City Logistics Seminar at University of Illinois, 17th March 2008 Vehicle routing and scheduling with soft time windows and the uncertainty of travel times Eiichi Taniguchi, Naoki Ando and Ali Gul Qureshi Kyoto University Outline 1 Introduction to city logistics 2 Exact solution for Vehicle Routing and scheduling Problem (VRP) with soft time windows using column generation 3 Vehicle Routing and scheduling Problem with Time Windows (VRPTW) and the uncertainty of travel times 1 Introduction to city logistics Challenging issues (1) • Competition • Efficient logistics systems --- Just In Time transport systems • Freight carriers --- better services with lower costs • Shippers --- designated time windows Challenging issues (2) • Increase in urban freight transport – Congestion – Negative environmental impacts – Crashes – Energy consumption Noise Crash Air pollution Vibration 4 Congestion in urban areas (20th century) Trade-off Efficient freight transport systems Environment friendly systems Efficiency (21st century) and environment Efficient and environment friendly freight transport systems (function of city logistics) City Logistics 20th century • Any major reduction in environmental impact does not seem possible without putting the logistics innovations themselves into reverse (J. Cooper, 1991) 21st century • ICT (Information and Communication Technology), e-commerce (B2B, B2C) • Development and deployment of ITS (Intelligent Transport Systems) • SCM (Supply Chain Management) ERP (Enterprise Resource Planning) CRP (Continuous Replenishment programme) • Outsourcing of freight transport---3PL What is City Logistics? • City logistics is the process for totally optimising the logistics and transport activities by private companies with the support of advanced information systems in urban areas considering the traffic environment, its congestion, safety and energy savings within the framework of a market economy (Taniguchi et al. 2001) Characteristics of City Logistics • Total optimisation taking into account environment, congestion, safety, energy etc. • Free activities of companies supported by public sector through deregulation • Full utilisation of advanced information techniques including ITS and GIS • Mindset of Co-opetition Visions for city logistics • We need visions for city logistics to establish efficient and environmentally friendly urban logistics systems through the process of city logistics Sustainability Mobility Global competitiveness Efficiency Environment friendliness Congestion alleviation Security Structure of visions for city logistics Safety Energy conservation Labour force Liveability Two driving forces to promote city logistics schemes • Innovative technology (ICT and ITS) • Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) 2 Exact solution for Vehicle Routing and scheduling Problem (VRP) with soft time windows using column generation Introduction Truck based urban freight movement causes many problems • Problems such as Accidents On street parking Environmental Problems like generation of NOx, SPM and CO2, etc. • Time window adds further pressure on freight operators and their various treatments can produce different results • City Logistics deals with the measures to alleviate these problems • Measures such as Route optimization Ideal location of logistic terminals Controlling load factors Cooperative Delivery Systems etc. Vehicle Routing Shippers Freight Carriers Cost Cost: less vehicles, less travel Reliability Idling: less waiting time Reliability Green Image City Logistics Administrators Congestion Environment On-street Parking Residents and Customers Faster Deliveries Congestion Environment Safety On-street Parking VRPTW [ 4 – 7 pm] 7 [ 10 – 12 am] 8 10 [ 2 – 3 pm] 4 [6 – 7 pm] [ 10 – 11 am] 2 [ 1 – 5 pm] Depot k = 1, 2, … K 5 6 [ 10 – 11 am] 9 [ 3 – 4 pm] Vehicle Routing Problem with Time Win d ow s (VRPTW) is defined as to find the minimum cost routes for k vehicles to service all the clients. 3 [ 7 – 8 pm] Constraints: A vehicle can not serve more clients than its capacity. Delivery at each client m u s t b e w it h i n s o m e p r e defined time windows. VRPTW Variants Hard Time Windows Delivery is not possible outside the specified Time Windows (VRPHTW). ∞ Penalty cost Soft Time Windows Delivery is possible outside the specified Time Windows with penalties (VRPSTW). ∞ Penalty cost [ ] ai bi Time Hard Time Windows (HTW) In exact solution techniques, waiting is allowed at no cost Time [ ] ] ai bi bi’ Similarly allowing waiting without cost in Soft Time Windows results in: Semi Soft Time Windows (SSTW) Previous Research Exact solution techniques were used for VRPHTW whereas heuristic techniques were used for soft time windows variants such as VRPSSTW Most of the research is based on Solomon’s bench mark instances Drawbacks VRPHTW is important but it does not have the practicality and to some extent the economic considerations. Fair analysis was not possible since approx. solution of VRPSSTW obtained by heuristics were under optimized as compared to exact solution of VRPHTW Rough environment analysis (total emissions) was possible based on bench mark problems which only provide geographical locations. A single value of speed was assumed though the generation of emissions which depends on speed (i.e. traffic characteristics) Objectives Develop an exact solution approach for VRPSSTW Using exact solution techniques for both VRPHTW and VRPSSTW, to compare their relative characteristics with respect to Cost of Delivery Waiting Time Environment Impacts NOx CO2 SPM Using some practical logistics problems based on real road network so that above mentioned parameters can be calculated on the basis of actual traffic characteristics : Travel time, Travel Speed A detailed link based environmental comparison identifying emission intensities on each link produced by the VRPHTW and VRPSSTW solutions VRPTW Formulation min cij X ijk (1) kK ( i , j )A subject to X ijk 1, i C (2) qi X ijk Q, k K (3) X 1kj 1, (4) kK iC jV jV kK jV X ihk X hjk 0, jV hC kK (5) jV k X i1 1, iV kK Sik tij S kj 1 X ijk M ijk , ai Sik bi , X ijk {0, 1}, i V , i, j A (6) i, j A kK kK kK (7) (8) (9) Kohl et al., 1999. Exact Solution Technique: Column Generation Column generation or Dantzig-Wolfe decomposition, decomposes the VRPTW problem (1 – 9) (NP-hard) into: * Elementary shortest path problem with resource constraints (ESPPRC) (3 – 9). (Sub-Problem) * Set partitioning problem (Master Problem). Past Research: VRPHTW New Algorithm: VRPSSTW New subproblem : Elementary shortest path problem with resource constraints and late arrival penalties (ESPPRCLAP). New Labeling Algorithm is developed. c’ij = cij , cij + cl (sj - bj) if sj ≤ bj if sj > bj Penalty cost Late Arrival Penalty ∞ [ ai bi’ ] bi ] Time Exact Solution Technique: Column Generation Sub Problem ESPPRCLAP Master Problem Set Partitioning LP min c pYp pP subject to aipYp 1, No Feasible routes of negative reduced cost i C pP Yp {0, 1} p P Yes Integer Solution No Branch & Bound End Yes Master Problem Optimize, Prices (πi) Reduce Cost cij - πi Upper and Lower Bound VRPSSTW Solution 3400 Col. Gen. stops with integer Optimum Solution 3350 Obj. function value 3300 3250 3200 3150 Col. Gen. stops but solution is not integer: Branching on xij 3100 3050 3000 Col. Gen. stops but solution is not integer Branching on Number of Vehicles 2950 2900 0 20 40 60 80 Col. Gen. Iteration Upper Bound Lower Bound 100 120 Solomon Test Instances R101-Type Customer Location : Random 90 80 y-coordinate 70 60 50 40 30 20 10 0 0 20 40 x-coordinate 60 80 Solomon Test Instances RC101-Type Customer Location: Random + Clusters 90 80 y-coodinate 70 60 50 40 30 20 10 0 0 20 40 60 x-coodinate 80 100 10 125 R 10 150 R 10 225 R 10 250 R 10 325 R 10 350 R 10 425 R 10 525 R 10 550 R C 10 125 R C 10 150 R C 10 525 R C 10 550 R cost Cost Comparison 12000 VRPSSTW VRPHTW 10000 8000 6000 4000 2000 0 10 125 R 10 150 R 10 225 R 10 250 R 10 325 R 10 350 R 10 425 R 10 525 R 10 550 R C 10 125 R C 10 150 R C 10 525 R C 10 550 R time Waiting Time Comparison 450 400 VRPSSTW VRPHTW 350 300 250 200 150 100 50 0 Detailed Comparison Instance Network increase Decrease in cost Decrease in waiting time % % % Vehicle saved Labels ratio Time ratio R101-25 19.20 -10.97 -11.61 1 2.71 5.67 R101-50 16.13 -20.16 -77.90 3 4.78 7.03 R102-25 5.10 -13.27 -3.89 1 1.83 6.21 R102-50 6.05 -23.92 -66.49 3 9.16 46.21 R103-25 1.34 -17.40 -37.40 1 8.95 11.58 R103-50 9.48 -19.54 -33.94 2 14.21 43.68 R104-25 0.35 0.00 0.00 0 10.54 40.64 R105-25 12.67 -14.82 -17.75 1 4.69 6.54 R105-50 14.53 -9.17 -54.19 1 7.16 7.28 RC101-25 10.51 -22.37 -81.84 1 2.63 0.56 RC101-50 15.02 -7.82 -50.85 1 3.85 1.97 RC105-25 12.16 -22.23 -68.67 1 3.06 5.87 RC105-50 12.09 -7.34 -75.73 1 4.32 4.32 Practical Test Instance Test instance on Tokyo Road Network TD1_39_djk Depot Contains a single depot and 38 customers’ locations of a chain of convenience store Routes VRPHTW Case VRPSSTW Case Comparisons between VRPHTW and VRPSSTW Penalty cost ∞ Penalty cost [ ai Parameter ] bi VRPHTW ∞ [ ai bi’ Time 707 ] Time Total Cost Cost Total VRPSSTW 60000 Network Size ] bi 16.3 % 782 No. of Subproblems 81 Cols. added to LP (Paths) 278 Labels per 7014 113 2348 47227 subproblem Computation Time Cost(yen) 50000 40000 30000 20000 10000 0 106.52 520.88 VRPSSTW VRPHTW Travel+Vehicle cost Penalty cost Comparisons of Delivery Time and Waiting Time Waiting Time Delivery Time 10.7 % 83.4 % 140 120 200 150 Time (sec.) Time (sec.) 250 100 50 100 80 60 40 0 20 VRPSSTW VRPHTW 0 VRPSSTW VRPHTW 1 (VRPHTW) (VRPSSTW) 9% 40% 60% 91% Waiting Time Delivery Time Waiting Time Delivery Time Comparisons of Total Emissions 24 % 19.3 % 140 30000 120 25000 80 60 40 20000 15000 10000 5000 20 0 VRPSSTW 0 VRPSSTW 1 VRPHTW 18.3 % SPM (gm) CO2 (gm) 100 1 VRPHTW 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 VRPSSTW 1 VRPHTW Comparisons of Average Emissions per Used Link 22.4 % 100 80 CO2 (gm) 0.4 0.3 0.2 60 40 20 0.1 0 VRPSSTW 17.6 % SPM (gm) 0.5 SPM (ave.) CO2 (ave.) NOx (ave.) NOx (gm) NOx (gm) SPM (total) CO2 (total) NOx (total) 1 VRPHTW 0 VRPSSTW 1 VRPHTW 0.045 0.04 0.035 0.03 0.025 0.02 0.015 0.01 0.005 0 VRPSSTW 16.7 % 1 VRPHTW Comparisons of Max. Emissions per Used Link ∞ Penalty cost [ ai ] bi 71.8 % CO2 (gm) NOx (gm) 4 2 0 VRPSSTW VRPHTW 1 Time 0.8 71.5 % 0.7 0.6 1200 1000 800 600 400 200 0 VRPSSTW ] SPM (max.) 1800 1600 1400 10 6 ] bi CO2 (max.) 72.4 % 8 [ ai bi’ Time NOx (max.) 12 ∞ SPM (gm) Penalty cost 0.5 0.4 0.3 0.2 0.1 1 VRPHTW 0 VRPSSTW 1 VRPHTW Distributions of Used Links (NOx) NOX (VRPSSTW) 7% 1% 1% 15% 0 0.2 0.2 0.4 0.4 0.8 46% 0.8 1.2 1.2 1.6 30% >1.6 NOX (VRPHTW) 5% 2% 3% 13% 0 0.2 0.2 0.4 0.4 0.8 52% 25% 0.8 1.2 1.2 1.6 >1.6 Distributions of Used Links (NOx) > 1.6 1.2 – 1.6 0.8 – 1.2 0.4 – 0.8 0.2 – 0.4 0 – 0.2 Nox Scale (gm) VRPSSTW VRPHTW Distributions of Used Links (CO2) CO2 (VRPSSTW) 13% 4% 1% 0% 0 50 50 100 100 200 51% 200 300 300 400 31% >400 CO2 (VRPHTW) 3% 1% 2% 14% 0 50 50 100 100 200 200 300 25% 55% 300 400 >400 Distributions of Used Links (CO2) > 400 300 – 400 200 – 300 100 – 200 50 – 100 0 – 50 CO2 Scale (gm) VRPSSTW VRPHTW Distributions of Used Links (SPM) SPM (VRPSSTW) 6% 1% 1% 16% 0 0.02 44% 0.02 0.04 0.04 0.08 0.08 0.12 0.12 0.16 >0.16 32% SPM (VRPHTW) 3% 2% 3% 16% 0 0.02 0.02 0.04 0.04 0.08 49% 0.08 0.12 0.12 0.16 27% >0.16 Distributions of Used Links (SPM) > 0.16 0.12 – 0.16 0.08 – 0.12 0.04 – 0.08 0.02 – 0.04 0 – 0.02 SPM Scale (gm) VRPSSTW VRPHTW Conclusions and Future Work Exact solution techniques is developed for VRPSSTW and it is used along with Practical logistics instance to compare the relative characteristics of VRPSSTW and VRPHTW. • VRPSSTW resulted in lower cost as compared to VRPHTW • Waiting time was significantly reduced in VRPSSTW as compared to VRPHTW • Total emissions and average emission intensities per used link were found less in VRPSSTW as compared to VRPHTW • Maximum emissions intensities on any used link were significantly less in VRPSSTW • VRPSSTW resulted in fewer links in the maximum range category in link distribution as per emissions Conclusions and Future Work • As computation time is high exact solution technique is only recommended for smaller practical instances at the moment. Future Work • At the moment fixed travel times are used, it is desirable to extend the work to incorporate dynamic traffic conditions. • Increase in the network size which can be handled • Full soft time windows 3 Vehicle Routing and scheduling Problem with Time Windows (VRPTW) and the uncertainty of travel times Introduction • Urban traffic congestion in Japanese cities • Freight transport has large influence on traffic conditions and the environment • ICT & ITS allow us to obtain traffic information • Concept of “City Logistics” becomes more important • Better routing for pickup – delivery trucks can contribute to the improvement of traffic flow VICS (Vehicle Information Communication System) VICS is a part of ITS Now 78,000+ links on service in Japan Information are updated every 5 minutes and historical data is accumulated Historical data is available Historical data of VICS Sample Link(Route1:6760m:Business Day) Hour 0H 3H 6H 9H 12 H 38M 35M 32M 29M 26M 23M 20M 17M 14M 11M 8M 5M 15 H Same Link(Business Day:8o'clock~9o'clock) Frequency 200 180 160 140 120 100 80 18 H 60 40 21 H 20 0 5M 11M Travel times (Min.) Travel times on real network 17M 23M 29M 35M Travel Times (Min.) 41M 47M Objectives • Develop VRPTW-P with ants routing model to incorporate the variable travel times • Confirm the effect of using route learning for VRPTW-P by the field experiment in terms of costs and environmental impacts Literature survey • Vehicle Routing Problems with Time Windows (VRPTW): Solomon, 1987; Russell, 1995; Bramel et al., 1996; Taniguchi et al., 1998 • Stochastic Vehicle Routing and scheduling Problems: Jaillet and Odoni, 1988; Powell et al., 1995; Gendreau et al, 1996 Swihart and Papastavrou, 1999; Secomandi, 2000 • Routing and scheduling with variable travel times: Laporte et al., 1992; Malandraki and Daskin, 1992; Taniguchi et al., 2000b; Kenyon and Morton, 2003 • Probabilistic Vehicle Routing and Scheduling Problem with Time Windows MODEL Taniguchi et al. (2001a) VRPTW-P • VRPTW-P (probabilistic vehicle routing and scheduling with time window-probabilistic) uses travel times distribution of each link as variable travel times. Objective Function Minimise fixed cost operation cost early arrival and delay penalty Early arrival and delay penalty Penalty (yen) c d , n (i ) 1 ce , n ( i ) Probability of arrival time Penalty of early arrival and delay (yen) e × = 1 t ns ( i ) t n(i ) Arrival time Arrival time Arrival time Parameters of Genetic Algorithms VRPTW are solved with GA (Genetic Algorithm) Number of individuals = 300 Number of generations = 1,000 Number of elite individuals = 30 Crossover rate = 0.8 Mutation rate = 0.02 VRPTW-P with route learning • Visiting orders of customers are determined with travel time distributions • Route choices were determined by shortest path method with mean value of link travel times • Effect of Ants routing (route learning) for VRPTW-P was examined Algorithms of Machine Learning Feedback Training Data No Yes No Unsupervised Learning Yes - Reinforcement Learning Supervised Learning Supervised learning rely on having error signals for the system’s output Reinforced learning is appropriate when teacher is not available Framework of Reinforcement Learning • Learn the policy to maximise reword acquisition Agent State St Action At Reword Rt Environment Agent learns the suitable policy through trial and error Ants routing algorithms • Ants routing is proposed by Subramanian et al. (1997) • Routing rules are treated as random variables. • Only backward exploration is used for updating routing table Several linls Single link Z2 Z1 S D Move X Y Present node Y Destination node S Update Probability table will be updated when the ant generated at S moves from X to Y Updated probability table of Y expresses the moving probability from Y to X where destination is S Next destination Probability X 0.15 Y 0.5 : : Zi 0.1 Normalize Update probability table by ants routing p k / f (t ) k :learing rate f(t) :travel time PY ( S , X ) p PY ( S , X ) 1 p PY ( S , Z ) PY ( S , Z ) 1 p Z neighbour of Y Field experiments • 17-24 November 2006, Central Osaka Japan • Travel time information: VICS • Number of customers: 24 • Number of trucks: 2 at each case • Comparison VRPTW-P with route learning by ants routing (VRPTWPA),VRPTW-P and VRPTW-F with shortest path by mean value of travel times Field Experiments Network (All VICS links) 225nodes, 789links # of Customers: 24 With Time Windows # of Trucks: 2 Route choice: Shortest Path (Mean value of LTT) Route Learning (Ants Routing) VICS Data 01 October 2004 – 16 November (30days) VRP VRPTW-P(SP・RL), VRPTW-F(SP) Depot Experiment Date: 17-24 November 2006 (5days) VRPTW-F Diagram of 21 November Delay even in the former half, large delay in the latter half 11/21 VRPTW-F Truck 1 11/21 VRPTW-F Truck 2 120 120 Delay 80 Distance(km) Distance(km) 100 Delay 100 60 40 80 60 40 20 20 0 0 8 9 10 11 12 13 Hours 14 15 Time Window 16 17 8 10:00:00 11:30:00 11:00:00 14:00:00 14:00:00 15:00:00 Depot 8:30:00 17:00:00 9 10 11 12 13 Hours 14 15 16 17 VRPTW-P Diagram of 21 November Large delay in the latter half 11/21 VRPTW-P Truck 2 11/21 VRPTW-P Truck 1 120 120 Delay 100 80 Distance(km) Distance(km) 100 60 40 20 Delay 80 60 40 20 0 0 8 9 10 11 12 13 Hours 14 15 Time Window 16 17 8 10:00:00 11:30:00 11:00:00 14:00:00 14:00:00 15:00:00 Depot 8:30:00 17:00:00 9 10 11 12 13 Hours 14 15 16 17 VRPTW-P + Ants Routing Diagram of 21 November Small delays 11/21 VRPTW-PA Truck1 11/21 VRPTW-PA Truck 2 100 100 80 Delay 60 40 Delay 20 Distance(km) 120 Distance(km) 120 Delay 80 60 40 20 0 0 8 9 10 11 12 13 Hours 14 15 Time Window 16 17 8 10:00:00 11:30:00 11:00:00 14:00:00 14:00:00 15:00:00 Depot 8:30:00 17:00:00 9 10 11 12 13 Hours 14 15 16 17 23/28 Results (Running time) Total time (Average) 0:00:00 Early Arrival Delay Operation 21:00:00 18:00:00 15:00:00 12:00:00 9:00:00 6:00:00 3:00:00 0:00:00 VRPTW-F VRPTW-P VRPTW-PA 24/28 Results (Costs) (Unit:Yen) November VRPTW-F Early Arrival 62,523 VRPTW-P 43,094 VRPTW-PA Expected 38,373 21 22 24 Mean (%) 0 0 0 0 0 38,930 50,637 45,938 51,046 52,246 47,759 8,887 9,469 9,409 9,567 9,407 9,348 68,652 80,940 76,182 81,448 82,488 77,942 78 17 75 0 135 61 29,335 36,141 30,092 36,188 23,821 31,115 9,749 9,924 9,634 10,009 9,201 9,703 59,996 66,918 60,636 67,032 53,992 61,715 97 0 0 35 162 59 Delay 6,120 10,161 11,035 9,295 9,725 9,267 Operation 8,625 9,115 8,992 9,102 8,939 8,955 35,677 40,111 40,862 39,267 39,661 39,116 Operation Total Early Arrival Delay Expected 18 0 Delay Expected 17 Operation Total Early Arrival Total 100 79.2 50.2 Comparison with conventional planner • • • • Plan was made by a planner of freight company Compared on expected costs Use 3 trucks, no delay, large early arrival Operation cost and total cost are larger than that of VRPTW-PA (Unit:Yen) Fixed cost Operation cost Delay Penalty Early arrival penalty Total cost (%) VRPTW-F 20,835 11,004 30,408 276 62,523 129.9 VRPTW-P 20,835 10,760 11,305 194 43,094 89.5 VRPTW-PA 20,835 11,593 5,725 219 38,373 79.7 Planner 31,253 14,518 0 2,361 48,132 100.0 Results (negative impacts on the environment) Total distance and mean vehicle speed of each case Total Distance (km) Mean Speed (km/h) VRPTW-F 193.70 17.43 VRPTW-P 187.90 16.29 VRPTW-PA 199.30 18.72 Negative impacts on the environment CO2(g) NOx(g) SPM(g) VRPTW-F 70.06 73.52 15.05 VRPTW-P 69.46 72.49 14.77 VRPTW-PA 69.65 73.33 15.15 27/28 Conclusions • VRPTW-P with ants routing model is useful for planning better routing incorporating the uncertainty of travel times • VRPTW-P with ants routing model can reduce total costs compared with the other VRPTW model with shortest path method • Negative impacts on the environment of VRPTW-PA are same as the others Summary • Vehicle routing and scheduling problem with time window model is a basic model for evaluating city logistics schemes • Exact solution approach in VRPSSTW and incorporating the uncertainty of travel times in VRPTW was presented including the practical case studies Thank you for your attention.