The Temple College Wind Symphony, conducted by Dr. Stephen Crawford, will present their second concert of the
2000-2001 season at 3 p.m. Sunday, Nov. 19, in the Mary Alice Marshall Fine Arts Auditorium on the TC campus.
The Wind Symphony will perform "Folk Dances" by Dimitri Shostakovich, "On a Hymnsong of Phillip Bliss" by
David Holsinger, "Tempered Steel" by Charles Rochester Young, "Courtly Airs & Dances" by Ron Nelson, "Sang!"
by Dana Wilson, and "I'm Seventeen Come Sunday" by Percy Grainger.
"The program will have something a little different, in that the Wind Symphony players will be singing on two
pieces," Crawford said. "In the 'Courtly Airs & Dances' the ensemble vocalizes on the melody of a 16th century
Sarabande from Spain. It is a gorgeous movement, one that lends itself well to the human voice."
Crawford added that "in the composition 'Sang!' the ensemble really does not sing in the tradition sense, rather it
intones jazz, scat-like syllables throughout the work. It is quite interesting and highly effective."
Many of the works on this concert have a decidedly vocal quality, he said. "On a Hymnsong of Phillip Bliss" is
derived from the 1876 hymn 'It is Well with my Soul.' The Grainger piece 'I'm Seventeen Come Sunday' represents
some of his earliest folksong collections to be scored for wind band. The one piece that is much more rhythmic than
melodic is 'Tempered Steel.' This work is a highly energetic, rhythmically exciting work with lots of percussion and
ensemble drive," Crawford said. Dennis Beaver, assistant conductor of the Wind Symphony, will conduct this piece.
Dr. Crawford, who is in his sixth year as Director of Bands at TC, is a nationally recognized conductor and scholar
of wind music. He holds degrees from the University of Missouri-Kansas City Conservatory of Music, the
University of Northern Iowa, and Minot State University. He has conducted performances at national and
international conferences and is in demand as a performer, clinician, and guest conductor having appeared
throughout the United States, Canada, and Ireland. He is an endorsed performing artist and clinician with the Ross
Mallet Instrument Company and is the author of "Building a Better Percussion Section."
The concert is free and open to the public.