PROJECTS TRACK Long-Term Funding Application The Nectar Funding PROJECTS track is designed to support undergraduate extracurricular student projects and initiatives in engineering and the applied sciences. Long-Term funding is only for projects with SEAS institutional support that require funding over multiple years (ie- a project-focused student group), although funding is granted on an annual basis. If information on your project has not changed from prior years (such as the project description), please feel free to reuse the material. I. Project Lead Full name: Email: Phone number: Term address: Graduation year: Concentration: Secondary field (if applicable): II. Project Abstract Title of project: 2-3 sentence description of project/initiative: Name of Faculty Advisor: Total annual budget: Date when the project started receiving Nectar funding: Project/initiative description (1 paragraph). Please limit responses to one (1) paragraph. III. Project Description and Goals 1. Describe what status and stage of the project. When did you start? What phase (planning, researching, executing, etc.) are you in? 2. What are your goals for this academic year? 3. Describe your work plan: What steps will you take to achieve your goals? How will you organize your time? How will you utilize the resources that Harvard currently offers? IV. Team Information 1. List the members of your leadership team. Give each team member’s role, concentration, and 2-3 sentences describing the skills they bring to the project. 2. How many other team members are involved? How do you manage the rest of your team? V. Budget Total annual budget: Provide a detailed breakdown of how you will use the funding (including materials, travel, etc.): Name of Amount Cite source for this budget item Purchaser (self or expense (USD) Teaching Labs?) TOTAL: $ Note: If you include travel in your budget, you must submit the Travel Supplement at least one month prior to departure. What funding (SEAS or otherwise) have you received for this project? What other funding have you applied for? VI. Letter of Mutual Understanding with Faculty Advisor All Nectar funding recipients are required to have a faculty advisor. The role of this advisor may vary on a case-by-case basis, but we expect, in general, that advisors are consulted about any major changes to your project’s direction or high financial expenditures. Faculty advisor name: Email: TO BE FILLED OUT BY THE STUDENT: Please outline your expectation of the faculty advisor. TO BE FILLED OUT BY THE FACULTY ADVISOR: Please outline your expectation of the student. By signing below, you agree to this Letter of Mutual Understanding: ________________________________________________ Student signature ________________________________________________ Facutly advisor signature VII. Other Information 1. What other resources do you need to achieve your goals (ie- storage space, machine shop access, etc.)? Are you planning on using any Teaching Labs resources? If you are planning on using resources in the SEAS Teaching Labs, you must discuss this with the Director of the Teaching Labs, Anas Chalah, and get his approval below. I have discussed this project with the students applying and we have agreed on the support that the SEAS Teaching Labs is able to offer. ______________________________________________________________ Anas Chalah, Director of the SEAS Teaching Labs 2. Are you interested in entering any competitions with this project? If so, please describe the competition criteria, how your project fits, any deadlines and websites. NOTE: Entering and attending competitions will require prior approval. VIII. Submission Information If you are awarded Nectar funding, you are required to: Attend a mandatory orientation meeting If you are attending a competition, receive prior approval for your entry at least 2 weeks before the application deadline If you are traveling, complete the Travel Supplement at least 1 month prior to departure date Create a poster and present your project at the end of every semester You will receive your funding in two installments. To receive your funding for the Spring semester, you must turn in the Mid-Year Check In by the Spring application deadline. Applications are due by 11:59AM on Oct. 1, 2015, to the SEAS Office of Experiential and Career Development . Applications must also be emailed to