Introduction to Computers Welcome to the Introduction to Computers Steps required to access the Distance Education Web site. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. Go to Click the Distance Education button Click Courses & Delivery Methods Click the Internet link Click ITSC 1301 Introduction to Computers Click the ACCESS COURSE button You will now be in your course Web site Read all the instructions very carefully Surf the Web site to learn all you can about the course When e-mailing homework, it is not necessary to have the questions attached. All I need is your name, the chapter number, question numbers and answers. Example 1. T 2. F 3. T 4. etc Once you have entered the class, click on the selections of your choice. (Begin by going through the entire web site to get familiar with it. The semester has been mapped out under Course Schedule and Assignments. Those two sites will let you know when assignments and tests are due. This course can be completed as quickly as you feel comfortable with. Due dates are firm and all assignments and tests must be completed by the date given on the schedule, but if you prefer, you may complete the assignments and tests early. If you plan on taking tests earlier than what is listed, please e-mail me several days before you want to take the test so I can get it to the testing center.) If you have any questions, please contact me.