Why are you giving this presentation?
Required Assignment
What is the primary purpose of your presentation? Check one and explain it.
Provide useful and relevant facts and details
Many people are not aware of the legal jury duty exemptions. So I hope my presentation
Will provide that information.
Persuade or influence how audience feels or acts
Show how something works or demonstrate a procedure
Provide hands-on experience, practice, and feedback
What are the secondary purposes for your presentation? Check and explain all that apply.
Provide useful and relevant facts and details
One or several of these exemptions may apply to an individual who views this presentation.
Persuade or influence how audience feels or acts
Show how something works or demonstrate a procedure
Provide hands-on experience, practice, and feedback
What should the audience know, feel, or do as a result of your presentation?
The audience will hopefully come away with an “I didn’t know that “ feeling. Mine is really an FYI (For Your Information) type of presentation. You don’t have to claim an exemption, it’s your choice.
What other outcomes are there for your presentation?
It may relieves someones mind as to not being able to serve on jury duty.