ORCHIDACEAE Orchidaceae monocots Current Angiosperm Phylogeny Group Tree for Flowering Plants ORCHIDACEAE IN THE ASPARAGALES Flowers in racemes, usually bisexual, bilaterally symmetrical, commonly resupinate (rotating in anthesis so that positionally upper parts in bud are lower in flower) Perianth 3 + 3 tepals, more or less differentiated Petals - one (positionally upper in bud) differentiated into a lebellum (lip) Stamens commonly 1 (primitively 2-3); pollen usually dispersed as pollinia, 1-6 per pollen sac Gynoecium 3-carpellate, 1-locular, ovary inferior, no septal nectaries, parietal placentation Column formed from adnation of single stamen to style present in derived orchids Fruit a capsule opening along the side, intact at top and bottom Seeds minute and exceedingly numerous (to several million per fruit), embryo minute and undifferentiated, endosperm scant or missing (usually arrested at 4-cell stage), ORCHIDACEAE - Encyclia pseudobulbs roots with velamen OT IT OT Phalaenopsis IT OT OT standard IT column OT Laelia IT OT Calopogon, a non-resupinate orchid Cypripedioideae Cypripedioids vs. Epidendroids Arundina - India throughout Asia and across the Pacific Islands to Java Vanilla planifolia Brassoleiocattleya - the trigeneric hybrid Angraecum sesquipedale Xanthopan © Esko Puupponen Epidendrum radicans and its mimics Asclepias curassavica Lantana camara Miniatures: Pleurothallis etc. Ophrys pollination