Robert Griffiths HW#7 10/25/99 ProModel Homework: Create from scratch a model of the system described in Ex9.mod (see Homework 3). The key here is for you to develop the model on your own from the start. Run your model and compare your results against the results of Ex9.mod. ******************************************************************************** * Formatted Listing of Model: * * C:\My Documents\grad_school\sma\hw7.mod * ******************************************************************************** Time Units: Minutes Distance Units: Feet ******************************************************************************** * Locations * ******************************************************************************** Name Cap Units Stats Rules Cost ------------- -------- ----- ----------- -------------- -----------secretary_loc infinite 1 Time Series Oldest, FIFO, station_1 1 1 Time Series Oldest, , station_2 1 1 Time Series Oldest, , station_3 1 1 Time Series Oldest, , ******************************************************************************** * Entities * ******************************************************************************** Name Speed (fpm) Stats Cost ---------- ------------ ----------- -----------customer 100 Time Series ******************************************************************************** * Path Networks * ******************************************************************************** Name Type T/S From To BI Dist/Time Speed Factor -------- ----------- ---------------- -------- -------- ---- ---------- -----------Net1 Non-Passing Time N1 N2 Bi .5 N2 N4 Bi .5 N4 N6 Bi .5 ******************************************************************************** * Interfaces * ******************************************************************************** Net Node Location ---------- ---------- ------------Net1 N1 secretary_loc N2 station_1 N4 station_2 N6 station_3 ******************************************************************************** * Processing * ******************************************************************************** Process Routing Entity Location Operation Blk Output Destination Rule Move Logic -------- ------------- ------------------ ---- -------- ----------- ------- -----------customer secretary_loc wait 2 1 customer station_1 FIRST 1 move on net1 customer station_1 customer station_2 customer station_3 wait 5 wait 5 wait 5 1 customer station_2 FIRST 1 move on net1 1 customer station_3 FIRST 1 move on net1 1 customer EXIT FIRST 1 move for 0 ******************************************************************************** * Arrivals * ******************************************************************************** Entity Location Qty each First Time Occurrences Frequency Logic -------- ------------- ---------- ---------- ----------- ---------- -----------customer secretary_loc 1 0 150 e(5) The results of my model are very similar to the example given in the text/software: Total exits Avg. minutes in system % busy: Station 1 % busy: Station 2 % busy: Station 3 % occupied: secretary Avg min @ secretary Avg # @ secretary My simulation output 84 49.1 90.52 89.5 88.4 99.1 32 6.1 Ex9.mod output 79 84 83 82.9 63.97 10.7 1.8 Some differences I noted: 1) My capacity of the secretary / receptionist was INFINITE vs a value of 5 for the supplied example simulation. This explains why the secretary queue grew to the extent it did with a longer wait in my simulation. 2) Distance and speed travelled by customers differed in the two sims. DESS 8.22 Generate 100 sets of random numbers, each set containing 100 random numbers. Perform tests to determine uniformity and independence. The file hw7.xls contains the spreadsheet, here some results: Frequency test Kolmogrov-Smirnov: From Table A.8, for alpha=.05, Dcrit = .136 For the given set of random numbers, I find D = max(D+,D-) = .170 therefore, the null hypothesis that the data are a sample from a uniform distribution is rejected Run Test Runs up and runs down: the test statistic Z0 = varies from –10.85..-5.345 Runs above and below the mean: the test statistic Z0 = [-3.1..1,7] DESS 9.11 Interval (Seconds) 15 – 30 30 – 45 45 – 60 60 – 90 90 – 120 120 – 180 180 – 300 Frequency 10 20 25 35 30 20 10 Relative Frequency 0.067 0.133 0.166 0.233 0.2 0.133 0.067 Cumulative Frequency 0.067 0.2 0.365 0.599 0.799 0.932 1.0 The cumulative probability is plotted against repair times based on the empirical distribution: 180 , .932 120 , .799 90 , .599 60 , .365 45 , .2 30 , .067 15 , 0 300 , 1.0 The Inverse CDF of repair times is also plotted: 1.0 , 300 a7=1764.7 .932 , 180 a6=451.1 .799 , 120 a5=150 .599 , 90 a3=90.9 .365 , 60 .067 , 30 0 , 15 a4=128.2 .2 , 45 a2=112.8 a1=224 Intervals and slopes are given as: I Input, Output, ri xi 1 0 15 2 0.067 30 3 .2 45 4 .365 60 5 .599 90 6 .799 120 7 .932 180 8 1.0 300 Slope, ai 224 112.8 90.9 128.2 150 451.1 1764.7 - Generate five values of service time using four-digit random numbers: Random ri ai xi X=xi+ai(R-ri) Number .4756 .365 128.2 60 74.2 .6314 .599 150 90 94.9 .6752 .599 150 90 101.43 .1878 .067 112.8 30 43.626 .6711 .599 150 90 100.815