Receptive Listening© A Strategy to Facilitate Transition into Practice and Improve Retention Ellen B. Ceppetelli, MS, RN, CNL Director of Nursing Education 2nd Annual Research & Evidence-based Practice Symposium 11/5/10 Partners Carol Bodge, RN-BC, BSN Ellen B. Ceppetelli, MS, RN, CNL Ron Ceppetelli, PSYAD, MSW, LCSW Veronica Daley, RN-BC, BSN, CNN Delaine Farnum, RN, BA Debra Hastings, PhD, RN-BC, CNOR Jean Henskens, RN, MSN Sonja Kennedy, RN, BSN, OCN Mary Catherine Rawls, RN-BC ,MS,ONC Deborah Van Loon, RNC Colleen Whatley, RNC-OB,CNS-BC,MSN Objectives Describe the implementation of Receptive Listening© in small facilitated groups of new nurse residents during the first year of practice. Analyze the impact of Receptive Listening© on nurse residents and facilitators in a yearlong residency program. Purpose To improve the Nurse Residency Program (NRP) by implementing receptive listening© in monthly, 90-minute small groups during the first year of practice. Question What would happen if nurse residents were consistently provided a safe environment to put thoughts and feelings into language? Journey to Professional Formation and Transition into Practice Authenticity Initial Transition : That confusing nowhere of in-betweenness that serves as the channel between what was and what is. Dushcher 2009, p.1104 “Who are you?” said the caterpillar. “I-I hardly know, Sir, just at the present”, Alice replied rather shyly, “at least I know who I was when I got up this morning, but I think I must have changed several times since then” (Carroll 1967, p.47) The Future Revealed Predicted dearth of Experienced RNs Predicted dependence on advanced beginners Table I 2000-2010 DH NLRN Hires 100 90 80 70 60 Number of Hires 50 40 30 20 10 0 DH History of Support for Residents Table I. 2000-2010 Initiatives for Nurse Residents Year 00-01 Orientation Unit Based 01-03 0304-05 04 Centralized Preceptor Generic DHMC 1-Day Program HPS 05-08 08-09 09-10 10-11 UHC/ Receptive Receptive HPS/HRSA Receptive Recep Listening Listening Listening RN/VNIP Model OPN 1-Day OPN 2-Day 2008 An Opportunity Existed End of HRSA research protocols. Retention had improved, but the UHC benchmark was 9.5% for 3 years. Retention rates of 13-70% nationally. By June,2009, 35% of the 290 residents hired (July 05-Feb 08) had left DH. Design After successful completion of the three month NRP orientation, nurse residents met for 90 minutes monthly, for the next nine months, in small groups that were facilitated by DH nurses trained in the use of receptive listening©. Receptive Listening© in Small Groups Purpose is to provide a safe environment where nurse residents can put thoughts and feelings into language. Facilitators listen without judging, valuing helping, or changing. Receptive Listening© in Small Groups Assign to a function in resident’s practice 7-10 residents per group Minimize number of residents from the same unit Mandatory attendance Confidential Expectations of Facilitators Able to express their thoughts and feelings in language in a safe setting. Create the container to “say everything”. Participate in their own monthly group that creates its own meaning. Be genuine, caring, and receptive, with receptive by far the most important attribute. Commitment: 9 months, 4 hour /month; logs . What Happened Initially? Facilitators created a safe environment for residents to put thoughts and feelings into language. Outcome: An intimate glimpse of the lived experience of advanced beginners at the sharp edge of care. The Journey was Difficult Continuous fear of the responsibility for lives of high acuity, unstable patients Disruptive behavior with experienced RNs & MDs Challenging patients/families Systems failures Disappointment/ Disillusionment Initial Facilitators’ Experience DH residents’ themes went beyond what had been reported in 2007 literature Listening to the themes that initially emerged flooded us with feelings. Our own facilitated group was consistently dominated by reporting and reacting to the shocking stories shared in our small group. NLRN Characteristics, Work attitudes, and Intentions to Work Secondary analysis of 612 surveys of NLRNs, focus on work environment, 41% negative: Theme 1: Colliding Expectations Theme 2: The Need for Speed Theme 3: You Want Too Much Theme 4: How Dare You? Theme 5: Change is on the Horizon Pellico, L., Brewer, C., Kovner, C. (2009). What newly licensed registered nurses have to say about their first experience. Receptive Listening in Small Groups (Audio not transferable to web-site) Literature Millennials place more importance on relationships and the respectful environment as facilitators to their overall experience than on the length of orientation or content included in orientation curriculum. Olson, M.E. (2009) The “Millennials”: First year in practice. Advanced Beginner/Clinical Situations • Present as a series of tasks to accomplish • Opportunities for learning • Secondary ignorance • A test of personal capabilities…a period of stark terror in which they recognize they are in over their heads. Benner,Tanner,Chelsa (2009) The Process of Becoming: Stages of New RN Graduate Professional Role Transition A Process of Becoming Stage One: Doing 1st 3-4 months of practice Uncertain who they can trust and driven by a need to belong, these graduates went to great lengths to disguise their emotions from colleagues and worked to conceal any feelings of inadequacy. Duchscher, J. (2008). A process of becoming: The stages of new nursing gradual professional role transition. NRP in 10th Month I find it reassuring to hear that others struggle with "fear" issues as I often too worry... It seems there is MUCH to know on the job and so I constantly worry that I am being safe and also with limited experience I simply have not seen it all nor do I feel confident in my assessment skills... The learning curve is there and I continue to bank knowledge but learning when people's lives are on the line is not the best feeling. Facilitators_Receptive Listeners Audio not transferable to web-site) Outcomes: Costs/Retention 09-10 NRP YR I 6.2% 50% 08-09 NRP YR I 12.6% (4 of12) YR II 20% Costs >1st TABLE II 2003-2010 DH NLRNs Turnover Yr 1 & Yr 2 YR 08-09 $940,960 09-10 $404,250 45% 40% 35% 30% Turnover 25% 20% 15% 10% 5% 0% 1st Yr 2nd Yr Residents’ Feedback * Effectiveness of facilitators 100% Safe Environment Ranking 2008 July NRP 1 2 3 4 (9%) 5 (91%) All 08-09 NRP 1 2 3 (8 %) 4 (22 %) 5(70%) *91.5% Response rate Creating a Safe Environment… A Safe Environment “It was a very nurturing experience. Being able to talk and vent and listen to other new nurses experiencing the same thing was great. The fact that we were in a nonjudgmental place was key (everywhere else we are being judged)”. Trust “What was said there, stayed there”! Themes of Residents’ Feedback Professional identity Self-understanding Renewal Learning in dialogue Problem-solving Sense of belonging Connected to the organization Themes of Residents’ Feedback The original 8 slides shown at the conference that included quotes from residents ‘ evaluations of small group have been deleted. Please contact Ellen Ceppetelli directly at : . She would be delighted to hear from interested colleagues. Resident Recommendation “I work with nurses who have been here for years that haven’t been able to go through this….it would be great for all nurses to be able to vent/talk about how their nursing is going or not going and what needs to change to make them better RN’s.” Surprises Early detection of residents’ difficulties. Clearer understanding of why they leave. Interventions to assist in decision to transfer within. Facilitators’ character maturation impacted their daily interactions. Residents continue to seek this trusted network of facilitators after the year and across facilitators. Receptive Listening© Assisted residents to feel safe though the journey was difficult. Provided the social emotional climate where trust and the sense of possibility were nurtured. Lessons Learned Confidentiality, the foundation of trust, became a barrier to sharing what we heard. Reality of the stress, complexity, systems failures, and disruptive behavior in our own work environment was disturbing. Facilitators need a group, experiential learning, and continuing education to do this work. Fiscal resources to support residents t0 attend small groups are essential. Next Steps WE SHALL NOT CEASE FOR EXPLORATION AND THE END OF ALL OUR EXPLORING WILL BE TO ARRIVE WHERE WE STARTED AND KNOW THE PLACE FOR THE FIRST TIME T.S.ELIOT Implications Findings support research into the impact of Receptive Listening© in small groups on nurse residents and expansion to experienced nurse groups. Other Questions What would happen if experienced nurses had a safe place to put their thoughts and feelings into language? Would the themes of professional identity self-understanding, renewal, learning in dialogue, sense of belonging and connectedness emerge? Camere by Dom Helder It is possible to travel alone, but we know that the journey is human life and life needs company. Companion is the one who eats the same bread. The good traveler cares for weary companions, grieves when we lose heart, takes us where he finds us, listens to us. Intelligently, Gently, Above all, lovingly, We encourage each other To go on and recover our joy in the journey.