Proceedings of the 7th Annual ISC Graduate Research Symposium ISC-GRS 2013 April 24, 2013, Rolla, Missouri DESIGN OF A DRIVER-CENTRIC SYSTEM USING CPS-CSH MODEL Anusha Sankara, Chakradhar Vadde, Srinivas Chakravarthi. T Department of Computer Science, Missouri University of Science and Technology, Rolla, Missouri 65401, USA. Faculty Supervisors : Dr. Bruce McMillin, Dr. Sahra Sedigh, Dr. Dale Fitch To enhance safety and reliability, an increasing number of modern automobiles are essentially drive-by-wire systems, highly computerized, and connected wirelessly to services such as OnStar or Toyota Safety Connect. The impact of these advanced features is a growing concern. Since there are many entities in the system, we need to know which entity has control over the Cyber Physical Object at a given level of Hierarchy. The fundamental questions to be addressed are: (i) What is the control flow in the system? (ii) How does the driver interact with the automobile and manufacturer? To address these questions, we are utilizing the CPSCSH model on Drive-By-Wire car system. ABSTRACT Existing methodologies to assess cyber-physical systems (CPSs) are hampered by their diverse nature and complexity. This paper tests the model proposed for cyberphysical systems design and analysis rooted in the social science approach to complex system analysis, Critical System Heuristics (CSH). The model affords an analysis at both the level of abstraction of functionality and the type of functionality within a CPS. In this paper, the CPS-CSH model is utilized to understand Drive-by-Wire Car system. INTRODUCTION Cyber-physical systems (CPSs) are the integration of computation, as manifested by embedded computers and communication networks, with physical processes that involve people. Control interactions, safety, liveness, security, fault tolerance, reliability, and human factors are among the many challenges in the development and analysis of CPSs, which must take into account the complex ways in which the cyber, physical, and social components interact. We utilize the CPS-CSH model to analyze the functionality of the Drive-By-Wire system considering the various entities in the system that can control the Cyber – Physical object. We also try to ensure the privacy, safety of the driver. CPS-CSH MODEL In this model Critical Systems Heuristics (CSH) is used to develop a qualitative ontological model of CPSs. CSH is a methodological approach to facilitate boundary setting when analyzing systems. Drawing system boundaries is not an easy process. As soon as a boundary is drawn then claims are made that either too much" or “not enough" was considered. The CPS-CSH model provides a structured analysis and will be able to address questions of (1) what design aspects must be addressed within a CPS, (2) how do CPS components relate to each other, and (3) where do functionalities within a CPS occur? 1 4. 5. 6. Fig 1: The CSH Reference System 7. Therefore Ulrich [4] developed heuristics in which four boundary issues are discussed: sources of 1. Motivation 2. Power 3. Knowledge and 4. Legitimation. The first three constitute those involved in the system and the last constitutes those affected. 8. 9. Taken together they become the reference system as shown in Figure 1. Each of these four issues has three categories: 1. Stakeholder - those involved or concerned by a situation, 2. The specific concern relevant to the stakeholder and 3. Difficulties regarding the concern because concerns compete with each other. Taken together, the four issues are examined by each of the three categories, resulting in twelve boundary questions. 10. 11. 1. 2. 3. Societal Sources of Motivation Who is the client or Customer or that which is acted upon? What is the purpose of that which is acted upon? What is the measure of improvement or success for this client or customer or that which is acted upon? Cyber-Physical Objects Controlled object Regulated Object Functionality Improved Operational Element 12. 2 Sources of Power Cyber-Physical Environment Who or what is the decision maker or controller? What resources are controlled by the decision maker? What does the decision maker not control? Sources of Knowledge Who is to be considered a professional or expert in the situation? What expertise do these professional’s hold? That is, what is considered relevant knowledge? Which methodologies do they use? What is the guarantor of success? That is, upon what axioms or algorithms do the professionals rely? Sources of Legitimation Who or what is a witness to the interests of those affected but not involved? That is, who or what can observe the actions of the decision makers upon the client or customer or that which is acted upon? What secures the emancipation of those affected from the premises or assertions made by those involved? That is, how can unanticipated adverse consequences be minimized? What worldview pervades? That is, what different visions of improvement should be considered Control Element Actor on Object and State Information Other actors objects not in reference system. Cyber-Physical Requirements Domain Expert and the Domain Knowledge System Correctness Cyber-Physical Requirements Embedded Monitor Evaluation of the Methodology used(#8) or the resulting Guarantee (#9) Protects Against Requirements Invalidation the car to control its movement and bring it to a safe state. Table 1: CSH in CPS Context Third party: This can be a federal agency or a consumer watchdog group, which keeps monitoring the corporation. This is above all entities considering hierarchy. These twelve questions are framed within a CPS context and are represented in Table 1, the left column indicating the Ulrich heuristics, and the right, the proposed CPSCSH model. External environment: The External environment consists of the entities in the environment that cannot be controlled but can influence the Cyber Physical Object (Car). These consist of other cars, roads and various physical or cyber entities The following three tables apply CPS-CSH to the Drive-By-Wire Car system at three levels of the hierarchy, that of the CPS-CSH with boundary at the brakes, traction control and brainbox These tables enable us in identifying which entity holds control over the functionality of the Cyber Physical Object at various levels of hierarchy. 1. CPS-CSH for Drive-By-Wire Car System A CPS-CSH system when seen in a big picture will have various cyber physical elements distributed. The assumption for the system to run reliably is: At any instance of time the control is given to respective control element on the controlled object. 2.1. Description of the System The Cyber Physical element in the DriverCentric CPS-CSH model is the Car. Corporation, Brainbox, Third-party and the external driver are the other elements. They are defined as following: Car: This is the Cyber Physical element in the system and entities: The Corporation, Driver, and external environment try to attain control of this element. 1 Brainbox: This is a processor that analyses the input from various sensors in the car, processes the data and performs necessary actions. The tasks include Braking, Acceleration and other physical actions. 2 3 4 Corporation: This is the entity that controls the car in case of emergency and theft conditions. 5 Traction Control: This is the control element integrated within the car. In case any hazardous situations are sensed by the brainbox through the sensors, the Traction Control kicks in and temporarily takes over 6 3 Boundary Category Controlled Object Regulated Object Functionality CPS-CSH analysis with boundary at the Brakes Improved Functionality Decision Makers, Control Element ResourcesActor on Object state information To improve the braking system Environment Brakes Stopping controlling movement of the car and the Brainbox- Traction Control/ Braking Pedal Data generated by the brain box and traction control Acceleration and wheels, system system hydraulic 7 Professional, Domain Expert 8 Expertise, Domain Knowledge 9 Guarantee, System Correctness 10 Embedded Monitor 11 Emancipatio n 12 Worldview (value determinatio n) communications network Automobile engineers 6 Environment that brakes makes 7 Professional, Domain Expert 8 Expertise, Domain Knowledge Safety policy, evaluating methodology and design of the traction control 9 Guarantee, System Correctness 10 Embedded Monitor 11 Emancipation 12 Worldview (value determination) Mechanics brakes design of Methodologies produces design and it functional the Traction Control Protects against the improper functioning of the brakes Table 2: CPS-CSH model with Boundary At the Brakes In the above table, the CPS-CSH is applied to the proposed cyber physical object at the initial level brakes. This gives the scope of the functionality of the brakes which is to control the movement of the car. Hence this will be the major concern which ensures the safety of the driver. At this boundary condition, the CSH holds good only when brakes work as per the expectation of the driver. 1 2 3 4 5 Boundary Category Controlled Object Regulated Object Functionality Improved Functionality Decision Makers, Control Element Resources-Actor on Object state information Other cars on the road, humans. Network Security Administrators, Automobile engineers Mechanics of Brain box (ECM, sensors)design Brain box design for non-deducibility, for Traction control, proper functioning of the brainbox Driver Evaluating methodology and design of the brain box. Protects against the improper functioning of the brain box. Table 3: Boundary Conditions with boundary at the Brainbox In the above CPS-CSH analysis it is seen that the brainbox as a boundary will have decision-making privilege under Corporation’s supervision with Driver as an embedded monitor. Here the role of embedded monitor can also be fulfilled by Corporation, but we would prefer the driver evaluating the system rather than the Corporation. CPS-CSH analysis with boundary at the Brainbox Brain box Safety and security of the driver To improve safety and security of the driver 1 2 Driver, Toyota Data generated by the brain box, other devices, and 3 4 Boundary Category Controlled Object Regulated Object Functionality Improved Functionality CPS-CSH analysis boundary at Traction Control with the Traction control Safety of the driver, reduce slippage, and helps the car not loose grip To improve the safety of the driver, no slippage of the car 4 5 6 7 8 Decision Makers, Control Element ResourcesActor on Object state information Environment Professional, Domain Expert Expertise, Domain Knowledge hierarchy that can efficiently monitor the functioning of Traction Control. Brainbox Data generated by The traction control, brakes, and the wheel speed data. Driver, Corporation, fourth party driver, other cars on the road. Traction control engineers design Mechanics of the traction control design Methodologies that produce the traction control design and makes it functional 9 Guarantee, System Correctness 10 Embedded Monitor Brainbox – Safety Monitor Emancipation Safety policy, evaluating methodology and design of the traction control 11 12 Worldview (value determination) 2.2. Control Flow in the system. Fig.2 Representation of CPS-CSH system. - Figure 2 shows the information flow and Control flow in the system - Brain box in this system is a cyberphysical element - The Traction control acts on the brakes and the information flow between them is bidirectional flow - The Third party has got an indirect control on the car through Toyota as an intermediary - There is a unidirectional control flow as well as information flow between driver and brainbox - Control flows C1 – The traction control during its operation exerts an indirect control over the driver C2-Toyota has a control over the brain box under theft conditions of the automobile. C3- Third party Entity has a control over Toyota Care Corporation, (monitoring, validating, approving) Protects against the improper functioning of the traction control Table 4: Boundary Conditions boundary at the Traction Control with Traction Control as a boundary in the proposed system is superior to conventional Drive-By-Driver automobiles, in a sense it acts independently based on any hazardous road conditions. CPS-CSH-2, 3 conveys the same; it has improved functionality which ensures the driver’s safety which serves the very purpose of the proposed system by making it driver-centric system. Here the Brain Box is the control element as it senses any hazardous conditions and makes the traction control take over the car. The Brain Box also functions as the embedded monitor even though it is the control element because it is the only entity at the current level of 5 C4- The inputs analyzed by the brainbox are sent to the traction control which in turn will produce an impact on the moving car by operating the brakes/accelerator system. deducibility to prevent data leakage to unwanted recipients. REFERENCES [1] G. Howser, B. McMillin - Modeling and reasoning about the security of drive-by-wire automobile systems, International Journal of Critical Infrastructure Protection (2012), j.ijcip.2012.09.001 CONCLUSION The CPS-CSH model for Driver Centric environment considering the car as Cyber Physical element ensures the safety of the driver. By testing the CPS-CSH model using a Drive-by-wire car system, we have been able to determine the functionality of the system, the interactions between the entities of the system i.e. the control and information flow. [2] Andrew W. Moore Professor School of Computer Science Carnegie Mellon University Information Gain [3] B. McMillin, D. Fitch, S. Sedigh, R. Akella, CPS-CSH Cyber-Physical Social Privacy for the Smart Grid, 7th CRITIS Conference, September 2012, Norway. There has been a difficulty while trying to emphasize the embedded monitor at the various levels of hierarchy. The entity that provides a particular service should not be the one to evaluate that service. But in certain cases there exists no entity that can properly monitor a service, other than the entity that is a part of the service being provided. [4] W. Ulrich, \Beyond methodology choice: Critical systems thinking as critically systemic Discourse," Journal of the Operational Research Society, vol. 54, no. 4, pp. 325{342, 2003 The issues related to Privacy and Concerns of the customer should be monitored by a trusted third party entity (Federal organization, Customer welfare Groups...). The primary functions of such entity would be to monitor the collection and usage of the data related to the customer and provides assurance to the customer regarding privacy and safety. [5] Patricia Derler, Edward A. Lee, and Alberto Sangiovanni Vincentelli - Addressing Modeling Challenges in Cyber-Physical Systems - March 4, 2011 FUTURE WORK The future work includes the establishing of suitable embedded monitors at different levels of hierarchy. Ensuring non- 6 - We express our appreciation of support to the ISC. - We appreciate Gerry Howser for the Toyota Prius Model.