Chapter 15 • How Organisms Evolve


Chapter 15

• How Organisms Evolve

How Are Populations, Genes, and

Evolution Related?

• 1. The determination of a trait in diploid individuals depends on

• A. Interaction between alleles :

– Dominant-recessive

– Codominan t

– Incomplete dominance

– Sex-linked

• B. Environment

– The changes an individual experiences as it grows and develops are not evolutionary changes

Interaction between alleles

• For example, coat color in hamster is determined by 2 alleles for pigment:

– B  black, dominant

– b  brown, recessive

How Are Populations, Genes, and

Evolution Related?

• 2. Evolution is a property of populations , not individuals.

–Evolutionary changes:

• Occur from generation to generation

• Cause descendants to differ from their ancestors

• Occur at the population level

How Are Populations, Genes, and

Evolution Related?

• 3. Can we measure evolution?

– Yes , if we can measure allele change in the gene pool of a population.


– Sum of all genes in a population

– Allele frequency ( proportion ) = specific allele number/ Total number of possible alleles in a population

– Evolution Is the Change Over Time of Allele Frequencies

Within a Population. In order to measure change we need a point of reference

The Gene Pool

• For example, coat color in hamsters:

– A population of 25 hamsters contains 50 alleles of the coat color gene (hamsters are diploid)

– If 20 of those 50 alleles code for black coats, then the frequency of the black allele is 0.40

or 40% [20/50 = 0.40]

The Equilibrium Population

• 4. What would be required for a population to be in Equilibrium (without evolving)?

• Hardy-Weinberg proposed that, given the following conditions, the frequencies of alleles and genotypes in a sexually reproducing population remain constant from one generation to the next

1. No mutation

2. No gene flow between populations

3. Population must be very large

4. Mating must be random

5. No natural selection


What Causes Evolution?

Answer: the opposite of equilibrium.

Violation of one or more of these five conditions may allow changes in allele frequencies

Equilibrium requires:

•a. No mutation

•b. No gene flow between populations

•c. Large population

•d. Random mating

•e. No natural selection

Evolution requires:

•a. mutation

•b. gene flow between populations

•c. Small population

•d. Selective mating (nonrandom)

•e. Natural Selection of individuals (the fittest)


• Mutations are rare changes in the base sequence of DNA in a gene

– Usually have little or no immediate effect (1 in 100,000-1,000,000 gametes)  little effect on Hardy-

Weinberg proportions of common alleles

– Are the source of new alleles .

Sources of genetic variability.

– In gamete  offspring.

– Can be beneficial, harmful, or neutral

– Not goal-directed . Arise spontaneously, not as a result of, or in anticipation of, environmental necessity

Gene Flow: migration

– Movement of alleles from one population to another.

• New alleles can be transferred

• Tend to homogenize alleles in separate populations (reduce the differences in the gene pools).

• Blockage of gene flow may create new species

Allele Frequencies Drift

• Genetic drift is the random change in allele frequencies over time, brought about by chance alone

– Has minor impact in very large populations

– Occurs more rapidly and has bigger effect on small populations

Genetic Drift. In small populations

(a) Population size = 10,000


(b) Population size = 4





• Frequencies of particular alleles may









change by chance alone.


• Important in small populations.


– Bottleneck Effect - Drastic reduction in population, and gene pool size.

– Founder Effect - Few individuals found new population


(Small allelic pool).




0 1 2 3 generation

4 5 6


0 1 2 3 generation

4 5

The effect of population size on genetic drift


Causes of Genetic Drift

• There are two causes of genetic drift:

• A. Population bottleneck . D rastic reduction in population size brought about by a natural catastrophe or over-hunting

– It can change allele frequencies and reduce genetic variation

Population Bottleneck

• Northern elephant seal

– Hunted almost to extinction in the 1800s

– By 1890s, only 20 individuals remained

– Hunting ban allowed population to increase to 30,000

– Biochemical analysis shows that present-day northern elephant seals are almost genetically identical

Causes of Genetic Drift

• B.

Founder effect .

It occurs when a small number of individuals leave a large population and establish a new isolated population

Isolated Founding Populations

• By chance, allele frequencies of founders may differ from those of original population

• Over time, new population may exhibit allele frequencies that differ from original population

Non-random mating

• Within species:

• Sometimes choosing the similar (snow geese)

• Sometimes choosing the strongest

• Sometimes choosing the most attractive

Natural and Sexual Selection

• Natural - Nature exerts selection.

• Variation must exist among individuals.

• Variation must result in differences in numbers of viable offspring produced.

• Variation must be genetically inherited .

– Natural Selection is a process , and

Evolution is an outcome .

How Natural and Sexual

Selection Work

• Natural selection is often associated with the phrase “survival of the fittest”

• The fittest individuals are those that not only survive, but are able to leave the most offspring behind

Success of Phenotypes

• Successful phenotypes are those that have the best adaptations to their present environment

– Adaptations are characteristics that help an individual survive and reproduce

• Adaptations arise from the interactions of organisms with both the nonliving and living parts of their environments

The Environment

• Nonliving (abiotic) components include:

– Climate

– Availability of water

– Concentration of minerals in the soil

• Living (biotic) components include:

– Interactions with other organisms:

• Competition

• Coevolution

• Sexual selection

Agents of Selection

• Competition is an interaction among individuals who attempt to utilize a limited resource

– May be between individuals of same species or different species

– Most intense among members of the same species

Agents of Selection

• Coevolution is the evolution of adaptations in two species due to their extensive interaction

– e.g. predator-prey relationships, akin to a

“biological arms race”

• Wolf predation selects against slow, careless deer

• Alert, swift deer select against slow, clumsy wolves

Sexual Selection

• Sexual selection is a type of natural selection that favors traits that help an organism acquire a mate

– Conspicuous features (bright colors, long feathers or fins, elaborate antlers)

– Bizarre courtship behaviors

– Loud, complex courting songs

• Traits derived by sexual selection make males more vulnerable to predators

Sexual Selection

• Male-male competition for access to females

– Favors evolution of features that provide an advantage in fights or ritual displays of aggression

Sexual Selection

• Female mate choice

– Male structures, colors , and displays that do not enhance survival might provide an outward sign of a male’s health and vigor

Selection Influences Populations

• Natural selection and sexual selection can affect populations in three ways:

– Directional selection

– Stabilizing selection

– Disruptive selection

Forms of Natural




• Directional Selection

– Selection eliminates one extreme from a phenotypic array.

• e.g. pesticide resistance, antibiotic resistance


SELECTION range of a particular characteristic (size, color, etc.)

Forms of Natural


• Stabilizing Selection

– Intermediate phenotype is favored

– Selection acts to eliminate both extremes.

– Phenotypic variability declines

– E nvironmental conditions are relatively constant

– e.g. body size in Aristelliger lizards

• Smallest lizards have a difficulty defending territory

• Largest lizards more likely to be eaten by owls


• Disruptive Selection

– Selection acts to promote both extremes and eliminate the average.

– Environment has more than one type of useful resource:

Population divides into two phenotypic groups over time.

• e.g. beak size in black-bellied seedcrackers

– Birds with large beaks eat hard seeds

– Birds with small beaks eat soft seeds





SELECTION range of a particular characteristic (size, color, etc.)

Notes on selection:

A. Evolution is a compromise between opposing pressures …

• Not all genotypes changes are beneficial.

– i.e. giraffe’s neck:

• Larger can help on a fight

• Can make it vulnerable

Notes on selection:

B. Antibiotic Resistance

Evolves by Natural


• Penicillin kills most

Bacteria. The ones with penicillinresistant mutation survive and reproduce.

Notes on selection:

• C. Kin selection: Altruism and Selective cannibalism . Some individuals may enhance the survival of individuals from their own species.

Notes on Selection

D. Artificial Selection

• Breeders exert selection.

Notes on Selection

E. Balanced polymorphism is the prolonged maintenance of two or more alleles in a population

• Balanced polymorphism often occurs when environmental conditions favor heterozygotes

– e.g. normal and sickle-cell hemoglobin alleles in malaria-prone regions of Africa

HH Hh hh

Balanced Polymorphism

dies of malaria lives and reproduces dies of sickle-cell anemia

HH dies of malaria

Hh lives and reproduces hh dies of sickle-cell anemia

HH Hh hh

Heterozygote advantage

• Heterozygote advantage (balanced polymorphism)
