Chapter 18 /Grouping and Advanced Editing of Sketched Objects Learning Objectives: Group the sketched objects. Select and cycle through defined groups. Change properties and location of the sketched objects. Perform editing operations on polylines. Explode compound objects and undo previous commands. Rename named objects and remove unused named objects. Chapter 18 /Grouping and Advanced Editing of Sketched Objects Although an object belongs to a group, you can still select an object as if it did not belong to any group. Groups can be selected by entering the group name or by selecting an object that belongs to the group. You can also highlight the objects in a group or sequentially highlight the groups to which an object belongs. The Object Grouping dialog box can be displayed by invoking the GROUP command. • Group Name List • Group Identification Area • Create Group Area • Change Group Area Learning Objectives Chapter 18 /Grouping and Advanced Editing of Sketched Objects • Group Name List The Group Name list in the Object Grouping dialog box displays the names of the existing groups. The list box also displays whether or not a group is selectable under the Selectable column. A selectable group is one in which all members are selected on selecting a single member. Members that are in frozen or locked layers are not selected. You can also make a group not selectable. This allows you to select the objects in the group individually. • Group Identification Area The options under the Group Identification area are as follows. • Group Name • Highlight • Description • Include Unnamed • Find Name Learning Objectives Object Grouping Dialog box options Chapter 18 /Grouping and Advanced Editing of Sketched Objects • Group Name The Group Name edit box displays the name of the selected group. You can also use the Group Name edit box to enter the name of a new group. Group names can be up to thirtyone characters long and can include letters, numbers, and special characters ($, _, and -). Group names cannot have spaces. • Description The Description edit box displays the description of the selected group. It can be used to enter the description of a group. The description text can be up to sixty-four characters long, including spaces. Learning Objectives Group Identification Area options Chapter 18 /Grouping and Advanced Editing of Sketched Objects • Find Name The Find Name button is used to find the group name or names associated with an object. Once you select the object, the Group Member List dialog box (figure) will be displayed, showing the group name(s) to which the selected object belongs. • Highlight This button is available only when you select a group from the Group Name list box. When you choose the Highlight button, the objects that are members of the selected group are highlighted in the drawing and the Object Grouping dialog box (figure) is displayed. Learning Objectives The Group Member List dialog box The Object Grouping dialog box Group Identification Area options Chapter 18 /Grouping and Advanced Editing of Sketched Objects • Include Unnamed The Include Unnamed check box is used to display the names of the unnamed groups in the Object Grouping dialog box. The unnamed groups are created when you copy the objects that belong to a group. AutoCAD automatically groups and assigns a name to the copied objects. The format of the name is An (for example, *A1, *A2, *A3). If you select the Include Unnamed check box, the unnamed group names (*A1, *A2, *A3, ...) will also be displayed in the Group Name list box of the dialog box. The unnamed groups can also be created by not assigning a name to the group (see Unnamed in the next section, “Create Group Area”). Learning Objectives Group Identification Area options Chapter 18 /Grouping and Advanced Editing of Sketched Objects • Create Group Area The options under this area are as follows: • New • Selectable • Unnamed Learning Objectives Object Grouping Dialog box options Chapter 18 /Grouping and Advanced Editing of Sketched Objects • New The New button is used to create a new group. Enter the name of the group in the Group Name edit box and then choose this button. Once you choose the New button, the Object Grouping dialog box will be temporarily closed and you will be prompted to select objects to include in the group. After selecting the objects, the dialog box will be redisplayed and a new group is created from the selected objects. The new group name is now displayed in the Group Name list box of the dialog box. • Selectable The Selectable check box allows you to define a group as selectable. Doing so enables you to select the entire group by selecting any one object in the group. Even if a group is defined as selectable, and the PICKSTYLE system variable is set to 0, you will not be able to select the entire group by selecting one of its members. You will be able to individually select members of the group. Learning Objectives Create Group Area Chapter 18 /Grouping and Advanced Editing of Sketched Objects • Unnamed When you create a group, you can assign it a name or leave it unnamed. If you select the Unnamed check box, AutoCAD will automatically assign a group name to the selected objects and these unnamed groups are listed in the Group Name list box. To view the name of the unnamed group the Include Unnamed check box should be selected. The format of the name is An (*A1, *A2, *A3, ...), where n is a number incremented with each new unnamed group. Learning Objectives Create Group Area Chapter 18 /Grouping and Advanced Editing of Sketched Objects • Change Group Area All the options under this area, other than the Re-order button, will be available only when you highlight a group name by selecting it in the Group Name list box of the dialog box. This area of the Object Grouping dialog box modifies the properties of the existing group. The options are as follows. • Remove • Description • Add • Explode • Rename • Selectable • Re-Order Learning Objectives Object Grouping Dialog box options Chapter 18 /Grouping and Advanced Editing of Sketched Objects • Remove The Remove button is used to remove objects from the selected group. Once you select the group name from the Group Name list box and then choose the Remove button, the dialog box will be temporarily closed and AutoCAD will prompt you to select the objects to be removed. When you are selecting objects to be removed on the screen, you will notice that all the objects belonging to the selected group are highlighted. Now, as soon as you select the objects to remove it from the group, they no longer appear highlighted. • Add The Add button is used to add objects to the selected group. When you select this option, AutoCAD will prompt you to select the objects you want to add to the selected group. Similar to using the Remove option, all objects belonging to the selected group are highlighted and as soon as you select an object to be added to the group, it also gets highlighted. Learning Objectives Change Group Area Chapter 18 /Grouping and Advanced Editing of Sketched Objects • Rename The Rename button is used to rename the selected group. To rename a group, first select the group name from the Group Name list box and then enter the new name in the Group Name edit box. Then, choose the Rename button, and AutoCAD will rename the specified group. • Re-Order The Re-Order option allows you to change the order of the objects in the selected group. The objects are numbered in the order in which you select them when selecting objects for the group. Sometimes when creating a tool path, you may want to change the order of these objects to get a continuous tool motion. You can do this using the Re-Order option. The Order Group dialog box Learning Objectives Change Group Area Chapter 18 /Grouping and Advanced Editing of Sketched Objects Example 1 The following figure shows four objects that are in group G1. Determine the order of these objects and then reorder them in a clockwise direction. 1. Invoke the Object Grouping dialog box, and make the group (G1) current by selecting it in the Group Name list box. Changing the order of the group objects Learning Objectives Chapter 18 /Grouping and Advanced Editing of Sketched Objects 2. Choose the Re-Order button in the dialog box. The Order Group dialog box is displayed on the screen. Select group G1 in the Group Name list box, if not already selected, to highlight it. All the group names present in the current drawing are displayed in this list box. The Description area displays the corresponding description text that was entered in the Description edit box of the Object Grouping dialog box when defining the particular group. 3. Use the Highlight button to highlight the current order of individual objects in the selected group. When you choose the Highlight button, the Object Grouping dialog box is displayed. You can use the Next and Previous buttons to cycle through the group objects. figure A (a) shows the order of the objects in group G1. To create a tool path so that the tool moves in a clockwise direction, you need to reorder the objects as shown in figure A (b). Learning Objectives Figure (b) Using the Highlight option to view the order of the group objects Example 1 Chapter 18 /Grouping and Advanced Editing of Sketched Objects 4. To get a clockwise tool path, you must switch object numbers 1 and 2. You can do this by entering the necessary information in the Order Group dialog box. Enter 1 in the Remove from position {0-(n-1)} edit box and 2 in the Enter new position number for the object: {0-(n-1)} edit box. Enter 1 in the Number of objects (1-n) edit box, since there is only one object to be replaced. Here, n is the number of objects in the group. 5. After entering the information, choose the Re-Order button to define the new order of the objects. You can confirm the change by choosing the Highlight button again and cycling through the objects. Learning Objectives Example 1 Chapter 18 /Grouping and Advanced Editing of Sketched Objects • Description The Description button lets you change the description of the selected group. To change the description of a group, first select the group name from the Group Name list box, enter the new description in the Description edit box, and then choose the Description button. AutoCAD will update the description of the specified group. • Explode The Explode option deletes group definition of the selected group. The objects that were in the group become regular objects without a group reference. If you had made copies of the group that was exploded in a drawing, they shall remain as unnamed groups in the drawing. You can select the Include Unnamed check box in the Group Identification area of the Object Grouping dialog box to view the names of the unnamed groups in the Group Name list box. You can then select them in the list box and explode them or rename them as required. Learning Objectives Change Group Area Chapter 18 /Grouping and Advanced Editing of Sketched Objects • Selectable The Selectable button changes the selectable status of the selected group. To change the selectable status of the group, first select the group name from the Group Name list box, and then choose the Selectable button. This button acts like a toggle key between the options of selectable and not selectable. If the selectable status for a group is displayed as “Yes”, you can choose the Selectable button to change it to “No”. Selectable implies that the entire group gets selected when one object in the group is selected. If the selectable status is “No”, you cannot select the entire group by selecting one object in the group. Learning Objectives Change Group Area Chapter 18 /Grouping and Advanced Editing of Sketched Objects SELECTING GROUPS You can select a group by name by entering G at the Select objects prompt. For example, if you have to move a particular group, choose the Move button from the Modify toolbar. Instead of entering G at the Select Objects: prompt, if you select any member of a selectable group, all the group members get selected. Make sure that the PICKSTYLE system variable is set to 1 or 3. Also, the group selection can be turned on or off by pressing SHIFT+Ctrl+A. If the group selection is off and you want to erase a group from a drawing, invoke the Erase command from the Modify toolbar. If the group has not been defined as selectable, you cannot select all objects in the group, even if you turn the group selection on by pressing the SHIFT+Ctrl+A keys. This setting can also be changed in the Selection tab of the Options dialog box. You can select or clear the Object Grouping check box in the Selection Modes area of the dialog box to turn group selectability on or off. Learning Objectives Chapter 18 /Grouping and Advanced Editing of Sketched Objects CYCLING THROUGH GROUPS When you use the GROUP command to form object groups, AutoCAD lets you sequentially highlight the groups of which the selected object is a member. For example, assume that an object belongs to two different groups, and you want to highlight the objects in those groups. To accomplish this, press Ctrl at the Select objects prompt of any command and select the object that belongs to different groups. AutoCAD will highlight the objects in one of the groups. Press the pick button of your pointing device to cycle through the groups (figure). Choose the Erase command. Learning Objectives Cycling through different groups objects of Chapter 18 /Grouping and Advanced Editing of Sketched Objects CHANGING PROPERTIES AND LOCATION OF AN OBJECT • Using the PROPERTIES Palette Invoking the PROPERTIES command displays the PROPERTIES palette that can be used for changing properties of objects. Depending on the type of object selected, various categories are displayed. Depending on the type of object selected, the Geometry category will contain a set of different properties. You can select a type of object from the drop-down list and the corresponding categories of object properties are displayed in the palette. Learning Objectives • Selecting Line • Selecting MText • Selecting Circle • Selecting Attribute • Selecting Block Reference The PROPERTIES palette Chapter 18 /Grouping and Advanced Editing of Sketched Objects • Selecting Line If you have selected a line in the drawing, the Properties palette appears similar to what is shown in the figure, where you can change the properties of the selected object. • Start X/ Start Y/ Start Z The Start X/ Start Y/ Start Z fields in the Geometry category, display the start point coordinates of the selected line. You can enter new values in these fields or use the Pick Point button that appears in the field you click in. • End X/ End Y/ End Z You can also modify the location of the endpoint of a line by entering new coordinate values in the End X, End Y, End Z fields. You can also choose the Pick Point button in the respective fields and select a new location for the end point of the selected line. This Pick Point button appears in the fields when you click in them. Learning Objectives Properties Palette Chapter 18 /Grouping and Advanced Editing of Sketched Objects • Selecting Circle When you select a circle, the Geometry category displays the categories as displayed in figure. You can modify the values in these fields. • Center X/ Center Y/ Center Z You can specify a new location of the center point of the circle by entering new coordinate values in the Center X, Center Y, and Center Z fields. You can choose the Pick Point button to locate a new location of the center point of the circle. • Radius/ Diameter The Geometry category of the PROPERTIES palette for a circle You can enter a new value for the radius or diameter of the circle in the Radius or Diameter fields respectively. Learning Objectives Properties Palette Chapter 18 /Grouping and Advanced Editing of Sketched Objects • Selecting MText If you select mtext written in a drawing and invoke the PROPERTIES palette, apart from the General category, two more categories of properties are displayed: Text and Geometry. The properties under these two categories (figure) and how they can be modified are discussed next. • Contents • Height • Style • Rotation • Justify • Line space factor • Direction • Line space distance • Width • Line space style • Position X/ Position Y/ Position Z Learning Objectives The Geometry and Text categories of the PROPERTIES palette for text Properties Palette Chapter 18 /Grouping and Advanced Editing of Sketched Objects • Contents The current contents of the text are displayed in the Contents field under the Text category of the Properties palette. To modify the contents click in the field and the [...] button is displayed at the right corner of the field. You can then choose the [...] button to display the Multiline Text Editor where you can make the necessary modifications using the various options available in the dialog box. The changes you made are reflected in the value of the Contents field of the Properties palette and in the drawing. • Style When you click in the Style field in the Properties palette, a drop-down list of the defined text styles is displayed. By default only the Standard style is displayed. If you had defined more text styles in the drawing, they can be selected from the drop-down list and be applied to the current text in the drawing. Learning Objectives Selecting MText Chapter 18 /Grouping and Advanced Editing of Sketched Objects • Justify All the text justification options are available in the Justify drop-down list. This drop-down list is available when you click in the Justify field. By default, the Top left justification is applied to the text. You can select a text justification from the drop-down list to be applied to the selected text in the drawing. • Direction This drop-down list displays the possible directions for the text. This option is generally available for the multiline text objects. • Width In the Width field you can enter a new value for the paragraph text width. The changes are evident when you have multiline text in the drawing. You can increase or decrease the value of the paragraph text. Learning Objectives Selecting MText Chapter 18 /Grouping and Advanced Editing of Sketched Objects • Height You can enter a new value for the selected text in the drawing. The default text height is 0.2. But, you can make the text smaller or larger in the drawing by simply entering a new value in the Height field of the PROPERTIES palette. • Rotation This field displays the current angle of the selected text and is 0-degree, by default. You can change the angle of rotation of the text by entering an angle by which you want to rotate the selected text in the Rotation field and then pressing ENTER. • Line space factor The effect of changing the value of this field is more evident when you have selected paragraph or multiline text. This value controls the spacing between lines in a paragraph or multiline text. You can increase or decrease the spacing between the lines of the selected paragraph text by entering a new scale factor of your choice and pressing ENTER. Learning Objectives Selecting MText Chapter 18 /Grouping and Advanced Editing of Sketched Objects • Line space distance This field is used to modify the distance between the spacing of each line of the mtext. Click in this field and enter the new value in it. • Line space style This field when selected displays the two line spacing options in the corresponding dropdown list. They are Exactly and At least. At least is the default option. • Position X/Position Y/Position Z You can change the location of the insertion point of the selected text by entering new X/Y/Z coordinates for the text in the Position X/Position Y/Position Z fields under the Geometry category in the PROPERTIES palette. You can also use the Pick Points button that is displayed in these fields when you click in them. When you choose the Pick Points button, a rubber-band line is attached between the cursor and the selected text and you can move the cursor and specify a new location for the text on the screen. Learning Objectives Selecting MText Chapter 18 /Grouping and Advanced Editing of Sketched Objects • Selecting Block Reference When you select a block in the drawing and invoke the PROPERTIES palette, apart from the General category, two more categories containing the properties of the block are available. They are Geometry and Misc. The properties under these categories are: • Position X/ Position Y/ Position Z • Scale X/ Scale Y/ Scale Z • Name • Rotation Learning Objectives Properties Palette Chapter 18 /Grouping and Advanced Editing of Sketched Objects • Position X/ Position Y/ Position Z Here under the Position X/ Position Y/ Position Z field of Geometry category you can enter new X, Y, and Z coordinates for the selected block. The block reference shall move to the new location as you specify. You can also click in any one of the fields to display the Pick Points button and choose it to specify a new location for the block on the screen. • Scale X/ Scale Y/ Scale Z You can specify new X, Y, and Z scale factors for the selected block in the Scale X, Scale Y, and Scale Z fields respectively. The current scale factors for the block are displayed in the Scale X, Scale Y, and Scale Z fields and as you change them, the modifications are reflected in the drawing. Learning Objectives Selecting Block Reference Chapter 18 /Grouping and Advanced Editing of Sketched Objects • Name This field under the Misc category displays the name of the selected block reference and is not available for modifications. • Rotation This field specifies the current angle of rotation of the selected block. You can specify a new angle of rotation for the selected block in this field. After specifying an angle, when you press ENTER, the selected block in the drawing is rotated through the specified angle. Learning Objectives Selecting Block Reference Chapter 18 /Grouping and Advanced Editing of Sketched Objects • Selecting Attribute When you select an attribute before converting it into a block, apart from the General category, the other three categories under which the properties of an attribute are displayed are Text, Geometry, and Misc. Learning Objectives • Tag • Rotation • Prompt • Width Factor • Value • Obliquing • Style • Text alignment X/Text alignment Y/Text alignment Z • Justify • Position X/ Position Y/ Position Z • Height • Misc Properties Palette Chapter 18 /Grouping and Advanced Editing of Sketched Objects • Tag This field under the Misc category displays the name of the selected block reference and is not available for modifications. • Prompt You can also change the text of the prompt and enter a new prompt value in the Prompt field. • Value This field displays the default value of the selected attribute. You can change this default value by entering a new value in the Value field. • Style When you click on this field, the Style drop-down list is available. You can select a style for the attribute text from this drop-down list. Learning Objectives Selecting Attribute Chapter 18 /Grouping and Advanced Editing of Sketched Objects • Justify You can select an attribute text justification from the Justification drop-down list. • Height You can change the height of the selected attribute text by entering a new value in this field. • Rotation You can also rotate the selected attribute text through an angle that you specify in the Rotation field. • Width Factor You can modify the width factor of the attribute text by entering a new value in the Width Factor field of the Properties window. Learning Objectives Selecting Attribute Chapter 18 /Grouping and Advanced Editing of Sketched Objects • Obliquing The attribute text can also be made slanting by entering an obliquing angle in the Obliquing field of the Properties window. • Text alignment X/Text alignment Y/Text alignment Z The Text alignment X/Text alignment Y/Text alignment Z fields of the Geometry category display the X, Y, and Z coordinates of the alignment point of the selected attribute. Note that these fields will be available only if you modify the properties such as the text alignment of the attributes while defining them. If these fields are available and you click on them, the Pick Point button appears in the field. You can use this button to specify the new location of the attribute. Learning Objectives Selecting Attribute Chapter 18 /Grouping and Advanced Editing of Sketched Objects • Position X/Position Y/Position Z You can enter new X, Y, and Z coordinates in the Position X, Position Y, and Position Z fields of the Geometry category to relocate the attribute text. You can also choose the Pick Points button that is displayed in these fields when you click in them to relocate the selected attribute text. • Misc Under the Misc category, you can redefine the attribute modes that have been defined at the time of the attribute definition. You can also make the attribute text appear upside-down or backwards by selecting Yes from the Upside-down drop-down list and the Backward drop-down list respectively. Learning Objectives Selecting Attribute Chapter 18 /Grouping and Advanced Editing of Sketched Objects • Using the CHANGE Command With the help of the CHANGE command, you can change some of the characteristics associated with an object, such as location, color, layer, lineweight, and linetype. You can also change the geometry of the object using this command. The CHANGE command has two options, Change point and Properties, which are discussed next. • Change Point Option • The Properties Option Learning Objectives Changing Properties Chapter 18 /Grouping and Advanced Editing of Sketched Objects • Change Point Option You can change various features and the location of an object with the Change point option of the CHANGE command. The following are some of them: • To change the endpoint of a line. • To change various features associated with the text • To change the properties of an attribute definition text. • You can also change the position of an existing block and specify a new rotation angle to it using the CHANGE command. • The radius of a circle can also be changed with the Change point option of the CHANGE command by specifying the new radius in the case of the circle. Learning Objectives CHANGE Command Chapter 18 /Grouping and Advanced Editing of Sketched Objects • The Properties Option The Properties option can be used to change the characteristics associated with an object. • Changing the layer of an object • Changing the color of an object • Changing the thickness of an object • Changing the lineweight of an object • Changing the linetype/ Linetype of an object • Changing the elevation of an object Learning Objectives CHANGE Command Chapter 18 /Grouping and Advanced Editing of Sketched Objects • Changing the layer of an object If you want to change the layer on which an object exists and other characteristics associated with layers, you can use the LAyer option of the Properties option. • Changing the color of an object You can change the color of the selected object with the Color option of the CHANGE command. If you want to change the color and linetype to match the layer, you can use the Properties option of the CHANGE command and then, change the color or linetype by entering BYLAYER at the Enter new color: prompt. • Changing the thickness of an object You can also change the thickness of the selected object in a similar manner. After you have invoked the Change command and selected the object to change, use the Properties option and enter T at the Enter property to change prompt. You are then prompted to enter the new thickness you want to assign to the selected object. Learning Objectives The Properties Option Chapter 18 /Grouping and Advanced Editing of Sketched Objects • Changing the lineweight of an object You can similarly also change the lineweight of the selected object by using the LWeight option of the CHANGE command. Since the lineweight values are predefined, if you enter a value that is not predefined, a predefined value of lineweight, which comes closest to the specified value, is assigned to the selected object. • Changing the linetype/ Linetype scale of an object Similarly, you can change the linetype, and linetype scale of the selected objects by entering the appropriate option at the Enter property to change prompt. • Changing the elevation of an object You can also change the Z-axis elevation of a selected object by entering E at the Enter property to change...: prompt, provided all the points in the particular object have the same Z value. After changing the elevation value of an object, you can view the changes in a 3D view. Learning Objectives The Properties Option Chapter 18 /Grouping and Advanced Editing of Sketched Objects • Using the CHPROP Command You can also use the CHPROP command to change the properties of an object using the command line. The prompt sequence is as follows: Command: CHPROP Select objects: Select the object whose properties you want to change. Select objects: « Enter property to change [Color/LAyer/LType/ltScale/LWeight/Thickness]: Specify the property to be modified. Learning Objectives Changing Properties Chapter 18 /Grouping and Advanced Editing of Sketched Objects Exercise 1 Draw a hexagon on layer OBJ in red color. Let the linetype be hidden. Now, use the PROPERTIES command to change the layer to some other existing layer, the color to yellow, and the linetype to continuous. Also, in the PROPERTIES palette, under the Geometry category, specify a vertex in the Vertex field or select one using the arrow (Next or Previous) buttons and then relocate it. The values of the Vertex X and Vertex Y fields changes as the coordinate values of the vertices changes. Also, notice the change in the value in the Area field. You can also assign a start and end lineweight to each of the hexagon segments between the specified vertices. Use the LIST command to verify that the changes have taken place. Learning Objectives Chapter 18 /Grouping and Advanced Editing of Sketched Objects EXPLODING COMPOUND OBJECTS The EXPLODE command is used to split compound objects such as blocks, polylines, regions, polyface meshes, polygon meshes, multilines, 3D solids, 3D meshes, bodies, or dimensions into the basic objects that make them up (figure). Using the EXPLODE command Learning Objectives Chapter 18 /Grouping and Advanced Editing of Sketched Objects Upon exploding 3D solids, the planar surfaces of the 3D solid turn into regions, and nonplanar surfaces turn into bodies. Multilines are changed to lines. Regions turn into lines, ellipses, splines, or arcs. Two-dimensional polylines lose their width and tangent specifications and 3D polylines explode into lines. When a body is exploded, it changes into single-surface bodies, curves, or regions. When a leader is exploded, the components are lines, splines, solids, block inserts, text or Mtext, tolerance objects and so on. Mtext explodes into single line text. After you invoke the EXPLODE command, you are prompted to select the objects you want to explode. After selecting the objects, press ENTER or right-click to explode the selected objects and then end the command. When a block or dimension is exploded, there is no visible change in the drawing. The drawing remains the same except that the color and linetype may have changed because of floating layers, colors, or linetypes. The exploded block is turned into a group of objects that can be modified separately. To check whether the explosion of the block has taken place, select any object that was a part of the block. If the block has been exploded, only that particular object will be highlighted. With the EXPLODE command, only one nesting level is exploded at a time. Learning Objectives EXPLODE Chapter 18 /Grouping and Advanced Editing of Sketched Objects EDITING POLYLINES A polyline can assume various characteristics such as width, linetype, joined polyline, and closed polyline. You can edit polylines, polygons, or rectangles to attain the desired characteristics using the PEDIT command. In this section, we will be discussing how to edit simple 2D polylines. The following are the editing operations that can be performed on an existing polyline using the PEDIT command. 1. A polyline of varying widths can be converted to a polyline of uniform width. 2. An open polyline can be closed and a closed one can be opened. 3. You can remove bends and curved segments between two vertices to make a straight polyline. 4. A polyline can be split up into two. Learning Objectives Chapter 18 /Grouping and Advanced Editing of Sketched Objects 5. If you select an entity that is not a polyline to edit using the PEDIT command, you are prompted to specify whether you want the entity to be converted into a polyline. You can avoid this prompt by setting the value of the PEDITACCEPT variable to 1. 6. Multiline polylines can be edited. 7. The appearance of a polyline can be changed by moving and adding vertices. 8. Curves of arcs and B-spline curves can be fit to all vertices in a polyline, with the specification of the tangent of each vertex being optional. 9. The linetype generation at the vertices of a polyline can be controlled. 10. Multiple polylines can be joined together to form a single polyline. Learning Objectives Editing Polylines Chapter 18 /Grouping and Advanced Editing of Sketched Objects • Editing Single Polyline Apart from the methods displayed in the PEDIT command box as shown, you can also invoke the PEDIT command by choosing Polyline Edit from the shortcut menu that is displayed when you select a polyline and right-click. You can use the PEDIT command to edit any type of polyline. When you invoke this command you are prompted to select a polyline. The various options available in Single polyline selection method are: Learning Objectives • Close (C) option • Fit option • Open (O) option • Spline option • Join (J) option • Decurve option • Width (W) option • Ltype gen option • Edit Vertex (E) option • Undo option Chapter 18 /Grouping and Advanced Editing of Sketched Objects • Close (C) option This option is used to close an open polyline. Close creates the segment that connects the last segment of the polyline to the first. You will get this option only if the polyline is not closed. • Open (O) option If the selected polyline is closed, the Close option is replaced by the Open option. Entering O, for open, removes the closing segment. The Close and the Open options Learning Objectives Editing Single Polyline Chapter 18 /Grouping and Advanced Editing of Sketched Objects • Join (J) option This option appends lines, polylines, or arcs whose endpoints meet a selected polyline at any of its endpoints and adds (joins) them to it. This option can be used only if a polyline is open. After this option has been selected, AutoCAD asks you to select objects. Once you have chosen the objects to be joined to the original polyline, AutoCAD examines them to determine whether any of them has an endpoint in common with the current polyline, and joins such an object with the original polyline. The line touching a polyline at its endpoint to form a T will not be joined. If two lines meet a polyline in a Y shape, only one of them will be selected, and this selection is unpredictable. Learning Objectives Using the Join option Editing Single Polyline Chapter 18 /Grouping and Advanced Editing of Sketched Objects • Width (W) option The W option allows you to define a new, unvarying width for all segments of a polyline as shown in the figure (a). It changes the width of a polyline with a constant or a varying width. The desired new width can be specified either by entering the width at the keyboard or by specifying the width as the distance between two specified points. The following figure (b) shows the change in width of the given polyline in the figure from 0.02 to 0.05. Learning Objectives Figure (a) Making the width of a polyline uniform Figure (b) Entering a new width of all segments Editing Single Polyline Chapter 18 /Grouping and Advanced Editing of Sketched Objects • Edit Vertex (E) option The Edit vertex option lets you select a vertex of a polyline and perform different editing operations on the vertex and the segments following it. A polyline segment has two vertices. The first one is at the start point of the polyline segment; the other one is at the endpoint of the segment. When you invoke this option, an X marker appears on the screen at the first vertex of the selected polyline. If a tangent direction has been specified for this particular vertex, an arrow is generated in that direction. The options available for the Edit vertex option are : • Next and Previous options •Straighten option • Break option • Tangent option • Insert option • Width option • Move option • eXit option • Regen option Learning Objectives Editing Single Polyline Chapter 18 /Grouping and Advanced Editing of Sketched Objects • Next and Previous options These options move the X marker to the next or the previous vertex of a polyline. The default value in the Edit vertex is one of these two options. In this manner, the Next and Previous options help you to move the X marker to any vertex of the polyline by selecting one of these two options, and then pressing Enter to reach the desired vertex. These options cycle back and forth between first and last vertices, but cannot move past the first or last vertices, even if the polyline is closed. The Next and Previous options Learning Objectives Edit Vertex (E) Option Chapter 18 /Grouping and Advanced Editing of Sketched Objects • Break option With the Break option, you can remove a portion of the polyline or break it at a single point. The breaking of the polyline can be specified between any two vertices. By specifying two different vertices, all the polyline segments and vertices between the specified vertices are erased. If one of the selected vertices is at the endpoint of the polyline, the Break option will erase all the segments between the first vertex and the endpoint of the polyline. The last two selections of vertices are treated as invalid by AutoCAD, which acknowledges this by displaying the message *Invalid*. Learning Objectives Using the Break option Edit Vertex (E) Option Chapter 18 /Grouping and Advanced Editing of Sketched Objects • Insert option The Insert option allows you to define a new vertex and add it to the polyline. You can invoke this option by entering I for Insert. You should invoke this option only after you have moved the marker (X) to the vertex after which the new vertex is to be added. The new vertex is inserted immediately after the vertex with the X mark. Using the Insert option to define new vertex points Learning Objectives Edit Vertex (E) Option Chapter 18 /Grouping and Advanced Editing of Sketched Objects • Move option This option lets you move the X-marked vertex to a new position. Before invoking the Move option, you must move the X marker to the vertex you want to relocate by selecting the Next or Previous option. • Regen option The Regen option regenerates the polyline to display the effects of edits you have made, without having to exit the vertex mode editing. It is used most often with the Width option. Learning Objectives The Move option Edit Vertex (E) Option Chapter 18 /Grouping and Advanced Editing of Sketched Objects • Straighten option The Straighten option can be used to straighten polyline segments or arcs between specified vertices. It deletes the arcs, line segments, or vertices between the two specified vertices and substitutes them with one polyline segment. The polyline segments between two marker locations are replaced by a single straight line segment. If you specify a single vertex, the segment following the specified vertex is straightened, if it is curved. Using the Straighten option to straighten polylines Learning Objectives Edit Vertex (E) Option Chapter 18 /Grouping and Advanced Editing of Sketched Objects • Tangent option The Tangent option is used to associate a tangent direction to the current vertex (marked by X). The tangent direction is used in curve fitting or the Fit option of the PEDIT command. This option is discussed in detail in the subsequent section on curve fitting. You can specify the direction of the vertex tangent by entering an angle at the previous prompt or by selecting a point to express the direction with respect to the current vertex. You can then move the marker to another vertex using the Next or Previous options and change its direction of tangent or enter X to exit the Enter a vertex editing option prompt. Learning Objectives Edit Vertex (E) Option Chapter 18 /Grouping and Advanced Editing of Sketched Objects • Width option The Width option lets you change the starting and the ending widths of a polyline segment that follows the current vertex. By default, the ending width is equal to the starting width and hence, you can get a polyline segment of uniform width by pressing ENTER at the Specify ending width for next segment <starting width> prompt. You can also specify different starting and ending widths to get a varying-width polyline. • eXit option This option lets you exit the Vertex mode editing and Using the Width option to change return to the main PEDIT prompt. the width of a polyline Learning Objectives Edit Vertex (E) Option Chapter 18 /Grouping and Advanced Editing of Sketched Objects • Fit option The Fit or Fit curve option generates a curve that passes through all the corners (vertices) of the polyline, using the tangent directions of the vertices. The curve is composed of a series of arcs passing through the corners (vertices) of the polyline. This option is used when you draw a polyline with sharp corners and need to convert it into a series of smooth curves. The vertices of the polyline are also known as the control points. The closer together these control points are, the smoother the curve. The Fit option Learning Objectives Editing Single Polyline Chapter 18 /Grouping and Advanced Editing of Sketched Objects • Spline option The Spline option also smooths the corners of a straight segment polyline, as does the Fit option, but the curve passes through only the first and the last control points (vertices), except in the case of a closed polyline. The spline curve is stretched toward the other control points (vertices) but does not pass through them, as in the case of the Fit option. The greater the number of control points, the greater the force with which the curve is stretched toward them. The Spline option Learning Objectives Chapter 18 /Grouping and Advanced Editing of Sketched Objects There are two types of spline curves: Quadratic B-spline Cubic B-spline Both of them pass through the first and the last control points. Cubic curves are very smooth. A cubic curve passes through the first and last control points, and the curve is closer to the other control points. Quadratic curves are not as smooth as the cubic ones, but they are smoother than the curves produced by the Fit curve option. A quadratic curve passes through the first and last control points, and the rest of the curve is tangent to the polyline segments between the remaining control points (figure). Learning Objectives Comparison of fit curve, quad B-spline, and cubic B-spline Chapter 18 /Grouping and Advanced Editing of Sketched Objects Generation of different types of spline curves. If you want to edit a polyline into a B-spline curve, you are first required to enter a relevant value in the SPLINETYPE system variable. A value of 5 produces the quadratic curve, whereas 6 produces a cubic curve. You can change the value of the SPLINETYPE variable using the command line. You can also set the value of the variable by selecting the Polyvars option in the PEDIT screen menu as shown in the figure. On doing so, the Set Spline Fit Variables dialog box is displayed, see figure. You can select any type of curve from the list available. Learning Objectives The Set Spline Fit Variables dialog box Chapter 18 /Grouping and Advanced Editing of Sketched Objects SPLINESEGS The system variable SPLINESEGS governs the number of line segments used to construct the spline curves, so you can use this variable to control the smoothness of the curve. With this value, a reasonably smooth curve that does not need much regeneration time is generated. The greater the value of this variable, the smoother the curve, but greater regeneration time, and more space occupied by the drawing file. Using the SPLINESEGS variable Learning Objectives Editing Single Polyline Chapter 18 /Grouping and Advanced Editing of Sketched Objects • Decurve option The Decurve option straightens the curves generated after using the Fit or Spline option on a polyline. They return to their original shape. The polyline segments are straightened using the Decurve option. The vertices inserted after using the Fit or Spline option are also removed. You can also use this command to straighten out any curve drawn with the help of the Arc option of the PLINE command. Enter D at the Enter an option [Close/Join/Width/Edit vertex/Fit/Spline/Decurve /Ltype gen/Undo]: prompt to invoke the Decurve option of the PEDIT command. Learning Objectives The Decurve option Editing Single Polyline Chapter 18 /Grouping and Advanced Editing of Sketched Objects • Ltype gen Option You can use this option to control the linetype pattern generation for linetypes other than Continuous with respect to the vertices of the polyline. This option has two modes ON and OFF. If turned off, the break in the noncontinuous linetypes will be avoided at the vertices of the polyline and a continuous segment will be displayed at the vertices. If turned on, this option generates the linetype in a continuous pattern such that the gaps may be displayed at the vertices. The linetype generation for new polylines can also be controlled with the help of the PLINEGEN system variable. Entering a value of 1, turns on the Ltype gen option. Learning Objectives Using the Ltype gen option Editing Single Polyline Chapter 18 /Grouping and Advanced Editing of Sketched Objects • Undo (U) Option The Undo option negates the effect of the most recent PEDIT operation. You can go back as far as you need to in the current PEDIT session by using the Undo option repeatedly until you get the desired screen. If you started editing by converting an object into a polyline, and you want to change the polyline back to the object from which it was created, the Undo option of the PEDIT command will not work. In this case, you will have to exit to the Command prompt and use the UNDO command to undo the operation. Learning Objectives Editing Single Polyline Chapter 18 /Grouping and Advanced Editing of Sketched Objects • Editing Multiple Polylines Selecting the Multiple option of the PEDIT command allows you to select more than one polyline for editing. You can select the polylines using any of the objects selection techniques. After the objects to be edited are selected, press ENTER or right-click to proceed with the command. • Join • Extend • Add • Both Learning Objectives Chapter 18 /Grouping and Advanced Editing of Sketched Objects • Join This option is used to join more than one polylines that may or may not be in contact with each other. Even the polylines that are not coincident can be joined using this option. The polylines are joined using Fuzz distance. • Extend This option extends or trims the selected polylines at the endpoints that are nearest to each other. Keep in mind that the segments of selected polylines that are nearest to each other should not be parallel. This means that the segments that are nearest to each other should intersect at some point when extended. Learning Objectives Joining two polylines using the Extend option Editing Multiple Polyline Chapter 18 /Grouping and Advanced Editing of Sketched Objects • Add Joins the selected polylines by drawing a straight line between the nearest endpoints, see figure. The fuzz distance should be greater then the actual distance between the two endpoints to be joined. • Both This option joins the endpoints by extending or trimming if possible; otherwise, it adds a line segment between the two endpoints. Joining two polylines using the Add option Learning Objectives Editing Multiple Polyline Chapter 18 /Grouping and Advanced Editing of Sketched Objects Exercise 2 a. Draw a line from point (0,0) to point (6,6). Convert the line into a polyline with starting width 0.30 and ending width 0.00. b. Draw different polylines of varying width segments and then use the Join option to join all the segments into one polyline. After joining the different segments, make the width of the segments uniform, with the Width option. Learning Objectives Chapter 18 /Grouping and Advanced Editing of Sketched Objects Exercise 3 a. Draw a staircase-shaped polyline, then use different options of the PEDIT command to generate a fit curve, a quadratic B-spline, and a cubic B-spline. Then, convert the curves back into the original polyline. b. Draw square-wave-shaped polylines, and use different options of the Edit vertex option to navigate around the polyline, split the polyline into two at the third vertex, insert more vertices at different locations in the original polyline, and convert the square-wave-shaped polyline into a straight-line polyline. Learning Objectives Chapter 18 /Grouping and Advanced Editing of Sketched Objects UNDOING THE PREVIOUS COMMANDS The UNDO command is used to undo a previous command or to undo more than one command at one time. This command can be invoked by entering UNDO at the Command prompt. Undo is also available from the Edit menu and the Standard toolbar, but this can only undo the previous command and only one command at a time. If you right-click in the drawing area a shortcut menu is displayed. Choose Undo. You can use U as many times as you want until AutoCAD displays the message: Nothing to undo. When an operation can not be undone, the message name is displayed but no action takes place. External commands such as PLOT can not be undone. The various options of this command are : • Number (N) Option • Begin (BE) and End (E) Options • Control (C) Option • Mark (M) and Back Options • Auto (A) Option Learning Objectives Chapter 18 /Grouping and Advanced Editing of Sketched Objects • Number (N) Option This is the default option. This number represents the number of previous command sequences to be deleted. For example, if the number entered is 1, the previous command is undone; if the number entered is 4, the previous four commands are undone, and so on. This is identical to invoking the U command four times, except that only one regeneration takes place. AutoCAD lets you know which commands were undone by displaying a message after you press Enter. • Control (C) Option This option lets you determine how many of the options are active in the UNDO command. You can disable the options you do not need. With this option you can even disable the UNDO command. To access this option, type C. The various options available under this option are: • All Learning Objectives • None (N) • One (O) Undoing Commands Chapter 18 /Grouping and Advanced Editing of Sketched Objects • All The All option activates all the features (options) of the UNDO command. • None (N) This option turns off UNDO and the U command. If you have used the BEgin and End options or Mark and Back options to create UNDO information, all of that information is undone. • One (O) This option turns off UNDO and the U command. If you have used the BEgin and End options or Mark and Back options to create UNDO information, all of that information is undone. Learning Objectives Control (C) Option Chapter 18 /Grouping and Advanced Editing of Sketched Objects • Auto (A) Option This option is On by default and every menu item is a single operation. When you use the Begin and End options to group a series of commands as a single operation, entering U at the Command prompt removes the objects individually and not as a group, if the Auto option is On. But if the Auto option is Off, entering U at the Command prompt will remove the entire group of objects, you had grouped using the Begin and End options in one single operation. • BEgin (BE) and End (E) Options A group of commands is treated as one command for the U and UNDO commands (provided Auto option is Off) by embedding the commands between the BEgin and End options of the UNDO command. If you anticipate the removal of a group of successive commands later in a drawing, you can use this option, since all of the commands after the BEgin option and before the End option are treated as a single command by the U command, (if the Auto option is Off). See Example 2. Learning Objectives Undoing Commands Chapter 18 /Grouping and Advanced Editing of Sketched Objects Example 2 Enter the following commands in the same sequence as given, and notice the changes that take place on screen. Circle POLYGON UNDO Begin (Make sure that the Auto is OFF) PLINE TRACE U DONUT Learning Objectives Chapter 18 /Grouping and Advanced Editing of Sketched Objects UNDO End TEXT U U U U The first U command will undo the TRACE command. If you repeat the U command, the PLINE command will be undone. Any further invoking of the U command will not undo any previously drawn object (POLYGON and CIRCLE, in this case), because after the PLINE is undone you have an UNDO BEgin. Only after you enter UNDO End can you undo the POLYGON and the CIRCLE. Learning Objectives Example 2 Chapter 18 /Grouping and Advanced Editing of Sketched Objects In the example, the second U command will undo the TEXT command, the third U command will undo the DONUT and PLINE commands (these are enclosed in the group), the fourth U command will undo the POLYGON command, and the fifth U command will undo the CIRCLE command. Whenever the commands in a group are undone, the name of each command or operation is not displayed as it is undone. Only the name, GROUP, is displayed. Example 2 Learning Objectives BEgin (BE) and End (E) options Chapter 18 /Grouping and Advanced Editing of Sketched Objects • Mark (M) and Back Options The Mark option installs a marker in the Undo file. The Back option lets you undo all the operations until the mark. In other words, the Back option returns the drawing to the point where the previous mark was inserted. Once all the marks have been exhausted with the successive Back options, any further invoking of the Back option displays the message: This will undo everything. OK? <Y>. If you enter Y (Yes) at this prompt, all the operations carried out since you entered the current drawing session will be undone. If you enter N (No) at this prompt, the Back option will be disregarded. You cannot undo certain commands and system variables, for example, DIST, LIST, DELAY, NEW, OPEN, QUIT, AREA, HELP, PLOT, QSAVE and SAVE, among many more. Actually, these commands have no effect that can be undone. Commands that change operating modes (GRID, UNITS, SNAP, ORTHO) can be undone, though the effect may not be apparent at first. Learning Objectives Undoing Commands Chapter 18 /Grouping and Advanced Editing of Sketched Objects REVERSING THE UNDO OPERATION If you right-click in the drawing area, a shortcut menu is displayed. Choose Redo to invoke the REDO command. The REDO command brings back the process you removed previously using the U and UNDO commands. This command undoes the last UNDO command, but it must be entered immediately after the UNDO command and the objects previously undone reappear on the screen. Learning Objectives Chapter 18 /Grouping and Advanced Editing of Sketched Objects RENAMING NAMED OBJECTS You can edit the names of named objects such as blocks, dimension styles, layers, linetypes, styles, UCS, views, and viewports using the Rename dialog box, see figure. You can select the type of named object from the list provided in the Named Objects area of the dialog box. Corresponding names of all the objects of the specified type that can be renamed are displayed in the Items area. Rename dialog box Learning Objectives Chapter 18 /Grouping and Advanced Editing of Sketched Objects For example, if you want to rename the layer named LOCKED to HID, the process will be as follows: 1. Select Layers in the Named Objects list box. All the layer names in the current drawing that can be renamed are displayed in the Items list box. 2. Select LOCKED in the Items list box to highlight it. LOCKED gets displayed in the Old Name edit box. 3. Enter HID in the Rename To edit box, and choose the OK button. Now the layer named LOCKED is renamed to HID. You can invoke the Rename dialog box again, view the Layer Control drop-down list in the Object properties toolbar, or invoke the Layer properties Manager dialog box to notice this change. You can rename blocks, dimension styles, linetypes, styles, UCS, views, and viewports in the same way. Learning Objectives Chapter 18 /Grouping and Advanced Editing of Sketched Objects REMOVING UNUSED NAMED OBJECTS You can delete unused named objects such as blocks, layers, dimension styles, linetypes, text styles, and shapes with the help of the PURGE command. For example, when you create a new drawing, the prototype drawing settings may contain various text styles, blocks, and layers which you do not want to use. Also, you may want to delete particular unused named objects such as unused blocks, in an existing drawing. With the PURGE command, you can select the named objects you want to delete. When you invoke the Purge command, the Purge dialog box is displayed as shown in the figure. The various options available under Purge dialog box are: • View items you can purge Learning Objectives • View items you cannot purge Purge dialog box with items that can be purged Chapter 18 /Grouping and Advanced Editing of Sketched Objects • View items you can purge When this radio button is selected, AutoCAD displays the tree view of all the named objects that are in the current drawing and those can be purged. When this radio button is chosen, Items not used in drawing area, and two check boxes Confirm each item to be purged, the Purge nested items are displayed in the dialog box. These are as follows. • Items not used in drawing • Confirm each item to be purged • Purge nested items Learning Objectives Purge dialog Box (Options) Chapter 18 /Grouping and Advanced Editing of Sketched Objects • Items not used in drawing This area lists all the named objects that can be purged. You can list the items of any object type by choosing the plus (+) sign or by double-clicking on the named object in the tree view. Select them to purge. You can select more then one item by holding down the shift key and selecting the items. • Confirm each item to be purged This check box is selected to confirm before purging the selected item. The Confirm Purge dialog box is displayed when items are selected to purge and after the Purge or Purge All buttons are chosen. You can confirm or cancel the items to be purged in this dialog box. • Purge nested items This check box, when selected, removes all the nested items not in use. This removes the nested items only when you select the Purge All button or select blocks. Learning Objectives View items you Can purge Chapter 18 /Grouping and Advanced Editing of Sketched Objects • View items you cannot purge This radio button is selected to display the tree view of the items you cannot purge. These items are those that are used in the current drawing or are default items that cannot be removed, see figure. Choosing this radio button displays the tree view in the Items currently used in drawing area of the dialog box. When you select an object in this tree view, information about why you cannot purge this object is displayed below the tree view. Learning Objectives Purge dialog box with items that cannot be removed Purge dialog Box (Options) Chapter 18 /Grouping and Advanced Editing of Sketched Objects SETTING SELECTION MODES USING THE OPTIONS DIALOG BOX When you select a number of objects, the selected objects form a selection set. Selection of the objects is controlled in the Options dialog box (see figure) that is invoked by the OPTIONS command. Six selection modes are provided in the Selection tab of this dialog box. You can select any one of these modes or a combination of various modes. Learning Objectives The Selection tab of the Options dialog box Chapter 18 /Grouping and Advanced Editing of Sketched Objects Six selection modes are provided in the Selection tab of Options dialog box. You can select any one of these modes or a combination of various modes. • Noun/Verb Selection • Object grouping • Use Shift to Add to Selection • Associative Hatch • Press and Drag • Pickbox Size • Implied Windowing Learning Objectives Chapter 18 /Grouping and Advanced Editing of Sketched Objects • Noun/Verb Selection By selecting the Noun/Verb Selection check box, you can select the objects (noun) first and then specify the operation (verb) (command) to be performed on the selection set. This mode is active by default. For example, if you want to move some objects when the mode Noun/Verb Selection is enabled, first select the objects to be moved, and then invoke the MOVE command. The objects selected are highlighted automatically when the MOVE command is invoked, and AutoCAD does not issue any Select objects prompt. The following commands can be used on the selected objects when the Noun/Verb Selection mode is active: ARRAY DVIEW MOVE Learning Objectives BLOCK EXPLODE PROPERTIES CHANGE ERASE ROTATE CHPROP LIST SCALE COPY MIRROR WBLOCK Chapter 18 /Grouping and Advanced Editing of Sketched Objects The following are some of the commands that are not affected by the Noun/Verb Selection mode. You are required to specify the objects (noun) on which an operation (command/verb) is to be performed, after specifying the command (verb): BREAK CHAMFER DIVIDE EDGESURF FILLET MEASURE OFFSET REVSURF TABSURF TRIM EXTEND RULESURF When the Noun/Verb Selection mode is active, the PICKFIRST system variable is set to 1 (On). In other words, you can also activate the Noun/Verb Selection mode by setting the PICKFIRST system variable to 1 (On). Learning Objectives Object Selection Modes Chapter 18 /Grouping and Advanced Editing of Sketched Objects • Use Shift to Add to Selection The next option in the Selection Modes area of the Selection tab of the Options dialog box is Use Shift to add to selection. Selecting this option establishes the additive selection mode, which is the normal method of most Windows programs. In this mode, you have to hold down the Shift key when you want to add objects to the selection set. Objects are added to the selection set only when the Shift key is held down while objects are selected. Objects can be discarded from the selection set by reselecting these objects while the Shift key is held down. If you want to clear an entire selection set quickly, draw a blank selection window anywhere in a blank drawing area. You can also right-click to display a shortcut menu and choose Deselect All. All selected objects in the selection set are discarded from it. When the Use Shift to add to selection mode is active, the PICKADD system variable is set to 0 (Off). Learning Objectives Object Selection Modes Chapter 18 /Grouping and Advanced Editing of Sketched Objects • Press and Drag This selection mode is used to govern the way you can define a selection window or crossing window. When you select this option, you can create the window by pressing the pick button to select one corner of the window and continuing to hold down the pick button and dragging the cursor to define the other diagonal point of the window. When you have the window you want, release the pick button. If the Press and Drag mode is not active, you have to select twice to specify the two diagonal corners of the window to be defined. This mode is not active by default. This implies that to define a selection window or crossing window, you have to select twice to define their two opposite corner points. When the Press and Drag mode is active, the PICKDRAG system variable is set to 1 (On). Learning Objectives Object Selection Modes Chapter 18 /Grouping and Advanced Editing of Sketched Objects • Implied Windowing By selecting this option, you can automatically create a Window or Crossing selection when the Select objects prompt is issued. The selection window or crossing window in this case is created in the following manner: At the Select objects prompt, select a point in empty space on the screen. This becomes the first corner point of the selection window. After this, AutoCAD asks you to specify the other corner point of the selection window. If the first corner point is to the right of the second corner point, a Crossing selection is defined; if the first corner point is to the left of the second corner point, a Window selection is defined. The Implied Windowing check box is selected by default. If this option is not active, or if you need to select the first corner in a crowded area where selecting would select an object, you need to specify Window or Crossing at the Select objects prompt, depending on your requirement. When the Implied Windowing mode is active, the PICKAUTO system variable is set to 1 (On). Learning Objectives Object Selection Modes Chapter 18 /Grouping and Advanced Editing of Sketched Objects • Object grouping This turns the automatic group selection on and off. When this option is on and you select a member of a group, the whole group is selected. You can also activate this option by setting the value of the PICKSTYLE system variable to 1. • Associative Hatch If the Associative Hatch check box is selected in the Selection modes area of the Selection tab of the Options dialog box, the boundary object is also selected when an associative hatch is selected. You can also select this option by setting the value of the PICKSTYLE system variable to 2 or 3. • Pickbox Size The Pickbox slider bar controls the size of the pickbox. The size ranges from 0 to 20. The default size is 3. You can also use the PICKBOX system variable. Learning Objectives Object Selection Modes Chapter 18 /Grouping and Advanced Editing of Sketched Objects Exercise 4 Draw part (a) in figure and then, using the PROPERTIES and relevant PEDIT command options, convert it into parts (b), (c), and (d). The linetype used in part (d) is HIDDEN. Drawing for Exercise 4 Learning Objectives Chapter 18 /Grouping and Advanced Editing of Sketched Objects Exercise 5 Draw the object as shown in the figure using the LINE command. Change the object to a polyline with a width of 0.05. Drawing for Exercise 5 Learning Objectives Chapter 18 /Grouping and Advanced Editing of Sketched Objects Exercise 6 Draw part (a) in figure; then, using the relevant PEDIT command options, convert it into drawing (b). Drawing for Exercise 6 Learning Objectives Chapter 18 /Grouping and Advanced Editing of Sketched Objects Exercise 7 Draw part (a) in figure; then, using the relevant PEDIT command options, convert it into drawings (b), (c), and (d). Identify the types of curves. Drawing for Exercise 7 Learning Objectives Chapter 18 /Grouping and Advanced Editing of Sketched Objects Exercise 8 Draw part (a) in figure; then, using the relevant PEDIT command options, convert it into drawings (b). Drawing for Exercise 8 Learning Objectives Chapter 18 /Grouping and Advanced Editing of Sketched Objects Exercise 9 Draw part (a) in figure; then, using the relevant PEDIT command options, convert it into part (b) of the drawing. Drawing for Exercise 9 Learning Objectives Chapter 18 /Grouping and Advanced Editing of Sketched Objects Exercise 10 Draw the illustration shown at the top of figure; then use the required commands to obtain the illustration shown at the bottom. You can also use grips to obtain this illustration. Assume the missing dimensions. Drawing for Exercise 10 Learning Objectives Chapter 18 /Grouping and Advanced Editing of Sketched Objects Exercise 11 Make the drawing as shown in the figure. Use the splined polylines to draw the break lines. Dimension the drawing as shown. Learning Objectives Drawing for Exercise 11