ATLAS Level-1 Calorimeter Trigger FOX (Fex Optics eXchange) Responses to FOX PDR comments. ITEMS FOR THE ATTENTION OF ATLAS All noted. Specific responses: 2. Tile requirements on the FOX in Run 4, this will be coordinated between Tile and L1Calo. ACTIONS FOR L1CALO All noted. Specific responses: 11. Number of signals the FOX demonstrator is required to handle. Following the discussions between LAr and L1Calo, 48 fibers (i.e. one connector), as presented, appears to be appropriate. ACTIONS FOR THE FOX DESIGN TEAM All noted. Specific responses: 21. Which eFEX fibers are unused: Exactly which fibers are unused depends on the final eFEX design and cannot be decided now, due to the complex routing of the board. We have added the information to the document. 23. Document power requirements of the FOX. This information has been added to the document in section 1.5. DESIGN CLARIFICATION All corrections implemented. Specific responses: 27. The numbers have been double-checked, though they are changing as design details are changing. There will be a separate mapping document with all of the detailed numbers. 28. Table 1 for the lower link speed assumes BCMUX for LAr fibers to eFEX. Table 2 for the higher link speed assumes no multiplexing. This information has been added to the table captions (new table numbers 2 and 3). MINOR DOCUMENT CHANGES All implemented except noted below. Specific response: 61: The detailed mapping including numbers of fibers to each type of module will be described in a separate document.