42 APPENDIX F ANSYS Code for Simply Supported [0 90 0 90]s Composite Plate /BATCH /COM,ANSYS RELEASE 10.0A1 UP20060105 /input,menust,tmp,'',,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,1 /GRA,POWER /GST,ON /PLO,INFO,3 /GRO,CURL,ON /CPLANE,1 /REPLOT,RESIZE WPSTYLE,,,,,,,,0 !* /NOPR /PMETH,OFF,0 23:27:33 KEYW,PR_SET,1 KEYW,PR_STRUC,1 KEYW,PR_THERM,0 KEYW,PR_FLUID,0 KEYW,PR_ELMAG,0 KEYW,MAGNOD,0 KEYW,MAGEDG,0 KEYW,MAGHFE,0 KEYW,MAGELC,0 KEYW,PR_MULTI,0 KEYW,PR_CFD,0 KEYW,LSDYNA,0 /GO !* /COM, /COM,Preferences for GUI filtering have been set to display: /COM, Structural !* /PREP7 !* ET,1,SHELL181 !* !* MPTEMP,,,,,,,, MPTEMP,1,0 MPDATA,EX,1,,2.25e7 MPDATA,EY,1,,1.75e6 MPDATA,EZ,1,,1.75e6 43 10/28/2013 MPDATA,PRXY,1,,0.248 MPDATA,PRYZ,1,,0.458 MPDATA,PRXZ,1,,0.248 MPDATA,GXY,1,,6.38e5 MPDATA,GYZ,1,,4.64e5 MPDATA,GXZ,1,,6.38e5 sect,1,shell,, secdata, .04,1,0,3 secdata, .04,1,90,3 secdata, .04,1,0,3 secdata, .04,1,90,3 secdata, .04,1,90,3 secdata, .04,1,0,3 secdata, .04,1,90,3 secdata, .04,1,0,3 secoffset,MID seccontrol,,,, , , , RECTNG,0,12,0,12, ESIZE,0.75,0, MSHAPE,0,2D MSHKEY,0 !* CM,_Y,AREA ASEL, , , , 1 CM,_Y1,AREA CHKMSH,'AREA' CMSEL,S,_Y !* AMESH,_Y1 !* CMDELE,_Y CMDELE,_Y1 CMDELE,_Y2 !* /VIEW,1,1,1,1 /ANG,1 /REP,FAST FLST,2,2,4,ORDE,2 FITEM,2,2 FITEM,2,-3 !* /GO DL,P51X, ,UZ, FLST,2,2,4,ORDE,2 FITEM,2,3 FITEM,2,-4 44 !* /GO DL,P51X, ,ROTY, FLST,2,2,4,ORDE,2 FITEM,2,1 FITEM,2,-2 !* /GO DL,P51X, ,ROTX, FLST,2,1,3,ORDE,1 FITEM,2,1 !* /GO DK,P51X, , , ,0,UX,UY, , , , , FLST,2,1,5,ORDE,1 FITEM,2,1 /GO !* SFA,P51X,1,PRES,-10 FINISH /SOL /STATUS,SOLU SOLVE FINISH /POST1 PLDISP,1 !* /EFACET,1 PLNSOL, U,Z, 0,1.0 SAVE FINISH ! /EXIT,ALL 45 APPENDIX G Maple Code for [0 90 0 90]s Laminate For Specially Orthotropic Laminates 46 47 48 49 50 Maple Code for [+/-30 0 +/-30 0]s Laminate For Symmetric Laminates using the Rayleigh-Ritz Method and Total Potential Energy 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 APPENDIX H Table of Material Properties for Composite Laminates (p. 64) from Stress Analysis of Fiber-Reinforced Composite Materials by Michael Hyer 58