ASSIST Association for Informatics Professionals in Health and Social Care Brian Derry Chair of ASSIST National Council 0113 206 4631 Dear colleague ASSIST National Conference and Awards: “Making a Difference” The 2008 ASSIST National Conference will be held on 22 May, at the Oval Cricket Ground in London. Confirmed key note speakers for the Conference are: Matthew Swindells, leader of the national Health Informatics Review and NHS Chief Information Officer. Dr Kevin Fickenscher, Chief Medical Officer and Executive Vice President of Healthcare Transformation for Perot Systems Corporation. Our theme for the day is “making a difference”. We are looking to present real-life case studies where NHS informatics professionals from across the country have helped improve health or social services. ASSIST Is proud to announce new national awards for the initiatives most demonstrably “making a difference” The awards will be sponsored by private sector partners of ASSIST: the Tribal Group, BT and Blueware. Each award will focus on a different aspect of informatics: the use of information and analysis; the use of technology; and developing the informatics workforce or profession. We welcome joint applications from NHS and private sector organisations. ASSIST invites nominations of informatics successes now for one of these awards, to be voted for by delegates at the conference. Short-listed contenders will be asked to provide a poster display and give presentations at the conference. This is a unique opportunity to showcase achievements in your service and be recognised by the media (selected representatives are being invited to attend) and by your professional informatics peers. D:\98893969.doc Please: Send any nominations for the new ASSIST National Awards for Informatics to me by Friday 18 April, using the attached pro forma. Share this note with Informatics colleagues as soon as possible. We shall be pleased to accept nominations for awards direct from NHS staff. Make a note of the ASSIST National Conference in your diary: 22 May, Oval Cricket Ground, London. The conference will be free and only open to ASSIST members (to join ASSIST now, see ). We shall let nominees know by the end of April whether they have been shortlisted for an award and send out invitations to give presentations at our Conference. Please let me know if you have any queries. I hope you will be able to support ASSIST in its endeavours to support health informatics and health informaticians. Yours sincerely Brian Derry Chair ASSIST National Council D:\98893969.doc ASSIST National Informatics Awards 2008: “Making a Difference” 1. Title of informatics initiative 2. Lead NHS organisation 3. Lead NHS contact Name: Address: Phone: e-mail 4. Award category Use of information Use of technology Developing the informatics workforce or profession 5. Description of initiative and organisations involved - short documents may be appended as attachments 6. How has this initiative “made a difference “(cite evidence)? 7. Submitted by Name: Address: Phone: e-mail Email completed form by 18 April 2008, to Brian Derry, Chair of ASSIST National Council, at: D:\98893969.doc