What do they expect to hear you talk about? About the Creator, the giver of life, the one and only God, and his son Jesus Christ, who came to give his life for the sins of the “world” so that we may have everlasting life in heaven. What general characteristics do you know about your audience? Age – +17yrs. Gender – Male & Female Experience with Topic – What God has shown me though Christ. Other – Every person in the “World” can come to know God though Christ. But they must be willing to follow him and him only. What does your audience need to know about the topic? General Background or overview – Who is God? Why things turned out the way they did. Details – The Creation, The 10 Commandments, Christ’s first coming, His Time on Earth, His death & his resurrection, and the Second coming. Jesus is God in the flesh Cost estimates – It costs nothing to receive Jesus Christ, only that you ask God in your heart to come to him through Christ our Lord. Other – God is not religion, God is salvation. How will your listeners use this information? Make decisions – Some will make the decision to follow the Lord, and other will not. This is and important decision in your life that everyone makes in they’re life. Although you maybe uncertain about your decision, God will help you, through the good and the bad. Perform tasks – Spread God’s word, come to know him through Jesus Christ. In the bible it says that no one shall come unto the Father but through ME!!(Jesus The Christ) Form an Opinion –Don’t choose what you believe. But know this, everlasting life exists only through Jesus Christ. Increase Understanding – Read the Bible. Talk to God, ask him for forgiveness for your sins, and he will forgive you. Other – What are your audience’s biggest concerns or objections? Not expensive – Again, it costs nothing to receive Jesus Christ, only that you ask him to come into your life and show you the way he wants you to go, and not the way that you want to go. How difficult – In the bible it says, “You will be hated for among men because of me.” This path is not an easy path, the devil makes it very easy to pull you away from the light, with things of the “World”, some of these things you might know of… Money, Drugs, Anger. The bible it says the devil will shine like a bright star, but the Lord will shine brighter. What do you want your audience to think, know or do as a result of this presentation? I hope by this presentation, I will bring at least one more person to the Lord. God has a plan, and I believe that he is working through me to spread his word to You. Sometimes we might not agree with that plan, and might not understand that plan, but we should trust in him because he will never forsake us. How will you focus your presentation? Chronology - The Creation(Heaven & Earth, Adam & Eve), Noah & the Ark, The 10 Commandments, Christ’s first coming, His Time on Earth, His Word, His death & his resurrection, and the Second Coming. Geographical Location – The Middle East region in modern day(Israel, Syria, Jordan, Egypt, Iraq, Turkey) Point of View – What are your main ideas for your presentation? Everlasting life, eternal happiness, and so much more. Without him NOTHING is possible, but with him ANYTHING is possible. How will you gain your audience’s attention? Question – Would you like to live forever? Statement – So who ever walks in the light of the lord shall have everlasting life. Why are you giving this presentation? So that I may spread the word of God to you, so that you may come to know God through Christ, because he is the only true way. What is the primary purpose of your presentation? To provide useful and relevant facts and details Persuade and influence the audience about God’s word. Show the audience how God had touched my life. What should the audience know, feel, or do as a result of your presentation? I am hoping that what my audience gets out of this presentation is that there is no other way to happiness but through Jesus Christ and God. Those that have come to know Christ will bare witness to everything in this presentation.