English 2322: British Literature I on the Internet Summer 2006 (8-weeks) Instructor: Dr. Susan Guzmán-Treviño Instructional Services Center, 138 (254) 298-8383 E-mail: sguzman@templejc.edu Required Texts: Abrams, M.H., et al., eds. The Norton Anthology of English Literature. 7th Ed. Volume 1. New York: W.W. Norton and Company, 2000. Shakespeare, William. The Tempest. England: Signet Classics, 1964. Recommended Text: Gibaldi, Joseph. MLA Handbook for Writers of Research Papers. 5th ed. New York: The Modern Language Association of America. 1999. Required Internet Material: Connectweb license (may be purchased online or through the Temple College Bookstore) Catalog Description: This course is a survey of English Literature from the Old English Period through the Eighteenth Century. A study of prose and poetry, assigned readings, essays, and tests constitute the work of the course. Optional Materials: Translations General Objectives: Students in English 2322 will have the opportunity: 1. to learn about the history of English literature; 2. to learn about the history of England as it relates to literature; 3. to read, recognize, and interpret various genres of English 4. 5. 6. 7. literature; to use the library effectively; to utilize presentation skills; to utilize research skills; and to improve the use of written English. Grading System: 90-100 A; 80-89 B; 70-79 C; 60-69 D; Below 60 F Evaluation: Writing assignments, quizzes, group activities, participation 15% Major Tests (3) 70% Research paper 15% (Research Paper Due Date: Thursday, July 6, 2006, by noon.) Class Guidelines: 1. Assignments are posted weekly via Connectweb. Each student is responsible for keeping up with assignments. 2. All work must conform to the standards of good, formal composition. 3. Use MLA heading for all papers. Consult a current MLA handbook if you are not sure. Note: I strongly suggest that you do NOT wait to begin homework until the night before assignments are due to be posted as this procrastination usually results in missed deadlines and no credit! My suggestion is especially important because computer breakdowns are inevitable. Students who wait until the last minute to begin posting and have computer breakdowns are still responsible for submitting work by the due date and time. Make-up Work Policy: 1. Homework is due each Friday, by 11:00 a.m. No late work is accepted for credit. 2. No work in the first 15% may be made up, and a grade of 0, zero, will be recorded. Therefore, if you miss any homework deadline, you will receive a zero for those activities. 3. If you are going to be out-of-town on the day your assignments are due, you should post it early since no late homework is accepted for credit. 4. Due to the nature of your major tests, make-up tests are not permitted. 5. Expect to lose 10 points per day for each day any research assignment is turned in late. I will provide research paper details as the semester progresses. Research papers are not returned. Attendance Policy: Punctuality and attendance are essential. You should plan to spend 3 to 6 hours preparing for each week’s class assignments. The attendance policy will be as follows: 1. No distinction is made between “excused” and “unexcused” absences although I do appreciate your telling me why you weren't able to post on time. 2. If you decide you can not complete the course, the last day to drop with a W is Thursday, July 6, 2006. You are responsible for dropping; otherwise you will receive a failing grade. 3. After 2 absences (2 weeks of not posting, not necessarily consecutive), you may lose 2 points from your final average for each additional absence. 4. You may be dropped after two absences (two weeks of not posting). Tests: You will have 3 (three) major tests. Each of these will consist of several essay items. Here is the procedure for tests: 1. I will post on Connectweb your major test essay prompts the day before your 3-day testing window begins. 2. You must access the prompts and prepare a document (Word, htm, or rtf—not Wordperfect) with answers to my essay prompts. 3. Your completed essay tests must be sent to me as an e-mail attachment by the deadline. 4. You will lose 10 points per day for each day your essay answers are sent late. 5. If you send your test answers in an unreadable file or as the e-mail message, your test will not be counted, and you will receive a grade of zero. Library Hours: Monday and Thursday 7:30 a.m. to 6:00 p.m. Tuesday and Wednesday 7:30 a.m. to 9:00 p.m. (Revised 5/06)