<COLLEGE> GENERAL INFORMATION FOR BIDDERS AND REQUEST FOR PROPOSAL FOR AN ADMINISTRATIVE HARDWARE AND SOFTWARE SYSTEM <RELEASE.DATE> <COLLEGE>] Page 1 of 103 Key To Replacement Variables In This Document Variable <COLLEGE> Represents The formal name of the institution, e.g., State College <ABBREV> The abbreviated name of the institution, e.g., SC <RELEASE.DATE> The date the RFP was released, e.g., May 12, 1995 <OFFICE> Area of the institution requesting the proposal, e.g., Administrative Services Department <CONTACT> The name of the person at the institution who is responsible for the RFP <TITLE> The title of the person at the institution who is responsible for the RFP <PHONE> The phone number of the person who is responsible for the RFP <DATE> The date by which bids must be submitted <BID.DATE> Date on which the bids will be opened, e.g., May 12, 1995 <BID.TIME> Time of the bid opening, e.g., 2 p.m. <BID.LOCATION> The location of the bid opening, e.g., the Board Room of the Administration Building. <AWARD.DATE> The date on which the contract is to be awarded, e.g., May 12, 1995 <ADDRESS> The street address to which bids should be sent <CSZ> The city, state, and zip code for the address to which bids should be sent <#> Total number of (e.g. users). <PERSON> The title of the person who is responsible for administering the award of the bid <VENDOR> The name of the vendor <COLLEGE>] Page 2 of 103 1. General Information For Bidders Introduction The purpose of this request for proposal (RFP) is to obtain a computer system and related software for <COLLEGE>. Throughout this document the terms <COLLEGE> and <ABBREV> are used interchangeably. Also the terms vendor, bidder, and contractor are intended to be synonymous. Issuing Organization This RFP is issued by the <ABBREV> <OFFICE>. Personal contacts should be made through <CONTACT>, <TITLE>, at <PHONE>. Background <INSERT AN OVERVIEW OF THE INSTITUTION'S HISTORY AND BACKGROUND>. Current Processing Environment The following is a brief description of the current configuration of <ABBREV>'s administrative system which will be replaced by the hardware and software proposed in response to this RFP. <INSERT A DESCRIPTION OF YOUR CURRENT ADMINISTRATIVE SYSTEM>. Data Miscellaneous System The following facts and figures represent <ABBREV>'s current processing environment. This information should be considered close approximations of the actual data. a. Accounts in the General Ledger: # b. Accounting system transactions per month: # c. Vendors in the Vendor File: # d. Checks produced monthly: # e. Full-time staff: # f. Full-time faculty: # g. Part-time staff: # h. Part-time faculty: # i. Student semester records for most recent fall term: # academic, # continuing ed j. On-line transcripts: # academic, # continuing ed k. Course sections per semester: # academic, # continuing ed l. Number of majors available: # m. Degrees awarded annually: #, # completers <COLLEGE>] Page 1 of 103 Caution To Bidders a. Vendors are requested to respond to each numbered paragraph of the RFP stating first the paragraph number, the specification, then the bidder's response. Vendors must submit one (1) original and two (2) signed copies of their bid. One (1) copy of descriptive literature must be submitted with the bid. b. <COLLEGE> reserves the right to reject any or all bids received as a result of the RFP. Bids will be rejected for one or more, but not limited to, the following reasons: 1) Failure of the vendor to submit the bid(s) on or before <DATE>. 2) Failure of the vendor to respond to a request for oral/written clarification, presentation, or demonstration. 3) Failure to completely meet the mandatory requirements as described in this RFP. 4) Failure to supply appropriate vendor references. 5) Failure to complete the Investment Summary section(s). Type And Terms Of Contract The contract will be a Lease Purchase Agreement or outright purchase for the hardware and the software. <ABBREV> will accept a separate maintenance contract for hardware and software with an annual renewal provision. Payment And Invoice Provisions <ABBREV> will consider all lease purchase options available. The final payment will not be due until the hardware and software installation (as negotiated between <ABBREV> and the successful vendor) is completed, with the exception of any required deposits. Reservation This RFP does not commit <ABBREV> to award a contract, to pay costs incurred in the preparation of a bid in response to this request, or to procure a contract for services or supplies. <ABBREV> reserves the right to accept or reject, in part or in its entirety, any bid received as a result of this RFP if it is in the best interest of <ABBREV> to do so. Proposal Format/Content Vendor proposals must be submitted in the format outlined below, which is more fully represented in the RFP document (Part B). Failure to comply may impact the evaluation of the submitted proposal. <COLLEGE> does not intend to limit the proposed content; however, completeness, clarity, and brevity of presentation should be stressed. Section 1. Executive Summary This section should provide an overview of the vendor's proposed administrative system and the benefits of the system for <ABBREV>. The response to Section 1 of the RFP should be included in this section. <COLLEGE>] Page 2 of 103 Section 2. Vendor Qualifications This section should provide an overview of the vendor's company, its business practices, technical and service strategies, long-term viability, and commitment to higher education. The completed questions from Section 2 of the RFP should be included in this section. Section 3. Application Software This section should address the overall attributes of the application software, as well as specific features and capabilities of each application module being proposed. Optional application software products should also be addressed. The completed questions from Section 3 of the RFP should be included in this section. Section 4. Advanced Technology, Hardware, and System Software This section should contain all pertinent information about the proposed hardware and operating system, utilities, ADE tools used in the development of the software, the database management system, available executive information systems, the user interface, and the architecture of the system. The completed questions from Section 4 of the RFP should be included in this section. Section 5. Implementation and Support This section should address the vendor's plan for providing required hardware and software support on an ongoing basis, implementation management and support, delivery and installation services, training programs, consulting services, conversion and modification support, problem resolution, documentation, client partnerships, communication with clients, and the availability of users' groups. The completed questions from Section 5 of the RFP should be included in this section. Section 6. Investment Summary This section should detail all costs associated with the proposal, including optional costs, as defined in Section 6 of the RFP. Section 7. References The requested references should be included in the format defined in Section 7 of the RFP. Section 8. Vendor Addendum This section should contain any vendor information pertinent to the proposal, but not included in any other section. The vendor's sample contracts and a list of all product documentation should be included in this section of the proposal. Oral And/Or Written Presentations And Demonstrations <COLLEGE> may request vendors to further explain or to demonstrate the functions of the proposed hardware or software at <ABBREV>. <ABBREV> will schedule the time and location of each presentation. <COLLEGE>] Page 3 of 103 Proposal Evaluation The objective of <ABBREV> is to ensure the selection of the most efficient software and hardware system which best meets the needs of <COLLEGE> and provides for future expansion. The proposals will be evaluated on the basis of the following criteria (not listed in order of importance): a. Vendor Reliability: Evaluation of the vendor's experience with comparable institutions, long-term growth, and dedication to quality and client satisfaction. b. Commitment to Higher Education: Evaluation of the vendor's commitment to the higher education marketplace, including the vendor's client retention rate. c. Vendor Financial Stability: Evaluation of the vendor's long-term financial stability. d. Application Software: Evaluation of how well the proposed application system meets the total needs of <ABBREV>, as specified in the RFP. e. Hardware: Evaluation of the suitability of the hardware and its potential for growth. f. System Software and Utilities: Evaluation of the operating system, the proposed database management system and associated tools for on-line queries, and ad hoc report generation. g. Vendor Support: Evaluation of the support the vendor will provide to <ABBREV> in terms of software, hardware, training, documentation, transition planning, and installation. h. Cost: Evaluation of the total cost of the system, including hardware, software, installation, maintenance, and training. i. References: Evaluation of information received from other schools relative to the performance of the application software and the support received from the vendor. Bid Opening Date And Location All bids must be received at the following address by <BID.TIME>, <BID.DATE>. <CONTACT> <TITLE> <COLLEGE> <ADDRESS> <CSZ> Bid opening will be in <BID.LOCATION> at <COLLEGE> on <BID.DATE> at <BID.TIME>. Definition Of Terms <ABBREV> has made every effort to use industry-accepted terminology in this RFP and will attempt to clarify any associated questions. Terms And Conditions The successful bidder shall, at all times, observe and comply with Federal and State laws, local laws, ordinances, orders, and regulations existing at the time of, or enacted subsequent to, the execution of this contract which in any manner affect the completion of the work. <COLLEGE>] Page 4 of 103 Sample Contracts All bidders are requested to supply a sample of their standard contract(s) and maintenance contract(s) with their proposal in Section 8 of the RFP. Vendor References Vendors must supply at least six (6) reference accounts (including contact and telephone numbers) located in the United States. These accounts should have systems installed which use the same software and a similar configuration of hardware as proposed under this RFP. In addition, vendors must supply a list of all currently supported customers. <ABBREV> reserves the right to request or obtain additional information. This information should be included in Section 7 of the RFP. Documentation The vendor should supply a list of all documentation which will be provided with the system in Section 8 of the RFP. Cost The quoted cost must be provided in Section 6 of the RFP for each item bid and must be valid for sixty (60) days following bid opening. Optional Products The vendor must provide a cost list for optional products that may enhance the performance or provide unique growth opportunities for the system. Vendors should specify the product by name, along with specific descriptions of the product features and how the product will enhance the system. This information should be included in Sections 3, 4, and 6 of the RFP, as appropriate. Schedule Of Events Release of RFP <RELEASE.DATE> Bids Opened <BID.DATE>, <BID.TIME> Award of Bids <AWARD.DATE> <COLLEGE>] Page 5 of 103 2. Request For Proposal Part B is the formal Request For Proposal for an administrative hardware and software system for <ABBREV>. Please prepare your response to this RFP using the following organizational structure and format, and following the instructions for each section. <COLLEGE>] Page 6 of 103 3. Executive Summary Introduction To The Proposal Please provide a narrative summary of your proposal to <ABBREV>, including information on your company's ability to provide an administrative solution tailored to <ABBREV>'s special requirements, the benefits that the system will provide to <ABBREV>, and your company's dedication to a productive client-vendor relationship. <COLLEGE>] Page 7 of 103 4. Vendor Qualifications Please answer each question by entering a "Y" for Yes or "N" for No on the line preceding the question. If a questions asks for an explanation or if you feel your answer needs more explanation, please add an explanation after the question in boldface type. Introduction To Your Company 1. Has your company been providing administrative computing solutions for the higher education marketplace for at least ten (10) years? 2. How long has your company been in the Higher Education software business? 3. Are your company's resources entirely dedicated to the support of higher education? 4. When was your first Higher Education software application first sold to a customer? 5. How many Higher Education installations do you have in total? List them. 6. Will you serve as primary contractor for this proposal? 7. If you are not the primary contractor, who is held accountable for issues during and after implementation? 8. Do your products and services comply with government regulations? 9. Do your products and services comply with industry standards? 10. Are your products installed at institutions outside of the United States? 11. Does your company operate its own training centers? 12. Has your company consistently shown a profit year-to-year? 13. In FY 1998, 97, 96: What were your total revenues? 14. What were your total revenues in the Higher Education market? 15. Are audited annual reports available to potential clients? 16. Is your company an equal opportunity employer? 17. Is it your company's policy to comply with all applicable federal, state, provincial and local discrimination laws? 18. Does your company practice total quality management principles? 19. Do your continuous quality improvement programs emphasize teamwork `and continuous process improvement? 20. Do you have 5 references that are live on all modules of the Student, Degree Audit, Financials, Financial Aid, and Human Resources? Please provide names and contact information. <COLLEGE>] Page 8 of 103 21. Are your Financials or Human Resources modules designed for higher education? If not, when will a product designed for higher education be delivered? If yes, did the client have to add additional functionality to meet their higher education business needs? 22. Has you company ever been sued? If so, why? 23. How many employees did you have as of 3/1/99 working exclusively with the Higher Education products? 24. As of 12/31/98? 25. As of 12/31/97? 26. As of 12/31/96? 27. As of 12/31/95? 28. Provide a breakdown of your employees by function, i.e., development, support, sales, administrative, services, etc. for your Higher Education products. 29. Are all employees trained in process management to ensure thorough knowledge of the company's emphasis on quality? 30. Are employees involved in identifying, analyzing, and making recommendations to improve your company's key processes? 31. Is the company's quality progress monitored and tracked to ensure integration of continuous improvement techniques into your daily operations? 32. Would you be willing to include your response to the RFP as part of the contract? Company Philosophy This section is intended to give <ABBREV> an overview of your company's philosophy in dealing with its clients, its employees, and its long-term growth. Commitment To Clients, Employees, Company 33. Are all of your company's development and support efforts focused on the higher education marketplace? 34. Are your company's research and development efforts dedicated to producing product features and functions to meet emerging client requirements? 35. Is your client retention rate (as defined by the number of currently supported clients divided by the total number of clients whom have ever contracted with your company for any higher education software) higher than 95 percent? 36. Does your company support charitable activities that benefit institutions of higher education or their students? <COLLEGE>] Page 9 of 103 37. Are employees encouraged to participate in industry associations, national and regional conferences, and professional seminars? 38. Is your company committed to hiring employees who have experience working at institutions of higher education? 39. Is your company committed to forming long-term partnerships with clients? 40. Does your company have strategic business partnerships with the following hardware vendors: IBM, HP, COMPAC, Sun, and Intel? 41. Do your partnerships with hardware vendors result in special discounts or product offerings for your clients? 42. Does your company have strategic relationships with third-party software and peripheral equipment suppliers who are committed to the higher education market? 43. Does your company's technical strategy maximize the client's investment in your products by providing evolutionary growth? 44. Does your company provide new releases of software to clients without requiring them to relicense the entire software package? 45. Does your technical strategy ensure that institutions can keep pace with industry changes? 46. Are client comments and feedback used for planning enhancements to products? 47. Are product features and functions reviewed by clients during their development? 48. Are client sites used to beta-test new software, providing feedback on the quality of the product, its documentation, and training materials? 49. Does your company's service strategy include all aspects of support, including implementation planning, project management, process improvement, and professional consulting services? 50. Are your company's service employees empowered to take actions necessary to ensure client satisfaction? 51. Does your company provide different levels of support for implementation, conversion, and consulting? 52. Does your company provide specialized training for specific user needs? 53. Does your company provide easy-to-use documentation to help clients use your products more effectively? 54. Does your company provide a toll-free telephone number to answer client questions? 55. Can clients submit questions to your company via the Internet? 56. Does your company provide an on-line database for information sharing that clients can access 24 hours a day? <COLLEGE>] institutional and Page 10 of 103 57. Is an Internet bulletin board available for clients to solicit and exchange advice with each other? 58. Does your company use service and support teams to ensure that all services are coordinated and consistent? 59. Are specific teams or individuals assigned to each institution to ensure continuity of support? Vendor Qualifications Detail If you would like to include a more complete description of your qualifications, please attach this description here. <COLLEGE>] Page 11 of 103 5. Application Software The forms included in this section indicate the desired features of the application software. Please complete the forms in the manner described and include them in your response. Please answer each question by entering the appropriate response on the line preceding the question: Y U F P N = = = = = Yes, this feature is currently available and can be demonstrated now. User Tools can be used to include this feature. This feature will be available in a future release with the next 12 months. This feature will be available in a future release. No, this feature is not currently available as stated in the question. If the function is scheduled for a future release (F), you must provide the scheduled release date in italic type, immediately following the question. If a question asks for detail or additional explanation is necessary, please add an explanation immediately following the question in boldface type. System Wide Features 60. Is your software package specifically designed for higher education? 61. Is your software package integrated so that information is automatically shared throughout the system? 62. Are all enhancements and upgrades of licensed software delivered as part of the client's annual maintenance contract? 63. Does your software adhere to standards commonly used in higher education, such as those used by AACRAO, NACUBO, FASB, etc.? 64. Does your software support computer industry standards, such as UNIX, SQL, and DDE? 65. Does your software comply with open system architecture standards? 66. Is your administrative system able to support users in multiple buildings, locations, or campuses? 67. Does your system provide the capability to perform a variety of different data queries and produce sophisticated reports based on data in the system? 68. Does the system provide the capability to establish customized codes and associated descriptions to better meet the institution's needs? 69. Can these customized codes be changed or added to when needed? 70. Is <ABBREV> able to tailor the product to our own specifications through the use of userdefined codes for data? 71. Is <ABBREV> able to establish processing options within the system that are applicable to the institution (e.g., setting the timing for the generation of invoices)? <COLLEGE>] Page 12 of 103 General System Features This section covers features that apply to all of the systems or modules proposed, including system administration, security, on-line documentation, screen access, look-up capabilities, and controls and options. System Administration 72. Are functions available to establish control for all software security and device definition? 73. Are functions available to control recovery procedures? 74. Do system administration functions include special utilities to perform database updates? 75. Are functions available to establish options and codes to meet ABBREV>'s unique needs? Security 76. Can control be centralized for all aspects of security for the operating system, the database management system, and the application software? 77. Does each user have a unique password? 78. Is the system able to authorize access to specific menu items, data fields, or input fields using user IDs? 79. Does the system enable <ABBREV> to designate which users are able to enter new data, delete data, modify data, query data, or view data? 80. Do special security controls exist in particularly sensitive areas, such as payroll or financial aid? On-Line Documentation 81. Is on-line help available for most screens to describe an overview of the process the user is currently working with? 82. Is on-line help available for most fields to provide informational messages about the purpose of the field? 83. Is on-line help available for most fields to provide a more complete explanation of the field and the applicable code table that supports that field? 84. Is on-line help available for most fields that shows the valid code table from which the user can select the desired code? 85. Is on-line help available to describe the purpose of each screen's active function keys? Direct Screen Access 86. <COLLEGE>] Can the user move from screen to screen and from function to function without returning to the main menu? Page 13 of 103 87. Does the system use mnemonics to speed access to menus, screens, processes, or reports? 88. Are individual user menus customized to only show the options a user has the security to access? Look-Up Capabilities 89. Does the system allow users to look up information about individuals using unique identifiers, such as names, identification numbers, Social Security numbers, zip codes, city and state, or other data? 90. Does your system use an ID other than Social Security number as the primary key to an individual's record? 91. Does the system allow users to look up information about corporations using unique identifiers, such as names, identification numbers, city and state, zip codes, or other pertinent data? 92. Does the system allow for broad-based searches using partial names? 93. Does the system present a list of all records that meet the criteria specified in a broad-based search? 94. Does the system allow the user to determine which criteria will display on search resolution screens? 95. Does the system allow users to search on other record types, codes, parameters, and queries to produce comprehensive reports based on very specific criteria? General Features 96. Are users able to enter basic information once so that it can be accessed by all functions that require the information? 97. Does the system allow for restricted access and protection of FERPA information (Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act). This includes maintaining specific privacy flags and the issuing of warning messages to authorized users when displaying protected information? 98. Does the system include a way for institutions to avoid duplicate student records in the system? 99. Explain the ways in which a user may search and retrieve a student record. 100. Maintains information on support services provided to disabled and non students for reasonable accommodation. 101. Ability to record and maintain pertinent information on international students. 102. Does the system allow unlimited address listings to cover home, business, emergency, and an unlimited number of other user-coded addresses, including a temporary address with date specific information? <COLLEGE>] Page 14 of 103 103. Are users able to make changes to basic information in one place, so that it can be accessed by all functions that require the information? 104. Does the database provide a way to enter new records or update old records that are used by all other systems? 105. Does the database provide a way to establish relationships between pieces of data using algorithms and file structures? Demographics Individual Biographic Information 106. Can an unlimited number of names, former names, and a maiden name be captured for name access to a person's record? 107. Can first, middle, and last names be captured as standard fields for all types of names, including former names and maiden name? 108. Can suffixes (e.g., Jr., Sr., III), courtesy titles, and prefixes be captured as standard fields? 109. Can mailing label names, preferred names, and nicknames be captured as standard fields? 110. Can birthplace, birth date, date of death, current status (e.g. active or marital status be captured as standard fields? 111. Can Social Security numbers be captured as a standard field, providing record access capability and checking for duplicate entries? 112. Can country of citizenship, gender, and ethnic origin be captured as standard fields? 113. Can the system automatically fill in the last, middle, and first name fields when a new record is created, using information generated in a name search? 114. Can the system convert upper case to upper/lower case automatically, with override capability at the time the data is entered in upper case? 115. Can the system convert a full name to first initial and last name for mailing purposes? 116. Ability to maintain foreign and international address formats. 117. Can right to privacy be flagged in a standard field? 118. Can an unlimited number of user-defined source codes be tracked for an individual? deceased), and Individual Address Information 119. Is the address record automatically linked to a person's biographic information? 120. Do address fields include fields for countries, counties, and postal sorting route codes to allow sorting of correspondence for bulk mailing? 121. Does the system allow unlimited address listings to cover home, business, emergency, and an unlimited number of other user-coded addresses? <COLLEGE>] Page 15 of 103 122. Does the system include fields for capturing an unlimited number of user-coded telephone numbers (including fax numbers) per address? 123. Does the system include fields for capturing memberships in local alumni chapters? 124. Does the system include fields for capturing time zone information? 125. Does the system include fields for capturing seasonal addresses with multiple start and end dates? 126. Does the system include fields for capturing an unlimited number of address lines per address? 127. Does the system convert addresses entered in uppercase to upper/lower case at data entry time? 128. Does the system include fields for capturing who made an address change and what the source of information was for the address change? Relationship Information Data 129. Does the system include the capability to enter and view data about spouses, children, parents, contacts, and friends? 130. Does the relationship data includes names, maiden names, addresses, dates of birth, gender, and reunion class years as standard fields for each person listed? 131. Does the spouse information also includes marriage date, marital status, and divorce date as standard fields? 132. Does the system include a summary screen so that all relationships for a person can be viewed from one screen? 133. Does the system provide the ability to access additional details from the summary screen without leaving the summary screen? 134. Does the system allow for an unlimited number of relationship entries for each person? 135. Does the system do reciprocal updating for relationship records, for example, if a person marries and their record is updated to reflect the marriage, is the spouse's relationship record automatically updated with the spouse information? Additional Demographic Data 136. Does the system include occupation information as a standard field? 137. Does the system include alien status and registration number as standard fields? 138. Does the system include immigration status and visa type as standard fields? 139. Does the system include veteran type and selective service number as standard fields? 140. Does the system capture an origin code for the person as a standard field? 141. Does the system capture religious denomination codes for the person as a standard field? <COLLEGE>] Page 16 of 103 142. Does the system capture an unlimited number of group codes for cohort tracking? 143. Does the system track residency information, including state and county, as standard fields? 144. Does the system track ADA disability data? Academic Information Summary Data 145. Does the system capture an unlimited number of secondary schools attended, graduation year, grade point average, and class rank as standard fields? 146. Does the system capture an unlimited number of other colleges or universities attended, transfer credits received, and grade point average as standard fields? 147. Does the system capture degree and degree date, years of attendance, student program, majors, and honors for other colleges or universities attended as standard fields? Corporation Demographics 148. Does the corporate demographic data include information on corporations and organizations? 149. Does the system include corporate information for matching gift policies? 150. Does the system include corporate information for vendors? 151. Does the system include information on individuals who are incorporated, such as physicians? 152. Does the system capture and maintain information about the corporation's or organization's legal name as standard fields? 153. Does the system capture the names of any of a corporation's subsidiaries or branches, and any other names by which it might be known, as standard fields? 154. Does the system capture a variety of mailing addresses, telephone numbers, and the employer identification number as standard fields? 155. Does the system capture information about the type of corporation it is and in what businesses the corporation is involved in as standard fields? 156. Does the system capture SIC codes, industry class information, FICE number, and the principal contact for each corporation as standard fields? 157. Does the system track an unlimited number of addresses for each corporation? 158. Does the system track an unlimited number of phone numbers for each corporation? 159. Does the system track an unlimited number of former corporate names to access corporate records and prevent duplicate record creation? 160. Does the system track an unlimited number of user-coded names for special purposes, such as purchase orders or checks? <COLLEGE>] Page 17 of 103 Facilities Profile 161. Does the facilities profile describe every aspect of the infrastructure of the campus, including buildings, rooms, equipment within rooms, and other facilities such as playing fields or running tracks? 162. Is the facilities information used by all modules for activities such as scheduling classes, assigning residence hall rooms, developing office space plans, and calculating fixed asset depreciation? 163. Is the facilities data base on the U.S. Department of Education's guidelines for the description of the inventory of educational facilities? 164. Does the facilities data include building codes, descriptions, and sector locations as standard fields? 165. Does the facilities data include information about who owns the building, when it was built, and when it was renovated as standard fields? 166. Does the facilities data include the type of construction, current condition of the building, and access codes as standard fields? 167. Does the facilities data include the size, area, and perimeter measurements of buildings as standard fields? 168. Does the facilities data include a room-by-room description of each building, including location, capacity, available equipment, square footage, primary and secondary usages, and telephone numbers as standard fields? 169. Does the facilities data include the department and coordinator who is responsible for the room as standard fields? 170. Can the institution use the system to quickly and easily prepare inventories of physical facilities using Department of Education guidelines? 171. Can the system be used to calculate the number of square feet of building space devoted to each program at the institution using standard CIP codes, thereby eliminating manual calculations? 172. Does the facilities profile enable the institution to perform a wide variety of queries on facilities data to assess and analyze the effectiveness of space utilization, helping the institution to better utilize the facilities it has and strategically plan for future facility needs? 173. Provides classroom facility, equipment, and scheduled vs. available times in classroom characteristics 174. Ability to assign equipment to specific facilities/rooms? 175. Ability for tracking any item, room, or person as a resource? <COLLEGE>] Page 18 of 103 Communications Management 176. Does this module track correspondence, telephone calls, personal visits, and other contacts with individuals or organizations? 177. Does this module integrate and automate all aspects of correspondence for the other modules? 178. Does the module coordinate mailings from all areas of the institution, saving time and money for the school, and potential confusion for recipients? 179. Does the module provide the capability to track documents and contacts? 180. Does the module allow central control of print jobs? 181. Does the module provide interface capabilities to word processors? 182. Does the module maintain a complete history of all correspondence with prospects, students, and employees? 183. Does the module ensure efficient and economical management of correspondence sent and received? 184. Can the module link distribution lists generated by specific queries with particular documents for high-volume mailings? 185. Can the module automatically send a series of customized letters to prospects on specific mailing dates, or on dates determined by a response from the recipient? 186. Does the module allow the institution to develop multiple correspondence "tracks" that automatically generate customized letters on specific mailing dates? 187. Does the module ensure that the institution can manage the mailings that prospects receive based on the track they are assigned to, eliminating redundant mailings and providing a controlled flow of information from the school? 188. Can the module automatically track incoming correspondence from prospects to determine when documentation requirements are complete and when assignment to a new correspondence track is warranted? 189. Does the module ensure that applicant files are kept up-to-date and that appropriate correspondence is generated to reflect the receipt of the prospect's application materials? 190. Does the module provide a tracking mechanism which enables recruiters to measure the effectiveness of each mailing in terms of responses received? 191. Does the module track the status of each prospective student's application materials and generate reminder lists when telephone calls or other types of contact should be made? 192. Does the module enable <ABBREV> to process large batches of correspondence quickly and easily, with personalized salutations and other variables within the letter? 193. Does the module allow scheduling and organizing of the printing process? <COLLEGE>] Page 19 of 103 194. Does the module enable scheduling for pre-printing of large batches of correspondence for non-peak hours? 195. Does the module link documents to host word processors for high-volume printing? 196. Does the module download documents to PC-based word processors for small jobs or correspondence that requires further customization? 197. Does the module coordinate correspondence from all areas of the institution to eliminate redundant mailings? 198. Does the module track incoming correspondence to determine when documentation requirements are complete, as in the case of applications and financial aid documents? 199. Can the module produce customized letters to more effectively target recruiting or fundraising efforts? 200. Can the module automatically generate letters to targeted groups daily, weekly, bi-weekly, monthly, or on any combined schedule on the basis of recruiting strategies? 201. Can the module automatically track all mailings and provide on-line access to a display of mailings to any individual? 202. Can the module control the timing between documents sent to each prospect/applicant? 203. Does the module provide the ability for the user to determine the explicit content of letters? 204. Does the module provide lists of prospects/applicants not receiving specified documents? 205. Does the module allow users to target specific groups for specific mailings? 206. Does the module support the ability to generate mailings to multiple target groups? 207. Does the module allow for target groups to be changed at any time to suit tactics for particular efforts? 208. Does the module track responses from mailback cards? 209. Does the module include entry dates on mailing label lists for maintenance purposes? 210. Does the module automatically record all mailings to any individual to eliminate duplicate mailings? 211. Does the module eliminate duplicate mailings by identifying when one name may have been submitted by more than one source? 212. Does the module allow for overriding, altering, stopping, or restarting scheduled letters at any time? <COLLEGE>] Page 20 of 103 Student System Enrollment Management Admissions General 213. Does the module provide real-time integration to the Financial Aid module? 214. Does the module provide real-time integration to the General Ledger and accounting modules for charges and payments? 215. Does the module include the capability to perform analysis on prospective students? 216. Does the module include the capability to capture data on prospective students' areas of interests in terms of specific programs or majors? 217. Does the module include the capability to capture data on where prospective students first heard about the institution? 218. Does the module include the capability to track secondary schools attended by prospective students? 219. Does the module include the capability to track test scores? 220. Can the module indicate whether test scores were standard or specially administered? 221. Can the module distinguish first contact source based on date? 222. Does the module include the capability to summarize all contacts with individual prospects throughout the admissions process? 223. Does the module update the system when a prospect becomes an applicant (without any duplicate data entry)? 224. Does the module enable admissions officers to view financial aid information about each applicant? 225. Does the module record multiple applications for the same prospect and does it record if a prospect reactivates or reapplies for admission? 226. Can the module track admissions special conditions (e.g., certail GPA required, summer program required, etc), types of admission (e.g., freshman, early, transfer, etc)? 227. If the student withdraws, does the module track the reason and place where the student is attending instead? 228. Does the module enable admissions officers to view the current status of each applicant? 229. Does the module have the ability to calculate and compare ratings of applicants? 230. Does the module automatically update the applicant file to a student file whenever the institution wants to do so (e.g., after acceptance, upon receipt of tuition deposit, or upon initial registration)? <COLLEGE>] Page 21 of 103 231. Does the module enable the institution to query on any piece of information in the system, such as how many prospects are from a certain state, how many have SAT scores of 1,200 or better, or how many prospects there are for the School of Engineering? 232. Does the module provide an integration path that accepts and works with lists of prospects supplied on tape by outside services? 233. Can the module generate rosters and labels for initial mailings to prospects loaded from tapes, eliminating duplicates of names that may have been submitted by more than one source? 234. Does the module provide the ability to utilize user-defined screens and data fields to mirror application formats for easy data entry? 235. Does the system provide the ability for a student to view admission status via the Web? 236. Does the module provide a tracking system for contacts made during recruiting by various offices? 237. Does the module provide the ability to process semester credit, continuing education, and quarterly student applicants separately and combined? 238. Does the module provide a tracking system for contacts made during both credit and noncredit recruiting? 239. Does the module provide a database of recruiting institutions, i.e., high schools, other colleges? 240. Does the module track the origin of recruits through the application and admissions process with analysis reporting? 241. Does the module provide the ability to establish specific admission requirements based on student’s immunization records for international students? 242. Ability to record an admission decision for each application which the individual may have filed? 243. Ability to run weekly statistical reports on the number of applicants, how many complete, how many interviewed, and accepted? 244. Ability to monitor money collected for tuition deposit to the student’s account? 245. Ability to monitor all money collected for admission fees? 246. Allows entry of multiple applications per program? 247. Ability to process a one-stop quick entry for an applicant? 248. Ability to generate various lists and reports as needed, such as an individual applicant profile, student characteristics reports, comparative enrollment reports, no-show lists, individual admissions reports and school visit information. 249. Ability to track the transfer work of an applicant from an unlimited number of transfer institutions? <COLLEGE>] Page 22 of 103 250. Ability to maintain transfer institution equivalency information and to apply that course work toward meeting institutional requirements for any number of external institutions? 251. Ability to automate the transfer evaluation, make adjustments as necessary, and post transfer credits to a student’s record, updating degree audit? Admissions Communications Management 252. Does the module interface to your correspondence processor for personalized correspondence? 253. Does the module enable the user to create correspondence from admissions information which can then be customized with admissions data to generate mailing tracks for prospects or applicants meeting certain user-defined criteria? 254. Does the module maintain a complete history of all correspondence with prospects, and applicants? 255. Can the module automatically send a series of customized letters to prospects on specific mailing dates, or on dates determined by a response from the recipient? 256. Does the module ensure that the institution can manage the mailings that prospects receive based on the track they are assigned to, eliminating redundant mailings and providing a controlled flow of information from the school? 257. Can the module automatically track incoming correspondence from prospects to determine when documentation requirements are complete and when assignment to a new correspondence track is warranted? 258. Does the module ensure that applicant files are kept up-to-date and that appropriate correspondence is generated to reflect the receipt of the prospect's application materials? 259. Does the module track the status of each prospective student's application materials and generate reminder lists when telephone calls or other types of contact should be made? 260. Can the module control the timing between documents sent to each prospect/applicant? 261. Does the module provide lists of prospects/applicants not receiving specified documents? 262. Does this module integrate and automate all aspects of correspondence with other modules and departments (e.g., coordinated mailings with Financial Aid)? 263. Can the system provide an administrative hold on registration if admissions conditions are not met or if needed forms are not provided by a certain point in time? 264. Can the module produce customized letters to targeted groups daily, weekly, biweekly, monthly or on any combined schedule on the basis of recruiting strategies? 265. Does the module allow users to target specific groups for specific mailings? 266. Does the module allow for target groups to be changed at any time to suit tactics for particular efforts? <COLLEGE>] Page 23 of 103 Financial Aid General 267. Is the module integrated with the other modules in the Student System to ensure that financial aid is appropriately administered and distributed? 268. Is the module integrated with your correspondence processor to maintain contact with applicants in an effort to ensure they complete all aspects of the financial aid application? 269. Does the module have the ability to monitor federal funds and indicate if funds are overawarded or underawarded? 270. Does the module have the flexibility to respond to changes in federal regulations? Please describe how you maintain the module to comply with changes brought about by federal mandates? 271. Is the dollar amount limit for College Work/Study funds made available as part of a financial aid package automatically linked with the Payroll module? 272. As the student is paid, is the work/study balance debited in the student's financial aid file? 273. Ability for students to view Financial Aid information via the Web? 274. Does the module enable financial aid officers to perform on-line inquiries into student registration data? 275. Does the module automatically ensure that each student is taking enough courses to retain his or her financial aid eligibility? 276. Does the module have the ability to restrict academic transcripts from being generated for students who are in default on a previous federal educational loan? 277. Does the module provide access to student demographic information (including flags to indicate that an individual is in default on a loan or a Guaranteed Student Loan)? 278. Does the module update subsidiary and control accounts for financial aid transactions and applications? 279. Does the module provide a setup menu for establishing financial aid parameters, defaults, codes, and definitions? 280. Does the module provide screens for creating, deleting, storing, and managing financial aid file suites? 281. Does the module provide verification of limits for work/study and non-work/study payroll? 282. Does the module track incoming correspondence to determine when documentation requirements are complete, as in the case of applications and financial aid documents? 283. Provides professional award and denial letters with the capability to produce letters individually in batch or on-line. 284. Does the module provide management for the various federal programs? <COLLEGE>] Page 24 of 103 Application 285. Does the module provide the capability for initial filing of financial aid applications? 286. Does the module provide the ability to calculate Estimated Federal Contribution based on Department of Education Federal Methodology Specifications? 287. Ability to accept all central processor applications and corrections electronically 288. Ability to create database records from electronically downloaded files. 289. Ability to enter financial aid application data before a student is in Admissions or Student Records. 290. Ability to draw down applicant records electronically from the U.S. Department of Education. 291. Supports electronic applications, corrections and payment reporting. 292. Does the module provide for a two-way electronic exchange of information with agencies and companies processing financial aid data? 293. Does the module provide the ability to access data from the Pell Tape Exchange, ACT, CSS, PHEAA, and GAPSFAS, either by magnetic tape or through electronic data exchange? 294. If the student files the federal financial aid forms directly with the institution, does the institution have the ability to subsequently make that data available to other schools by providing it to the appropriate company or agency? 295. Does the module provide screens which parallel the structure of the Free Application for Federal Student Aid? 296. Do these screens collect all data that an institution would need to create a file for electronically submitting applications to the Department of Education? 297. Does the module provide users with an alternate means of calculating student need for nonfederal awarding purposes? 298. Does the module include the capability for users to include free-form comments? 299. Does the module provide screens for maintaining miscellaneous fields specific to academic years and students? 300. Does the module provide the ability to convert tapes from ACT, CSS, GAPSFAS, Pell, and PHEAA (with options to replace all fields or only null fields)? Packaging 301. Does the module have the ability to assign an estimated award package to incoming students? 302. Does the module include system parameters that define packaging criteria? <COLLEGE>] Page 25 of 103 303. Does the module have the ability to simulate packaging for “what if” analysis without allowing student records to be updated? 304. Does the module have the ability to calculate both Pell eligibility and loan eligibility? 305. Does the module have the ability to provide repeated individual revision and repackaging capabilities on-line? 306. Does the module have the ability to identify students for award packaging based on userdefined criteria? 307. Does the module have the ability to accommodate user-define fund authorizations limits and relationships among funds during the packaging process? 308. Allows for packaging overrides? 309. Does the module have the capability of checking satisfactory academic progress during award packaging process? 310. Ability to use optional equity packaging techniques? 311. Does the module have the ability after repackaging to perform the appropriate updating and provide the option to select the type of notification to be sent as well as a reports of those student who were updated? 312. Maintains the dates students were packaged or repackaged Needs Analysis 313. Does the module have the ability to upload electronic ISIR records and produce update reports? 314. Is the module adaptable to meet the requirements of the Title IV Higher Education Act (HEA) and other government standards? 315. Is the module updated annually so that the institution can comply with the US Department of Education’s Regulatory Updates? If so, when are these updates available for use by the institution? 316. Does the module provide users with an alternate means of calculating student need for nonfederal awarding purposes? 317. Does the module have the capability of generating worksheets for final verification of all financial aid applicants (e.g. comparing original FAFSA data with tax returns, etc)? Reporting 318. Does the module provide the capability to prepare reports meeting federal requirements? 319. Does the module provide system parameters that calculate enrollment credits for the Fiscal Operations Report for Federal Student Aid Programs (FISAP)? 320. Does the module have the ability to print the results of the verification process on computer-generated verification worksheets? <COLLEGE>] Page 26 of 103 321. Does the module produce reports to aid in meeting FISAP reporting requirements? 322. Does the module provide income ranges for aid distribution? 323. Does the module produce financial aid transcripts? 324. Does the module provide the ability to maintain, update, and purge information for a financial aid transcript, including academic year and program, free-form comments, awards and amounts, date printed, and fields to record historical information about loans and awards through another institution? 325. Does the module have the ability to print the results of the verification process on computer-generated verification worksheets? 326. Does the module include reports on aid, scholarships, loan totals by student, and types of awards? 327. Does the module provide an audit trail of student aid totals through registration, accounting for adds/drops? Electronic Data Exchange (EDE) 328. Does the module provide the ability to participate fully in the Electronic Data Exchange Program (EDE)? 329. Does the module provide the ability to create and transmit Student Aid Reports correction electronically to the Central Processor System? 330. Does the module provide the ability to create and transmit electronic Pell Payments? 331. Does the module provides the ability to create and transmit electronic Pell payments? 332. Does the module provide the ability to create and transmit ESAR corrections electronically to the central processor? 333. Ability to enter multiple federal loan applications online, including subsidized and unsubsidized loans for the Federal Stafford Loan program 334. Provides online loan summary that displays the student loan history 335. Does the module have the ability to evaluate loan eligibility? 336. Does the module provide guarantee agency information? 337. Does the module have the ability to verify student data on the loan application and reports missing and or inconsistent data? 338. Does the module have the ability to track the complete loan application process from application to loan disbursement? 339. Does the module have a table to store information on multiple lenders (e.g., lender code, lender name, lender address) Loans <COLLEGE>] Page 27 of 103 340. Does the module store information on multiple guaranty agencies (e.g., guarantor name, guarantor address, etc) 341. Is the module able to award and originate Federal Direct Loan Program loans and to exchange electronic loan origination and disbursement files through EDE Express? 342. Does the module have the capability of generating personalized student loan profiles containing lender information, servicer information, and guaranty agency information based on user-defined criteria? 343. Does the module provide student loan management for federal as well as other types of loans? Awarding 344. Does the module provide the capability to track continued student eligibility for aid? 345. Does the module provide the capability to post financial aid awards to Accounts Receivable when appropriate? 346. Can the institution set a percentage or amount limit for over-award situations to identify whenever a student has received more than the allotted aid in any area? 347. Does the module allow the financial aid office to set a standard of satisfactory progress for students to qualify for various forms of financial aid? 348. Does the module allow the financial aid office to set standards using a rule-based algorithm that access any of the data elements in the system? 349. Ability to run a simulated awarding cycle, including reports in batch without updating data to the database 350. Allows for batch assignment of applicants to awarding groups using student system admit status. 351. Ability to do loan limit checking so that the student does not get awarded when they are not eligible. 352. Allows for online overriding of automatic results on an individual 353. Allows to track online award statuses by student and fund. 354. Provides automatic repackaging of multiple groups across groups based on user-defined selection criteria 355. Provides for updating the appropriate application status. 356. Ability to generate Award letters with appropriate detail and totals allowing for format changes. 357. Can the module be used in real-time or batch mode to flag students who are not making satisfactory progress to qualify for their designated financial aid? 358. Does the module provide users with the ability to award funds in batches, as well as modify awards in batches (e.g., change a batch of awards by a dollar figure)? <COLLEGE>] Page 28 of 103 359. Does the module verify student eligibility each time users allocate awards or transmit awards to the Accounts Receivable module? 360. Does the module permit on-line and/or batch transmittal of awards to Accounts Receivable? 361. Does the module provide for changes to award packages after transmittal to appear as separate items on student records? 362. Does the module include areas for extensive descriptions of each award with associated general ledger accounts? 363. Does the module provide data fields that verify student eligibility? 364. Does the module include award eligibility criteria? 365. Does the module include award categories? 366. Does the module includes term definitions? 367. Does the module include award amounts and amount limitations for transmittal to the general ledger? 368. Does the module include action codes that describe the status of awards? 369. Does the module include Federal Pell Grant entitlement figures? 370. Does the module provide sponsor information for stewardship purposes? 371. Does the module include definitions for full- and part-time status? 372. Does the module provide the ability to enter data from various verification forms, analyze verification data, and update verifications in batch mode? 373. Does the module provide a Financial Aid Awarding menu for entering awards in summary and detail? 374. Does the module provide the ability to record comments and dates for entrance and exit interviews? 375. Does the module provide the ability to record details about a student's loans (e.g., lender, repayment period, interest rate)? 376. Does the module provide the ability to establish limitations for transmittals that update a student's Accounts Receivable record? 377. Does the module provide eligibility verification with flexible parameters? Budgeting 378. Does the module provide the capability to develop financial aid budgets for multiple types of students (including standard budgets and Pell budgets) for easy tracking of student costs versus financial aid available? 379. Does the module provide annual student budgets? <COLLEGE>] Page 29 of 103 380. Ability to create an unlimited number of user-defined budget groups 381. Provides for calculation of each applicant based on budget categories in effect at the institution on a term by term (unlimited) basis. 382. Allows applicants to be assigned into one of an unlimited number of user-defined budget groups. 383. Provides for assignment of cost of attendance values to each applicant based on budget categories in effect at the institution on a term by tem (unlimited) basis. 384. Allows for assignment of students to budget groups with user selected data from the Student system and Financial Aid system online. 385. Does the module have the ability to recalculate a student’s financial need whenever a change is made to a student’s budget? 386. Does the module have the ability to provide for on-line overrides of system-assigned budgets and budget components; on-line assignment of budgets before it is accomplished by the system; and the ability to identify a budget that was overridden and one that was not, as well as maintain an on-line record describing the changes made? 387. Does the module have the ability to revise a student’s budget and revise an award based upon hours enrolled (including fractions of hours) according to dates and enrollment periods? 388. Ability to automatically flag manually changed or overridden budgets to identify nonstandard budgets online. 389. Maintains unlimited anecdotal comments online to further explain user actions on an individual applicant basis. Registration/Records General 390. Does the module conform with AACRAO standards for grading and transcripts? 391. Does the module include an academic calendar with the ability to define terms, activities, and holidays? 392. Does the module include parameter-driven registration to conform to the institution's procedures? 393. Does the module provide the ability to accommodate simultaneous registration of open entry/exit courses, mini-semester courses and non-term based courses? 394. Supports automated enrollment verification system for the National Student Clearing House? 395. Ability to calculate the academic standing of a student? 396. Maintains an unlimited number of textual comments? <COLLEGE>] Page 30 of 103 397. Ability to update student’s record with rank in graduating class? 398. Does the module support on-line self-service registration via the Web? 399. Does the module provide up-to-the-minute information about course enrollments and revenues? 400. Provide one-stop-shopping for students’ information queries? 401. Assure student right to privacy by adhering to FERPA and Buckley Amendment standards? Student Information 402. Does the module provide the ability to analyze student characteristics for institutional research? 403. Does the module provide for the calculation of class rank? 404. Does the module provide available residency information to the Residence Life module? 405. Does the module provide a calculation of credit hours to determine the student's level? 406. Does the module provide the ability to place registration holds on students who have written bad checks? 407. Does the module track suspension and probation dates? 408. Does the module provide on-line processing for student holds and releases for library fines, fees, payments due, etc., by the respective office that placed the hold? Registration 409. Does the module provide the ability to use optical scanning for registration and grading? 410. Does the module have the ability to register via the Web? 411. Does the module automatically generate registration billing through Accounts Receivable? 412. Does the module provide the ability to set registrar-defined limitations for each class, including pre-requisites, instructor permissions, and hold flags? 413. Does the module provide the ability to set registrar-defined limitations for business office approval, accounts receivable status, and petition requirements? 414. Does the module provide the ability to set registrar-defined limitations for course restrictions and time conflicts? 415. Does the module provide for registration information to be automatically transferred to the student's accounts receivable account once a student has registered for a class? 416. Does the module provide the ability to automatically generate special mailing notices to students regarding course information or limitations on registration? 417. Does the module provide the ability to automatically notify students of a class cancellation? <COLLEGE>] Page 31 of 103 418. Does the module provide the ability to automatically indicate when a hold has been put on a student's registration due to unpaid fees or fines? 419. Does the module provide the ability to automatically notify a student that he has been dropped from a class for non-attendance? 420. Does the module provide simultaneous registration? 421. Does the module include an interface to a telephone registration application? 422. Does the module provide the ability to register students with no Social Security number, and then later add in the Social Security number? 423. Does the module provide the ability to calculate charges for different semesters according to different fee structures? 424. Does the module provide flexible fee and tuition structures for lab and fee charges? 425. Does the module provide the ability to charge third parties for student tuition and fees? 426. Does the module provide the ability to verify requirements ( pre-requisites, and corequisites) during registration? 427. Does the module display notification of time conflicts and closed classes? 428. Does the module display warning messages at registration for student restrictions, such as open accounts receivable, outstanding fines, or other academic or financial restrictions? 429. Does the module provide the ability to automatically charge late fees to selected groups? 430. Does the module provide the ability to automatically drop unpaid students? 431. Does the module provide on-line real-time transaction entry and update, including drop/adds? 432. Does the module provide the ability to admit/register a student on-line with minimal data input, completing the student's detailed record later? 433. Does the module provide the ability to automatically check if the student enrolls in required labs during registration? 434. Does the module enable students to register for courses over the telephone without the need for human operators? 435. Does the module notify the student when a course is closed, filled, or waitlisting students? 436. Does the module verify that no holds have been placed on a student's registration? 437. Does the module indicate when the student is repeating a course? 438. Does the module indicate when the student is registering for courses with conflicting schedules? 439. Does the module indicate when the student is exceeding overload limits? <COLLEGE>] Page 32 of 103 440. Does the module verify that instructor consent, petition requirements, and other prerequisites have been met? 441. Does the module automatically apply special discounts to fees at registration, such as for senior citizens? 442. Does the module allow any continuing education course that also accepts regular students for credit to be cross-listed with regular courses? 443. Does the module allow the continuing education department to set up options for each course as to whether regular credits, continuing education units, or both can be recorded on transcripts? 444. Does the module allow the institution to estimate expenses and course costs to determine the break-even point for each course? 445. Does the module consolidate continuing education transcripts with registrar's transcripts, simplifying fulfillment of requests for transcripts when the student has transcripts from both the regular school and continuing education programs? Telephone Registration 446. Does the module allow each institution to customize telephone registration and its vocabulary to meet unique registration needs? 447. Does the module use personal identification numbers or Social Security numbers for student identification? 448. Does the module accommodate registration or preregistration by term, with concurrent term registration possible? 449. Does the module perform add/drop functions? 450. Does the module work with up-to-date listings of open course sections, course waitlists, audited courses, and variable credit courses so the information is as current as possible? 451. Does the module validate all data entered? 452. Does the module ensure that all data entered by the student is acceptable and within the parameters set up by the registrar, including proper codes for courses and section? Grades/Grading 453. Does the module provide the ability to print mid-term grade reports for students? 454. Ability to enter and store mid term grades separately from final grades? 455. Ability to enter and view grades via the Web? 456. Ability to record an unlimited number of grade changes for a student with an audit trail? 457. Ability to automatically recalculate GPA when a grade is changed? 458. Ability to maintain all grade changes made to a student’s academic history record? <COLLEGE>] Page 33 of 103 459. Ability to process mid-term and final grades via a scannable document? 460. Ability to input and update student grades using grades sheets for scanned entry? 461. Ability to verify grades prior to updating student’s permanent record? 462. Does the module provide an interface to telephone registration 463. Does the module provide the ability to print final grade reports for students? 464. Does the module perform grade analysis by course and instructor? 465. Does the module provide the ability to create user-defined grade scales? 466. Can the grade scales be both alpha and numeric? 467. Does the module provide a three character grade? 468. Does the module prevent a letter grade from being assigned to an inappropriate course, for example an "A" given to an auditing student? 469. Does the module automatically create an audit trail of old and new grades, student ID, operator and date and time of the change? 470. Does the module provide grade request rosters? 471. Does the module provide grade verification rosters? 472. Provide the ability to handle repeated courses? Explain how this would be done. 473. Does the module provide a grade screen which displays students to be graded based on user-defined criteria, for example all seniors? 474. Does the module automatically assign a grade to an incomplete course after a specified date? Transcripts 475. Does the module provide updates of transcripts through grade input? 476. Does the module provide on-line transcripting? 477. Does the module provide automatic calculation of GPA by term, by credit type, and overall? 478. Ability to identify any hold at the time of an online transcript request, that may prevent the transcript from being issued. 479. Ability to produce and/or print on-line transcripts by selected parameters such as, credit only, non-credit, CEUs or combinations of credit and non credit 480. Ability to maintain a transcript request log for students that includes: 480.1. Date and time of request 480.2. Destination of requested transcript <COLLEGE>] Page 34 of 103 480.3. Number of copies requested 480.4. Payment identifier (free, paid, unpaid) 480.5. Request originator 481. Does the module print student transcripts on request? 482. Provides accounting information for charges for transcripts (i.e. immediate transcripts, more than three per day, etc) 483. Provides an audit trail of transcript requests? 484. Does the module provide the ability to track the destinations of transcripts, as well as the date that each transcript is mailed? 485. Does the module provide the ability to designate a course as a retake on transcripts when needed? 486. Does the module provide the ability to designate a course as developmental on the student's schedule or transcript? 487. Does the module provide for identification of transfers as first-time, re-admission, or summer? 488. Does the module provide for recording academic records, including high school grades and ranking? 489. Does the module track honors, awards, and organization participation? 490. Does the module track completion of enrollment requirements? Advising/Degree Audit 491. Is the module integrated with the Registrar/Records module to use up-to-date course registration and completion data in the determination of progress toward degree requirements? 492. Does the module provide on-line transcript evaluation that takes into account current courses when determining progress toward degree requirements? 493. Does the module provide up-to-date information on a student's academic progress in his or her general course of study and specialized individual programs? 494. Does the module track credits completed and grades earned? 495. Does the module track graduation requirements? 496. Does the module track cumulative and major GPAs? 497. Does the module track completed courses? 498. Does the module track courses in progress? 499. Does the module track outstanding courses and substitutions? By course and major? <COLLEGE>] Page 35 of 103 500. Does the module track waivers accepted by the registrar? 501. Does the module provide the ability to update and maintain records of transfer credits from other institutions on-line? 502. Does the module provide the ability to check requirements during registration? 503. Does the module provide the ability to define articulation agreements for the evaluation of transfer credits from other institutions, and permit the registrar to enter subjective decisions regarding course equivalencies? 504. Does the module provide the ability to automatically update the student's transcript with the appropriate information or equivalencies? 505. Does the module provide the ability to customize a degree program on an individual basis for any student record? 506. Does the module provide the ability to override the course equivalency on an individual basis for any student record. 507. Does the module provide the ability to perform "what-if" analysis for alternate degree programs or academic progress? 508. Does the module provide the ability to set up degree program requirements quickly and easily using keywords? 509. Does the module provide the ability to specify the number of credits required in various areas to earn a specific degree? 510. Does the module provide the ability to analyze student coursework with requirements for designated academic program(s) using completed and registered courses? 511. Does the module easily identify outstanding courses by course and major? 512. Does the module provide the ability to evaluate transfer credits, waivers, and substitutions on student records? 513. Does the module maintain a record of equivalent courses from other institutions? 514. Does the module provide the ability to transfer accepted transfer courses to student transcripts without re-entry? 515. Does the module provide the ability to conduct audits under the specified course catalog applicable to a student? 516. Does the module identify courses still required to complete a program? 517. Does the module provide the ability to design an easy-to-read format with custom blocks available? 518. Do the Degree Audit reports 518.1. Include transfer credit? 518.2. Identify Repeats? <COLLEGE>] Page 36 of 103 518.3. Allow substitutions, waivers, and exceptions? 518.4. Allow “double” counting of courses in more than one category? 519. Does the module provide the ability to easily customize the format of the audit report based on level (ed undergraduate vs graduate. 520. Does the module display and print "what-if" analyses if a student wants to change academic programs? 521. Does the module track pending programs? 522. Does the module automatically transfer "what-if" analysis into a new academic program, if required? 523. Does the module provide the ability to automatically flag the graduation process that a student has met all program requirements required for graduation? Instructional Management Curriculum Courses 524. Does the module provide the ability to coordinate classroom facilities and characteristics with course requirements (handicapped access, lab, recitation, lecture, seating capacity, departmental control, special equipment, etc.)? 525. Does the module create course catalogues and schedules? 526. Does the module produce printed and/or on-line class rosters? 527. Ability to have unlimited lines for course title and description. 528. Ability to restrict a course to only those students within a specific class. 529. Ability to maintain status history of each course? 530. Ability to maintain a history of changes made to a course? 531. Ability to identify CEU’s and credits for a course? 532. Ability to automatically identify the degree program that is impacted by this course? 533. Does the module provide effective dates for each course? 534. Does the module provide the ability to offer a course for fixed or variable credits? 535. Require an unlimited number of prerequisite and corequisite courses? 536. Require corequisite noncourse work associated with each course? <COLLEGE>] Page 37 of 103 537. Does the module provide for course copying, in whole or part, to each term in which the course if offered? 538. Does the module provide the ability to copy course catalog descriptions and information? 539. Does the module provide the ability to display course offerings, including meeting dates and times and location via the WEB? 540. Does the module have the ability to create “block”courses that can be associated with one or more terms? 541. Does the module provide the ability to designate a class lid for a group of classes, as well as for an individual class? 542. Does the module provide immediate up-to-date open/closed class inquiry and reporting? 543. Does the module provide real-time scheduling and modification with immediate update? 544. Does the module provide on-line inquiry capability for room scheduling? 545. Does the module provide the ability to print semester class offerings or semester class schedules? 546. Does the module provide the ability to assign classes and labs to multiple rooms? Section 547. Ability to define course tuition at the section level? 548. Assign to a section any set of start and end dates that fall within a sub-term associated with the section. 549. Ability to define cross-listed courses at the section level? 550. Ability to define course meeting dates and times at the section level? 551. Ability to define unlimited number of instructors as well as different instructors each day at the section level? 552. Ability to define the instructor load at the section level? 553. Ability to provide user defined or system generated synonym numbers at the section level? 554. Set overall cross-listed capacity limits and monitor those limits during registration? 555. Ability to define course fees at the section level? 556. Have a course with multiple section-level topics? 557. Assign section-specific start and end dates within the session/term and establish nonstandard start and end dates which cross terms? 558. Associate a course with a course type (i.e. remedial course)? <COLLEGE>] Page 38 of 103 Scheduling 559. Does the module provide the ability to quickly and easily assign classrooms and facilities based on the requirements of a course or a meeting? 560. Ability to do on-line interactive room scheduling with automatic conflict checking? 561. Ability to schedule in a multi-campus setting. 562. Does the module uses algorithms to make classroom assignment decisions based on underlying optimization criteria resulting in more equitable assignments? 563. Does the module optimize the space available each term without relying on historical data? 564. Does the module schedule classrooms to optimize fill ratios? 565. Does the module enable the use of facilities to be optimized with respect to the best match of class size and assigned rooms? 566. Does the module provide room scheduling for all classrooms with data on room size, restrictions, and utilization reporting? 567. Does the module permit scheduling of classrooms to optimize energy usage by allowing certain floors or buildings to be closed during summer terms to save the cost of air conditioning? 568. Can the module quickly reassign classes in case of emergency, such as in the event of heating or cooling failures, fire, etc.? 569. Can the module be used to assess the impact of potential changes to a classroom so that facilities planners can better understand the impact of classroom facility changes on classroom assignments? 570. Does the module assist in the planning and scheduling of facilities projects to minimize impact to class size, availability, or classroom assignments? 571. Can the module be used to schedule seminars and other meetings? 572. Does the module allow users to request and reserve rooms meeting certain user-specified criteria for various meetings or other non-scheduled activities? 573. Does the module allow users to alter demand and resource variables to plan for future space needs? 574. Does the module allow planners to run multiple scenarios through optimization algorithms and graphically compare a wide array of utilization statistics? Faculty 575. Do you have a module that addresses faculty needs? If not, is it in beta? If in beta, what is the expected delivery date for general delivery? 576. Does the module provide a list of faculty office hours? 577. Do you provide Web access for faculty schedule and advising? <COLLEGE>] Page 39 of 103 578. Ability to generate a faculty load report for a single term or multiple terms 579. Maintain an instructional workload value associated with a specific schedule type on a catalog record (i.e. one workload value if it is taught as a lecture, and another if its taught as a lecture/lab) 580. Ability to define team teaching assignments for a course with multiple instructors each with their defined load portion. 581. Does your system have a faculty component where information is maintained on each faculty member to ensure the most up-to –date information is always available? 582. Does the system maintains information on the academic level, departments, subjects, course levels, and courses each faculty member is certified to teach (for both credit and continuing education courses), as well as qualifications to serve on dissertation committees? 583. Does the module have the ability to schedule faculty office hours? 584. Does the module perform batch advisor assignments and reassignments? 585. Does the module provide the ability to designate parameters to determine how many students are assigned to each advisor? 586. Does the module provide the ability to designate whether the advisor must be on the faculty of the program the student is enrolled in? 587. Does the module track the committees on which the faculty serves? 588. Does the module provide the ability to schedule unlimited multiple instructors per section? 589. Does the module provide for tight integration with the Human Resources system for faculty contract and workload processing? 590. Campus Life Campus Organizations 591. Does the module produce student rosters? 592. Does the module produce directories in compliance with FERPA? 593. Does the module produce identification cards? 594. Does the module generate an emergency screen that can identify where a student may be contacted in an emergency situation? 595. Does the module track social organization membership? 596. Does the module track membership rosters and lists of officers for clubs, organizations, fraternities, sororities, and other social groups? <COLLEGE>] Page 40 of 103 597. Does the module allow for easy maintenance of social organization membership files by copying the current file for the next year, deleting graduates and adding only new members? 598. Does the module access student information from the Registrar module? Residence Life 599. Ability to assign an individual to housing depending on the length of the housing assignment (i.e. term, monthly, or daily) 600. Ability to assess the associated fees of housing depending on length of the housing assignment (i.e. term, monthly, or daily) 601. Does the module automatically roll students from Admissions into housing records? 602. Does the module generate room request and preference cards? 603. Does the module generate residence room availability reports? 604. Does the module generate residence waitlist reports? 605. Does the module allow the institution to make room assignments on-line? 606. Does the module allow the institution to make room waitlist assignments on-line? 607. Does the module generate meal plan assignments on-line? 608. Does the module generate room and board agreement letters? 609. Does the module maintain residence hall information at the hall and room level to ensure that the appropriate room and board billing rates are charged? 610. Does the module automatically post room and board fees to the student's Accounts Receivable account for billing purposes? 611. Does the module allow the posting of miscellaneous charges to each student's Accounts Receivable account for items such as lost keys or dormitory damage? 612. Does the module allow for the accommodation of those students requiring special housing assignments due to disabilities? 613. Does the module include the capability to perform analysis on prospective students? 614. Does the module provide for a lottery system? 615. Is the lottery number stored in a field and automatically used when a room assignment is made? 616. Does the module provide the ability to enter a students preference for room and roommate characteristics? 617. When assigning housing automatically, does the module enforce the preferences that have been required by the student? <COLLEGE>] Page 41 of 103 618. Ability to schedule housing for one-time events (i.e. meetings, seminars,) Career /Counseling Services 619. Ability to interrogate and update student retention system to identify students at risk for leaving. 620. Track and record a list of students on leave with return status. 621. Maintain a daily, weekly, monthly, and semester calendar for counseling services. 622. Maintain a database of contacts, issues discussed and actions taken. 623. Ability to track graduates and to supply transcripts for internship candidates 624. Does the module provide an appointment scheduling system for on-campus interviews? Health Services 625. Does the system maintain emergency and health information for each person, including contact names and telephone numbers as standard fields? 626. Can the system capture an unlimited number of codes for insurance information? 627. Can the system capture an unlimited number of codes for special health conditions or special needs as standard fields? 628. Can the system capture an unlimited number of codes for immunizations and their associated dates as standard fields? 629. Maintain confidential basic records concerning student health including allergies, immunizations, medications, illnesses ,family doctors and insurance information. 630. Flag students with missing physical forms to Registrar’s Office, Academic Affairs Office and the Business Office. 631. Ability to integrate with the Business Office to determine who did and did not pay a health fee. 632. Facilitate reporting of necessary information to state health officials and other agencies. 633. Automatically charge health services fees for students who are in specific registration and health program categories. 634. Track student health insurance fee, including waivers and refunds. 635. Ability to add or remove registration holds automatically based on changes in immunization status. 636. Ability to support automated correspondence to students who are not in compliance with immunization regulations. 637. Ability to record student visits to Health Facility and doctor’s office. <COLLEGE>] Page 42 of 103 Athletics 638. Track student sport activities. 639. Maintain information about individuals and organizations who are involved with athletics, such as volunteers, officials, coaches, friends and athletic club. 640. Allow access to the student athlete’s academic schedule and GPA for Athletic eligibility. Activities and Events 641. Ability to establish events, such as homecoming and create an unlimited number of functions associated with the event 642. Ability to schedule events in the available rooms without causing conflict to other activities using the rooms. 643. Provides an integrated scheduling facility for room reservations for classes and other activities. 644. Ability to track special events by event, client or sponsor? Account Management General 645. Is the module integrated with the Registrar/Records module? 646. Is the module integrated with the General Ledger module? 647. Is the module integrated with the Financial Aid module? 648. Does the module provide automatic invoicing of tuition and fees? 649. Does the module provide the ability to handle scholarships, grants, and other credits from the Financial Aid module? 650. Does the module generate bills in on-line or batch mode for subsequent billings? 651. Does the module generate bills that may selectively show either all prior transactions or only those since a user-specified date? 652. Does the module provide user-defined billing criteria? 653. Does the module reflect student schedule modifications affecting tuition and/or financial aid adjustments, and are they automatically calculated and reflected on the system? 654. Does the module automatically generate general ledger entries? 655. Does the module automatically post miscellaneous charges from other modules to the general ledger? 656. Does the module automatically credit approved financial aid? <COLLEGE>] Page 43 of 103 657. Does the module calculate late fee charges based on user-defined criteria? 658. Does the module provide the ability to charge third parties for student fees, as well as record third party mailing information? 659. Does the module generate reports for third party payers in summary and in detail by student? 660. Does the module balance student and third-party subsidiary accounts with the appropriate general ledger account? 661. Does the module automatically calculate refunds using decreasing percentages, with an option to refund in full? 662. Does the module provide the ability to perform on-line inquiries to student billing/payment data? 663. Does the module provide the ability to perform on-line inquiries to third party billing data by student or payer? 664. Does the module provide the ability to automatically drop all unpaid students? 665. Does the module calculate and apply finance charges or interest? 666. Does the module provide for the aging of receivables? 667. Does the module include unlimited subsidiary ledgers for different types of receivables, such as student, employee, and miscellaneous fees? 668. Does the module include a deferred payment plan with the ability to print payment coupons? 669. Does the module allow on-line or batch processing of invoices for selected groups or individuals? 670. Does the module provide the ability for the business office to specify withholding registration privileges for any student with an accounts receivable balance? Third Party Sponsors 671. Does the module track funds awarded to students by sponsors, maintaining an audit trail for financial aid records and accounts receivable? 672. Does the module generate invoices for third-party sponsors that are paying for all or part of a student's charges? 673. If the third-party is sponsoring more than one student, are the total charges for all students combined on one invoice? 674. Does the module apply sponsor payments against the sponsor's invoice total balance, as well as reflect the payments in each student's accounts receivable balance? 675. Does the module generate summary and detail reports for each sponsor, listing each student's charges for the term the sponsor is being billed? <COLLEGE>] Page 44 of 103 676. Does the module generate reports showing a total of all charges for each student, as well as the amount that the sponsor has committed to pay? Payment 677. Does the module provide on-line entry of all cash receipts? 678. Does the module provide a complete audit trail for all transactions? 679. Can the module simultaneously accept payments of many types, including cash, check, and credit cards? 680. Can the module apply a single payment to multiple accounts? 681. Can the module allow a user to choose to print a receipt immediately for hand-delivered payments? 682. Can the module route the receipt to a batch printing process for payments received in the mail? 683. Can the module not print any receipt at all? 684. Can the module apply a single cash receipt to multiple receivable records? 685. Can the module provide the ability to enter cash receipts on-line? 686. Can the module display student accounts on-line? 687. Does the module provide daily cash analysis reports with totals by bank? 688. Does the module generate a daily cash receipts register by cashier and payment type? 689. Does the module provide the ability to automatically match debits and credits, with the capability to override this feature? <COLLEGE>] Page 45 of 103 Financial System Purchasing General 690. Explain what setup is required to integrate your various subsystems, to confirm that General Ledger account numbers are valid and to check for budget authorization at transaction entry time. 691. Explain what setup is required in your various subsystems, like the Student System and Human Resources, to automatically send transactions to General Ledger. 692. Explain the audit trail to track a transaction that has been posted to General Ledger back to it's originating source in all of your subsystems. 693. Explain how encumbrances and commitments are recorded, updated and relieved. 694. Does the module allow the originator of the requisition to view the current status of a pending requisition by PO, requisition, or invoice number? 695. Does the module maintain a comprehensive audit trail from purchase requisition to PO to invoice to payment? 696. Does the module provide an interface with the Accounts Payable module? 697. Does the module automatically post encumbrances to general ledger accounts? 698. Does the module automatically relieve encumbrances upon creation of the voucher? 699. Does the module adjust expense accounts if the purchase order changes? 700. Does the module reverse accounting transactions if a purchase order or requisition is voided? 701. Does the module provide for multiple account distributions by line item? 702. Does the module allow users to establish and maintain bidders' lists by product and service categories? 703. Does the module provide and interface with an inventory management system? Requisitions 704. Does the module perform purchase requisition processing on-line? 705. Does the module give the preparer of a purchase requisition the ability to open and close an on-line requisition as needed before submission? 706. Allows for the immediate encumbrance and commitment of funds at the requisition level? 707. Allows for requisition entry with edit checks for valid account numbers, budget availability, and user access with ability to override budget? <COLLEGE>] Page 46 of 103 708. Does the module provide the ability to create a "scratch pad" requisition with an expiration date? 709. Does the module display the requisitioned amount, encumbered amount, expensed amount, budget amount and amount remaining when a general ledger number is entered? 710. Does the module include internal and external free-form, unlimited comments fields? 711. Does the module date and time stamp these fields? 712. Does the module default shipping address information with override capabilities? 713. Does the module allow an unlimited number of general ledger numbers for expense distribution? 714. Does the module enable the user to enter an amount, or percent, or quantity and have the system calculate the other two? 715. Does the module provide the ability to identify each PO line item as either taxable or nontaxable? 716. Does the module provide the ability to combine and /or split requisition requirements to one or more purchase orders? 717. Does the system provide the ability to enter unlimited length description fields to view and edit on screen and spell check purchase order and change order text? Purchase Orders 718. Does the module capture encumbrance transactions? 719. Does the module provide voiding procedures for purchase orders which automatically generate reversing entries? 720. Does the module create and print a PO from a requisition? 721. Can the module combine multiple requisitions into one purchase order? 722. Does the module perform purchase order processing and reporting? 723. Can the module create an inventory record from a PO? 724. Can the module provide the ability to generate blanket POs? 725. Does the module give purchasing agents the ability to ensure the availability of funds to pay for an item? 726. Does the module enable purchasing to perform on-line inquiries of encumbrance information? 727. Does the module enable purchasing to print encumbrance information? 728. Does the module provide the ability to enter manually prepared POs? 729. Allows for multiple budgetary accounts to be applied to each purchase order line item? <COLLEGE>] Page 47 of 103 730. Provides for on-demand printing of the purchase order? 731. Ability to print a duplicate purchase order? 732. Provides full sufficient funds checking. 733. Ability to handle multiple freight/shipping charges for the same purchase order. 734. Provides a notes section in the purchase order process? 735. Provides automatic online posting of the encumbrance transaction to the general ledger. 736. Ability to track purchase orders and payments issued against blanket purchase orders. 737. Ability to create blanket orders with limits on specific amounts or dates? 738. Provides standard reports and inquiry screens for purchase orders in process. 739. Does the module provide Blanket Order capability that permits blanket releases on either a quantity or dollar level basis? Receiving 740. Does the module produce receiving reports, including time and condition of delivery? 741. Ability to track the recording of goods returned to the vendor. 742. Does the module process partial receipts? 743. Does the module provide the ability to track the number of items ordered? 744. Does the module provide the ability to track the number of items received? 745. Does the module provide the ability to track the condition in which the items where received? 746. Does the module provide the ability to track the number of items returned? 747. Does the module provide the ability to track the reason the items where returned? 748. Does the module provide the ability to track by what mode the items were delivered? 749. Provides a three-way match of the receipt of goods, the purchase order and the invoice? 750. Ability to designate items to be capitalized with an immediate update to Fixed Assets? 751. Does the module permit the buyer to edit text/price after an item has been received? 752. Does the module have the ability to generate a received discrepancy report that identifies and tracks items received with discrepancies? Vendors 753. Does the module maintain a vendor master file that includes one-time vendors? 754. Does the module allow on-line inquiries to the vendor file? <COLLEGE>] Page 48 of 103 755. Does the module allow on-line inquiry of invoices by vendor? 756. Does the module generate vendor reports using various criteria such as commodity codes, etc.? 757. Does the module provide historical reporting for vendors? 758. Does the module produce mailing labels for vendors? 759. Does the module use correspondence features to facilitate requests for bids from multiple vendors? 760. Allows for notes in vendor files for performance indicators and issues. 761. Allows for vendor email addresses? 762. Provides for separate fields in vendor file for Employer Identification number and Social Security number. 763. Provides a 1099 designation code for each vendor? 764. Provides ability to establish discount terms for each vendor? 765. Supports the limiting of activity by dollar amount? 766. Ability to establish payment terms for each vendor? Authorizations 767. Does the module enable the institution to identify specific policies for on-line requisition and purchase order approval? 768. Does the module allow electronic approval of requisitions, purchase orders and vouchers? 769. Does the module provide the ability to track differing dollars limits for different types of documents, for example, requisitions and purchase orders? 770. Does the module provide the ability to prevent the creation of the next document in the chain if the authorization has not been received? 771. Does the module provide the ability to access a single screen to see all of the pending authorizations for a single user? 772. Does the module provide an authorization summary screen which breaks down the authorizations needed by document type, for example, requisitions and purchase orders? 773. Does the module provide the ability for the user to "drill down" on the summary screen to see the detail of the documents? <COLLEGE>] Page 49 of 103 Accounts Payable General Information 774. Does the module integrate with other modules, including the General Ledger module, for generating payments? 775. Does the module automatically process general ledger entries? 776. Does the module verify transactions against accounts receivable balances? 777. Does the module automatically update the accounts receivable detail ledger? 778. Does the module create vouchers from purchase orders without re-entry of information? 779. Does the module provide the ability to maintain multiple bank accounts? 780. Does the module process 1099s? 781. Does the module generate a monthly expenditure report of all system- and manually generated checks, including payee, date, number, amount, and description? 782. Does the module generate reports for cash requirements? 783. Does the module perform the check authorization process on-line? Check Processing 784. Does the module provide the ability to write checks for students, instructors, etc., without a vendor number? 785. Does the module provide the ability to write checks without a PO number? 786. Can the module combine multiple invoices for a single payment to a vendor? 787. Does the module provide the ability to write checks manually? 788. Does the module allow check writing during registration for refund payments to students? 789. Does the module allow the printing of refunds and other checks? 790. Does the module allow the printing of checks (e.g., Pell grants, etc.)? 791. Does the module allow recovery of checks damaged in printing? 792. Does the module maintain a complete audit trail of checks? 793. Does the module perform bank reconciliation and track outstanding checks? 794. Does the module include the ability to stop individual payments or all payments to a vendor? 795. Does the module allow the user to purge reconciled checks and associated vouchers at the user's discretion? <COLLEGE>] Page 50 of 103 796. Does the module automatically pay due invoices by specified dates? 797. Does the module automatically pay due invoices by specified dates, with the ability to process exceptions? 798. Does the module provide the ability to pay specified invoices only? 799. Does the module automatically process recurring payments? 800. Does the module automatically calculate refunds using decreasing percentages, with an option to refund in full? 801. Does the module perform automatic calculations to take advantage of vendor discount schedules? 802. Does the module perform automatic encumbrance reversal? 803. Does the module track future commitments (such as lease agreements) against budgeted funds? 804. Does the module convert invoice totals to foreign currency, when required? General Ledger General 805. Is the module fully integrated with the Financial, Student, and Human Resources systems? 806. Does the module provide real-time data entry with immediate update to all databases? 807. Does the module include detailed general ledger capability for 12 months? 808. Does the module include unlimited note space for details on each journal entry? 809. Does the module provide for recurring journal entries? 810. Does the module disallow out-of-balance journal entries? 811. Does the module process interfund transfers? 812. Does the module allow multiple years to run concurrently? 813. Does the module allow account balance information to roll over from one year's ledger to another? 814. Does the module provide the capability for processing the current month's (or year's) activity before closing the prior month (or year)? 815. Does the module perform month-end and year-end closings on demand? 816. Does the module include automated end-of-year processing? 817. The system should be in compliance with FAS116 and FAS117 upon implementation. 818. Ability to freeze activity for an account without deactivating the account? <COLLEGE>] Page 51 of 103 Access to Information 819. Does the module provide on-line access to the general ledger history for an unlimited number of years? 820. Does the module provide on-line access to the current status of any organizational budget function for the current year by line item? 821. Does the module provide on-line access to detail activity of any budgetary account for the current year? 822. Does the module allow on-line inquiry to account balances and line item detail? 823. Does the module allow on-line inquiry to line item detail by various criteria (such as timeframe, source, or account) for at least one year? 824. Does the module provide the ability to assign security for each user tied to the general ledger account? 825. Perform cash flow management, including analysis and projections? 826. Provides for audit trails? Account Specifications 827. Does the module provide a flexible account number structure? 828. Does the module include a menu-driven method for building charts and defining an account number structure? 829. Does the module allow an unlimited number of funds? 830. Does the module allow an unlimited number of cost centers? 831. Does the module allow an unlimited number of general ledger balance sheet accounts? 832. Does the module enable the user to designate group headers/titles for account groupings? 833. Does the module accommodate up to 25 characters in the account number structure? 834. Does the module follow NACUBO recommendations for the chart of accounts? Reporting 835. Does the module produce financial statements on-line, based on user-defined criteria? 836. Does the module provide multiple level reporting (account, department, division, type of fund, etc.)? 837. Does the module generate reports using the specifications required by FASB Statement of Financial Standards No. 117? 838. Does the module generate reports on the statement of changes in fund balances, comparative balance sheets, a statement of current funds, revenue expenditures, and other changes? <COLLEGE>] Page 52 of 103 839. Does the module generate reports for control accounts with detailed accounts? 840. Does the module export data to a PC for spreadsheet and graphic use? 841. Provides for roll-up reporting? 842. Ability to produce financial statements in batch mode? 843. Provides monthly and annual reporting of activity as well as daily and weekly reports? Pooled Investments 844. Does the module automate calculation of the distribution of investment earnings and market gains/losses? 845. Does the module calculate the allocation of each participating unit's income, gains, and/or losses on a unitized basis? 846. Does the module provide on-line access to information related to additions, withdrawals, earned income, changes in market value, and available cash for each of the participating units? 847. Does the module automatically post all required journal entries for distribution to the general ledger? 848. Does the module determine and track the historic gift value of each participant's investment in the pool? 849. Does the module track reinvested earnings and gains/losses independently from actual contributions to the participating unit? 850. Does the module allow the user to define the transfer schedule for the distribution of earnings to individual participating units? 851. Does the module enable the institution to generate and print statements to send to major donors and responsible parties within the institution? 852. Does the module track demographic information associated with each specific fund, including names of the account manager, account supervisor, major donors, and the specific departments that benefit from the investment? 853. Ability to report the total return for an endowment? 854. Ability to designate multiple income and expense accounts per pool? 855. Ability to report the net appreciation of an endowment fund per distribution frequency? Budget Management 856. Is the module integrated with the General Ledger module so that the completed budget automatically produces opening year general ledger budgets? 857. Does the module provide access to prior year, current year, and future year budgets for planning? <COLLEGE>] Page 53 of 103 858. Does the module allow on-line inquiry to prior year and current year actual amounts and supporting detail for planning? 859. Does the module automatically record the current budget for use in planning the next year's budget? 860. Does the module provide the ability to annualize actual expenses for the current year for comparison purposes? 861. Does the module decentralize the budget creation process by allowing the budget to be "rolled up" from the department level? 862. Does the module generate budget worksheets? 863. Does the module perform budget projections for planning purposes? 864. Does the module allow on-line entry and maintenance of budget data? 865. Does the module track approvals required for budget input? 866. Does the module provide the ability to select line items for reporting and summary? 867. Does the module provide the ability to build a budget using a hierarchical structure? 868. Does the module provide the ability to build budget scenarios and justifications? 869. Does the module perform budget projections with multiple year comparisons on-line? 870. Does the module include room for unlimited on-line justification comments or notes for each budget item? 871. Does the module generate user-defined reports on budgets, final expenditures, and adjusted budgets for an unlimited number of previous years? 872. Does the module track expenditures by line item? 873. Does the module prepare budget reports with revisions? 874. Does the module allow on-line budget revisions with approvals, and maintain an audit trail of these revisions? 875. Does the module include encumbrances on budget reports? 876. Does the module maintain a comprehensive audit trail of modifications to the budget? 877. Does the module allow preparation of monthly budget reports by department? 878. Does the module provide budget summaries by account, type, department, etc.? 879. Does the module track budget/expenditures by department, including year-to-date expenditures for work/study and non-work/study charges? 880. Does the module report budget overruns? 881. Does the module report what percent of the budget has been used? <COLLEGE>] Page 54 of 103 882. Does the module report budgeted vs. actual expenses for the month and year to date, in dollars and in percent of total expended? 883. Does the module provide final budget reports by department? 884. Does the module create multiple versions of a budget and budget projections for tracking and historical purposes? 885. Does the module perform "what-if" scenarios to model various approaches to budget prioritization and projections for subsequent years? Fixed Assets 886. Does the module allow the institution to specify the location and pertinent attributes of each asset? 887. Does the module allow the institution to designate a person who is responsible for each asset? 888. Does the module assign a unique identification number and property tag number to each asset? 889. Does the module allow the institution to track the condition of each asset at each physical inventory? 890. Does the module allow the institution to associate assets with each other (e.g., a printer could be associated with a computer, or a chair could be associated with a desk)? 891. Is the information maintained in this module integrated with the Facilities Profile in the Core System to provide a comprehensive listing of the campus buildings and equipment? 892. Does the module maintain comprehensive asset valuation information it receives from accounts payable, such as vendor, acquisition date, and amount or cost of the asset? 893. Does the module maintain the valuation date, valuation method, valuation amount, valuation company, appraisal date, appraisal reason, insured value, insured date, and deductible amount for each asset? 894. Does the module provide the ability to enter renewal information about the asset, such as renewal description, amount of renewal, renewal date, renewal life, revised cost of the renewed asset, and revised remaining life of the asset? 895. Does the module allow the user to project the valuation of an asset over a specified number of depreciation periods? 896. Does the module automatically recalculate depreciation on combined assets when their valuation is changed through renewal? 897. Does the module maintain information on specific asset restrictions, including donor information and any restrictions on asset disposal? 898. Does the module maintain all pertinent information relating to insurance policies and service or warranty contracts covering the asset? <COLLEGE>] Page 55 of 103 899. Does the module allow the institution to designate which assets are to be capitalized? 900. Does the module include a batch processing routine that capitalizes all new assets and automatically updates the general ledger? 901. Does the module support the following depreciation methods: straight line, sum-of-the-year-digits, declining balance, or a user-defined method? 902. Does the module include a batch processing routine to depreciate all fixed assets on a selected schedule and automatically update all depreciation accounts in the general ledger? 903. Does the module update all applicable general ledger accounts when an asset is disposed of? Inventory 904. Does the module automate the process of tracking and accounting for items kept in stock at an institution's supply center or multiple inventory stores? 905. Does the module track the status of the inventory in the inventory store, including what it has on hand, what it has on order, what it has committed to customers, and what it has on backorder? 906. Does the module automatically update the inventory whenever purchase orders are issued or back-ordered to replenish the store's stock? 907. Does the module provide the option to mark up the cost of individual items so that the inventory store can function as a cost center for the institution? 908. Can the module be used to publish a price book that lists the item number, size, color, cost, and additional information about each item in stock, using the inventory data contained in this module? 909. Can the module track inventory information for multiple supply centers? 910. Can the module calculate the value of inventory on demand? 911. Does the module allow entry of physical inventory and post-inventory adjustments to account for damaged or missing goods, which can then be written off? 912. Does the module integrate inventory information with the Purchasing, Physical Plant, and General Ledger modules? 913. Does the module allow requisitions to stock inventory to be processed electronically through purchasing, with inventory records updated when the goods arrive? 914. Does the module charge directly to work orders for supplies from inventory that are used to fulfill the orders? 915. Does the module automatically charge back the cost of inventory requests from individual departments through general ledger updates? <COLLEGE>] Page 56 of 103 Physical Plant 916. Does the module automate the institution's work order processing system by electronically processing work order requests? 917. Does the module automatically update the general ledger with charges to the appropriate department for physical plant services? 918. Does the module centralize work order assignments in the physical plant? 919. Does the module allow for job scheduling, cost and progress monitoring, and maintaining an on-line status of all work orders? 920. Does the module allow estimates of labor and materials to be compared with actual labor and materials cost for analysis? 921. Does the module perform automatic maintenance of total-to-date amounts for all labor, material, departmental, and total job cost figures? 922. Does the module monitor work orders in progress? 923. Does the module maintain a work order history report to track previous work done? 924. Does the module enable the labor and material costs for a work order to be charged directly to the physical plant or the requesting department? 925. Does the module integrate work order requests with the Inventory and Purchasing modules? 926. Does the module enable materials needed to complete the work order to be acquired through the Inventory or Purchasing modules, with the appropriate charges transferred to the work order? 927. Does the module allow charges for stock from inventory or outside purchases to be attached to the work order for appropriate billing to the requester? 928. Does the module track all charges for each work order in one place to ensure billing accuracy? <COLLEGE>] Page 57 of 103 Human Resources System Personnel General 929. Is the module integrated with the Payroll module? 930. Is the module integrated with the Student System and the Financial Aid module to track work/study participants? 931. Does the module provide the ability to maintain: 932. Name and personal data? 933. Nine-digit zip code? 934. Start date and other dates? 935. Education and degrees? 936. Campus address and phone number? 937. Fax number and e-mail address? 938. Type of employee? 939. Title, department, division, and level? 940. Years to tenure? 941. Committees on which they have served? 942. Salary history? 943. Spouse's name? 944. Full-time or part-time benefits? 945. Salary and deductions? 946. Health conditions? 947. Disabilities or special needs? 948. Military status? 949. Does the system provide the capability for employees to access leave information via the web with proper security in place? 950. Does the system provide the capability for employees to access personal information and make address changes via the web with proper security in place? <COLLEGE>] Page 58 of 103 951. Does the system provide the capability for employees to view position information via the web with proper security in place? 952. Does the module provide the flexibility to add new data elements for new regulations and reporting requirements? 953. Does the module allow for retroactive or future dating of events? 954. Does the module allow recording of actual dates of personnel events? 955. Does the module maintain affirmative action information? 956. Does the module provide the capability to define academic rank codes (professor, instructor, etc)? 957. Does the module provide the capability to distinguish job classifications (business manager, dean of students)? Applicant Tracking 958. Does the module provide job applicant tracking? 959. Can you record the date of application? 960. Does the module provide automatic creation of a personnel record at the time of hire? 961. Can the module track applicant skills for filling future positions? 962. Does the module track position applied for and salary requirements? 963. Does the module track years of education and institutions attended? 964. Does the module allow association of skills with employees to track what skills are available and who possesses them? 965. Does the module provide unlimited free form comments? 966. Does the module provide the capability to print notifications to applicants? 967. Does the module provide the capability to print address labels? 968. Does the module provide the capability to search for potential candidates for an open position through the employee, and applicant records by entering search criteria, such as education level, skills, certifications, job classifications, etc? 969. Does the module provide unlimited historical data on all applicants? Position Management 970. Does the module provide the ability to create an unlimited number of positions? 971. Can multiple general ledger numbers be assigned to each position? <COLLEGE>] Page 59 of 103 972. Is the module capable of posting different earning categories to multiple general ledger numbers? 973. Does the module maintain information on position definitions, including which employees currently hold those positions? 974. Does the module provide the ability to note the supervisor for a position or employee? 975. Does the module provide the capability to define the standard yearly work time and the pay period work time Faculty Assignment Contracts 976. Does the module interface with the Students System? 977. Does the module track contract information? 978. Does the system allow assignment contracts to be initiated by both the Student and Human Resource Systems? 979. Does the module allow you to create a ‘shell’ assignment contract which has no assignments, load periods or positions associated to it for use throughout a person’s career, associating new load periods, positions and assignments as needed? 980. Does the module provide a summary screen to view existing or historical contracts? 981. Does a completed assignment contract contain the following data on-line: 982. Contract description? 983. Start/end dates? 984. Contract number? 985. Contract type? 986. Payment method (hourly, salary)? 987. Status (full-time, part-time)? 988. Appointment reason? 989. EEO Category? 990. EEO/IPEDS tenure type? 991. I-9 form completion date? 992. Free form comments? 993. Does the module provide the flexibility to define load periods outside of academic terms? 994. Does the module allow for multiple load periods for an employee’s assignment contract? 995. Does the module allow you to assign positions to a load period? <COLLEGE>] Page 60 of 103 996. Does the module provide the flexibility to link assignment contracts to load period positions manually or with a batch process? 997. Does the module provide the following faculty assignments: 998. Course section assignments? 999. Campus advisement assignments 1000. Campus member assignments 1001. Does the module provide a report to show the assignment distributions? 1002. Does the module provide a report, which generates a list for faculty members, that do not have contracts associated with them? 1003. Does the module provide a batch process to update assignment contract information into Personnel, creating all wage records? 1004. Does the module provide the ability to view information pertaining to the courses and course assignments for each contract? Benefit Management 1005. Does the module allow an unlimited number of benefit and deductions? 1006. Does the module provide the ability to administer COBRA billing and payment processing? 1007. Does the module provide the capability to process wage garnishments? 1008. Does the module provide an interface to Accounts Receivable? 1009. Does the module allow for flexible benefits? 1010. Does the module provide the ability to have employee paid, employer paid and shared benefits? 1011. Does the system provide for multiple payroll deduction frequencies? 1012. Does the system provide for default information to be passed to each employee and overridden if needed? 1013. Does the module provide the capability to have taxable and non-taxable benefits? 1014. Does the system provide the ability to define eligibility rules? 1015. Does the module store beneficiary information? Can multiple beneficiaries be listed for the benefit? 1016. Does the system provide batch processes to enroll/unenroll employees in benefit plans? 1017. Does the system provide batch processes to update benefit rate changes (health care increase)? 1018. Does the system have the ability to set limits on benefits/deductions? <COLLEGE>] Page 61 of 103 1019. Does the system provide a process to batch reset limits on a periodic basis when user initiated? 1020. Does the module provide the flexibility to handle fixed amount, percentage, insurance, table driven, A/P reimbursement and receivable benefits/deductions? 1021. Does the module provide flexibility to only process certain benefits on a periodic basis (medical insurance on the first payroll of the month)? 1022. Does the module provide the ability to assign priorities to benefits/deductions for payroll calculation purposes? Leave Management 1023. Does the system provide the ability to define an unlimited number of leave plans? 1024. Does the system provide the ability to define different types of leave (vacation, sick, jury, bereavement, family medical, etc)? 1025. Does the module provide different rates of accrual based on years of service? 1026. Does the module provide the option to allow/disallow negative leave? 1027. Does the module automatically maintain and monitor sick leave, vacation, and personal leave based on multiple accrual methods? 1028. Does the module provide the option to limit the number of leave hours an employee can carry over from one year to the next? 1029. Can a maximum leave accrual limit be set? 1030. Does the module provide an option to prevent employees from taking leave during a probationary period? 1031. If needed, can manual adjustments be made to an individual’s leave plan? 1032. Does the module provide the ability to track Family Medical Leave? 1033. Does the module store all leave transactions for historical purposes? 1034. Does the module provide the ability to set up a leave pool (catastrophic illness)? 1035. Does the module track the employee and number of leave hours donated and granted from the leave pool? 1036. Can you place a maximum on number of hours to donate or grant to the leave pool? 1037. Does the system provide a detailed leave pool transaction report? 1038. Does the module provide a leave detail audit report showing all leave transactions for a specified leave plan for a specific date range? <COLLEGE>] Page 62 of 103 Personnel Actions 1039. Does the module process batch updates for wage, benefit/deduction, and leave changes? 1040. Can employees be batch enrolled/canceled from a benefit? 1041. Can employees be batch enrolled/canceled from a leave plan? 1042. Does the module allow for easy reactivation of former employees? 1043. Is an employee easily terminated and is the termination reason kept on file? 1044. Can an employee’s primary position be easily changed? 1045. Does the system provide the ability to apply future effective dates to an employee’s record? 1046. Does the module have the capability to add and cancel additional positions? 1047. Is the ability to create benefit and leave templates for ease of entry available? 1048. Does the system provide the ability to correct status, termination, position and benefit dates? 1049. Does the module provide the ability to purge job applicants when a user initiates the process? 1050. Does the module provide the ability to purge personnel records when user initiated? 1051. Does the system produce a detailed audit report prior to any purge process? 1052. Does the system provide the ability to restore one or more personnel records once they have been archived? Personnel Records 1053. Does the module record faculty evaluation dates? 1054. Does the module provide the ability to store an alternate ID? 1055. Is the ability to track EEO category available? 1056. Does the module store the EEO/IPEDS Tenure Type? 1057. Does the module provide a process to change an employee’s status? 1058. Does the module provide the ability to store significant employment dates, such as, I-9 completion and expiration dates, tenured date, date of employment, anniversary day and retirement date? 1059. Does the module allow for a default workweek schedule to be set up for employees’? 1060. Does the module allow for changes to a work week schedule? 1061. Does the module provide summary screens so that you can view a person’s positions, wages, benefit and leave plans? <COLLEGE>] Page 63 of 103 1062. Does the module provide the capability to track non-employees or volunteers? Personnel Reporting 1063. Does the module maintain personnel profile reports? 1064. Does the module produce personnel reports based on any past, current, or future point in time? 1065. Does the module provide the ability to select groups of employees for review of evaluation summaries, committees, tenure, scheduling, etc.? 1066. Does the module provide the ability to generate a personnel directory? 1067. Does the module generate faculty lists by department? 1068. Does the module sort employees by category, type, title, building, full-time or part-time status, office location, or mailing address? 1069. Does the module generate mailing labels for all employees? 1070. Does the module generate mailing labels for on-campus addresses, sorted by building or department? 1071. Does the system provide IPEDS reports? 1072. Does the system provide a leave transaction report which shows all leave transactions, dates, hours, comments, previous and current balances? Payroll General 1073. Is the module integrated with the General Ledger, Personnel, Financial Aid and Accounts Receivable modules? 1074. Does the module integrate and record employee donations to the institution in conjunction with the Alumni and Development System? 1075. Does the module allow payroll processing to be scheduled at any time for salaried employees, per-hour employees, and part-time faculty? 1076. Does the module perform "what-if" scenarios at the employee's request for paycheck modeling as it pertains to wages, taxes and benefits? 1077. Does the module provide a summary screen to view earnings, taxes, and benefit and leave information for quarter-to-date, year-to-date, as well as fiscal-to-date totals? 1078. Does the system provide a process to clear quarter-to-date and year-to-date totals with a batch process? 1079. Does the system provide a process to clear fiscal-to-date information in a batch process? <COLLEGE>] Page 64 of 103 1080. Does the system prevent you from running the first payroll of the quarter if the quarter-todate totals have not been cleared? 1081. Does the system prevent you from running the first payroll of the if the year-to-date totals have not been cleared? 1082. Does the system prevent you from running the first payroll of the fiscal year if the fiscal-todate totals have not been cleared? 1083. Does the module provide the ability to identify an unlimited number of pay cycles for identifying employees into similar groups for payment? Time Management 1084. Does the module provide the ability to define an unlimited number of shift differentials? 1085. Can time worked be entered on-line? 1086. Does the module provide an interface with outside electronic time recording systems (KRONOS)? 1087. Does the module automatically maintain and track comp time? 1088. Does the module provide time sheet balancing reports? 1089. Does the module provide the ability to track holiday hours? 1090. Does the module provide the capability to track time on an exception, positive and scheduled positive basis? 1091. Does the system provide the capability to track time on a daily basis? 1092. Can default work schedules be set up to eliminate unnecessary keystrokes? 1093. Does the module provide the ability to enter the actual time worked and associated earnings type for each day in the pay period? Adjustments 1094. Does the module provide the ability to adjust payroll earnings, benefits and taxes during payroll? 1095. Is retroactive pay processing available? 1096. Does the module provide the capability to reverse payroll checks and advices? 1097. Does the module provide a manual check calculation? 1098. Does the module provide a replacement check process? 1099. Does the module provide a process to void a check number range? <COLLEGE>] Page 65 of 103 Calculations 1100. Does the module process miscellaneous or stipend pay on regular or separate payroll runs? 1101. Does the module calculate and distribute overtime pay, with optional manual overtime distribution? 1102. Can the module pay salaries over 9, 10, or 12 months? 1103. Does the module handle employees who have opted for deferred pay (9 over 12)? 1104. Can the module process a special payroll, such as a bonus or end of semester payment (not a standard pay period)? 1105. Does the module provide flexible pay schedule calculations for continuing education faculty? 1106. Does the module track employment start/end dates for contract, payment, and deduction purposes? 1107. Does the module automatically track sick leave, vacation, personal leave, etc.? 1108. Does the module allow for insurance deductions, including separate dental and life insurance? 1109. Does the module provide the ability to handle various deduction schedules (one-time, weekly, monthly, etc.)? 1110. Does the module provide an unlimited number of non-statutory deductions per employee? 1111. Does the module provide the means to perform all calculations for federal and state withholding, employer contributions, and other employee deductions and taxes? 1112. Does the module allow maintenance of appropriate tax and mandatory reporting routines? 1113. Does the module use annualized tax calculations for more accurate tax withholding? 1114. Does the module process tax deferred deductions, such as 403B plans? 1115. Does the module calculate Group Term Life insurance tax (imputed income)? 1116. Does the module provide the ability to define a large number of federal, state and local tax codes and tables? 1117. Does the module provide a process to copy tax tables from one year to the next in order to prevent further setup and data entry errors? 1118. Does the system provide the ability to create a tax template so that all taxes can be applied to a new employee in a single process (FICA, MEDI, federal and state)? Regulatory Requirements 1119. Does the module produce W-2s? 1120. Does the module produce quarterly reports? <COLLEGE>] Page 66 of 103 1121. Does the module calculate federally mandated Group Term Life insurance tax (imputed income)? 1122. Does the module adhere to IPEDS regulations and produce necessary reports? Distribution 1123. Does the module automatically calculate payroll distribution? 1124. Does the module provide the capability to directly deposit checks into multiple accounts for each employee? 1125. Does the module meet all National Automated Clearinghouse Association (NACHA) standards for direct deposit tapes? 1126. Can the module include multiple pay cycles on a single direct deposit tape? 1127. Can the module include prenotes on the direct deposit tape? 1128. Does the module ensure electronic check reconciliation for cleared payroll checks? 1129. Does the module automatically print payroll checks and advices? 1130. Does the module process single checks? 1131. Does the module print payroll registers and posting reports automatically? 1132. Does the module report sick leave, vacation time, etc., on employee pay stubs? 1133. Does the module provide a process to automatically create remittances and vouchers for vendor payments based on payroll deductions collected for benefits/deductions and taxes? 1134. Does the module provide the capability to manually maintain remittance processing should the need arise? 1135. Does the automatic check/advice print process provide the ability to sort by pay station? History 1136. Does the module maintain historical records on both a fiscal year and a calendar year basis, by individual and by position? 1137. Does the system provide the capability to purge historical payroll data when user initiated? 1138. Does the system provide a process to purge historical checks and advice records when user initiated? Student Employment 1139. Does the module interface with Financial Aid module? 1140. Does the module provide the ability to monitor earnings against award amounts? <COLLEGE>] Page 67 of 103 1141. Does the module provide the ability to clear award information either by individual or in batch after an award period is over? 1142. Does the module create and maintain employment records for college work/study students without additional data entry? 1143. Does the module process student work/study and student non-work/study per hour on a monthly payroll? 1144. Does the module provide on-line maintenance and inquiries to work/study and nonwork/study wages by department? 1145. Does the module track expenditures by department on work/study and non-work/study accounts with year-to-date totals? 1146. Does the module generate reports on eligible funds remaining for each work/study or nonwork/study student? 1147. Does the module print student work/study profiles and summaries? Canadian Processing 1148. Does the module produce T-4 forms? 1149. When T4s are produced, is each employer account reported separately? 1150. Does the module adhere to Canadian regulatory rules? 1151. Does the module produce output in the Canadian date format? 1152. Does the module produce forms with the Canadian spelling of cheques? 1153. Does the module provide the ability to have multiple employer identification numbers? 1154. Does the module provide the ability to define Statutory Deduction Codes for federal/provincial deductions, Canada Pension Plan (CPP), Quebec Pension Plan (QPP) and Employment Insurance (EI)? 1155. Does the module provide the ability to enter employee and employer annualized tax tables for Canadian tax types of CINC, UI and CPP? 1156. Does the module allow you to maintain the routing and transit information for banks to which employees' direct deposits may be? 1157. Does the module produce Record of Employment (ROE) forms? Reporting 1158. Does the module maintain unlimited historical detail for use in reports and analysis? 1159. Does the module generate payroll totals by employee, type of employee, and grand totals for specified periods? <COLLEGE>] Page 68 of 103 1160. Does the module generate payroll registers, balancing reports, and deduction/reduction registers and reports with totals by type of deduction? 1161. Does the module generate distribution reports by employee, by employee type, and by account, department, and division? 1162. Does the module provide the ability to produce federal quarterly and year-end reports from a backup file so that normal payroll processing can continue without interruption? Employee And Labor Relations Employee Relations, Bargaining Units 1163. Does the system provide the ability to create an unlimited number of seniority plans? 1164. Does the module provide the ability to define the seniority plans by type (union, federal, institutional)? 1165. Does the module provide flexibility to be able to include or exclude various types of earnings? 1166. Does the module validate against positions? 1167. Does the system provide the ability to create an unlimited number of bargaining units? 1168. Can an employee be associated with multiple bargaining units? 1169. Can positions and bargaining units be linked? 1170. Does the module provide the capability to assign minimum number of hours to be worked before seniority eligibility begins? 1171. Does the module provide the flexibility to expire a seniority plan if a specified amount of time has lapsed from previous seniority accumulation? 1172. Does the module provide unlimited free form comment fields for plan descriptions? 1173. Is the module flexible enough to include or exclude pre-seniority hours from the seniority calculation? 1174. Does the module allow for adjustments? 1175. Does the module provide the ability to set limits on each seniority plan? 1176. Does the module provide the capability to create seniority plan templates in order to decrease data entry? 1177. Can seniority information be reviewed by position? 1178. Is there a process to batch enroll/unenroll seniority plans to selected positions? 1179. Are changes to seniority plans stored on-line for historical purposes? <COLLEGE>] Page 69 of 103 1180. Does the module provide the ability to enroll employees into seniority plans both individually and by batch update? 1181. Does the module provide a seniority work file for review and to make adjustments prior to final calculation? 1182. Does the system produce a report to show seniority accumulations for selected employees? 1183. Does the module produce a ranking report for specified plans which shows employee name, ID number, hours accumulated, start date, last accumulation date and lapse date by descending order? 1184. Does the module produce a Plan Position Report, which lists all positions, enrolled in a plan and shows the seniority plan, positions enrolled in the plan and the department to which the position is assigned? Position Budgeting General 1185. Does the module provide the flexibility to indicate if the position budget is to be posted directly to General Ledger or via the Colleague Financials’ Budget Management module? 1186. Does the module interface with the Personnel Module? 1187. Does the module interface with the Budget Management module? 1188. Does the module provide security by location, school, division and departments? 1189. Does the module provide the ability to define budget projection rules? 1190. Does the module provide the ability to define an unlimited number of authorized positions with an authorized budget? Position Management 1191. Does the module provide the ability to create salary tables in order to set ranges for position wages? 1192. Is the capability to set minimum, mid point and maximum salaries for positions? 1193. Is there a process that automatically verifies salary limits when an employee is hired? 1194. Does the module provide the capability to system-generate a first draft position budget? 1195. Does the module post only one position budget to the general ledger per fiscal year? 1196. Does the module provide the option to create Matrix Salary Tables or Range Salary Tables? 1197. Does the salary range table automatically default in grade and step when the employee’s salary is entered? <COLLEGE>] Page 70 of 103 1198. Does the matrix table automatically determine a salary if a particular grade or step is entered? 1199. Do the salary tables store the following data: 1199.1. Description? 1199.2. Type of table (matrix or range)? 1199.3. Hourly or Salary? 1199.4. Status (active/inactive)? 1199.5. Bargaining unit? 1199.6. Unlimited free form comments? 1199.7. Historical table changes? 1200. Does the system automatically generate a table? 1201. Does the module allow you to modify the salary table? 1202. Does the module allow definition of raise rules in order to project automatic increases to salaries? 1203. Does the module provide the capability to print Salary Tables? 1204. Does the module allow you to copy an existing Salary Table to a new table? 1205. Does the module allow you to roll a previous year’s budget into a new budget year? 1206. Does the module allow you to define projection rules to use when generating a position budget? 1207. Does the module allow you to select which period pay dates to include in your position budget? 1208. Does the module provide a report for verification of any changes made in the Personnel module that may affect your position budget? 1209. Does the module provide a summary screen to view position budget information on-line for a particular budget year? 1210. Does the module provide an inquiry screen to view a list of all incumbents and vacancies for a specified budget position? 1211. Does the module allow you to record approval dates, individuals designated to approve a position budget and comments? 1212. Does the module provide the ability to ‘lock’ a position budget to prevent further modifications? <COLLEGE>] Page 71 of 103 Position Encumbrancing 1213. Does the module allow salary and benefit dollars to be encumbered to the general ledger, based on wage information in the system at the time the encumbrance is made? 1214. Does the module provide the capability to update or adjust encumbrances? 1215. Is there a process to relieve encumbrances? 1216. Does the module provide the ability to view encumbrance information by person by position showing the total encumbrance, encumbrance relieved, encumbrance remaining, as well as, the cost to date by fiscal year? <COLLEGE>] Page 72 of 103 Alumni/Development System Individual Information 1217. Is the module designed to be the primary location for all information about individual alumni and/or donors? 1218. Does the module access demographic information from the Core System to ensure that duplicate entries are not allowed within the system? 1219. Does the module allow information from other parts of the system, such as the Student System, to be rolled into this module to add potential prospects and participants to the system, such as graduating seniors or parents of currently enrolled students? 1220. Does this module contain all demographic data about donors and/or alumni, including biographic information? 1221. Does this module contain employment information? 1222. Does this module contain academic information? 1223. Does this module contain identification of relationships to others? 1224. Does this module contain information about an individual's affiliations? 1225. Does this module contain information regarding memberships in clubs, associations, or organizations? 1226. Does the module capture information in such a way so that details about individual preferences, specific donor instructions or requests, or related information about activities, employment, or other affiliations are stored in the system and accessed whenever appropriate for the task at hand? 1227. Can the module generate mailings, labels, rosters, and formats for correspondence, automatically checking against other last names, prior names, nicknames, and maiden names to ensure that no duplicate entry exists? 1228. Does the module ensure that updated and new information is automatically checked as it is entered to validate that it is in an acceptable format? 1229. Does the module use a household move screen to record a change of address for an entire household? 1230. Does the module enable the user to enter unlimited names, addresses, and telephone numbers? 1231. Does the module track an unlimited number of names (including preferred names and nicknames) for individuals? 1232. Does the module track current addresses (including seasonal addresses), and prior addresses to establish an audit trail and an historical record for each donor? <COLLEGE>] Page 73 of 103 1233. Does the module enable addresses to be of unlimited length to allow for unusual and/or international addresses? 1234. Does the module allow multiple telephone numbers to be listed for each address? 1235. Does the module enable the institution to establish an extensive network of relationships and contact between individuals, organizations, and corporations? 1236. Does the module track an unlimited number of personal and professional relationships? Organization Information 1237. Does the module include pertinent information about each organization, including a hierarchy of its associated subsidiaries, branches, locations, and foundations? 1238. Does the module automatically determine the appropriate company to process matching contributions for donations, based on employer information for the donor recorded in the Individual Information module? 1239. Does the module provide information on the organization's primary address? 1240. Does the module track what type of an organization it is? 1241. Does the module track the type of business the organization is in? 1242. Does the module track SIC codes? 1243. Does the module track an organization's funding interests? 1244. Does the module track the organization's contracts? 1245. Does the module track student recruitment requests? 1246. Does the module track matching gift policies? 1247. Does the module track financial information on an organization? 1248. Does the module track listings of contacts, directors, and officers? 1249. Does the module automatically update and track all of the organization's employees who are donors or otherwise affiliated with the institution? 1250. Does the module use multiple abbreviated forms or organization names for sorting and retrieval? 1251. Does the module provide user-defined parameters to enable the institution to tailor the system to meet its specific needs for the identification of organization types, matching gift policy information, and report sorting order, ensuring consistency in data entry and accuracy of the data? 1252. Does the module ensure that new and updated information is automatically checked as it is entered to validate that it is in an acceptable format? 1253. Does the module provide the ability to track donations that are eligible for matching contributions? <COLLEGE>] Page 74 of 103 1254. Does the module provide the ability to track committed, expected, and received gifts, based on the status of the contribution? 1255. Does the module generate a letter to the donor making him or her aware of the matching gifts program and asking him or her to forward the appropriate form? 1256. Does the module provide the ability to track that all eligible matching funds are received? Major Prospects 1257. Does the module monitor the move management process for the cultivation and solicitation of each major prospect? 1258. Does the module include information to rate, track, and store all available prospect information? 1259. Does the module track sources of wealth? 1260. Does the module track philanthropic activities? 1261. Does the module track attendance at events? 1262. Does the module track personal contact with representatives of the institution? 1263. Does the module track the cultivation and solicitation activities for major prospects? 1264. Does the module allow the development office to track each contact and its ensuing results using unlimited free-form text and user-defined codes for consistency? 1265. Does the module maintain complete historical records on-line? 1266. Does the module include additional security features to ensure that only those people authorized to see the information have access to it? 1267. Does the module track the progress of the research the institution performs on each prospect, including sources of wealth and philanthropic activities? 1268. Does the module track and store proposals made to potential donors? 1269. Does the module track proposal requirements? 1270. Does the module track schedules for proposal submission and evaluation? 1271. Does the module track historical information about past proposals? 1272. Does the module automatically identify individuals or organizations as major prospects when they reach recognition club status for sustained giving? 1273. Does the module provide a "tickler" calendar with daily and weekly reminders of letters, calls, or visits that need to be handled? 1274. Does the module track multiple areas of giving per donor, and track concurrent solicitations from different parts of the institution? <COLLEGE>] Page 75 of 103 1275. Does the module provide the ability to assign staff and/or volunteers to prospects and track move management? 1276. Does the module provide the ability to document the cultivation strategy for each prospect, as well as each contact made by the development staff or volunteer? 1277. Does the module provide statistics which can be generated to determine the effectiveness of each solicitation approach or each solicitor? 1278. Does the module provide the ability to document prospect contacts and plans for future contact? 1279. Does the module provide the ability to establish an historical record of all contacts made with individual prospects? 1280. Does the module provide the ability to assign duties and activities to particular staff members? 1281. Does the module provide the ability to manage proposals to individual or institutional donors? 1282. Does the module track the progress of proposals to individuals or organizations for significant grants or donations to the institution? 1283. Does the module provide the ability to develop a major prospect rating system? 1284. Does the module provide the ability for the institution to define a prospect rating scale so that it is focusing its energies on its best prospects? 1285. Does the module provide the ability for individuals or committees to rate each prospect? 1286. Does the module track the success of the development office in soliciting donations from prospects based on their ratings? Gift And Pledge Processing 1287. Does the module track memorial gifts as well as generate notifications to next of kin for gifts received? 1288. Does the module track honoraria gifts? 1289. Does the module track gifts-in-kind? 1290. Can the module handle flexible payment schedules? 1291. Does the module support and track pledges and installment pledges? 1292. Does the module support multi-year pledges? 1293. Does the module track the giving history of each donor? 1294. Does the module support joint gifts? 1295. Does the module track eligible matching gifts? <COLLEGE>] Page 76 of 103 1296. Does the module accept donor-defined flexible payments or billing schedules for multi-year or irregular pledges? 1297. Does the module enable the donor to specify how his or her gift should be allocated to an unlimited number of funds? 1298. Does the module provide for pledges or gifts to be processed in batch mode and/or individually? 1299. Does the module allow multiple open pledges? 1300. Does the module enable multiple pledges to remain open for any single donor, and enable the institution or the donor to choose which pledge to apply payments to? 1301. Does the module track gifts of stock, land, equipment, life insurance policies, etc.? 1302. Does the module track planned gifts? 1303. Does the module ensure that each gift is recorded in the donor's record and the appropriate acknowledgment is automatically generated? 1304. Does the module automatically generate gift acknowledgments, which are appropriate for each type of gift, using variables such as dollar amount, gifts to specific funds, or gifts that are eligible for matching? 1305. Does the module automatically generate an acknowledgment letter upon receipt of the gift, customizing the text and the salutation as appropriate? 1306. Does the module assign hard, soft, and reciprocal credit percentages by individual? 1307. Does the module enable the institution to assign hard, soft, and reciprocal credit for donations and associated matching gifts? 1308. Does the module enable donors to specify how credit is to be assigned based on individual preferences? 1309. Does the module automate recognition club programs? 1310. Does the module automatically generate lists of donors who have achieved recognition club status based on variables such as combined giving, types of gifts, or types of donors? 1311. Does the module track each gift and keep a running total of gifts to date? 1312. Does the module comply with the FASB Statement of Financial Standards No. 116 "Accounting for Contributions Received and Contributions Made"? 1313. Does the module include an override capability to make appropriate entries in unusual situations? 1314. Does the module include additional fields to capture the nature and description of restrictions on contributions? 1315. Does the module include a method of recording and tracking volunteer services? <COLLEGE>] Page 77 of 103 Campaign Management 1316. Does the module provide the ability to see the status of an entire campaign or a single mailing on just one screen? 1317. Does the module consolidate and summarize financial and strategic data for management information and decision support? 1318. Does the module track all aspects of campaign activities, using unlimited campaign levels and structures? 1319. Does the module track campaign contribution details by donors, dollars received, dollars pledged, and non-cash gifts entered through Gift and Pledge Processing? 1320. Does the module provide campaign goal-versus-actual reporting for contributions, expenses, revenue, donors, and percent of goal achieved? 1321. Does the module track multiple campaigns across multiple years and perform year-to-year comparisons and projections? 1322. Does the module provide the ability to directly compare the percentage of the campaign that has been completed versus the percentage of the goal that has been raised? 1323. Does the module ensure that all contributions received are immediately posted to the appropriate campaign fund for immediate on-line access? 1324. Does the module track the results of various campaigns to give an overall picture of progress to date, allowing the user to select one, several, or all campaigns to analyze? 1325. Does the module enable the institution to look at the results of all campaigns piece by piece, from results of an individual reunion campaign mailing, to overall reunion campaign results, and to overall campaign results for the year? 1326. Does the module enable campaign managers to determine the cost per dollar raised, the cost per piece mailed, and the general effectiveness of day-to-day operations? 1327. Does the module provide the capability to drill down into data to perform detailed analysis that will help to better understand the dynamics of a campaign and identify potential trouble spots? Activities And Events 1328. Does the module automate the planning and management of activities and events for fund-raising campaigns? 1329. Does the module analyze contributions to campaigns? 1330. Does the module track projected participation versus actual participation and projected costs versus actual costs? 1331. Does the module calculate expense-to-revenue projections? 1332. Does the module automatically create donor activity histories? <COLLEGE>] Page 78 of 103 1333. Does the module work with your correspondence processor to produce direct mailings or invitations for a targeted group of donors? 1334. Does the module track volunteer and staff assignments to specific duties for the event? 1335. Does the module automatically update campaign totals as donations come in? 1336. Does the module track attendance confirmations? 1337. Does the module assist in assigning seating using defined parameters and facility set-up information? 1338. Does the module maintain information on organizations or donors who are underwriting an event (for example, donating the food, flowers, or the program)? 1339. Does the module automatically monitor progress toward goals such as attendance, contributions, or revenue? 1340. Can the module be tailored to identify specific types of campaigns or events, cost category codes, facility codes, and types of volunteers? 1341. Can the module track single events as well as complex events, such as reunion week and commencement, that are made up of a series of events? 1342. Does the module automatically generate invitations and confirmation letters? 1343. Does the module enable any office with access to the module to generate automatically personalized invitations based on user-defined parameters, and then follow-up with confirmation letters? 1344. Does the module automatically generate attendance confirmations and name tags for each attendee, using the attendee's preferred name? 1345. Does the module track and appropriately respond to specific requests, such as seating preferences or special meals? 1346. Does the module include a weekly or daily calendar and reminder system to map out important dates in the planning and management of an event and add them to an overall development office calendar? Membership 1347. Does the module manage membership in any dues-paying organization? 1348. Does the module track membership in "clubs" that provide premiums for certain levels of giving and extra benefits for members such as special publications or discounts on group travel? 1349. Does the module track the dues-paying process? 1350. Does the module track premiums available to members? 1351. Does the module track subscriptions to member publications? 1352. Does the module generate statistics related to members? <COLLEGE>] Page 79 of 103 1353. Does the module enable the institution to establish an unlimited number of membership types? 1354. Does the module allow individuals to hold memberships in multiple associations or groups, if desired? 1355. Does the module process memberships that are given as gifts? 1356. Does the module process the distribution of subscriptions to member publications? 1357. Does the module track the expiration date of each membership? 1358. Does the module automatically generate renewal invoices and reminders? 1359. Does the module automatically generate membership cards? 1360. Does the module automatically update the member's record when membership is renewed? 1361. Does the module allow the institution to define the renewal cycle, grace periods, and schedules of notices sent? 1362. Does the module enable members to pay their dues in installments, generating the appropriate invoices and notices on schedule? 1363. Does the module allow the institution to complete premium requests on-line and automatically update the premium inventory? 1364. Does the module track data about premium popularity, maintaining an on-line premium inventory? 1365. Does the module integrate membership dues with historical giving records? 1366. Does the module assist in the development of on-air fund drives for institutions with radio or television stations? 1367. Does the module track pledge results based on pledge-break placements in on-air fund drives? Fund Allocation 1368. Does the module provide an interface to the General Ledger module, sending summary transactions to the general ledger chart of accounts? 1369. Does the module provide reports on and monitor the distribution of revenue from donations, campaigns, and special events, as well as anticipated revenue projections from matching gifts and unfulfilled pledges? 1370. Does the module provide end-of-day processing and balancing at the gift entry level, batch level, batch posting level, and for general ledger transfers? 1371. Does the module allow any adjustments required to be made through an adjustments process that creates an audit trail and automatically sends the appropriate adjusting journal entries to the general ledger? <COLLEGE>] Page 80 of 103 1372. Does the module ensure that all data necessary to satisfy the requirements of SFAS No. 116 is imported to the appropriate general ledger account numbers and validated? 1373. Does the module enable the institution to maintain complete audit trails of all gift and pledge processing transactions and the corresponding updates in the general ledger? Information Access 1374. Does the system include a variety of query tools that can be used to access data? 1375. Can real-time data from multiple files be accessed without programming? 1376. Are end users able to write and execute their own queries and reports? 1377. Do standard reports come with the system? 1378. Does the query language use English-like structures for ease-of-use? 1379. Are users able to build on queries by requesting a more specific query? 1380. Can users save a query that will be performed repeatedly? 1381. Can a user-defined query be added into an individual user's established system menu? 1382. Can a user-definer query be added to a system menu for access by many users? 1383. Can SQL be used to perform queries? 1384. Can multiple databases or applications be queried to produce reports? 1385. Does the system include a query statement builder that allows users to quickly and easily build queries that can be executed against the administrative system database? 1386. Does the system help the user build queries by providing a scroll-down list of available fields and files? 1387. Does the system include the capability to import and export data between the administrative system and standard PC applications? 1388. Does the system use a variety of interface techniques, including upload/download, cut and paste, and dynamic data exchange, for importing and exporting data? 1389. Can the end user view data as it is being uploaded to a PC? 1390. Does the system include a record/play feature that allows users to "record" a file as it scrolls on the screen and then "play" it back into another application? 1391. Does the system include a "learn" mode that captures all keystrokes entered in a script so that it can be rerun at will? 1392. Does the system include a graphical Executive Information System? <COLLEGE>] Page 81 of 103 Application Software Detail If you would like to include a more complete description of your application software, please attach this description here. <COLLEGE>] Page 82 of 103 6. ADVANCED TECHNOLOGY, HARDWARE, AND SYSTEM SOFTWARE Please answer each question by entering the appropriate response on the line preceding the question: Y = Yes, this feature is currently available and can be demonstrated now. U = User Tools can be used to include this feature. F = This feature will be available in a future release with the next 12 months. P = This feature will be available in a future release. N = No, this feature is not currently available as stated in the question. If the function is scheduled for a future release (F), you must provide the scheduled release date in italic type, immediately following the question. If a question asks for additional information or additional explanation is necessary, please add an explanation immediately following the question in boldface type. Advanced Technology 1393. Is your company committed to the use of advanced technologies in its products? 1394. Does your company implement new strategies and technologies without making current application software obsolete? 1395. Are your research and development activities focused on meeting emerging client requirements? 1396. Do your products use a graphical user interface? 1397. As your products evolve, is the integrity of data and information shared across all systems protected? 1398. Is your company committed to preserving and maximizing <ABBREV>'s software investment? Open Systems Environment 1399. Does your solution operate in an open systems environment? 1400. Do all product development activities strictly adhere to standards for open systems and UNIX? 1401. Does your approach to open systems allow clients to augment your solution with special access capabilities, such as touch screen and imaging? <COLLEGE>] Page 83 of 103 Hardware And Operating Systems 1402. Does your solution operate in a UNIX environment? 1403. Can your company serve as the primary contractor for the installation and implementation of the overall system? 1404. Can your clients receive special pricing and new products because of your relationships with hardware vendors? 1405. Does your proposed hardware solution provide for the support of <#> concurrent users? 1406. Does your proposed hardware solution provide for the support < #> graphical user interface users concurrently? 1407. Does your proposed configuration support a (describe type of network) network? 1408. Please include the hardware configuration that you would propose for <ABBREV>. (Final specifications for the hardware and networking environment will be developed in cooperation with the selected software vendor.) Applications Development Environment Tools 1409. What language is generated by your application development tool? 1410. Is it a compiled language or an interpreted language? 1411. Was the application developed using an Applications Development Environment (ADE) tool? 1412. Does your company use ADE tools to automate the software development process? 1413. Is your ADE tool available to clients who want to use it to develop their own software applications, including batch and report processing? 1414. Is a scaled-down version of the ADE tool available to clients who only need to develop or modify relatively simple screens? 1415. Does your ADE tool support all aspects of software development, including design, specification, prototype development, coding, testing, implementation, documentation, tuning, and maintenance? 1416. Does the ADE tool allow the application software's workflow to be tailored to match <ABBREV>'s current or desired workflow? 1417. Does your ADE tool allow clients to easily modify your existing application software? 1418. Does your ADE tool create standardized screens that have the same "look and feel" and use the same user conventions? 1419. Does your ADE tool provide a screen painter for screen design? 1420. Is <ABBREV> able to define screens for batch data entry using your ADE tool? <COLLEGE>] Page 84 of 103 1421. Does your ADE tool generate technical specifications for data elements and screens, providing the basic structure for technical documentation? 1422. Does your ADE tool use central data dictionaries to cross-reference data elements and computer programs? 1423. Does the ADE tool enable database optimization separate from the development of the application? 1424. Does the ADE tool provide hooks into all phases of the application, including fields and screens, to provide complex algorithmic processing capability? 1425. Does the ADE tool provide for process reuse, user additions to reusable processes, and a central repository for defining data fields for all database files? 1426. Are coded and tested stand-alone subroutines available for the client to developing custom applications? 1427. Can screen prototypes be tested with user-entered data even though file support does not exist? 1428. Does the ADE tool provide a code generator to create source and compiled code? 1429. Does the ADE tool provide fourth-generation language capability, including the use of macros, inserts, and advanced database features? 1430. Does the ADE tool allow <ABBREV> to define security restrictions at the process, field, and record levels, specifying whether a user has create, update, or inquiry-only privileges? 1431. Does the ADE tool provide recovery capabilities to track data updates to selected files? use when Database Management System 1432. Does your solution include a relational database management system (RDBMS) and application development environment? 1433. Does your RDBMS support client/server connectivity? 1434. Does your RDBMS support open systems interoperability? 1435. Does your RDBMS allow access by PC-based decision tools? 1436. Does your RDBMS interoperate with SQL servers and gateways to foreign databases? 1437. Does the RDBMS provide support for non-traditional data structures, such as graphic images, binary data, and engineering data? 1438. Does the RDBMS support a multi-dimensional file structure? 1439. Does the RDBMS support unlimited values per field? 1440. Does the RDBMS support variable length fields within each record, variable length records, unlimited fields per record, and unlimited records per file? <COLLEGE>] Page 85 of 103 1441. Does the RDBMS enable the addition of new data fields, and the expansion of an existing data field without requiring the database to shutdown, unload, and reload? 1442. Does the RDBMS support nested relational multi-valued data types, virtual attributes, complex data types, and pre-joins in the database? 1443. Does the RDBMS have extensions to support attributes within repeating groups? 1444. Does your company have the rights to the source code of the RDBMS that you are proposing? Query Capabilities 1445. Does the query language allow users to create ad hoc queries to extract data from multiple systems at the same time? 1446. Does the query language support formatting with titles, page layout, column headings, totals and subtotals, mathematical calculations, sorting, and selection criteria? 1447. Does the query language support selections based on pattern matching and wild card characters? 1448. Does the query language allow for multiple selection criteria supporting equal, not equal, less than, greater than, less than or equal to, and greater than or equal to? 1449. Is the query language capable of accessing multiple tables without complex joins? 1450. Does the query language support the use of programmable virtual fields? 1451. Can the end user create and store query statements for later recall and execution from a menu? Reporting Capabilities 1452. Does the report generator perform sorts in ascending or descending order based on any field name, and include or exclude records based on selection criteria? 1453. Is the RDBMS delivered with an easy-to-use editor? 1454. Can an end user quickly edit and execute current, stored, and previous query statements? 1455. Does the RDBMS provide the user with an intuitive, consistent user interface? 1456. Does the RDBMS record on-line database updates for the purpose of restoring the database after media failure? Executive Information Systems 1457. Does your system include an Executive Information System (EIS)? 1458. Can your EIS access information stored in non-administrative databases, regardless of format? <COLLEGE>] Page 86 of 103 1459. Can data from non-administrative databases be incorporated with data from the administrative database for analysis? 1460. Can your EIS be used to identify key business trends, data relationships, and exceptions? 1461. Are only pertinent data fields included in search algorithms to speed up processing? 1462. Can the results of queries be generated in user-defined formats, such as charts, graphs, or tables? 1463. Can important trends be highlighted with special colors or sounds? 1464. Can users "drill down" into the results to get more details about a particular area? 1465. Is the EIS easy to use for end users who may have minimal computer experience? 1466. Can users point-and-click on icons to process an EIS request? 1467. Can data be automatically refreshed on a user-defined schedule, such as the first day of every month? 1468. Can your company provide support to <ABBREV> to determine our key performance indicators and how they should be tracked? 1469. Can your company assist in the development of customized EIS views? 1470. Can <ABBREV> make modifications to the search algorithms used by the EIS? 1471. Can the EIS be used for geographic tracking? 1472. Can the EIS be used to develop institutional directories? 1473. Are libraries of typical EIS functions and queries available for use or modification? 1474. Does your company provide training on the use of the EIS for end users as well as the technical support staff? System Architecture 1475. Does your solution include a client/server-based architecture? 1476. Does your approach to client/server architecture allow <ABBREV> to tailor the processing approach to best meet our needs? 1477. Is the software delivered with total integration to the Financials, Human Resources, and Student System? 1478. If not, how is this process done for integration? 1479. If the product is not delivered "out of the box" with total integration between each module but needs to be built by the client, what happens when future product enhancements are delivered? Would a new interface have to be programmed by the client or a consultant? Please give a time and cost estimate if the previous answer was yes. <COLLEGE>] Page 87 of 103 1480. Explain how you handle the casual web users, such as students, for which we cannot afford to dedicate a database session. Explain how you allocate database sessions to these casual users and how you prevent the casual users from using up all the available database sessions during high usage times such as registration and grading. 1481. If it is an interpreted language, who supplies the virtual machine that executes the code and what is your release strategy for the virtual machine on the various supported platforms. 1482. What kind of performance can we expect form the virtual machine? 1483. What is the means of integrating between your various subsystems? Advanced Technology Detail If you would like to include a more complete description of the advanced technology you use in your application, please attach this description here. <COLLEGE>] Page 88 of 103 7. Implementation And Support Please answer each question by entering the appropriate response on the line preceding the question: Y = Yes, this service is currently provided by the primary vendor. N = No, this service is not currently available as stated in the question. If a question asks for additional information or additional explanation is necessary, please add an explanation immediately following the question in boldface type. Overview 1484. Has your support staff worked with institutions similar in size to <ABBREV>? 1485. Do you deliver your own services? 1486. Does your support staff have experience working at institutions of higher education prior to joining your company? 1487. Please name 3 references who have used this type of service from your company? 1488. Do you use a team approach to service and support so that a consistent working relationship is established between <ABBREV> and your company? 1489. Do you evaluate and adjust your services based on client input? 1490. Are you continually developing new services to meet client demands? 1491. At what point in time do you cut off support of the product revisions for previous releases? 1492. Do you use advances in technology to improve the efficiency and effectiveness of your service and support staff? 1493. Is your service and support staff dedicated to developing long-term relationships with each client? 1494. Do you support your product after the product is live? If not, how is the product serviced? What cost is this service? 1495. How many fully implemented institutions do you have in total as of #DATE#? 1495.1. 1496. List them. How many multi-site institutions do you have in total that are fully implemented? 1496.1. List them. 1497. Does your company provide user training? Please describe. 1498. Does your company provide technical training? Please describe. 1499. Does your company provide installation services? Please describe. <COLLEGE>] Page 89 of 103 1500. Does your company provide consulting services? Please describe. 1501. Does your company offer any other support services? Please describe. 1502. Does your company provide consulting for the following subject areas? 1502.1. Perform Fit Analyses 1502.2. Data mapping 1502.3. Customizations 1502.4. Performance tuning 1502.5. Detailed functional reviews 1502.6. Upgrades 1502.7. Project Management 1502.8. Other forms of on-going project assistance 1502.9. Documentation development 1502.10. Installations 1502.11. Training 1502.12. Modifications 1502.13. Ongoing maintenance and support Implementation Management This section covers several areas of implementation management, including implementation planning and support services, delivery and installation services, training and consulting, conversions, modifications, and problem resolution. Implementation Planning Services 1503. Is the implementation plan normally in place within two weeks of contract ratification? 1504. Will your company develop the implementation plan jointly with <ABBREV>, based on our priorities and goals? 1505. Does your company provide project management training for <ABBREV>'s people who will be responsible for implementing the system? 1506. Does your company perform a needs assessment to determine current systems, operational requirements, and new system expectations prior to developing the implementation plan? 1507. Does your company work with <ABBREV> to identify implementation teams? 1508. Does your company work with <ABBREV> to develop a realistic implementation schedule, based on our priorities? <COLLEGE>] Page 90 of 103 1509. Does your company work with <ABBREV> to determine our criteria for implementation success? 1510. Are training class dates and times scheduled, as well as on-site consulting visits, as part of the implementation plan? 1511. Does the implementation schedule include the sequence of module installation and live dates for each module purchased? 1512. Is reasonable startup time allocated so that it includes enough time for training, testing, and going live with each module? 1513. Is progress toward meeting the goals established in the implementation plan monitored by your company? Implementation Support Services 1514. Does your company provide different levels of implementation support so that <ABBREV> can contract for the level of support which is most appropriate for our needs? 1515. Do you have a contact from your company who understands your product and is assigned to the client throughout the implementation? If yes, how often would this person from your company meet and visit the client? Is there an additional cost for this service? 1516. Is the client provided with implementation handbooks to provide implementation guidance to <ABBREV>'s staff? 1517. Does the client support representative maintain contact with the project manager to ensure implementation is going according to plan? 1518. Does the client support representative recommend consulting services or training programs when appropriate? 1519. Does the client support representative track all services being provided to the client? 1520. Does the client support representative set up contacts with other clients to share information with <ABBREV>? 1521. Does <ABBREV> have the option of requesting on-site project management support for the duration of the implementation? 1522. Can your company provide specialized support for clients who need to implement their system in a shorter-than-normal timeframe? Delivery And Installation Services 1523. Does your installation services team work with <ABBREV> to ensure that the most effective operational site layout and facilities have been chosen for the equipment? 1524. Does your installation services team install all application software and the relational database management system? 1525. Are educational versions of the software installed for practice and training exercises? <COLLEGE>] Page 91 of 103 1526. Are test versions of the software installed for testing data and procedures? 1527. Does <ABBREV> receive a complete set of training manuals upon including installation checklists? 1528. Does your installation services team provide system administrator hardware platform installed by <ABBREV>? 1529. Is your installation services team available to provide consulting if additional installation assistance becomes necessary? 1530. Describe the upgrade process? What utilities are provided to assist with the upgrade process? What happens to customizations when a new release is applied? installation, orientation for the Training And Consulting 1531. Does your company provide systems classes for users who will implement, maintain, and administer the system? 1532. Does your company provide programming classes for users who will be working with the relational database management system and any ADE tools? 1533. Does your company provide application software classes for users who need instruction in the features and functions of each module? 1534. Do classes combine lecture, demonstrations, and hands-on practice? 1535. Are class sizes limited to promote interaction between the instructor and the students? 1536. Does the proposed system include training exercises and a database for educational purposes that users can work with to become familiar with the system? 1537. Is the database for educational purposes included with the system the same as the database used in training classes? 1538. Are classes taught at your company's locations? 1539. Can classes be taught on-site, if requested? 1540. Are classes evaluated by students to ensure that the content and presentation methods best meet the students' needs? 1541. Can training programs be developed for end users who will be doing data entry or performing simple functions on the system? 1542. Are computer-based training tutorials available? 1543. Are consulting services available to clients at all times? 1544. Are consulting sessions tailored to the individual needs and concerns of the client? 1545. Can your consultants focus on specific modules to improve the performance and capabilities of <ABBREV>'s installation? <COLLEGE>] Page 92 of 103 1546. Can your consultants help <ABBREV> maximize our resources to take full advantage of the system's capabilities? 1547. Can your consultants help <ABBREV> to better use our administrative system and improve the management of the system? 1548. Can your consultants assist <ABBREV> in transforming our business processes to achieve higher levels of efficiency? Conversion And Modification Support 1549. Does your company offer different levels of conversion support, dependent on the complexity of the conversion and the skills available on <ABBREV>'s staff? 1550. Does your conversion team work with <ABBREV> to determine what data needs to be converted and the best method of converting it? 1551. Are sample conversion programs available to assist clients who perform their own conversions? 1552. Can your conversion team provide a template of a conversion program, customized for use by <ABBREV>? 1553. Can your conversion team write the entire conversion program for <ABBREV>? 1554. Can <ABBREV> request that modifications be made to the application software? 1555. Is all custom programming guaranteed? 1556. Are your service and support teams notified of any custom programming changes so that they can respond appropriately if questions arise? 1557. Does your company make adjustments to custom programs that may be required because of changes in the base application? Implementation Issue Resolution 1558. Does your company provide a toll-free telephone number for clients to call with questions or concerns during implementation? 1559. Is the 800-number available more than 8 hours per day? 1560. If the application expert who answers a call to the 800-number doesn't know the answer to the client's question, is the question passed to researchers or programmers to resolve? 1561. Does your company maintain an on-line database of questions and answers about implementation issues that is accessible to clients? 1562. Is the on-line database accessible 24 hours a day? 1563. Does the database contain implementation question reports from clients, as well as the answers to those questions? <COLLEGE>] Page 93 of 103 Ongoing Services And Support This section covers several areas of ongoing services and support, including support service agreements, support for hardware changes, documentation, client partnerships, communication with clients, and problem resolution. Support Services Agreement 1564. Does your support services agreement provide for continued enhancement of application software and its documentation? 1565. Does your support services agreement include access to programmers and technical staff who are dedicated to identifying and resolving problems? 1566. Does your support services agreement include year-end updates to the application software to reflect payroll and other tax calculation changes? 1567. Does your support services agreement include annual adjustments to financial aid calculations and access to U.S. Department of Education software? 1568. Does your support services agreement include at least one major general enhancement release each year? 1569. Does your support services agreement include the addition of new technology as it becomes available? 1570. Does your support services agreement provide computer-based training to help users learn new application modules or revisions to existing modules? 1571. Does your support services agreement include the availability of support and action when emergency situations demand quick response? 1572. Does your support services agreement include access to an 800- number for call-in support? 1573. Does your support services agreement include access to an on-line database of client questions and answers? 1574. Does your support services agreement include on-line access to your company via the Internet? 1575. Do clients with a support services agreement get to contribute to product development and design by participating in functional needs surveys and product design walk-throughs? 1576. Do clients with a support services agreement receive preferential consideration and pricing for new product offerings, source code, and all services? Documentation 1577. Is your documentation designed to be user-friendly? 1578. Is documentation provided about special system operations (e.g., start-up/shutdown, backup/recovery procedures)? <COLLEGE>] Page 94 of 103 1579. Are documented implementation plans, handbook, and/or guidelines provided? 1580. Does your documentation incorporate client feedback from previous releases? 1581. Is customer documentation platform independent? 1582. Does documentation include manuals for use by system administrators? 1583. Is on-line help available for fields, screens, and selectable items in the user interface? 1584. Are manuals available for each software module? 1585. Are task-oriented hardcopy procedural manuals available for end users who perform daily operations on the system? 1586. Is special documentation provided to help system administrators implement new releases of the software? 1587. Can additional copies of the documentation be purchased directly from your company? 1588. Do clients receive materials to update their manuals for major releases? 1589. Do updates to documentation include change bars so the user can quickly identify what has changed? 1590. Is your documentation available from the Internet? 1591. Is your documentation team available to perform consulting services, if required? Partnership With Clients 1592. Does your company include clients on its technical advisory committee to better understand the clients' needs and requirements? 1593. Does your company have a client-based documentation advisory board to get user input on documentation issues? 1594. Are clients included in product walk-throughs during all stages of product development? 1595. Are client sites used for beta-testing of new application software? 1596. Does your company participate in joint development projects with clients? 1597. Does your company support clients who are participating in or making presentations to professional organizations or conferences? 1598. Does your company recognize clients who participate in partnership programs with credits that can be applied to your products and services? Communicating With Clients 1599. <COLLEGE>] Are clients routinely contacted by client support representatives to maintain a communications link between <ABBREV> and your company? Page 95 of 103 1600. Do you have any other regularly scheduled meetings to communicate with your Higher Education customers? Please describe them. 1601. Does your company support an on-line bulletin board available via Internet? 1602. Does your company support an on-line bulletin board available only to clients? 1603. Does your company use surveys and evaluations to get feedback from clients on products, services, and offerings? Service And Support Issue Resolution 1604. Does your company provide a toll-free telephone number for clients to call with questions or concerns about ongoing service and support? 1605. Is the toll-free number staffed more than 8 hours per day? 1606. Are the people answering the calls experienced enough to answer many of the questions immediately, without having to get back to the client later? 1607. Are more complex questions forwarded to researchers or programmers for resolution? 1608. Do critical situations get priority? 1609. Are all calls logged and tracked to ensure timely investigation, follow up, and resolution? 1610. Are all calls acknowledged and/or confirmed in writing (via fax or E- mail) to ensure the support team's understanding of the issue? 1611. Are calls from each institution tracked to determine when a client is having a significant number of questions in a certain area, so that special assistance can be provided if necessary? 1612. Does your company maintain an automated customer service response line? 1613. Does the automated system include an on-line database of questions and answers about service and support issues that is accessible to clients? 1614. Are clients able to access the automated system 24 hours a day? 1615. Does the on-line database contain historical documents and reports? 1616. Does the database track all questions reported to the toll-free number, as well as the answers to the questions? 1617. Does the database include hints and tips from electronic user "bulletin boards"? 1618. Does the automated response line automatically notify users of specific questions raised by other clients? 1619. Does the automated response line allow users to submit questions for resolution by your company? 1620. Does the automated response line allow clients to send electronic mail to your employees? <COLLEGE>] Page 96 of 103 1621. Does the automated response line allow clients to view their institution's open and closed incidents? 1622. Can your problem resolution system automatically notify other clients if they have shown an interest in a specific problem? Users' Groups 1623. Is there a formal active Users' Group exclusively for Higher Education institutions that have your products installed? If no, how many Board members represent Higher Education for your national User’s Group? 1624. Is your Higher Education Users' Group independently managed? 1625. Does your company participate in Higher Education Users' Group meetings? 1626. Does the Higher Education Users' Group hold an annual meeting for all members? 1627. Do formal users groups for Higher Education exist on a regional level? Implementation And Support Detail If you would like to include a more complete description of your implementation and support offerings, please attach this description here. <COLLEGE>] Page 97 of 103 8. Cost Quotation The following configuration and Investment Summary are based upon <VENDOR>’s understanding of <COLLEGE>’s needs as expressed in this document. Please include information for the following: Financing Options Software Costs Optional Training and Support Services Enhancement and Support Services Agreement (ESSA) Conversions Miscellaneous Estimated Expenses Networking, Cabling & Communications Supplies Travel Shipping Sales Tax Internet Access <COLLEGE>] Page 98 of 103 Relational Database Management System Executive Information System (EIS) Reporting Software Electronic Data Interchange Software Telephone Registration System Document Imaging and Workflow Facilities Scheduling Computer Equipment Deposit and Terms Hardware And Networking Equipment If your company is proposing hardware along with the application software, please include the proposed configuration of hardware and networking equipment required, along with the costs associated with each item. Deposit And Terms Please describe your standard requirement for deposits that must be made prior to installation, and the payment schedule for the balance. Please describe any requirements for lease/purchase agreements. <COLLEGE>] Page 99 of 103 9. References References Please provide a list of at least six (6) sites that have fully implemented and are currently using the administrative software you have proposed to <ABBREV>. Please include the following information: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. Institution name Contact person Address Telephone number Original Date of Purchase Live Date Please provide a list of at least three (3) sites that are in the process of implementing your administrative software, including the following information: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. Institution name Contact person Address Telephone number Original Date of Purchase Planned Live Date Please provide a complete list of all customers currently supported by your company. <COLLEGE>] Page 100 of 103 10. Vendor Addendum Sample Contracts Please provide a sample of your standard contract(s) and maintenance contract(s) that would be representative in scope and content to the contract(s) you would present to <ABBREV>. Other Materials Please use this section to include any other materials that you feel are relevant to <ABBREV>'s proper consideration of your proposal. <COLLEGE>] Page 101 of 103