INTRODUCTION Sensory deprivation has been a productive approach to investigate the effects of environmental stimuli on the developing brain. Lack of excitatory inputs may leave unaffected some neurotransmitter systems. However, the GABAergic system seems to be regulated by sensory input, thus revealing a very important role during the development of somatosensory pathways. For instance, the cortex of monkeys, cats, and rats show particular changes in their GABAergic components after different types of sensory or visual deprivation. In the rat somatosensory cortex, deprivation from whisker input, using different paradigms, results in changes in GABAergic circuitry elements, such as the numerical density of terminals (Micheva and Beaulieu, ’95), of GAD-containing neurons (Akhtar and Land, ’91), and of muscimol binding to GABAA receptors (Fuchs and Salazar, ’98). It is not known, however, if the cortical GABAB receptor population is similarly affected by whisker trimming. The main purpose of this research is to investigate the effects of sensory deprivation on GABAB receptor binding in the rat barrel cortex . The rodent somatosensory whisker to barrel pathway has several features that make it a desirable system to study sensory deprivation. For instance, there is a 1:1 topographic relationship between each of the whiskers in the rat’s face and a group of neurons that constitute a ‘barrel’ in layer VI of SI (Woolsey and Van der Loos, ’70): each barrel responds primarily to one principal whisker. This feature has enabled the discovery of cytoarchitectonic (Woolsey and Van der Loos, 1 ’70; Welker and Woolsey, ’74; Van der Loos and Woolsey, ’73) and physiological effects (Welker, ’71, ’76; Simons, ’78; Simons and Woolsey, ’79) of whisker stimulation and/or deprivation. Furthermore, at birth a rodent’s brain is very immature. This allows to closely follow developmental events, such as transience of synapses (Micheva and Beaulieu, ’96), neurotransmitters (Micheva and Beaulieu, ’95), neurotransmitter receptors (Fuchs, ) and their subunits (Penschuck, et al., ’99) during the first postnatal weeks, and thus helps explain the importance of timing in the appropriate formation of sensory systems. And last, surgical procedures on the somatosensory (SI) cortex of rats and mice are relatively easy to perform, and allow for a variety of chemical, physiological and mechanical preparations and manipulations. Effects of sensory deprivation on GABAergic cortical circuitry have been widely studied. Pioneer studies on the adult monkey’s visual system showed that depriving visual input from one eye resulted in decreases of both GABA and its synthesizing enzyme GAD on the deprived cortical neurons (Hendry and Jones, ‘86). In the SI cortex of adult rodents, similar effects of deprivation have been observed. First of all, GAD is reduced in deprived barrels after trimming whiskers in the adult, but not in the neonatal rat. (Akhtar and Land, ’91). Physiological studies showed that adult rats with neonatally deprived barrel neurons show signs of disinhibition, such as higher spontaneous activity, and a decreased selectivity to respond to a specific angle of whisker deflection (Simons and Land, ‘87). These physiological changes remained even after allowing neonatally deprived rats to regrow their whiskers for several weeks, indicating the dramatic, long lasting effect of neonatal deprivation. What is the chemical basis of these physiological changes? Since GABA is the main inhibitory neurotransmitter in cortex, it was important to consider it and its receptors as suitable candidates responsible for these physiological changes. Blocking GABAA receptors with the antagonist bicuculline results in signs of cortical disinhibition (Kyriazi et al, ‘96). Furthermore, 2 binding of the GABA agonist muscimol, which selectively binds to GABAA receptors, is reduced in the deprived barrels. This effect was observed in both neonatally and adult deprived rats, and was still present even after allowing the rats to grow their whiskers for ten additional weeks after the trimming period. Thus, these overall decreases after deprivation were suggested as a downregulating mechanism that compensates for the reduced sensory input (Fuchs and Salazar, ’98). The contributions of GABAB receptors to the barrel circuitry have been recently studied (Micheva and Beaulieu, ’97). Whereas GABAA receptor activation directly increases membrane chloride conductance and allows it to move down its concentration gradient, thus hyperpolarizing the mature postsynaptic cell, GABA inhibitory action is different through other receptors. Through GABAB receptors, binding of GABA activates G-proteins that increase potassium and calcium channels’ permeability, so activation of these receptors results in a slow, long-lasting hyperpolarization of the cell’s membrane, and thus, inhibition of the postsynaptic cell. GABAB receptors are also located presynaptically (Deisz and Prince, ’89; Deisz, ’99; Howe et al, ’87). This ensures not only inhibition of the postsynaptic cells, but also of presynaptic neurotransmitter release. Finally, regardless of the difficulty that variables such as affinity, competition, and nonspecific binding impose to studies of receptor distribution, different methods have been designed to achieve such objectives. As a result, GABAB receptors in cerebral cortex have been found in all layers of cerebral cortex, with a distribution somehow resembling that of the GABAA receptor population (Chu et al., ’90; Bowery et al., ’87). How does deprivation affect GABAB receptors in SI? So far, there is no evidence indicating that these receptors change as a result of deprivation. However, two main findings allow the formulation of a hypothesis predicting a decrease in GABAB receptors after deprivation. First, as many as two thirds of GABA terminals in layer IV of SI cortex are lost after neonatal whisker 3 trimming (Micheva and Beaulieu, ’95); thus it can be predicted that presynaptic GABAB contained in those terminals might also be lost along with the terminals. Secondly, postsynaptic GABA receptors, such as GABAA, decrease in numbers after sensory deprivation as a mechanism compensating for the loss of input (Fuchs and Salazar, ’98); thus, postsynaptic GABAB receptors could also decrease as a similar compensating mechanism. OBJECTIVES: The objectives of this research are to answer the following questions: 1) Are there any deprivation effects on the GABAB receptor population of barrel cortex? If deprivation causes loss of GABAergic terminals, it can be possible to expect that some of those terminals could contain presynaptic GABAB receptors, in which case would be also lost. In other words, deprivation could result in loss of presynaptic GABAB receptors. a. Does whisker trimming for six weeks result in changes in GABAB receptor binding in barrel cortex? This same period of deprivation causes decreases in the GABAA receptor population. There is no evidence suggesting that GABAB receptor population could be affected differently. b. Does trigeminal nerve transection in 2 weeks old rats result in GABAB receptor binding in barrel cortex? 2) If there are deprivation effects, are these greater when whisker trimming is performed during the first 6 neonatal weeks? In other words, is there a critical period involved? Normally, transient increases in the GABAA and GABAB receptor populations appear within the first 2 postnatal weeks. Observing major decreases in these receptors after deprivation during these 4 postnatal periods could uncover the importance of environmental vs intrinsic factors leading these raises. GABAA receptors decrease similarly whether deprivation for 6 weeks is performed starting at birth or in the adult. Could the GABAB receptor population respond any differently to neonatal deprivation, thus uncovering some critical periods? 3) If there are deprivation effects of trimming whiskers for 6 weeks, would these effects be reversible or would they remain after ten more weeks allowing whiskers to regrow and to be normally used? GABAA receptor decrease after deprivation remains after 10 weeks of recovery and GABAB receptors could respond in a similar, long lasting fashion to deprivation. MATERIALS AND METHODS Subjects Subjects will be Long-Evans hooded rats (Simonsen, Gilroy, CA), distributed in four deprivation groups. In the first group (n=6), whiskers will be trimmed from birth to postnatal day 10 (P0-P10) to test whether normal sensory input contributes or not to the normal GABAB receptor binding levels. Normal GABAB receptor will be assessed using either the undeprived side of the same subjects or non deprived subjects. In the second (n=6), whiskers will be kept trimmed for six weeks, starting at birth (P0-P41). In the third group (n=6), whiskers will be also clipped for 6 wk, from wk 6-12 (P42-P83); this and the second group will be compared to test for a critical period. In the fourth group (n= 6) whiskers will be kept trimmed for the first 6 postnatal weeks, followed by 10 wk without clipping, to test for reversibility of the effect, if any. Trigeminal nerve cut (…) 5 Histology Unperfused rats will be sacrificed by decapitation. The deprived barrel region will be dissected out from the brain, flattened at –30oC with the heat dissipator of a cryostat (28090 Frigocut N. Reichert-Jung), and stored at -80 oC. Sections 16-20 m-thick will be cut at –20oC tangentially to the pial surface, and will be thaw-mounted onto gelatin subbed slides. They will be air-dried for 1/2 to 3 h and then stored desiccated at –80oC. Following the ligand binding and autoradiography the sections will be stained for cytochrome oxidase (Wong-Riley, ’79). GABAB receptor binding GABAB receptors will be assessed with 0.5 nM [3H]-CGP 62349 (85 Ci/mmol, American Radiolabeled Chemicals, Inc. St. Louis, MO., U.S.A.). Methods will be based on those described previously (Ambardekar et al., ’99). Sections stored at –80oC will be thawed and dried. In order to remove endogenous GABA, sections will be incubated for 80 min at room temperature in 70 mM Tris-HCl buffer (pH 7.4) containing 2.5 mM CaCl2. Sections will be then air dried for 20-30 min at room temperature. Then they will be incubated for 60 min at room temperature in the ligand solution, consisting of 0.5 nM [3H]-CGP 62349, 50 mM Tris HCl, and 2.5 mM CaCl2 (pH 7.4). Non-specific binding will be assessed with addition of unlabeled antagonist CGP54626 (10 M) to adjacent sections. Sections will then be rapidly aspirated to remove any excess binding solution, rinsed in fresh buffer followed by a rapid rinse in distilled water, and finally air-dried. Autoradiography The brain sections and tritium standards (Microscale, Amersham) will be exposed simultaneously 6 in the same cassette to tritium-sensitive Hyperfilm (Amersham). Following a 2-3 week exposure period, the film will be developed with Kodak D-19 and processed according to the manufacturer’s instructions. Data analysis [3H]-CGP 62349 will be quantitatively analyzed using a video-based computerized image analysis system (MCID, Imaging Research, St. Catherine, Ont., Canada). Tritium standards will be used to calibrate autoradiographic densities. Samples will be taken within a computer-generated circle centered over each barrel. For each section, the size of the circle will be calculated as the mean of the non-deprived barrels divided by the mean of the deprived barrels. A ratio for each subject will be then calculated by averaging the ratios for each section. The group average will be converted into percent decrease in the deprived rows. Analysis of data will include t-test and analysis of variance, using 0.05 as the significance level. 7 REFERENCES - Akhtar , N.D. and Land, P.W., Activity-dependent regulation of glutamic acid decarboxylase in the rat barrel cortex: Effects of neonatal versus adult sensory deprivation. J. Comp. Neurobiol., 307 (1991) 200-213. - Ambardekar, A. V., Ilinksy, I.A., Froestl, W., Bowery, N.G., and Kultas-Ilinsky, K. 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