ATM Security December 2001 Draft 12/28

ATM Security
Draft 12/28
December 2001
Why I chose this topic
• We find that many people believe that ATM is
intrinsically secure. Current wisdom says:
– ATM’s high speed makes it impossible to extract data.
– ATM uses optical fibre and you can’t tap an optical circuit.
• Not so - there are many things a bad guy can do and
you can buy the kit to tap an optical line for about
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Agenda for the presentation
• ATM - a recap
• Security issues affecting ATM
• Securing ATM connections
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ATM - Recap
Securing e-business
ATM Technology
One International Standard
Both LAN and WAN Technology
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ATM Concepts
• Negotiated Service Connection
– End-to-end connections, called virtual
– Traffic contract
• Switched Based
– Dedicated capacity
• Cell Based
– Small, fixed length
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Quality of Service is important
We will accept jerky video but not jerky
voice so for mixed mode traffic ATM is
a key solution.
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The ATM Cell
5 Bytes
48 Bytes
• Small Size
– 5 Byte Header
– 48 Byte Payload
• Fixed Size means buffers can be fixed and switches faster
• Header contains virtual circuit information
• Payload can be voice, video or other data types
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ATM System Architecture
Forward Cell
Conversion to
ATM Data
Types, 48-Byte
Add 5-Byte
Convert To
Electrical Or
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ATM Adaptation Level
Circuit Emulation
-Constant Bit Rate (CBR)
Low Bit Rate Voice (Real Time)
48 Bytes
-Variable Bit Rate (VBR)
Time Invariant Data
“Simple” Data
• Provides Mapping Of Applications To ATM Service Of The
Same Type
• Segments/Reassembles Into 48 Byte Payloads
• Hands 48 Byte Payloads To ATM Layer
Securing e-business
ATM Layer
From AAL
5-Byte Header
53-Byte Cell
To Physical Layer
Header Contains Virtual
and Channel Identifiers
• Adds/Removes Header To 48 Byte Payload
• Header Contains Connection Identifier
• Multiplexes 53 Byte Cells Into Virtual Connections
• Sequential Delivery Within A Virtual Connection
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Physical layer
A cable can
contain up to 255
virtual paths.
A virtual path
can contain up to
65,535 virtual
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Virtual channels
• Virtual channels can be permanent (PVCs) or
switched (SVCs).
• PVCs are controlled by the carrier.
• SVCs are controlled by the end user.
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ATM has a future
• At very high transfer rates, the 9% of bandwidth dedicated to
the header is too high. Groups are working on a specification
for a new version of ATM that will allow variable cell length.
• The ATM Forum are looking at retaining the benefits of the 53
byte cell size whilst adopting a more flexible approach to
• ATM is a rival for Multi-Protocol Label Switching (MPLS) the
IETF attempt to provide different switching rates for different
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Security issues affecting ATM
You understand IP threats so
let’s apply them to ATM
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ATM threats
• ATM networks are vulnerable to similar attacks as IP
based networks. Examples of attacks that ATM
networks may suffer include:
Denial of Service
Traffic Analysis
Virtual Channel Theft – a unique threat suffered only by ATM.
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ATM - Points of Attack
Knowledge of the
internals of ATM is
becoming widespread as
is knowledge of SNMP
network management
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Network management
• PVCs and SVCs may be configured by network
management systems that may rely on Telnet.
• Monitoring systems can be accessed by Web
browsers, or RMON probes that make data available.
• Attackers can hijack management systems and
perform management functions, much as phreakers
attacked phone switches.
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Virtual Circuits
• PVCs are controlled by the carrier and generally more
• SVCs are controlled by users and are becoming more
popular due.
SVCs are controlled by the Interim Local Management
Interface IILMI). Access to the ATM device may be as
simple as hooking up a PC or accessing a router using
• Attackers can join an SVC session by using the add-to-call
function of the SVC management system
Securing e-business
Hijacking virtual circuits
• Attackers obtaining access to a management console or a
switch can highjack a PVC.
• Once a PVC has been hijacked the options for exploiting the
access depend upon how ATM is used.
• If an organisation relies solely on ATM for its protection, an
attacker could insert fraudulent transactions.
• If the PVC is used to access the corporate network then an
attacker has effectively bypassed access controls.
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Virtual Circuit theft
• Increasingly long distance traffic (particularly international
traffic) will traverse ATM circuits owned by different carriers.
• Although ATM networks are connection based, cells are
switched based upon the Virtual Channel or Virtual Path
Indicators in the header.
• If a VCI or VPI is altered in a switch then subsequent switches
will treat the cells as valid.
• A user could send traffic using a higher QoS and have
someone else pick up the bill.
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Physical Layer
• Just as with IP networks, access to physical resources must
be controlled but………….
• you do not know what the physical path is. Resources may be
controlled by the service provider, or more likely they will be
controlled by multiple partners of the service provider.
• You may not know who is carrying your data.You are unlikely
to know the strength of their security and how well they
restrict access to physical network resources.
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Denial of Service attacks
• Like many TCP/IP denial of service attacks, ATM can
be attacked by repeatedly sending network
commands. This requires access to the
management system, but these are frequently IP
based and potentially vulnerable to attack.
• Examples of commands that can be exploited
include diagnostic requests, or requests to be added
to a virtual channel.
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Scenario for an ATM attack
• Tap an OC3 line, connect to an ATM analyser, sit
back and monitor your confidential data.
• It is not as difficult nor as expensive as you might
think. You need access to the line, an optical splitter
or tap, a PC with a couple of ATM network cards and
some software.
• Consider a posting on the following site
Securing e-business
A Posting from Cypherpunk
“We attach the two Coral/OC3mon ATM NICs to an OC3 optical fiber pair carrying IP-over-ATM traffic. We
connect the receive port of each ATM card to the monitor
port of an optical splitter. The splitter carries a fraction
of the light from each fiber to the receive port of one
NIC. Attached to an OC-3 trunk that terminates on a
switching device (e.g., an ATM switch or a router), one of
the Coral/OC3mon NICs sees all traffic received by the
switching device and the other NIC sees all traffic
transmitted by the switching device. The Coral/OC3mon
NICs capture traffic on the two directions of an OC-3
link independently.”
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Optical Taps are not expensive
A Century optical tap from Shomiti – costs around $150
Passive taps allow monitoring/capture/analysis of physical errors,
enable full-duplex, full-line rate performance, even at gigabit rates
whereas span ports do not. Passive taps also enable the dynamic
insertion of network monitoring/analysis devices that need to 'see' all
the traffic, i.e., RMON probes, Intrusion Detection/Security devices, and
network/protocol analyzers without breaking the segment.
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The hardware required
• IBM personal computer clone with 256 MB of main
memory, a 166 MHz Intel Pentium processor, an
Ethernet interface.
• Two ATM interface cards, and a 33 MHz 32-bit-wide
PCI bus. The ATM interface card used in the current
Coral/OC3mon implementation is the Fore Systems
ATM network interface card (NIC) for the PCI bus.
The Intel i960 processor on this interface card allows
us to optimise Coral/OC3mon operation with custom
Securing e-business
The software required
• “In response to community feedback, NLANR's
(National Laboratory for Applied Network Research)
Measurement and Operations Analysis Team (MOAT)
and the Cooperative Association for Internet Data
Analysis (CAIDA) have ported Coral/OC3mon to
FreeBSD Unix (2.2.2-RELEASE). The Unix port is
divided into two portions, the kernel-space device driver
which deals with the Fore PCA-200E card directly and
the user-space code that does the flows analysis and
fulfills requests for summary reports.”
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Securing ATM connections
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Requirements for ATM security
Verification of identities
Access control and
Activities logging
Alarm reporting (with
Audit trails of significant
…………….. in fact nothing new
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Basic security is important
• Many users of ATM believe it to be intrinsically
secure - they fail to implement basic security.
• Baseline security requires protection of cables,
particularly in shared occupancy buildings, and
control of access to components such as switches
and network management workstations.
• It is easy to forget all this in the desire to manage
everything remotely.
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Controlling access to network
management facilities
• Network management facilities are key to the
security of ATM networks.
• Strong two factor authentication is essential.
• Ideally, the network management facility should not
be connected to the corporate network.
• If remote access is essential then the IP network
(including servers and gateways) must be configured
securely as you would for the most sensitive
Securing e-business
You can monitor the cable
• If a cable is attacked and a tap inserted, it will cause
attenuation of the signal. By measuring the levels of light
passing through the cable it is possible to detect any
deviations from the baseline level.
• Devices such as Meson’s FiberGuard monitor light levels and
will trigger an alarm if a threshold is reached. They can also
be used to protect unlit fibre.
• If monitoring is used, it is important to ensure that any
circuits used as standby are monitored since a tap may be
inserted before they are used.
Securing e-business
• Encryption is the most powerful tool for securing ATM links. It
removes the domain of trust from those aspects of the
network that are not under your direct control.
• It ensures that if the line is tapped, the information will be of
no use to the attacker.
• It ensures that if an attacker hijacks a PVC they will not be
able to insert fraudulent transactions.
• It prevents an attacker using PVC hijack to launch further
attacks on the corporate LAN.
• 3DES encryption at wire speed is available at speeds up to
and including OC12.
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ATM Encryptor
• Provide VPN security over ATM networks
Site 3
Site 1
Encryption sits
between the ATM and
Physical layers
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Can you firewall an ATM network?
• There is only one commercial ATM Firewall available – the
Atlas produced by Bytex.
• The traditional role of firewalls is to protect a networked
group of computers, or enclave, from traffic coming from an
untrusted outside source such as the Internet. ATLAS can
perform this job, filtering cells and packets based on policies
set by each customer. These policies are expressed in filters
that use ATM source and destination, IP source and
destination, protocol type, and port number.
• The aim of the ATM Firewall is to pre-screen traffic before it
reaches a conventional packet Firewall, it does not replace it.
Securing e-business
Conclusion - Don’t Panic
• If your networks rely totally or in part on ATM connections,
you cannot depend on the network to protect your
• You do not know who is carrying your traffic nor how any
switches are involved.
• Securing ATM networks is important but not particularly
• A combination of good security practices coupled with strong
encryption will enable you to secure your ATM links.
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Securing e-business