Running a Linux System Chapter 4 Guide to Linux Installation and Administration 1

Chapter 4
Running a Linux System
Guide to Linux Installation and Administration
In this chapter, you will:
• Manage files and directories on a Linux system
using basic commands
• Launch programs and manage corresponding
software packages
• Add and remove features from the Linux kernel
• Review and change the initialization process that
starts a Linux-based computer
• Shut down a Linux system in an orderly way
Guide to Linux Installation and Administration
Valued Gateway
Working with Linux Files and
• Information in Linux is stored in files organized in
• Parent directory contains child directories and
• The parent directory for all directories is the root
• All Linux configuration files are located in
subdirectories of the root directory
Guide to Linux Installation and Administration
Standard Linux Subdirectories of the
Root Directory
Guide to Linux Installation and Administration
Working at a Command Line
• Logging in to Linux at a text-mode console
launches a command-line environment
• Within a graphical environment, you can a
command-line window by using the xterm
• The command-line window is also called a
terminal emulator window
Guide to Linux Installation and Administration
A Command-Line Window in a
Graphical Environment
Guide to Linux Installation and Administration
Managing Files with Command-Line
• The command-line environment is provided by a
• Shell: program that accepts and acts on the
commands that you enter
• Absolute path: complete description of the
directory in absolute terms
• Relative path: partial description of the directory
relative to another location
Guide to Linux Installation and Administration
Managing Files with Command-Line
• Linux commands
– are case sensitive
– can include options and parameters
• Information about the date and time when an
event occurred is stored in the form of a
Guide to Linux Installation and Administration
Commands for Managing
Files and Directories
Guide to Linux Installation and Administration
Commands for Managing
Files and Directories
Guide to Linux Installation and Administration
Managing Files with Command-Line
• Filenames
– Are case-sensitive
– Can be up to 256 characters
– Can include file extensions
Guide to Linux Installation and Administration
Managing Files with Graphical Utilities
• Linux desktop includes a file manager
• File manager: graphical program to display the
contents of a directory and manage files and
• The file manager in Red Hat Linux 7.3 is called
• To perform basic file management tasks, you can
drag and drop file icons
Guide to Linux Installation and Administration
The Nautilus File Manager Window
Guide to Linux Installation and Administration
File Properties
• Each file in Linux has several basic properties:
• Each file has the owner of the file, the group
assigned to the file, and the permissions granted
to access the file
Guide to Linux Installation and Administration
The Properties Dialog Box
Guide to Linux Installation and Administration
File Permissions
• File permissions define the access that the owner
has granted to others on the Linux system
• Types of permissions:
– Read permission (r)
– Write permission (w)
– Execute permission (x)
• Permissions can be assigned in three different
– User permission
– Group permission
– Other permissions
Guide to Linux Installation and Administration
File Permissions
• You can alter file ownership and file permissions
using the chown and chmod commands
• The chmod command uses letters or numeric
codes to define the file permissions assigned to
a file or directory
• The umask command determines the file
permissions assigned when you create a new file
Guide to Linux Installation and Administration
Commonly Used File Permission
Guide to Linux Installation and Administration
The Permissions Tab of the Properties
Dialog Box
Guide to Linux Installation and Administration
Running and Managing Software
• Environment variables: defined by the Linux
shell so that all programs can access their
• Variable: memory location used by a program to
store a value
• The PATH environment variable includes a list of
all the directories where programs on the system
are located
• You can display values of the PATH using the
echo command
Guide to Linux Installation and Administration
Function Libraries
• A function is a small task that a computer
program performs
• A function library is a file that contains
commonly used functions
• The ldd command lists the libraries that a
program requires
Guide to Linux Installation and Administration
Using rpm to Manage Software
• rpm command
– Manages all of the rpm software packages
– Maintains a database for all the software installed
on the Linux system
• You can use the rpm command to query the
software package database or to install or erase
software packages from the system
• Hundreds of options are supported by the rpm
Guide to Linux Installation and Administration
Using Graphical Tools to Manage
Software Packages
• GNOME and KDE include graphical programs to
manage software packages
• The GnoRPM package management utility is
included with Gnome
• The KDE Desktop includes a package
management tool called kPackage
• Both GmoRPM and kPackage provide menu
Guide to Linux Installation and Administration
The Main Window of the
GnoRPM Utility
Guide to Linux Installation and Administration
Using kPackage to Display Software
Package Information
Guide to Linux Installation and Administration
Using tar Archive Files
• A tar archive is a collection of many files stored
in a single file
• The tar command is used to create a tar archive,
to extract its content, and to create backups of
files on the system
• A tar archive has a .tar extension
• The resulting file after the tar command with the
compression options is called a gzipped tarball
Guide to Linux Installation and Administration
Compression Utilities in Linux
Guide to Linux Installation and Administration
The Linux Kernel
• Each Linux kernel has:
– Release number
– Timestamp
– Modules
Guide to Linux Installation and Administration
Learning about Your Kernel
• The uname command with the –r option displays
the version of your Linux kernel followed by the
release number
• A release number is assigned by the company
that prepared the Linux product
• A timestamp indicates the date and time when
the kernel was created
Guide to Linux Installation and Administration
Kernel Modules
• Linux kernel modules are files containing
computer code that can be loaded into the kernel
or removed from the kernel
• Kernel modules can be automatically loaded
based on the configuration set during the Linux
• The lsmod command lists the modules that are
installed in the Linux kernel
Guide to Linux Installation and Administration
Adding and Removing Modules
• The modprobe command loads a module with
any required supporting modules
• The rmmod command removes a module from
the kernel
• Module parameters provide information needed
by amodule to locate system resources
Guide to Linux Installation and Administration
Locating Modules
• The module files are stored in
/lib/modules/version/kernel directory, where
version id the version number of the Linux
kernel on the system
• This directory contains subdirectories for
networking-related modules, device drivers,
and other module types
Guide to Linux Installation and Administration
The Initialization Process
1. A boot manager loads and starts the Linux kernel
2. The Linux kernel initializes hardware and then
launches the init program
3. The init program launches a script based on the
run level in which Linux is to operate
4. The script started by init typically runs many
other scripts to launch and manage system
Guide to Linux Installation and Administration
Booting the Kernel
• GRUB and LILO are the boot managers
• The boot manager displays a prompt listing the
available operating system to launch
• Boot parameters instruct the Linux kernel how to
operate or how to access parts of the computer
system’s hardware
• You can add boot parameters at the boot
manager selection prompt
Guide to Linux Installation and Administration
Configuring the Boot Manager
• You can update the configuration of a boot
manager after the installation is completed
• The configuration file for the LILO boot manager
is /etc/lilo.conf.anaconda
• The configuration file for GRUB boot manager is
Guide to Linux Installation and Administration
Initializing System Services
• The init program is a master control program that
starts other programs and scripts that initialize
the system services
• A script is a collection of commands that are
stored in a text file and executed without user
• The init program is controlled by the /etc/inittab
configuration file
Guide to Linux Installation and Administration
Reviewing Run Level Services
• A run level is a mode of operation in which a
preconfigured set of services is activated
Guide to Linux Installation and Administration
The Linux Initialization Process
Guide to Linux Installation and Administration
Starting and Stopping System Services
• The chconfig program allows you to start
and stop services when you boot Linux
• RedHat Linux includes a graphical utility to
configure system services called
• The KDE Desktop includes a similar
graphical utility called ksysv
Guide to Linux Installation and Administration
The Service Configuration Utility
Guide to Linux Installation and Administration
The ksysv Graphical Services
Configuration Utility
Guide to Linux Installation and Administration
Configuring System Services
• The initialization scripts in /etc/rc.d/init.d are
provided when you install Linux
• Configuration details for system services
scripts are located in the /etc/sysconfig
directory and its subdirectories
Guide to Linux Installation and Administration
Shutting Down Linux
• You can shut down Linux by:
The reboot command
The halt command
The shutdown command
Pressing Ctrl+Alt+Del
The telinit 0 command
Guide to Linux Installation and Administration
• Information in Linux is stored in files organized in a
directory structure that begins with the root directory
• There are basic commands to manage files and
• Files can be compressed using tar, zip, gzip, and other
• Read, Write, and Execute permissions for a file or
directory can be assigned to the owner, to the
assigned group, or to all other users on the system
• The rpm command is used to query the software
package database or to install or erase software
packages from the system
Guide to Linux Installation and Administration
• The Linux kernel supports loadable modules,
which are managed using the lsmod, insmod,
rmmod, and modprobe commands
• You can provide boot parameters to the Linux
kernel at the boot manager selection prompt
• The Linux kernel starts the init program, which in
turn runs several scripts based on information
stored in the run level directories
• You can set up which services are activated at
boot time using the chkconfig command or using
various graphical utilities
• To avoid data loss, you must gracefully shut
down Linux using a command such as reboot,
halt, or shutdown
Guide to Linux Installation and Administration