Editing Web Pages in Netscape When Working in a Netscape... Environment 1. In order to edit your web pages, you...

Updated 8-3-2000
Editing Web Pages in Netscape When Working in a Netscape Only or Netscape Default
1. In order to edit your web pages, you must access your site from your w:/drive.
Click on the “w drive” icon on your desktop to do this.
2. Now select an .html page (they are identified by a “navigation wheel” icon or an
“e” icon). Click on your selected page and choose Open in the dialogue box.
3. To make a change, go to File, Edit Page. From here you can edit the text similar
to typing with a word processor. Be sure to save your changes.
4. Once you have made your changes and saved them, view them from the
Development Page to make sure that the formatting of your changes are ok: At
the bottom of the page, click on the “navigation wheel button” on your task
bar then click the reload button. View your changes from this format.
5. If at this time, you need to make more changes, click on the “pen button” on
your task bar. This returns you to the editing mode of the page you are
working on. Make your changes now.
6. Now you can toggle between these two buttons to move from the
Development Page (navigation wheel, step 4) to the Editing Page (pen, step 5)
of the .html you are currently working on.
7. Once you have completed your editing tasks to this page and viewed them for the
final time, close the windows all the way back to the w:/ drive window. By
doing this, you can choose another page to edit if you wish and you won’t have to
worry about having multiple files open at once, which would clutter the task bar
with pens and wheels.
8. Anytime you want to only view a completed page you can go to your bookmarks
and choose the appropriate Development Page.
9. Remember: To view your .html, go to the appropriate Development Page in
your bookmarks. To view changes while in the process of editing your .html,
click the “navigation wheel” button on your task bar, followed by the restore
button at the top of that page. To make changes, click the “pen” button on your
task bar.
Property of Administrative Information Services
Temple College
Updated 8-3-2000
Property of Administrative Information Services
Temple College