Policy Procedure for Appointing Instructors and Scholars-in-Residence
Individuals appointed to the rank of Instructor or Scholar-in-Residence must have a master's degree or its equivalent and normally hold a terminal degree appropriate for the discipline. Instructors with demonstrated excellence in teaching are considered for promotion to Senior Instructor after typically seven years of experience. Appointments may range from less than 50% to 100% of time. Instructors and Scholars-in-Residence usually teach undergraduate courses, and may have advising responsibilities and some limited administrative responsibilities in addition. Application to the Graduate School for graduate faculty status is required for Instructors and Scholars-in-Residence to teach at the graduate level, including service on graduate committees.
Instructors and Scholars-in-Residence at 50% time or greater receive health and retirement benefits consistent with those offered to tenure-track faculty. Health benefits are not extended to those Instructors and Scholars-in-Residence whose appointments are below 50% of fulltime. Instructors and Scholars-in-Residence are eligible for most faculty teaching and service awards and may apply for most faculty development fund programs offered to the general tenure-track faculty, such as travel or research/creative work awards. Sufficient support for the instructional responsibilities of Instructors and
Scholars-in-Residence will be provided, including library privileges, reasonable use of office staff support, and space for meeting with students. Instructors and Scholars-in-
Residence are encouraged to participate in faculty governance to the full extent permitted by department or primary unit bylaws.
Appointment as an Instructor or Scholar-in-Residence is an at-will appointment, and is subject to the limitations and restrictions defined by Colorado Statue and by the
University’s “at-will” policy. A letter of initial appointment which defines the salary and terms of employment will generally be written for a period of two years. Letters of reappointment may be written for periods of up to four years. Comprehensive reviews associated with reappointment are required at least once every four years. Workload weighting for purposes of annual merit evaluation will be defined in the letter of appointment or reappointment. This workload weighting is usually 75-100% teaching, with the remaining percentage composed of service. A typical example in the College of
Engineering and Applied Science is 90% teaching and 10% service, with a teaching load of three 3-credit courses per semester. The University does not require Instructors and
Scholars-in-Residence to conduct research. If an Instructor or Scholar-in-Residence wishes to include research in his/her workload, the following language must be added to the offer letter: “Unlike the expectations placed on tenure-track faculty, the University places no requirement upon you to conduct research or creative works as part of the condition of your employment You have voluntarily requested that your workload formula include ___% research, scholarly or creative work so that your annual merit evaluation may take your voluntary efforts in this area into consideration.” Evaluation for annual merit will be based upon the workload weighting defined at the time of appointment, unless it is subsequently modified in writing.
Instructors and Scholars-in-Residence should, in most cases, receive timely notification of non-renewal. In general, a notice of renewal will be issued one semester before the current letter of offer expires. Rostered Instructors and Scholars-in-Residence on multi-
year appointments should receive notification of non-renewal at least six weeks before the end date in the letter of offer.
Each department should establish a starting salary range for 100% full-time Instructors and Scholars-in-Residence within their unit. Instructors and Scholars-in-Residence on less than 100% time appointments shall be paid proportionately. Instructors and
Scholars-in-Residence shall be eligible for annual merit increases as part of the regular faculty merit assessment process.
Instructor and Scholar-in-Residence appointments are recommended by a vote of the permanent faculty of a discipline (a search is optional). The recommendation will be sent to the Dean for his concurrence and will be subject to final approval by the Chancellor of the University of Colorado at Boulder. Instructor and Scholar-in-Residence appointments at 100% require the additional concurrence of the Associate Vice
Chancellor for Faculty Affairs (currently Jeffrey N. Cox).
Offer letters are crafted and printed by the Department and signed by the Chair. The offer letter, the candidate’s vita and a short statement by the Chair that describes the faculty vote and rational for hire is then forwarded to the Dean’s Office for approval.
Once approved, the letter is returned to the Department for the candidate’s signature. The
Department enters the hiring information into PeopleSoft. Offer letters are to be accepted by the candidate and approved by the Chancellor prior to the start date of the appointment. Therefore, offer letters should be accepted and returned to the Dean’s office on or before July 20 th
for all fall appointments and on or before December 20 th
for spring appointments. Candidates should not be allowed to begin work without an approved appointment.
R. H. Davis & J. Murphy 2/18/10
Letter of Offer:
Appointment Start and End Dates:
Oath Form:
[use for:
Instructors and Scholars-in-Residence
Senior Instructors and Scholars-in-Residence
Research Professor Series
Scholar in Residence Series]
Dear ____________________:
I am pleased to offer you an appointment to the faculty of the University of
Colorado at _______________ as [TITLE ]. This offer is made upon the recommendation of the Department of _______________ with the concurrence of the Dean of the _______________ and the Associate Vice Chancellor for
Faculty Affairs , and subject to final approval by the Chancellor of the University of
Colorado at Boulder.
Subject to approval by the Chancellor, your service would begin on
[Instructor series appointments usually start on the first day of an academic semester] This appointment will end no later than
_______________. [No longer than four years] Your initial academic year salary will be $ ________. This is a non-tenure track appointment and may be renewable in accordance with University provisions concerning renewal and reappointment found in the Laws of the Regents.
[If a non-renewable appointment, substitute the preceding sentence with the following: "This is a nontenure track appointment and is non-renewable."]
[If applicable]: In order to assist you with your relocation, the University will reimburse the actual moving and transportation costs for you to relocate, up to a maximum of $ ________ and subject to University policy (appended). [optional]:
You will receive $ ________ to purchase _______________ (a computer, etc.) which will remain the property of the University of Colorado but will be for your use so long as you remain a member of the faculty.
[If Applicable]: Unlike the expectations placed on tenure-track faculty, the
University places no requirement upon you to conduct research or creative works as part of the condition of your employment You have voluntarily requested that your workload formula include ___% research, scholarly or creative work so that your annual merit evaluation may take your voluntary efforts in this area into consideration.”
For purposes of annual merit evaluation, your efforts and accomplishments will be assessed according to a workload formula of ________ % teaching,
________ % research/creative work, and ________ % service to the
Department, University and profession.
[Instructor appointments may be assigned a workload formula of 100% teaching. If this is a one-year, nonrenewable appointment, no merit review is anticipated and this paragraph may be deleted.]
By accepting this position, you agree to perform duties and responsibilities which are in the area of your expertise or academic interest, or are otherwise appropriate, and which are assigned to you consistent with your rights and responsibilities as a faculty member, and the policies and procedures of the
University and of your academic unit. [List general or specific duties here].
By accepting this appointment, you agree to comply with all resolutions, rules and regulations adopted by the Board of Regents, and with policies and regulations adopted by the campus, department, school, college or other academic unit in which your appointment is made, consistent with the policies and procedures of the University and your rights and responsibilities as a faculty member.
The laws of the state of Colorado require that faculty members of the University who are citizens of the United States affirm in writing that they will support the constitutions of the United States and of Colorado, and that they will faithfully execute the duties of their employment. The required oath form is enclosed.
State law specifically requires that you be an employee-at-will in your non-tenure track position and that the following paragraph be included in this letter of offer.
Your employment contract is subject to termination by either party to such contract at any time during its term, and you shall be deemed to be an employee-at-will. No compensation, whether as a buy-out of the remaining term of the contract, as liquidated damages, or as any other form of remuneration, shall be owed or paid to you upon or after termination of such contract except for compensation that was earned prior to the date of termination.
If you have any questions about your benefits as a faculty member, please contact the Benefits Office at (303) 735-6500.
In order that a recommendation for appointment may be submitted to the
Chancellor on your behalf, please notify me by _______________, 200_, of your willingness to accept this position by returning the signed letter to the
College/School of _______________, Campus Box _____. We look forward to your acceptance of this offer and your contributions to the University.
Concurred by:
Associate Vice Chancellor for Faculty Affairs (Only for 100% appointments)
I accept this offer of the faculty position described above, with the understanding that this offer is conditional upon approval of my appointment by the Chancellor of the University of Colorado at Boulder.
Social Security Number
I decline this offer.