Adobe Video Collection Professional software for ITSW-1310 Introduction

Adobe Video Collection Professional software for ITSW-1310 Introduction
to Presentation Software and ITSE 2313 Web Authoring
Request the following:
1 - Video Collection Professional license
1 - After Effects Pro for Windows Media
1 - Audition for Windows Media
1 – Encore for Windows Media
1 - Premiere Pro for Windows Media
1 - Photoshop for Windows Media
This software will be used by CIS students, including Tech Prep Students, to
create and edit digital video for their PowerPoint presentations and Web page
assignments. The students will be able to capture, edit and insert video media
into PowerPoint files. The software can also record and modify sound clips used
for presentations and Web pages. Also included is software to make CD/DVD
videos. The current version does not allow these advanced features.
Attached is bid from SHI Government Solutions. The software will be purchased
under the TCCTA CLP discount pricing contract.
Dr. Talma Botts
Chairman, Department of Computer Information Systems
Submitted by
Joe Teakell, Instructor