CTS IGERT Student Schedule Approval Form Effective Fall 2008 Instructions for CTS IGERT fellows: Each semester for which you are being supported by the IGERT grant (i.e. not by your home department), you are required to obtain approval of your intended registration from your IGERT advisor. Please complete the form below and collect your IGERT advisor’s signature. The completed, signed form must be returned to the CTS Program Coordinator by the last day of the first week of classes. The schedule listed will be verified against your actual enrollment. IGERT will not authorize payment of your student account balance until an approved form has been verified. Name: _________________________________________ UIN: _________________________________________ Semester: _________________________________________ Please provide as much information as possible to expedite verification. CRN Dept. Course Name Instructor Approved by: IGERT advisor name: _________________________________________ IGERT advisor signature: _________________________________________ Date: _________________________________________ Credits