Quiz 16 Ch 16 Name________________________ Remote # ____________

Quiz 16
Ch 16
Remote # ____________
1. Which of the following is a premating
b. Individuals from developing species are
reproductive isolating mechanism?
kept from being able to mate with each
a. ecological isolation
b. temporal isolation
c. Offspring produced from the mating of
c. behavioral isolation
individuals from developing species are
d. mechanical incompatibility
unable to pass along their genes to a
e. all of the above
subsequent generation.
d. all of the above
2. The rapid speciation of Darwin's finches
on the Galapagos Islands is an example of
5. Which of the following may cause a
species to become extinct?
a. coevolution
a. habitat encroachment (e.g., urbanization)
b. sympatric speciation
b. seasonal changes in the weather
c. adaptive radiation
c. an inability to successfully compete for
d. branching of an evolutionary tree
limited resources (e.g., food, water, habitat)
e. convergent evolution
d. Both the first and third answers are
3. Which of the following is the first step in
the process of allopatric speciation?
6. Which of the following is most
a. genetic drift
characteristic of populations of different
b. interspecies contact
c. geographic isolation
a. Members of the two populations
d. evolution of two species independently
resemble each other.
e. reproductive isolation
b. Members of the two populations can be
distinguished by their appearance.
4. Genetic divergence is required for
c. The two populations are geographically
speciation to occur, but how can speciation
separated from each other.
be guaranteed?
d. The two populations are adapted to
a. There are mechanisms preventing
different habitats.
interbreeding between developing species.
e. A fertile female from one population
mated with a fertile male from the other
their gametes can contain more than one
population produces no offspring.
copy of each chromosome.
a. the elements
7. How many ways can reproductive
b. Allopatric speciation
isolation be maintained between two
c. Sympatric speciation
d. polyploidy
a. in two basic ways
b. in four ways
11. ____________________ radiation is what
c. in at least eight ways
can occur when one species develops into
d. in an infinite number of ways
many. Usually, this occurs when a single
species invades an area with many
8. ____________________ speciation can
underutilized niches.
occur when two populations are separated
by geographic space and then diverge
a. Receptive
b. Intercalary
c. Adaptive
a. Allopatric
d. Cohesive
b. Sympatric
c. Assympatric
12. Loss of or damage to an endangered
d. Diverse
species' ____________________ is one of the
chief threats of extinction for these species.
9. ____________________ speciation can
a. environment
occur if two populations share the same
b. residence
geographic area but do not share habitats
c. habitat
a. Allopatric
d. nest
b. Sympatric
c. Assympatric
d. Diverse
10. One feature of plants that can allow
them to speciate at a higher rate than other
organisms is their ability to tolerate
____________________. This means that