DEPARTMENT OF BIOLOGY College of Arts and Sciences

College of Arts and Sciences
TRI BETA is the National Honor Society for students who major in Biology. The society has a
three-part mission: stimulation of scholarship, dissemination of scientific knowledge, and
promotion of biological research. It is primarily designed for undergraduates, with the goal of
recognizing students with outstanding scholarly achievement in the life sciences and actively
promoting undergraduate participation in research.
PROMOTED MEMBERS: Elizabeth Alnemy
NEW ASSOCIATE MEMBERS: Christopher Cason, Megan Gibeley, Robert Rudy,
Keith Sherman, Kimberly Stringer
NEW REGULAR MEMBERS: Clayton Barnes, Shannon Kostin, Patrick Pearson,
Samantha Roberts
We are proud to recognize our graduating seniors: Jenna Abatiell, Katie Chadurjian,
Lauren Dolloff, Brooke Donaher, Torin Evans, Julie Hussey, Raymond Lee, Kaitlin
Johnstone, Allison Light, Jessica Lowe, Karina Marshall-Bowman, Jessica McCarthy,
Adeline Mullin, Brittany O’Neil, Sam Paskin-Flerlage, Andre Robinson
For information on Tri Beta go to: