Student Support Services

Student Support Services
Student Support Services Department offers assistance to all students
faced with challenges that may impede their academic or personal
progress. Student Support Services may not have resources for every
particular situation, but we encourage you to ask. If it is not a service
or item that we can supply, we can often tell you who can.
All of these departments are in the One College Centre on the Main
Temple College Campus at 2600 South First Street in Temple, TX.
Similar services are provided by campus coordinators at the Taylor
Center and the Cameron Center.
Temple College
Educational Assistance
Coordinator of
Toll Free
Educational Assistance Center
Instruction is self-paced in a lab setting where staff works to fulfill the
specific academic needs of students who are entering technical and
academic education classes.
Our center provides the following:
Assigned Learning Packets
Instruction in English, Math and Writing
Study Skills
Time Management
Workshops (focused on special Topic and advertised in your
Basic Computer skills (Webmail, TConnnect, D2L, Smarthinking,
Library Databases, Access of Campus Drives, etc.)
Please be aware that reading falls under the heading of English.
Often Students may think that they have a problem with a
particular discipline (Ex: Government, History, Philosophy), but the
real issue is Reading Comprehension. We can help with that.
We are located in the One College Centre on the 2nd floor, room 1460
Phone: 298-8599
The certified instructors who serve the lab as the learning specialists
 Lydia Zargosa
 Vicki Raines
 Anne Zahn
 Judy Gottschalk
 Pam Low
Hours of Operation:
Monday Evenings
Monday Evening
Wednesday Evening
8:00 am – 2:00 pm
6:00 pm – 8:30 pm
8:00 am – 12:00 pm
8:00 am – 2:00 pm
6:00 pm – 8:30 pm
6:00 pm – 8:30 pm
Please call 254-298-8594, to confirm changes in hours outside of
posted semester start and end dates.
In addition to the online tutoring services that Temple College provides
through Smarthinking I encourage students to check out the
resource page in the Master Student dept. You will find many helpful
resources, everything from Math to Time Management.
Disability Services
Temple College abides by the Americans with Disabilities Act and
Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973, which stipulates that no
student shall be denied the benefits of an education. If you have a
documented disability that may impact your performance and for
which you may require accommodations, you must be registered with
and provide documentation of your disability to the Disability
Coordinator. Documentation should be sent to (or hand delivered)...
Temple College
Toni Cuellar
Disabilities Coordinator
One College Centre
2600 S. First Street
Temple, TX 76504
Definition of Documentation: Assessment from a doctor or licensed
diagnostician verifying a diagnosed disability. Long-term treatment
with medication may constitute a possible disability.
Fax: 254.298.8329
After a student is registered with the Disabilities Coordinator, Temple
College staff will take the steps required for reasonable
accommodations to insure that no individual with a disability is
excluded, denied services, segregated or otherwise treated differently.
Toni Cuellar is located in One College Center on the second floor in the
Advising Center. Ms. Cuellar may be contacted at 254.298.8335 or Students requesting accommodations
should contact the coordinator at least 3 weeks prior to the first
day of class, as time is required for arranging some accommodations.
Accommodations may include but are not limited to:
 Note Takers
 Interpreters
 Counseling and Advising
 Special Testing Arrangements
 Various types of accommodation equipment
A student is not required to accept accommodation in all areas in order
to receive services, but must have a file and appropriate
documentation to receive any accommodations.
In Addition to Financial Aid
Financial Assistance is available
Application Process: The application process for Student Support
Services Awards begins in the Student Support office, located in One
College Centre, room 1471 on the main Temple College campus. After
a student fills out the application there will be a waiting period to
determine eligibility. Students may apply at anytime, but due to
limited funding the process must be on a first come, first serve basis.
Eligibility: A student who applies for a Student Support Services
award must meet the eligibility requirements in order to be funded.
The eligibility is based on a student's annual income, and priority
based on greatest need. Students must first enroll in classes before
they can apply for services.
Available Awards: There are currently 2 categories of awards:
textbook and transportation.
Textbooks: The textbook award is given to students who apply
and meet eligibility. Special circumstances will be given
appropriate attention if explanation is given during the
application process.
Transportation: The transportation award is given to students
who apply and meet eligibility. Students who are eligible will be
paid a per diem rate based on mileage from the college and the
number of days they must travel.